The Big Brother Hole Ch. 01


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"I'm off," she hissed in my ear, "give me ten minutes, I've never done this kind of thing before."

I rolled over and imagined what must be going through her mind, and the task before her. Her footsteps padded away to the toilet area and I pulled the covers over me for my part of the plan.

I heard her splash in the water and figured she'd been to our toilet area and had returned. I reached under the covers to the camouflaged jacket that made up part of our bedding and slid it on, pushing my stick stuffed Barbour up to make it look like I had just rolled over, and then pulled on the matching trousers; the 'real tree' pattern camouflage was perfect for the spot, and I hoped would help.

A further five minutes and I pushed up the other side of the tent and slipped out, and into soldier mode. I looked for low points and crawled into them, moving slowly my ears cocked for that same short whirr sound we'd heard before. Just in the distance I could see Emma had started her morning ablutions. I heard it again, probably the same tree as before when she took a bath. I noted it and moved on, inches at a time hoping desperately that whatever was going on, I wasn't being watched as well.

It had to be cameras. This Big Brother hole was big and there was no way that every inch of it could be covered, at least I hoped not. For her part, Emma was playing her audience. I saw that she looked over towards the tent and where I was ostensibly sleeping. She smiled, and lay back against the large log that bounded the pool on that side and raised her arms to welcome the rays. She closed her eyes and spoke softly,

"May the road rise up to meet you, May the wind always be at your back, May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand." She kissed her hand, "Love you Mummy and Daddy, I'll be back soon, promise... miss you Ann," she threw her hand in the air to send the promise on its way.

She turned her back on that thought, and lay on the log looking towards the tent and the man she'd cuddled the night before and had heavily petted with, her head resting on her folded arms. Her white bottom looked wonderful and almost glowed. Right then I had an urge to jump into the pool and grind myself against it, and make love to the splendid pussy I could just see peaking between her thighs. A faint whirr from my left brought me round and if I hadn't been laying down I would never have seen the shine of white light reflecting off of something within a hidden gap in the tree. Bastards, we were being filmed.

I lay flat again just in case and my head went back to the pool and Emma who, as if in response to my previous glance has spread her feet slightly and was now only resting on one forearm. Her bottom was more pronounced and I guessed that her right arm was now snaking across her body. I stared and saw that it was, and movements of her wrist and elbow gave me to think what was going on between her thighs. All of her concentration was now focussed on that tiny tent and whatever pleasures it had held or what it might promise. Her face was flushing, her concentration total and I was transfixed, held in the same way that the cameras must have been.

"Harry..." she hissed, "Oh Harry... aaaaahhh!" She turned exposing her tits with hard nipples and her right lower arm in a blur as it flashed across her clitoris. For a second she stared right at me, her face shocked at seeing me there. I blew her a kiss from under my camo hood.

It was enough and she came crying out in ecstasy, her knees trembling as she forced herself through her relief, every muscle in her body tensed and visible as she pushed through an orgasm that was obviously real.

"Oh shit," she hissed, still looking up and continued with her ministrations. I couldn't lay here like another viewer I had a job to do. Emma lay back in the pond and floated up still playing and suffering the occasional tremble and she had mini-comes on her way down.

As I crawled along on my silent mission I saw that she was now pushing two or three fingers into her flushed sex. Within moments of my repositioning she allowed herself to float to the other side of the pool, hopefully taking the cameras with her. There was some more whirring and I was able to spot another camera before I crawled back to the tent and was able to roll out bleary eyed towards the pool where Emma was now lying on my towel, her legs apart and a hand idly across a very red and swollen sex.

She grinned up at me,

"The water is very invigorating," she said with a cheeky smile, her hand shielding the sun from her eyes. Laying there, totally naked one leg crooked like she was on a beach in Marbella she looked fucking gorgeous and had I not just spent the last ten minutes watching her masturbate in her watery play pen, I still would have been massively turned on.

"So I heard," I said, and decided that it was time I had a bath, and started to strip.

Now men rarely learn how to disrobe in a way that women would find sexy, so it tends to be a rather quick, embarrassing pulling of buttons and belts with, inevitably just our socks left on. During a drunken piss-up's back in the army, the wife of a mate of mine had waxed lyrical about the shortcomings of men in bed and how stupid we all looked and 'why the fook did we leave our socks until last'. I'd never forgotten that, and even when I was on my own, I always took my socks off first.

This I did, then my jumper, shirt, until finally I slid down my trousers leaving me in just my boxers. These I kicked off and into the pool. Emma looked me up and down appreciatively checking out my penis which was hard and protruding. She looked shocked but was able to control it. I found out later it was the first view she'd ever had of one in the flesh.

"Looking good Harry," she said with a huge grin on her face and resting up on one elbow to take in the whole picture. Her body language did suggest some element of a nervous tension though!

"Feeling good Emma," I replied.

"I wouldn't know," she said, "but if you come and lie on this towel I can tell you how good you feel." Again her body language spoke of some hesitance on her part!

I grinned and narrowed my eyes, "Ooh yeah!"

I stepped down into the water that was just the right side of cold, and I pondered on that. It tasted sweet and was obviously from a spring or, as I dipped my shoulders down under it, pumped from a spring. They were probably being careful and filtering it and... I was just about to take a mouthful and realised that they probably introduced some kind of drug that would have knocked out Emma, so me and my car could have been lowered into the hole without her noticing.

With that thought I washed my hair, and even went so far as to shave, watching the suds flow away towards the far end of the pool and a small dent in the bank, and I saw the blobs of white soapy suds dotted with my hair follicles disappear into it rather than just staying in the pool as a scum. Definitely being pumped out then.

I washed my boxers and wrung them out, hanging them over the same branch Emma had used two days before. I stood up and looked across at Emma, and trying to look innocent thought about wanking and seeing if the cameras would move. I stood and masturbated myself, but then thought 'why would I wank when a gorgeous naked redhead had offered to see how I felt' not ten minutes ago.

I climbed out of the pool at the most unnatural shallow area and walked to where she was laying with her eyes closed. I looked around idly at the trees I worked out had cameras in them, let's up the ante a bit.

I dropped to me knees between her feet and gently started to rub them and she came round, looking down at me. She giggled, her nerves being rather more obvious now.

"A woodland massage would be lovely," she said, "at least while it's still warm enough to walk around naked."

"How can I resist!" I said and starting with her ankles, I rubbed. The soles of her feet, her ankles her calves slowly and gently rubbing out the tension that must have been in there ever since she was dropped in this voyeuristic hell hole. Past her knees I finally started on her thighs and rubbed and stroked the sensitive inner portion I knew was a major erogenous zone for most women.

It was for Emma and she proceeded to gasp and to moan, and I took my place between a woman's thighs for the first time since my short affair with Kim those months ago.

I levelled my mouth with her bushy pubis covered with thick red hair, resting on my elbows I gently pushed her pubic hair back to each side and there was her pussy in its flushed red glory.

Now during my months sleeping with Kim I'd quite got the hang of oral on a woman and I was hoping that I hadn't lost my touch. I put my tongue to the bottom of her labia and swept it up, pushing between her lips and stopping at her clitoral hood and wriggling around circling the tiny hard organ for all I was worth. It worked.

"Oh Jesus..." Emma gasped now propped on both elbows looking down at my head nestled between her thighs.

"You OK Em?"

"Fuck YEAH!" she gasped out as I licked her clit again with a single swipe. I slide a finger into her pussy and crooking it, feeling for that rough patch of flesh that just had to be there. I found it and stroked back and forth and she wriggled. "Oh shit," swore the priest, "Oh fucking shit, what are you doing in there?" She fell back against the towel freeing her hands to take hold of my head and caress my cheeks and run fingers through my hair. I laughed, I'd never been the first person to go down on a woman before and it was delightful!

She continued to pant and gasp, "Please Harry, I'm so close," I pumped my fingers in and out of her cunt while licking her clit and using my knuckle to rub her G-spot and that was it.

She cried out, harder, louder and longer than when she had a short few minutes ago, and there was that short series of gushes you occasionally get from G-spot comes. I slid up her body, kissing my way through her pubic hair, her flat belly, all across her tits, her throat, her neck and her lovely face, until we kissed and she could taste herself on me. She giggled and licked her lips,

"That's certainly a flavour I've never tasted before!"

I lay between her legs and we continued kissing, stroking and caressing each other.

"I'm guessing you've never done oral before?" She shook her head and smiled up at me.

"Harry," she said reaching down for my rock hard penis pressing against her softness and squeezing me with her thighs, "can we make love?" I smiled, "I haven't made love to someone since I was at theological college," she giggled, "How ridiculous is that concept! Lost my virginity while I was training to be a priest to another virgin that was training to be a priest!"

"That would be fantastic," I said, "only I think we should go back into our nice warm tent, so we can fall asleep afterwards." She beamed a huge grin and me and nodded her pleasure. I stood up and pulled her up with me, happy that we would take a gentle walk to our tent.

We stopped to gather our clothes, and Emma stopped to pick up her shoes. It so turned out that my cock was level with her face.

New to sex or not, she gently held my cock and licked the end of it with an experimental swipe, and happy with what she'd done quickly put the bell end of my knob between her lips and started to slowly pump back and forth. She moved off for a second to ostensibly to catch her breath, but mouthed 'listen' up to me.

Again we had changed positions in the woods, and this time I heard two or three faint buzzing sounds from around me, as the cameras must have tried desperately to catch what we were doing. I was just starting to get into what she was doing and looking up into the trees and around as often as I could and identified the faint shine off of another... lens? I could only guess.

Emma stopped what she was doing, stood up, and took my hand again, and we walked back to our tent. She stopped again and kissed me, this time by my car and pushed me against it. She dropped to her knees to take me in her mouth again; she was getting good at this, but this didn't affect my hearing and I heard a further whirring noise to my right, and towards the tent. Camera number five? Had to be.

She stopped sucking me and I pulled her up. We kissed in our excitement, our tongues clashing in a kind of secretive passion. We headed back to the tent, and she slid in, turning to bite her bottom lip and curl her finger to get me to follow her in. I did and lay down over her.

"Let's get the viewers interested," I hissed into her ear, and we lay on top of the blankets and coats. "From what I've seen of the cameras, there aren't any that can see into this tent, if we make them jealous they might show themselves."

"OK Harry," she said, pulling me over her and putting her mouth by my ear, "By the way," she whispered, "I lied when I said that I'd lost my virginity at theological college," she caught her breath, "Truth is... I've never made love, and I'm still a virgin, but if I'm going to lose it, I want it to be here and with you and not with some weirdo that's running this thing." She wiped a tear from her face, "and I'd very much like for it to be in private."

"Wow," I said stroking her lustrous red hair back from her face, "Thank you, what an honour." I whispered.

"Hopefully, the pleasure will be all mine," she said with a hint of nervousness.

"It will, I promise," I grinned.

I undertook our usual bedtime ritual even though it was still daylight, and threw a handful of sticks onto the fire and pulled the side of the tent down.

Emma smiled the loveliest smile, and I climbed over her, again kissing my way up that body I'd loved already that day. She opened her legs and I crawled up level with her so that my erection nestled against her vagina,

"Are you sure baby?" I whispered.

"Oh yes, please," she hissed, "please Harry, you've been so wonderful, be my first... Aaah..." I pushed my cock into her swollen pussy and with only the tiniest obstruction I was inside her and holding still. "Thank you Harry," she cried, and I made to withdraw, "Don't you dare!" she said through her tears, pulling me further into her.

I began a very gentle screwing motion and despite that initial pain Emma was soon writhing under me and moving her bottom to get the kinds of feelings she wanted. "Oh Harry, it's lovely, thank you so much... please," she hissed "come in me, finish me off and take my virginity properly."

I started to pump into her harder, hoping that I wasn't going to hurt her.

"Oh yeah," she shouted, "Fuck me Harry, shit - fuck me hard and make me come!"

Where had that come from?

I did what I was bid though and pretty soon I felt that tremble in my prostate and made to pull out.

"I'll come on your belly," I said.

"Don't you dare," she cried, "you come inside me, let's do this properly. Please Harry, I'm so close!"

That was it, and I came, pushing as hard into her as I could and enjoying the feeling of lovemaking for the first time in months.

I rolled to one side bringing her with me, and we beamed into each-other's faces.

"Wow," she said, pushing her mouth to my ear, "that was worth the wait. Is it always that good?"

"I hope it will be," I said.

"Thank you!"

"Well, I guess we'd better let the world back in before they get cross and come and take our tent away." I whispered into her ear. I rolled behind me and flung the tent flap back on to itself and let the fresh air in. Even though it was mid-September it was still rather warm in there. I picked up our cups and moved across to the stream and filled them, and pushed them into the fire.

Still naked I sat by the fire and opened the motor bike pannier and retrieved the bottle of port. While I could have drained the bottle of wine quite easily I didn't have a corkscrew and I figured we could do the last of the cheese and some port to celebrate how much we had enjoyed ourselves.

And we did, we sipped port, did the second to last piece of cheese between us and drank the port straight from the bottle while out our mint tea heated and brewed. After just enough to take the edge off, I sealed the bottle and put it back in the box.

"I'm going to collect some more wood, you have a nap baby," I said kissing her hand, "you've earned it!"

"Don't you go too far Harry," she said and I pulled the tent flap down to preserve the warmth for her. I walked back to the pond and retrieved my boxers, and looked down so I could pull them back on. I noticed right at the bottom of my penis there was a faint ring of blood. Shit. Had they seen that? Would they know what we had done?

All of a sudden it was like there was a third person in the woods with us. Someone we didn't know who could have a temper and could make our lives really uncomfortable or in the case of Sean or the late Tina, possibly even kill us or starve us to death; there certainly was no way that Sean had gotten out of this hole on his own that was for sure.

I walked into the water and washed myself down there, nothing out of the ordinary for our watcher, but I still didn't want that person to decide we weren't getting a fish or a rabbit because I'd taken Emma's virginity and they had missed the chance to film it.

I stepped out of the pool clean down there and walked around naked for a while until I dried out. I collected a pile of sticks and took them back to our stack. I looked at what was left and how much we had used. I figured with slightly under a third of them used, if we got no more solid fuel by the end of October we'd freeze to death by Christmas.

The fragility of our situation was not only obvious it was leaping up and punching me in the face. How the fuck were we going to get out of this without getting killed?

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texstertexsterabout 1 month ago
Really nice, slow boil start

Terrifying because it’s plausible, and that makes the uncomfortably sexy parts better for some reason.

One minor quibble. Your is possessive, meaning that something belongs to you or the person you are speaking to. For example, “What is your name?” Or, “Are these your car keys?” You’re is a combination of the words, you and are. Twice in a row you used your when it should have been you’re.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

"Peak" is the word to use when you are talking about being at the top of something, like a hill.

A surreptitious glance is a "peek", which is the word you should be using. You've mixed these up in other stories as well.

teedeedubteedeedubover 7 years ago

strange. I'm still reading..........

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
I did really enjoy the start of this story!

but then I got into the chapter, and all I could think about was why don't they build a ladder from branches held together by strips of bark that will get up them up that sheer, soft cliff.

I totally realise that you are writing a story that means they can't do that, because otherwise there wouldn't be a story!

So just ignore me and lets move on to the other chapters in this story!!

DeepBlueCDeepBlueCover 8 years ago
Damned Good Story

A superbly crafted and well written tale. Very well done and quite a superb piece of writing.

The lack of sex did not impact negatively at all.

Looking forward to reading chapter 2.

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