The Big Brother Hole Ch. 01


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I tried desperately to remember what teas I could make with what greenery there was lying around, and I figured tomorrow I'd have a good look around. As we both started to nod I said that we should build the fire and lay down as the sun was starting to go down. I put my Barbour back on, and she put on the large thick hunting jacket and pulled up the hood.

I followed Emma back to our woodland bathroom and we both did what we needed to - I was of course a gentleman and stood with my back to Emma, and once done I threw a handful of the loose soil from the bank down on top. On our return journey to the faint glow of our fire, I took Emma's hand.

We lay on our softish mattress and pulled the coats and the blankets over us.

"Emma, I say this in all innocence but shared body heat is a real bonus in these situations," I lay back, "if you don't want to get close, I'll quite understand though."

"Don't worry Harry," she said, "after today I think I can trust you."

"Come here then," I said, and pulled her to me in a spoons position, wrapping the blankets around us.

"Good night Harry," she whispered, "and thank you."

I still can't believe how quickly and easily we fell asleep.

I woke during the night reaching over to throw a few more sticks onto the fire and seeing it perk up. In rolling back, my hand rolled over her full breast. It was nice, and just how I'd often slept with previous girlfriends. When I awoke the next morning, it was to find I had both hands on both of her breasts. I carefully slid one down around her waist, and lifted the other to her shoulder. She sighed and pushed back against me.

The next day was of course Sunday, and Emma smiled.

"I would normally be up and about and getting ready for a day's work." She said.

"Really?" I said intrigued and sliding the can back into the embers for our drink.

"Yes," she said fingering her collar and exposing for the first time a small cross and chain at her neck, "believe it or not, back up there?" she pointed over her shoulder, "I'm a vicar."

"A vicar?" I said, "how amazingly cool of you!"

"Nothing to do with the Dawn French or Dibley," she said.

"Didn't think it was for a second," I said, "plus it also explains the black clothing," I said.

"Yeah, people normally think I'm either a Vicar or a waitress, one of the two." She sipped more hot water, "Although I'm rather afraid I've lost some of my faith being down here." She pulled the blanket around her shoulder, "I can't think why God would have reason to dump me down here for three months; I know that Jesus went off into the wilderness, but he had a better line to the boss than me I expect. I thought I'd finally gone mad when I heard you shouting and then your gun shots."

"They lord works in mysterious ways Em," I said.

"Well if he could work his way clear to getting us out of here within the next half hour, I'll confess myself born again, and will swear off of late nights and bad living for the foreseeable future, really I will."

"As a vicar you can't have had that many late nights and bad living, not in your part of the Dales at least." I'd spent some weeks in Catterick training camp and other than Catterick camp there wasn't that much opportunity for bad living.

"We try!" she giggled, "And yes it normally is the army!"

"Is there a Mr Emma waiting at home for you Em?" I said trying to add a hint of wistfulness.

"Not really," she said, "There's an old friend from University that I meet for dinner every now and again, and I often hoped it might develop into something but I think his one true love is the church so..." she stopped talking and looked at me, "You?"

"Nope." I said, "There's been a few close runs but never the one, if you know what I mean. My time will come I'm sure."

"And you're a paramedic?"

"I prefer Hi-speed, life-saving hero please," I said, "I was featured in the Sun one day, and I kind of like the title," I grinned, "But yes, my contract of employment does say paramedic."


"Has its moments, there is lots of dashing around, and some hairy drives. Too many pissed people that want to fight anything that moves, even the ambulance driver that is trying to stop them bleeding, or put their dislocated joints back together. I've brought more back from the dead than I've lost, which is still good. The lost are starting to creep up though, and statistically it isn't going to be that high a score within a few years."

"Do you enjoy it still?"

"Yes," I said, "I suppose it's a bit like your job, saving lost souls, helping really." she smiled at me, "from the first one, the first one with no vitals, no breathing, no heartbeat; then the beeping starts off again and you bring them back from the dead - no feeling like it. And it's addictive, you just want to save all of them but can't always do it."

"That's the difference," she said, "with my lost souls, it generally isn't quite so serious."

"Yeah," I picked up the can with my glove and tried sipping hot water, "but you're talking eternal soul here, I'm just about this sad mortal coil and not letting people slip out of it."

"Yeah, well in the greater scheme of things I'm sure people need you to do your job so they can let me do mine."

I handed the can across to her, happy that it was now cool enough and she sipped, smiling gratefully.

"Harry, I don't suppose you have any soap or shampoo in your car do you?"

"Yes," I said with a grin, "I actually do, only shower gel and a bar of soap; it's going to take a month or two to boil up enough water for a bath for you mind you."

"I've bathed in cool water for two months," she said, "My head and body has gone through itchy and now settles at something along the permanent tickle that I got used to." She looked serious, "I normally strip off and clamber down in to that pool because it's at the end of the stream." She looked up at me with a slight wobble to her bottom lip. "My spider senses tell me that the sun will come up this afternoon and it might just be warm enough for me to bathe in that cold spring water, could I please have some of your gel and wash this filthy body of mine?"

"Of course," I said, "I have a towel you can use." I stood and walked across to my car, reaching in and getting my bag, and pulling out the shower gel and the big dark green towel that was still new enough to be soft. I handed it across. "Go easy with the shower gel," I said, "the bottle was only three quarters full, it may have to last us yet."

"Thanks Harry," she beamed at me, and for I had my first glimpse of a real smile peeking out from all the grime. She stood up, shedding the blanket for a moment.

"I'll go for a walk Emma," I said, "At least you know I won't be going too far."

The smiled that girly smile again, and hugged the towel to herself in excitement. I stepped off away from my car and back in the direction of the lately departed Sean. I passed his now stockinged feet sticking out and thought about pulling him further out and checking his pockets for Emma's glasses. Not quite yet, I thought to myself.

I walked for a few minutes and found the other end of the stream and guessed I had reached the other end of our tiny world - I figured 70 metres by 70 metres, and roughly square - So much so I paced it out. Across the stream I could see another camp site, the one I'd nicked much of the A-frame shelter from yesterday, and I could just make out hanging from a tree a large bag, with just the wrong shine to it and just a little too square and the wrong side of that tree for me to have seen yesterday.

The flowing water was quite narrow at this point, but too wide for someone with only about ten inches of vision to clear. I found a large log and dropped it into the water and it settled nicely without blocking the flow of the water. I put one foot on it and it settled into the mud protruding enough for me to put my weight on it. Swinging my other foot across I cleared the stream and there hanging on a tree branch was a brown leather handbag and I took it with a grin.

Even though my mother raised me to be a gentleman I still checked through the bag, hoping her glasses might be there. There was a case for them, there was a few bottles of makeup and perfumes, a couple of pads and tampons, a pen but nothing to write on.

All things that Emma would undoubtedly be pleased to see bearing in mind what she was doing. And there was a toothbrush in a plastic holder, a small tube of toothpaste, and the thing she want most of all, a large hairbrush. There was a folded pair of lace panties, peach coloured and not the kind of thing I'd expect a priest to wear at all!

Again, I guessed that she'd be really pleased to have them. I found a black Gortex jacket which must have been hers on the next branch. My search failed to find her glasses, so I continued my circular route back to the pond she was bathing in. As I walked I checked out the bank intermittently and still searched for spectacles. The leaf fall was at yet minimal I desperately hoped I'd find them before the autumn hit and whatever chance I had of finding them was lost forever.

After twenty minutes I saw the glint of sunlight hitting my headlamps and knew that Emma would only be ten or twenty metres away, washing in the stream. I stepped closer watching where I put my feet. I didn't want to scare her, and I can now confess I actually wanted to see her naked. OK, she was a priest, a virtually blind priest but other the rather earthy smell about her, she was quite eye catching.

My last non-medical naked female had been Kim, my last girlfriend. She was an army nurse on an attachment to our accident and emergency department and once she found out I was an ex-soldier we became mates. We got extremely pissed one evening after one of her shift parties and I offered her my sofa seeing as we had been giving it squaddie talk all evening.

We had coffee, finished our chicken kebabs and being a gentleman and slightly pissed I offered her the bed while I slept on the couch. She combatted that by suggesting that if the bed was a double, why not share?

Why not? It was an extremely pleasant night's sleep. Sometimes there is just no substitute for another warm human lying next to you and those night time sounds; a soft sigh, mumbled words, regular calm breathing just to let you know that you aren't alone. When we woke up the next morning wreaking of kebab and slightly hung over, I was in my boxers and she was in high cut panties and a stretchy vest top over her large and shapely bra-less boobs.

She rolled over to face me,

"Are we going to fuck or what?" she said grabbing hold of my genitalia. She hung out at my place for the last three months of her attachment, and then headed off for a posting with the Army in Cyprus, we ended as mates, no hissy-fits, no tempers, no pack drill.

Kim was the last naked woman I'd seen without having to apply defibrillator paddles to her - until now.

Emma in her black trousers and black top just looked shapeless because they now hung from her, but I just fancied the chance to catch a peak. So long as I kept in the shadows and kept quiet I'd be safe. I moved forward slowly and thought how good it was many of the branches that had strewn the woods were now piled up in two piles.

I sat on yet another fallen tree and watched; it was like another movie moment, from just the line of her naked back bent forward, she stood straight up flinging her wet hair and a stream of water back and behind her like something out of a shampoo commercial.

Her breasts looked good despite her poor diet, and that any fat she may have had on her was gradually being used up by her body. That had no effect on her nipples mind you and they stuck out from her proudly. She had said that when she came down here she was overweight. That was far from the case now, she was thin but had definite curves and a great arse and I guessed that with a healthy diet she must have been one hell of a looker. She blew water drops from the end of her nose and laughed shaking her head to remove more drips and wiped the remaining water off with her hands.

She looked happy, and she turned her back to me to appreciate the sun on her naked body, and I felt the worst kind of intruder and while her back was turned I slowly and quietly stepped back and faded into the woods. As I did I thought I heard a faint whirr, I was no country boy or bird spotter so thought nothing of it.

I walked back the way I'd come happy that I'd would have given her a good forty five minutes in her cool bath. By the time I reached the log I'd thrown in I was quietly contemplative and if I hadn't been walking with my head down wouldn't have noticed the thing that stirred my concerns that all wasn't well in our strange hole.

The end of the log I'd thrown in to bridge the stream was protruding from the water and was starting to dry and I noticed that it had a few ridges, the bottom half of the edge was broken like the rest, but this bit was sawn.

I carried on walking, and thinking.

OK, I thought to myself, my car had slipped down this bank somehow. I knew enough about the medical aspects of car accidents and the injuries they resulted in to know that I hadn't been in one, yet still my car was on its side. Emma had no idea how she had even arrived in this hole. I looked up at the banks and thought how little wildlife was around and how silent the place was. Perhaps that was just mine and Emma's presence here, but no birds?

Surely not; and wild black and white rabbits? THAT was fucking ridiculous.

I saw our camp and the haze from the fire I'd banked up before I left.

"Emma!" I called out, "Are you descent?"

"Descent enough," she called. I walked forward and saw that she was standing by the pool with the towel wrapped around her. She turned to where the sound of my crunching step was coming from. The towel just wasn't long enough, and there was just the faintest hint of dark fur at the apex of her thighs, and following her washing of her hair, I could see that she was a red head, and the blotches across her face were actually freckles.

"Is that better?" I said smiling at this beautiful woman that was before my eyes.

"Like you'd never believe Harry," she said with the faintest shiver, "I hope you don't mind but I took the tiniest blob of soap and washed my clothes." They were rung out and hanging across branches around the tree. She squinted staring at the dark outline of her handbag I held at my side, "is that..."

"Oh yeah," I said and handed her bag across, and she squealed with delight, her towel falling and giving me a closer view of her boobs and a quick flash of the red fur that had just been hinted at. She giggled and pulled it closed again,

"Sorry Harry," she wrinkled her nose in devilment.

"Hang on Em," I said and slipped my Barbour off and stepped behind her, checking out her bottom as I did but quickly putting my still warm jacket around her. She pulled it closed across herself and purred.

"Hmm," she snuggled the thing closed around her and rubbed her cheek to the corduroy collar.

"Check the handbag," I handed it to her over her shoulder and she stared at it close to her face as she had me the previous afternoon.

Such was her delight she let the coat fall open and I looked over her shoulder at a sweet view. "Aww clean knickers!" she cried and picked them out, handing me the bag. She leant forward, and stepped into them, taking advantage of my long jacket to hide her bottom.

She straightened up and turned to smile at me, my coat covering everything that needed covering. To my surprise she put a hand to both sides of my face and kissed me on the lips. She picked her bag back from my hands and resumed her close inspection.

Toothbrush!" she growled and I handed her the tube of paste. She ran back to the stream and almost fell in trying to rinse her brush. She cleaned her teeth, wiping a little excess foam from her mouth. I rinsed her toothbrush for her to save her and my Barbour ending up in the stream.

On my return I saw that she'd recommenced her search of her handbag,

"Perfume and deodorant, where were you when I was a month shy of a shower." She closed her eyes, turned her back to me and sprayed herself, and my jacket with both.

Then her hand hit something, "Hairbrush!" she cried out, and plucked it from the bag and began to pull it through her tangled dark, still wet hair. She sat on our green bower and brushed her flame red hair in delight.

"Here," I said, turning to sit astride the log and indicating she should, "give me the brush." I've never found a female of any age that doesn't like having her hair brushed. She purred again and a several points lay back against me.

On my walk I had disturbed some mint and some lemon balm, we had mint tea that morning with the last of our two day old bread toasted with some cheese.

Her clothes dried out that afternoon and she put them back on, giving me back my Barbour. With benefit of more daylight I took to re-arranging the plastic sheet that had provided our bedroom last night.

While it would have kept the rain off, it did little to stop the draught blowing around our heads. I built the bed base up some more with the last of Sean's other A-frame and ran the plastic sheet across both sides. It would be much dryer and warmer. I moved our supplies in, including my large medical bag which held the end of the sheet down quite nicely.

This afternoon I checked the fish traps and found two small trout. I took them out, and using the sharp flint that had been in the late Sean's camp, I did the best I could remember in skinning and gutting a fish something I'd learned with my Grandpa first then with the army.

Emma looked on staring desperately at where I was,

"Is this what you did?" I said.

"I think so," she said staring intently at my hands, "Sean told me what to do, but once he pinched my glasses I couldn't tell," She looked down, "I did end up with a lot of blood and stuff on my hands. Some of it was mine, sometimes."

"Well I think I've kind of got it," I had pulled out the spine and cut of the heads then plucked out the bones with the cleanest pointy stick I could find. I lay them across some green sticks and grilled them over our fire. I made more mint tea, and wished for some more bread. I had only been out of civilisation for a few days and had already realised the things that made life interesting.

Tea; just bog standard ordinary tea bags. I quite liked Earl Grey but right now would have given my car for a box of ordinary Tetley tea bags. The fish, once cooked was actually quite delicious but just needed something else to bulk it up with, like a fucking great bag of chips.

The night had started to close in and we made more mint tea, sharing the tin mug between us. On my walk I'd found mint, camomile, and pine needles, and I was gutted it was too late for elderflower. There were some nettles and I figured we'd try some of that later. Our mad major had taught us about all of these various teas and how they would help cure colds, flu and upset stomach.

We sat close to the fire and I moved closer to her, eventually putting my arm around her. As we both started to nod I suggested we turn in for our second night. We pulled together laying our heavy coats over us as impromptu duvets then laid the blankets over top of that. With the removal of the open sides of the tarp we were much warmer and we slept longer and better.

The following morning I woke and she was in my arms, her face pushed into my neck. She stretched and purred, rubbing her face against me. I pulled her tighter into me, and she made more contented noises. I raised the side of our tent and threw more wood onto our fire.

Slowly I felt her wake up, and she pulled back slightly and beamed a smile at me.