The Ballad of Jaimie and Vera Ch. 02


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After I bring everything to current news, Vera takes over. She was so mad at me after our fight that she moved home for her final semester, finishing up her degree in Information Sciences at Washington State. She didn't stay long after graduation though. All the reasons she'd had for going so far away to college came right back. She moved to New York, and then LA, but was restless.

She did a little bit of soul searching on a road trip, and when she passed through here, she finally felt like she was home again. She'd even been covertly looking for me, although actually finding me was a complete accident. I was shocked to hear her admit that she'd tried to find me. That was very unlike the Vera I had known, always too proud to admit to anything so cliche as missing someone. I had been sure that once that bridge caught fire it was done.

She'd been back here for about a year now. She'd had a few boyfriends, but nothing serious. No girlfriends though. Even though I was always a little further down on the lesbian side of the bisexual scale than her, we both had a hard time connecting with women. Guys are so much easier to deal with.

It felt weird to hear she was having just as much trouble as me with relationships. I'd have been happy for her if she had found the right guy or girl and was happily married. On the other hand, it was kind of a relief that she hadn't. I guess misery really does loves company.

"These drinks are entirely inadequate for our mood," Vera says abruptly. I look around to remind myself what part of town we're in, and realize sundown had come and gone hours ago. "You know any good bars around here?"

"Actually, I think I do..."

"So I wasn't completely... forthcoming...earlier," I say, 6 martini's later.


"Yeah. I left out a couple things."

"Well get on with it!" We're pretty drunk.

"I... I might have won the powerball"

"Shut the fuck up!" It stings where she punches me, though I feigned much greater pain than is warranted. "The big one? Last Mondays drawing?"

"Yeeeeeeeeeah. I haven't claimed it yet, but I've got lawyers and everything." She seems to sober up a little, and after a few seconds she nods like she understood why I hadn't said anything at first. The nod is an approving one. I let that sit with her for a few minutes. She sips at her beer, thinking to herself quietly.

"That's a game changer, huh?"

"Yeah," I say. "I found out the morning after you came to my work. I've only got the barest fraction of plan."

"So what's the other thing?

"The second thing is, I'm gonna have a... a kind medical procedure soon."


"No no, it's not an emergency or anything," I say quickly, because she's looking panicked and worried. My quick talk does little to calm her down.

"What kind of medical procedure?"

"It's ah...ehm... It's sort of.."

"Do you not want to talk about it right now?"

I shake my head. "No. It's kinda personal. Not that I can't tell you!" I interject frantically. "It's no."

"Ok. So it's important, but it's not life threatening?"



"Well, the thing is, I'm gonna need... help."

"Of course!"

"...for like three weeks"

"I already said yes. You don't have to keep sweetening the pot!" She laughs, and I exhale. I still have no idea how to tell her what iss really happening, but I figured I'll have more time to do that. Dr. Halpig had taken a lot of photos to get a sense of complexion and whatnot, and he thought I might have to wait as much as a year for a donor that also matchs my... requirements.

I get the call that Wednesday. Dr. Halpig is just as stunned as I am. He says that timing is an issue for the organs, so I rush over to the hospital. I call Vera, but she only just makes it right before I go in. I'm already under anesthesia.

"J, I'm here! I made it!"


"Sweetie, can you hear me?"


"I know you said it could happen at any time, but this was pretty quick!"


"Sweetie, what's happening?"


"Your appendix?!"


"I should punch you! Those things can be VERY dangerous!"


Then, I remember the ceiling starting to move. Vera followed me for a minute, holding my hand, but then a little later my hand was empty. Then I was asleep. During my stay at the hospital, my team finished the paperwork on a new apartment for me, and all my stuff was moved and set up while I slept.

I spend the first two weeks in bed, hardly moving. The drugs take a lot out of me, but Vera is there for me like an angel. It's easy to hide my acquisitions. I have a catheter and what amounts to a giant diaper that a nurse comes by daily to help me out of and replace privately. Vera dutifully offers to help each time, but I decline. I'm not ready. By the third week, I'm feeling good enough to move around a bit, so I try to go to the bathroom.

"Are you sure you don't want me to help you in there?" Vera pleads, and I think I hear just the slightest tinge of sadness.

"I'll be ok. I just want to try doing this stuff alone. I'm gonna need to do it sometime." It's just a ploy to buy time. I'm still not ready.

"I'll be just down the hall if you need me. Yell and I'll come running" she sayss, respectfully backing out the door. I'm still somewhat uncomfortable in my new bathroom. Not a bad uncomfortable, just out of place, so it takes me a little longer than might be necessary to start stripping down. I'm also terribly nervous. I haven't seen it at all yet, and I'm torn with anxiety and excitement. I have no idea what I had ended up with. I know I had given Dr Halpig a tall order, but I felt like I'd offered enough money that his discriminating eye would look out for me.

I turned to face the full size wall mirror, but I deliberately avert my eyes and focus on taking everything off. Slide off the diaper, unwrap the bandage. Don't look yet. Oh my god, I think it's huge! Don't look! Try not to fall over getting it past your feet! Eyes closed...and...


"Are you ok?" I can hear Vera starting down the hallway.

"I'm fine!" I squeak. "Don't worry, It's ok!" I can't stop staring, and I don't know what to oogle at more. That is 8 inches easy, completely flaccid, but it's the swollen balls peeking out to either side that really blowing my mind. I'm just as big as Jevon was hard! Still staring at the mirror, I twist to get a look at it from the side. It comes out over my balls and then curves down. Unconsciously, I begin twisting at the hip. It swings back and forth, slapping the outsides of my thighs. Slowly, my hands grip the base of it. It's heavy. I move over near the wall and sit down with my legs splayed. My balls settle on the ground before me, and my cock drapes over them. I set my cock over my leg. I cannot get over how big my balls are. I roll back a little and lift up my balls with a hint of glee. Everything is still there, and it looks so natural. I'm turning myself on just looking at me.

I love the way my balls felt in my hand. Shit, I love the way it looks when I cradled them. Suddenly, I noticed that my cock is getting bigger, and I squeak again with delight. Setting my balls back down gently, I scoop up my cock. It's still getting harder and bigger, and wow does it look like it belongs. Skin tone, skin complexion, and tiny, tiny pink scars after only 3 weeks! I'm getting turned on, I'm somewhat drugged up, and I have great new toys to play with. Today is the best day ever!!

I can't decide whether I like looking at myself, or looking at myself in the mirror better, so I keep flipping between them. My cock up comes up well between my boobs without even trying to curl down. I lay it there, nestled in my cleavage and curl in my shoulders. I feel myself getting wet watching my tits mold themselves around my cock. I go to lean forward to pick up my balls to see if I'm leaking when I realize I would be able to go down on myself! It's right there!!

I freeze for a moment. I'd been especially flexible as a kid, and I did tumbling and gymnastics until the girls showed up to ruin that dream. I'd even kept up the stretches for years until college because I thought flexibility would be important once I started having more sex. Should I try? Right here and now? Of course, I scream! I reach over, grab the bath mat, and then scoot on top of it. One hand hooks around my leg at the knee and the other steadies my now-fully erect cock... I've got to be almost 10 inches long!! Slowly, I double in on myself. At first, I just lick the head. It's so sensitive! Fucking hell, it's sensitive. I keep that up for about a minute before I realize this was the lamest self-blowjob ever. I take a deep, steadying breath, and wrap my lips around it.

Oh my god, oh my god oh my god oh my god. I've always been a girl who enjoyed going down on a guy. I like the feel of it in my mouth. This is exactly like that, with the huge added bonus of it being my cock that feels great in there. I get the head in, and focus on that for a minute. I let go of my cock, reached for my other leg, and began to pull myself in tighter. Two, maybe three inches slips inside my mouth. I open my jaw as wide as I can get it, and my tongue has just enough room to work back and forth underneath. Almost four inches!

Minutes ticked by. I lose myself in the slow rock, the in and out. The feel of my swollen head against tongue. Slowly, I come back to the real world and uncurl myself back out onto the floor. I feel my cock, still hard, slide down between my legs and settle against the bath mat. I don't think I could have fit much more of it in my mouth, even if I had been more flexible. The soft fibers tickled the tip of my cock as it softens and shrinks, and my brain starts to think logistics again. I reach down, scooped up my balls and pull them to the side. My cock easily touched the floor from flat on my back, going past my dripping pussy and asshole with ease. I spread my legs out again, and hold my cock near the head. I began sliding it up and down over my pussy, and I know it would work. I could fuck myself! Experimentally, I spread my legs out and twist at the hip to open myself and give it a push. Initial resistance...and POP! The head is in! And I had room to go further! Holy fuck, I am girthy! My hand cupping my balls begins massaging them all on it's own, and I realized how smooth they are. How soft they are. God it feels good. I lay my head back and enjoy this. However, I feel my cock getting erect again and the angle quickly becomes an issue, so I pull out.

I must have laid there on the bath mat for like 5 minutes gently stroking my wonderful new cock, or playing with my balls, before I heard a noise down the hall. It isn't a coming-this-way noise, or an imminent danger noise, just noise. Suddenly, everything hits me. WHAT THE FUCK HAVE I DONE? Vera is never gonna go for this!! I'm a freak! I'll never be able to go out in public, or everyone would be able to see the bulge!! In my panic, I jump in the shower.

I don't even know why I felt that getting an extra door between us was a good idea. I flip on the water just as I hear the door open and shut. I spin to face the wall, taking deep, ragged breaths and trying to make sure I'm completely wet, as if it wouldn't already be too late to be noticed if she pokes her head in the shower! Stupid! Vera says nothing, but I hear the tell-tale soft thump of her shirt falling on the tile floor. Then the soft sliding sound of her shorts and panties. My breathing turns into a silent, hysterical sobbing. Her bare feet pad across the room, and the shower door opens, and I hung my head in shame. It's over.

"J?" She says, comfortingly. "Sweetie, why are you crying?"

"No!" I shout. "Go away! I'm hideous!" At least, thats what I meant to shout, but it's nearly unintelligible between my blubbering and the water running over my face.

"J, You know me better than that. I'm not gonna judge. I'm just here to help."

"You're gonna think I'm ugly, and you're never gonna want to see me again!"

"That's ludicrous," she says, soothingly. Suddenly, she's right behind me. I jump and tried to squeeze further into the corner. "Please, J. Let me see. I promise I won't freak out, or laugh, or make fun of you, or cry, or run away, or anything like that."

"Don't make promises you can't keep," I say sullenly, and then she's right behind me again. I have nowhere to go. I feel her arms slip around my waist, and every muscle in my body tenses. Thats right, every one. Even through the shame, part of my brain is thinking about Vera behind me, naked and wanting to be me with, and my cock is responding. I know I have to face her. "I'm gonna turn around now..."

Vera says nothing as I turn, and at first she's only looking me in the eye. She has that same crooked grin I'd fallen in love with. She holds my gaze for what must be a good 10 seconds, and 10 seconds feels like an hour. Suddenly, I realize I'm starting to feel her thigh with the tip of my cock. Those thighs, thick with muscles I don't have and will never earn. I'd made love to those thighs. For a split second, my eyes close involuntarily as my thoughts drift to where my cock is...her beautiful pussy, her firm- but only for a split second. When they fly open again... Vera is looking down. Her eyes creep wider and wider, and when I think they were as wide as she can open then, they open a little more. The forthcoming rejection is already unbearable.

"Oh my god," She says, as she lifts her hand up to cover her mouth. I look down too. It's as erect as I think it can be, making a vast flesh bridge between us and pointing right between her thighs. My dick is like some kind of sexual hound dog, sniffing out it's prey and stretching for all it was worth to reach it. Vera isn't moving... My breathing is still coming in spurts and whimpers, but it calms a fraction for every second she doesn't react. No reaction is good. A good reaction, like her instantly dropping to her knees and swallowing my cock in the first three seconds, seems unlikely, so no reaction is about as good as I can hope for. The mental image of her swallowing my cock makes it bulge again. Fuck me running, is it even bigger now? I can feel it pushing against her, not just grazing.

She kneels down, and my throat closes entirely. My blood feels like ice in my veins as she gets down on level with it and peers at it from side to side.

"Look at your balls!" She cries, though the grin was gone.

"That's what I said," I croak. Her expression is unreadable. I reach behind me and shut off the water. There is no more reason for that ruse.

She looks up at me, and with a pregnant pause, whispers "May I?"

I have no words. My lips work fruitlessly for a moment, followed by a frantic head nod. I couldn't possibly reject any advance she made at this stage, and I am entirely too eager to let her try. She reaches up and grasps it at the base, holding it so she can see the length up close. It isn't fully erect, but it's pretty close. Her eyes travel down the thick, throbbing vein underneath to the balls. She runs a free finger over the fine stubble of hair on my tender new sack. My mind takes a tangent, wondering what I should do about my pubic hair now. Should I leave a little fuzz on the balls? I liked they way it feels. I began to feel a weird sort of eu-

"J!" Vera says insistently. I realized I'd wandered off mentally, and think I might be starting to understand guys a little better.

"Y-y-yeah?" I whimper. She'snow cupping my balls with one hand while the other hand tightens it's grip on the shaft. Her fingers do not quite reach around to touch each other, I note with silent glee.


I pause, trying to bring my brain back around to the beginning of the long train of thought that led me to this very, very awkward situation. The pause is too long. Vera's fingers clamp down on my cock, and her expression says she is not in the mood to be toyed with.

"For you!" I squeak. She merely raises an eyebrow at me. The timing of everything, the lottery, my decision to get it, and her coming back into my life are so tied up it;s hard to tell where one ends and the others begin.

"Why?" Ever so slowly, she starts stroking my cock.

"For us?" At this, her grip tightens like a vice.

"Why?" Her voice is calm and collected.

"For...for me" I say, sadly. Her whole face lights up, and her hand begins the lengthy trip from stem to tip and back again. "I did it for me."

"That's what I was hopin' for! Going to an extreme like this for anyone, even someone as fabulous as me, is desperate and pathetic, and I know you're neither of those things." She points to the wall, and I back up a few steps. "I think you're going to want something to lean on," she saysa with a smile.

For a few minutes, the only thing that existed in Vera's world was my new cock. She never took her eyes off it, when they were open at all. She settled up on her knees, and her mouth made love to the swollen tip. It was slow at first, like a young girl with her best doll. Gentle. Loving. Lots of tongue. Tongue everywhere. She held the shaft off to one side, and swallowed one of my balls. Suddenly there was three fingers inside my pussy, and I realized I was dripping down my leg. I cupped my breasts, gently rolling and pinching my nipples as she released my testicle, and began working her mouth in earnest up and down my dick. She got slightly farther than I did, which was impressive. Maybe just more than halfway. That fucking thing is huge!

I lean my head back, and am thankful for the wall. I'm being rocked waves of pleasure from more places than I've ever felt at one time. Vera slips her hand down, and began fingering herself. I can feel her whimper softly, her vocal chords whispering to the tip of my oh-so-close cock.

After what feels like forever, she settles back a bit and works her jaw around like she'd dislocated it. She glances around the spacious shower area, and I se that crooked grin slide into place. In one swift move, she rolls back on her heels, is upright, and moving across the shower to the door, which I had a bar installed right next to. Ostensibly, it was for steadying when stepping on a wet floor, but I'd hoped for this. She gives it a few good tugs, tests out bending over and taking hold, and then in the most forward manner imaginable, bends herself 90º and looks back at me.

"What are you waiting for?" She grabs hold of her thigh just beneath the bulge of her ass with one hand and spreads her perfectly muscled cheeks to expose her pussy. Her fluid webs across from lip to lip. Cock at the ready, I settle in behind her. I start thinking about footing, and what would be a good position for myself, and all the stupid little logistics that guys learn when they're so much younger. Suddenly, Vera's hand snakes out between her legs, grabs hold of my cock, and pulls me into her like I've been magnetized.

I sink the head of my incredible new cock and a little more into her pussy. Vera rolls up onto the balls of her feet, and lets out a long "Oooooooooooooooooh god." I feel Vera's hand let loose, and I take over. At first, I stand behind her and slowly rock at the hips. Just as I realize I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing with my hands, Vera reaches back, grabs one, and plants it on her hip. It feels so right! God, I love her hips. The way they fill out a bikini had been making me drool for years. I know Vera had been with some bigger guys, but I have no idea where I fit into the all time rankings. A little further each time, letting her thick juice lube inch after glorious inch.