The Big Brother Hole Ch. 01


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"Wow, you're handsome," she said staring wide eyed at me, my face Illuminated by the early sun, "I've not had a chance to get this close before."

"Thanks," I said, "you're extremely pretty yourself." She grinned showing her white straight teeth.

She leaned forward and kissed me, once, on the lips.

"Thanks Harry," she whispered, "I know this is probably hell for you," she said with a faint crackle in her voice, "but, you saved my life..." she couldn't look at me, "I was starting to think about killing myself..."

"Emma," I said holding her tight, "your human honey, don't beat yourself up about it."

"But I'm a priest," she said, "that sort of thing is supposed to be managed with prayer and my belief."

"But you didn't Em, your still here."

"I was only a day or two away from it though Harry," she started to cry, "if I could have found Sean's knife I would have rolled up my sleeves and opened a vein, and laid down by the fire and drifted off." She wiped her eyes, "I couldn't face another meal of raw fish and partially cooked rabbit meat that I couldn't see. I spent the first month without Sean being sick and then the next one wishing I still was. I was sure he was around me, teasing me watching me, whenever I heard a noise I'd spin round and see what I thought was a shape but it never was. I was starting to go mad," she managed to stop herself crying, "Harry," she hissed, "you'll never leave me will you?" she gabbled out, "I'll do anything," she cried pulling at her shirt, "you can..."

"Emma, Emma," I said as soothingly as I could and stroking her clean soft hair, "don't worry honey, I will never leave you down here I promise," I said, "when it's time to go, we both go, I swear".

"Thank you," she mouthed to me, smiling when I could see it was the last thing she wanted to do.

I kissed her this time. But this time she returned it.

We stared at each other and it was obvious that some kind of 'thing' had happened between us and it was OK. So much so, she slid her arms from between us and put them around my neck. It was probably one of the most pleasant kissing sessions I'd ever had.

It was obvious that she was not that well practiced in this kind of thing, but it was nice just to lay there and enjoy it. After a few attempts she opened her mouth and our tongues met. She purred into my mouth and closed her eyes.

We didn't strip each other, there was no groping, just a nice, sexy-tender meeting of lips and we carried it on for a good twenty minutes. We broke, both slightly short of breath but pleased with what we had done.

"I think we both deserve some mint tea," I said, making to slide back from her.

"I'll come with you," she said.

"I'll roll up the side of the tent, get the fire going again and heat the water while you watch," I said pulled the blankets and coats back over her.

"OK," she said with a smile.

I took our tin from the side of the tent and walked across to the stream, rinsed it and filled it.

"I think we should go mad and open our second tin of Coke," I said, "we can double our hot water production."

"Some Coke would be nice," she smiled at me.

"Lunchtime," I said, "with some more cheese." She beamed a most wonderful grin at me.

I got the fire back up in no time flat, but did notice that we'd need to go stick hunting again soon. I made some more mint tea and we lay together drinking it, in our warm tent.

"You said Sean had a knife," I asked as we sipped our drink.

"Yeah, I little lock knife thing he carried, talked about it like it was Excalibur," she said.

"I think we should go and search him." I said. "Hopefully he might have your glasses on him."

She didn't look happy about it, "don't worry," I added, "you won't see what's going on and if he's been dead for a month, Mother Nature should have done some of the work for us. The ground he was in did look very soft."

As the sun came up we were able to take advantage of its warmth and set out for the toilet area. I had a pee and did the gentlemanly thing and turned my back while Emma did likewise. I was pleased that nothing else needed doing.

We walked around to where I remembered Sean's legs had been protruding from the bank. I got closer to them and thought about how I was going to achieve this. With sun behind me I could see far from the collapsed bank with the pile of soil around him, Sean's legs seemed to be just sticking out from a perfectly level bank with some soil beneath him. If he'd been digging and the bank had collapsed them someone had come along behind him and tidied up. I turned around and looked at Emma; she was plainly very short sighted or a fucking good actress.

No way in her present shape could she have done this amount of work. Time to dig out Sean I figured.

I grabbed his legs and pulled. They had shrunk down significantly but nothing happened other than his socks coming off. It's not like Sean was my first dead body or my first badly decomposed one, but still thin for all that. I guessed the muscle must have started to shrink as his body lost moisture. His body was stuck fast. I'd removed his shoes two days before and Emma had washed them hoping to wear them to replace her black slip-on's that were falling to bits.

I pulled at his legs again, sliding my hands into the softer soil hoping to loosen it. I managed to loosen his legs somewhat but more loose soil just fell. Loose soil I could deal with and worked my hands further into the bank.

I was conscious I wasn't feeling the mush that should have been there, or the smell. I was almost elbow deep in loose soil now and managed to get a hand under Sean's body and reached into the pocket of his jeans. I felt what must have been the keys in his jeans pocket and felt further around under him to see if there was a knife involved. I didn't feel what I expected to feel.

Whatever decomposition had taken place there's no way I was dealing with a male Sean that was for sure. I called Emma around to take the other leg and just decided we'd heave him out of the bank, felt it was a good enough risk if I could find a knife and Emma's glasses.

She didn't take to the grizzly task but as I swept soil around the body freeing more and more he started to move.

Finally it started to come out and I was very surprised. The body came out a speed and Emma landed on her arse with his feet in her lap.

Not his feet, it turned out. Suddenly I was scared. I walked across and sat next to Emma,

"Em," I whispered, "did Sean have long blonde hair?"

"No," she whispered back.

"Well this ain't Sean." I replied. She had been very slim and I guessed had been in the ground, most of her at least, for four or five months. She had no knife on her and of course no sign of Emma's glasses. "By the look of her," I said, "she was in her mid-twenties," I checked the emaciated and now slightly mummified body over, she had long cut marks on both forearms. I thought about what I should tell Emma, and figured she should know the truth, "I think she cut her wrists," I took a deep breath, "and if she cut her own wrists then someone else buried her here."

She looked across at where I was,

"Harry," she hissed, "I'm afraid."

I stepped across to her, "don't worry Emma," I said, "we'll be fine." I took her hand, "I think we should bury our friend here and go back and have some camomile tea."

I figured that our late female friend had laid in the soft earth for many months, she should go back there. I took her keys and saw they were just that, a simple Yale lock key on a leather key ring that said simply 'Tina'. The bank had collapsed where she'd come out and I lay her on the soft earth that had come out with her. Taking a long branch I dragged more of the soft earth down onto the stiff frame, there was now a recognisable smell and the sooner she was underground the better. I stopped, thinking about Emma's previous loss of faith.

"Em, would you say a few words? I think her name is Tina." I had been pretty much agnostic since I joined the army and was actually given the choice about any religion I might take an interest in.

"I don't know that I can," she said with the faintest edge of a very sad grin.

"Of course you can honey," I said, "It's what you do and who you are."

She stood and wiped the dust from her hands. And closed her eyes.

She stood tall, held out her arms and spoke, not in a high and mighty way, more in the way of someone talking to a friend, words I had heard many times before but never like this.

"We have entrusted Tina to God's mercy, and we now commit her body to the ground:" She reached down and took and handful of the loose soil and gently threw it across the grave space, "earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust: in sure and certain hope of the resurrection to eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our frail bodies that they may be conformed to his glorious body, who died, was buried, and rose again for us. To him be glory for ever."

She crossed herself and kissed the cross hanging at her neck. I saw a stronger, gentler smile cross her face as her faith slowly restored. She looked across at me, and smiled and knelt by the head end of this impromptu grave laying a hand where Tina's head would have been. "Now Lord, you let your servant Tina go in peace, your word has been fulfilled. Heavenly Father, in your Son Jesus Christ you have given us a true faith and a sure hope. Strengthen this faith and hope in us all our days that we may live as those who believe in the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins and the resurrection to eternal life; through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen."

I mumbled Amen, and as quickly as I could I covered the body in as much soil as I could move with my hands. Eventually there was a good eighteen inches of earth across our unfortunate predecessor and I pushed it flat. Emma had even leaned over the earth and had drawn a cross into it.

She stood,

"Thanks Harry," she said, and reached up and kissed me. "I thought I'd lost is all since I'd been here."

We walked hand in hand back to our camp site, stacked the fire and got it back to life. At the stream we washed out hands and refilled out cup. While the water heated we had our second can of Coke, taking turns as we slowly sipped the cold drink and enjoyed a brief moment of normality.

Using the scissors from my medic bag and he same stone I made the can into our second cup, filled it with water and pushed it towards the fire. We now had a mug each.

With our camomile tea, we had some more cheese, I reckoned we had another days' worth and I hoped there would be fish in the traps or rabbits in the snares for tomorrow. Once we'd finished our tea, Emma stood and smiled.

"Could you see me as far as the pit please Harry?"

"Of course," I said, and she took my hand and helped me to stand up.

We walked slowly and I stopped some feet away,

"I'll be just here honey, you do what you gotta do and take all the time you need."

I lay flat on the grass, taking on some warmth from the sun and it was absolute silence. If it hadn't been, I'm sure I'd never have noticed what was going on.

As I lay there listening, still amazed at the total absence of bird life, I had that faint whirring sound I'd heard the previous day. It was coming from the tree I was laying behind. I popped up and turned to see that Emma had stripped out of her trousers and was squatting, her bottom half naked.

The whirring I'd heard yesterday had been when she had been naked and bathing. I noted the tree and kicked some sticks together making a triangle shape with them, if what I thought was happening was actually happening then I'd get away with it. I noticed Emma's bottom was still bare so picked a tiny patch of bark off of the tree as well to make sure.

Emma finished what she was doing and washed her hands in the stream. I walked across to where she was, and took her cold hand in mine to warm it.

We went back to our camp and I made some more camomile tea, and we retreated to our bedroom, the fire built up sipping our hot water. I pulled her back so we were in a spooning position watching the fire.

"Close your eyes," I whispered into her ear. She did so; I hugged her tight and rested my cheek on hers. "In think we're being watched," I breathed into her ear, "when you were taking a bath yesterday I heard a strange noise, just heard it again when you dropped your trousers."

"OK," she whispered back, "do you think this has anything to do with the girl we buried today?"

"Yes," I said, "I think there are cameras in the trees. I reckon this is some kind of sick 'Big Brother' that some fucker is playing on us."

"Thank God," she hissed back at me, "I thought I was getting paranoid." She rolled over and faced me, resting her cheek on mine so our mouths were by the others ear. "Neither of us know how we got here, I can't remember your car crashing down here or Sean's motorbike."

"My watch and my phone bashed up, there's a piece of wood down in the stream that was definitely sawn, and me getting down here after a serious car crash without so much as a scratch or a neck ache." I pulled her closer, "I have the most terrible idea that that girl we buried today was the last person trapped down here, she found something to cut her wrists and did so."

"Oh Harry," she hissed, "What are we going to do?" I hissed something in her ear, she pulled back, smiled and nodded with rather more enthusiasm than I would have thought for in this circumstances.

I checked the fish traps and the snares, nothing; I kept the cheese for tomorrow and other than another cup of hot minty water we both turned in going to sleep hungry for the first time in a couple of days.

"Don't worry Harry," she said, "you get used to it believe me."

I lay there, my stomach rumbling and struggled to find sleep. What the fuck!

It had to have been orchestrated by someone; tame rabbits in the woods of North Yorkshire for Christ's sake, this poor girl driven half mad by hunger and half blindness, stuck here for three months. Three months, how come no one was searching for her? I, with my reckoning, must now be due to start my second day of unauthorised absence from the London Ambulance Service, and my old army buddy must be extremely pissed off that I'd not bothered to show up after all the effort he'd put in.

I thought back to my satnav and where we both remembered our last memories to be off, there was forty miles between both so local searches to find either one of us could be academic.

I didn't have any close family, my job and my shifts meant that I would often not catch up with anyone for two weeks at a time. All I had was me, the stuff in my car and Emma.

Emma; was she part of this? Was she an actress? No, the terrified shaking woman I'd held in my arms those times could not be put on even by the best actress that was for sure. I pulled her into me again and she purred. She rolled over and put lips to mine. A light draft blew across her face and woke her. She smiled, and kissed me. I kissed her back and we undertook a further kissing session as we had that morning and I have to confess it was quite lovely. The side of the tent was up and I was waiting for more water to warm up and the heat of the fire was nice this late.

We fell asleep despite my rumbling stomach.

I woke the next morning, and made more mint tea, and Emma and I lay in our warm bed watching the fire come back to life. It didn't rain but was damp and miserable. Telling Emma to stay where she was I got up and hunted around for something to eat. I grabbed a few of the greens and stuffed them into our Coke tins and we had a kind of mashed up, spring greens, cabbage kind of concoction rescued only by the addition of a couple of boiled sweets from our tin afterwards. It was easy to see how Emma had lost so much weight here.

We stayed local to our tent trying to keep the flap down to keep everything dry. There was some cheese left but this was serious, we might need to ration it out. We drank lots of boiled water but it did little to take away our hunger pangs.

We woke next morning and I needed a pee, after all the water I drunk. I headed back to the tent and got back in. She woke at my disturbance and smiled that wonderful smile of hers at me. She was lying on her back, so I rolled over on my side, and stroked her face, her hair, her neck and she blushed. It was delightful, so I kissed her, all the time keeping our kisses light and tender.

"OK?" I said.

"OK Harry," she whispered back.

Time to find out if our situation was how we read it.

I slid my hand down her front and undid one button on her black shirt and she gasped, I grinned and taking this as a positive a kissed her neck and she purred again pulling my head down further. I kissed more and more flesh and using one hand she undid further buttons until my face was between her breasts. I pushed the light cotton of her shirt so half of her breast flesh was exposed along with her nipples, I looked down at them lifting myself so the firelight would illuminate them. She smiled, and obviously taken by my hesitation she pulled her shirt open and pulled my head down to her breasts and erect nipples. I dipped down to kiss first one then feeling bolder lowered my open mouth over the second and lightly sucking the rigid flesh before me. She trembled and it wasn't because she was cold.

"There," she hissed holding both of my cheeks and turning my face to hers.

"Yes," I whispered smiling at her and rubbing her nice cleavage with my stubbly chin, "I heard it too."

"Welcome to the Big Brother hole..." she said.

We had a nap and slept well, Emma even going so far as to take my place nearest the open side of the tent, taking my hand in sticking it into the still open front of her shirt so I might hold her breasts. At some time as we slept, she pulled the covers over her, but didn't remove my hand.

The sun came up but I couldn't share it's warmth with my companion. She had her own part of the act to play on this warm September morning. The weather almost knew we needed some heat.

"Good morning Harry," she hissed to me, "I've taken rather a liking to this way of waking up."

"No objections from me Em." We snuggled some more and I held her breasts with her hands on mine occasionally adding some pressure.

I got up went for a pee, and figured that there would be something there for us to eat seeing as Emma had exposed her tits and I'd sucked them briefly. And, bugger me, who'd have fucking thought it, there was two more silvery grey trout flapping behind the sticks that Sean had placed across the stream. I reached in and flipped them both out, and quickly dispatched them, breaking their necks as Grandpa had shown me when he first took me fishing.

I got the two tins and filled them up pushing them into the embers and restarting the fire, as Emma rolled over, her boobs still bare.

"I have breakfast!"

"Ooh Harry!" she grinned. I gutted them, cooked them in some of the green leaves, and they were very welcome. We lay together sipping from our hot tins which I'd modified with some surgical tape so we wouldn't burn our lips.

"Fancy some rabbit Harry?"

"I'd love some," I said, "but I've already checked the snares."

She pulled me close kissing me, then kissed along the line of my jaw stopping at my ear, as I'd done the night before.

"I have an idea," she said and told me her plan. I kissed her back and added another idea to it. All of this secretive mouth to ear chatting we were doing just gave way to good old fashioned snogging and we went at it for twenty or so minutes, and I was getting hot under the collar laying across her and between her legs already. She reminded me of our plan, so we had a nap to sleep off our breakfast and our passion.