The Breeding Chamber Ch. 02


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Spliff moved his hands to her thighs and held Madeline tight and she felt his cock bloat and shudder deep inside her rectum and flood her with his spend. The stink of musky semen pervaded the room as he kept jackhammering his cock in and out of Madeline's tight channel, his cum running down her thighs, soaking into her nylons.

Spliff remained hard and kept fucking her and Madeline was grateful that he'd filled her with so much semen to keep her lubricated. Her cock was rock-hard and pushing against the front of her panties and she knew that a single stroke would make it erupt. The feel of the Spliff's big phallus sliding in and out of her ass was quite stimulating and sucking the precum out of Leon's hard rod added to the excitement.

Leon and the Spliff smirked at each other over Madeline's hunched body; then Leon's face screwed up as he felt Madeline tickle his fraenulum with the tip of her tongue while her lips suckled his shaft. He knotted his fingers in her hair and wrenched her face into his groin and shot his second load of semen into her mouth. Madeline slavered at his pulsing penis and greedily swallowed his issue.

This triggered Spliff's second orgasm and he pulled Madeline's soft, panty-clad ass into his groin and he voided himself inside her anus. It took all of Madeline's concentration to try not to come as she pushed pack against the cock in her ass and ground her buttocks into the young fucker's groin. Spliff could feel Madeline's sphincter tighten around his shaft and her anus spasm as she expressed all of his issue.

Leon let go of Madeline's hair and pulled his cock from her mouth with an audible plop and she slipped her tongue out and lapped up the last of his seed from her lips. Spliff pulled out of her anus and a river of spunk dribbled from her stretched sphincter which slowly closed shut, trapping most of his creamy spend in her ass.

"Ok you young uns'. You've had your fun now let a man get to her," Virgil growled.

He pushed the young men, still naked, out into the corridor and threw their clothes and boots out after them and slammed the door shut and locked it.

"Now let's see what you do when a real man fucks you," Virgil growled and Madeline looked at him very meekly.

Susan Solister and Victoria Eglin

"Did you study any history Victoria? What do know about the SARS-X Pandemic?" Susan perched her bottom on the edge of her desk, her face only a two feet from Victoria's.

"All I know about SARS-X is that it is almost always lethal in women; something to do with women having two X chromosomes. A very small percentage of women have a chromosome abnormality that doesn't affect them but makes them immune to SARS-X. They pass this abnormality onto their offspring, so their daughters are also immune," Victoria offered.

"Check out the big brain on Brad," Susan scoffed.

Victoria looked puzzled.

"It comes from a very, very old movie. Other than being repeatedly raped in the breeding chambers, there wasn't much else to do in the Pussy Palace except watch old movies," Susan shook the package of cigarettes at Victoria who took one.

"Then I realised that I was wasting what little life I had so I started doing some research to educate myself. I read about the previous pandemic which they called Covid-19," Susan lit Victoria's cigarette and began her dissertation.

"Way back in June 2020, as the first reports of long Covid began to filter through the medical community, doctors attempting to grapple with this mysterious malaise began to notice an unusual trend. While acute cases of Covid-19 tended to be mostly male and over 50, long Covid sufferers were, by contrast, both relatively young and overwhelmingly female," Susan lit her own cigarette and continued.

"Once a Covid vaccine was developed and the world returned to normal no further research was conducted into why women were more susceptible to the virus. Mostly because men were in charge and it was women who had suffered."

"Viruses rely on a host to survive and replicate. They invade the body of a human or an animal and bind with the host's cells to allow their own genetic material or RNA to enter the cells. The host's own cells read the genetic code and replicate it, making more of the virus. That new virus then leaves the cell in search of another host to infect."

"Sometimes when that genetic code is being translated into proteins, a piece of the code gets changed. This is called a mutation, and they happen frequently. This is how SARS-X actually came into being but the spin doctors put out their own theories to hide their ineptitude."

"When the SARS-X pandemic hit the initial reaction was: 'here-we-go-again it's Covid mark two' and people were lackadaisical and complacent; they'd been through it before and were over the lock-downs, isolation and mask wearing. Then women started dying in their millions and it was too late to do anything about it," but enough with the science lesson.

"With the female population decimated the whole world went crazy and looked for someone to blame. The Chinese were accused of being the root cause of SARS-X because Covid-19 had started in China. Then there were counter allegations blaming the US or Russia for developing the virus for military purposes and letting it escape."

"Sabre rattling eventually gave way to a full-blown world war. Men died in their millions on the battlefields while their women died at home from SARS-X. Fingers hovered over buttons that would release strategic nuclear weapons but thankfully they were never pressed. Battlefield tactical nukes were employed however with devastating results."

"With almost no women left in the world, there suddenly became no reason for nations to fight each other but governments toppled, society disintegrated and law and order ceased to exist. The world was left with only bitter, angry, lonely men who squabbled over the few remaining women and girls," Susan's eyes flashed with intensity as she told her story.

"In the US, the Federal Government fell and the individual states used their National Guards to try to instil law and order and quell the anarchy but the states began to feud and civil wars erupted. Then individual cities broke away from the states. With the world war over and the total breakdown of society and civilisation imminent, Justin Durden was astute enough to see how the future was going to pan out and he had his own vision for the future," The sarcasm in Susan's voice was evident.

"Because of his legacy we live in a safe place and we thrive. We trade with other cities and we have our breeding program. Michael Durden and his father before him have continued to nurture Justin Durden's vision of hope," Victoria Eglin choked on the propaganda that she espoused, but Victoria was not yet ready to reveal what she really knew.

"Your lover Pope Durden and his father and his grandfather before him ruled over a city using force and propaganda to repress and patronise the masses. The citizens of Durden City are content to be housed, clothed, fed and contribute to society so long as they are entertained and their carnal desires are met in the Breeding Chambers and Comfort Rooms," Susan's face flushed with disdain and turned ugly as she spat out her words.

Her dissertation continued.

"Justin Durden was a Colonel in the Texas Army National Guard whose men worshipped him and would do anything for him," Susan's eyes burned with hatred.

"At first with the Governor's permission and then by his own volition he and his emphatically loyal National Guard regiment rounded up all the surviving women and girls both near and far, taking them by force if necessary. He justified this by stating that it was for their own safety during this period of anarchy where it was not unknown for organised gangs of men to snatch up women and girls, killing their husbands and fathers; keeping the women and girls to feed their own carnal desires as they roamed a country where law and order had disintegrated," Susan butted out her cigarette and lit another.

"The way Michael Durden tells it, his grandfather was the saviour of the few remaining women that he collected. He and his men protected them when their husbands and fathers couldn't," Veronica countered.

"Huh!" Susan sneered.

"Three generations of Durden men have ruled what used to be Midland City with the help of their puppet Commission and the City Guard. Justin Durden changed the name of his regiment to the Durden City Guard and secured Midland City's infrastructure and utilities whilst either removing, or in most cases, executing the roaming bands of brigands and scavengers. His men expelled anyone from the city who did not acquiesce to his bidding. They put a temporary wall around the city which was soon followed by a substantial concrete battlement," Susan continued

"The citizenry were happy to toil on public works and live in a place where law and order and a modicum of sanity prevailed. Justin's militia forces roamed far and wide commandeering essentials for what was to become Durden City and of course any women and girls were rounded up and placed in 'protective custody'. Then he and his cronies came up with idea of the Breeding Chambers," Susan's bitterness was emblazoned on her face.

"Then after a while Justin implemented the Comfort Girl program as soon as it became evident that his pool of women could not satisfy the appetites of the male population. At first some of the men were reluctant use the Comfort Girls but they soon became not just a necessity, they became an affordable luxury," the sneer on Susan's face displayed her disgust for Comfort Girls.

"Over a period of time other City States cropped up across the United States; Justin Durden was not the only man with a vision. When the time was right he resurrected the railway line in and out of Durden City and began to trade oil and petroleum for essential commodities with other cities," Susan sighed.

The history lesson was over.

"It's evident that you don't like Michael Durden and you hate the way that Durden City is governed and administered. But why do you have an army of Revolutionaries who are trying to bring it down and why are you telling me all this?" Victoria asked, genuinely inquisitive.

"Because people need to know the truth!" Susan's melancholy turned anger.

"I told you that I was different. Do you know what happens to breeders who are barren?" Susan glared at Victoria.

Victoria stiffened. She knew exactly what happened to the females who were incapable of breeding.

They still served in the breeding chambers. They were useless for breeding purposes but they can still pleasure men and the men who paid their credits to visit the breeding chambers didn't know the difference and likely didn't care. But the barren women had no respite. Breeders were given a year off once they became pregnant. They are pampered during their pregnancy and while they wean their babies and when they return to the chambers they were given contraceptives for the following year to allow them time to fully recover before they became pregnant again.

Infertile women are given no such respite and spend every day of their adult lives lying on the breeding platforms with their legs open; their only hiatus is when they are menstruating. It is a heartless, relentless existence because they were shunned by the fertile breeders and seen as inferior.

"But of course you know. You run the facility," Susan tapped ash into an ashtray.

"Colonel Durden has sole authority over the Breeding Facility," Victoria bristled.

"Of course he does. But you're his bitch. You run the facility on his behalf. You have oversight of the day to day operation. You know as much as he does. Hell; you probably know more," Susan sneered.

"You know all his dirty little secrets. You know that fucker is selling girls for gold and that there will never be enough women to bring normality back to Durden City... whatever normality is," Susan ground out her cigarette and rose from behind her desk and stood imposingly tall and straightened her blouse.

"My grandmother was one of infinitesimal few women who survived SARS-X. My grandfather kept my grandmother safe, hidden away from the militias and the packs of marauders who were looking for women but Justin Durden's men found them. They killed my father and took my grandmother," a single tear rolled down Susan's face and she let it fall on the floor.

"They handed her over to the Commission who were in the process of setting up the breeding chambers and she was one of the very first Breeders," Susan sighed.

"I never knew her of course, or my mother. You know how it works; children are taken away from their mothers as soon as they are weaned. No family bonds. As soon as I was found to be barren I was shunned by the females; even some of the Comfort Girls snubbed me. Those freaks had the cheek to shun me!" Susan shrieked.

"Is that why you hate Comfort Girls? Is that why you told your Major to kill Madeline?" Victoria asked delicately.

"It knows about this place. It knows about me; which means it knows too much! You are useful to me. It is not," Victoria said dismissively, refusing to gender Madeline.

"That makes you just like the people in Durden City that you despise. You've ordered Madeline killed simply because you don't like her kind. She has no control over who she is; she is as much a victim of her upbringing as you were," Victoria tried to get Susan to see reason.

Harlan Cooter

The three City Guards entered the Comfort Palace, pushing their way past security and the long line of men awaiting their turn in the Comfort Rooms.

They broke into the waiting room and found Bethany and Brian who were chatting; Bethany behind her desk at the Trade table and Brian leaning over it flirting with her.

"Fuck off!" the guards pushed Brian away and leaned over the desk menacingly.

"What room is Harlan Cooter in?" the Sergeant growled.

Bethany tapped her keyboard.

"He's in room six," she replied demurely.

The guards stomped down the passageway to Comfort Room six and kicked open the door.

Harlan Cooter was buggering a Comfort Girl who had only just come of age. He was her first and he enjoying the look of shame and discomfort on her face. The girl was pretty and was dressed in a schoolgirl uniform: white blouse, little navy-blue pleated skirt, black holdup stockings and Mary Jane's, her hair in ponytails, her little titties on display because Harlan had ripped open her blouse.

His cock was buried in her tight rectum, a tube of lubricant lying on the bed beside her. Harlan lay on top of her, humping away. The girl might be feeling a little pain but her cock was hard and Harlan had been stroking it through her transparent pink nylon panties while he defiled her.

As a Commissioner, Harlan had unfettered access to the Breeding Chambers but he preferred the company of Comfort Girls and the younger the better. He liked to deflower them. It was a passion of his and as a senior member of the Commission, he made it his business to be informed when the latest batch of Comfort Girls had turned eighteen and were about to be released into the Comfort Rooms so he could take his pick.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing? Do you know who I am?" Harlan sneered at the three City Guards, his cock still buried in the young girl's ass.

The Sergeant said nothing. He drew a blade and whipped it across Harlan's throat. Blood sprayed from Harlan's severed jugular, turning the Comfort Girl's white blouse red. Her throat was cut before she could scream and the two of them lay together on the bed with their limbs entangled, soaking in their own blood.

On the way out the three City Guards took Brian and Bethany into her office and closed the door.

"Three Revolutionaries came in through the rear entrance and burst into the Comfort Palace and killed Commissioner Cooter and the girl he was banging. They made their escape the same way they came in. You hardly saw them; just the carnage they wreaked on the Commissioner and his girl. That's all you know," the Sergeant hissed.

The other two Guards had drawn their pistols and held them to Brian and Bethany's head.

Brian and Bethany nodded their heads emphatically.

The three Guards left the way they had come in and drove away in their Humvee. The Sergeant pulled out his phone and called Pope Durden.

"It's done," he said and broke the connection.

"Who was that?" Silvia Cornish asked.

She was on her knees fellating Pope who was sitting on a couch in Victoria Eglin's room.

"That fucking Harlan Cooter won't be asking any more questions about my breeding program and complaining about the shortage of females any longer. Watch the news tonight and you'll see. Now go back to doing what you do so well and when you've finished you can tell me more about Victoria and what she was up to before the Revolutionaries took her away," Harlan leaned back on the sofa and guided Silvia's pretty face back to his groin.

She took his manhood in her mouth and went back to suckling him. It wasn't as good as eating pussy but she didn't mind it. If she could make Pope cum he wouldn't want to fuck her. Silvia's pussy was still sore from her latest session in the Breeding Chambers.

Madeline Smith and Virgil Benning

Virgil pulled Madeline into his arms and gazed into her pretty face. Even with her makeup ruined and her hair dishevelled she was a true beauty. Her dress was splashed with drying semen, her lipstick was smeared around her lips because she had been sucking cock and she smelled of warm jism, a faint waft of the sewer and an undercurrent of the perfume she had worn to the studio, but it all served to excite Virgil rather than repel him.

He'd been with Comfort Girls many times when he was a City Guard before he had deserted and he was used to having to wait his turn but this was different. He'd let Leon and Spliff take their turn with Madeline first because the Major had given her to all three of them but Virgil knew that the two young uns' were virgins and would slake their desires quickly. Virgil wanted to take his time with her.

He pulled Madeline into his arms and kissed her softly surprising her with his tenderness.

"You are beautiful," he whispered into her ear and nuzzled the lobe.

Madeline felt dirty and detested herself for what she had done. In the Comfort Rooms it was different. The Trade paid their credit and she provided them with pleasure; it was her job, her purpose in being. But she had behaved like a slattern with the two young Revolutionaries in the faint hope that they might spare her and now she was going to do it again. She had sacrificed her dignity.

"I don't feel beautiful in this cum-stained dress; I feel like a whore," she tried to break free but Virgil held her close.

"I know what you're doing and you don't have to. There is no way I'm putting a bullet in you," he whispered.

"The Commander ordered it," Madeline stopped struggling but refused to look Virgil in the eye.

"She is a good woman. She will see reason," Virgil lifted her chin and gazed into Madeline's emerald-green eyes.

"And if she doesn't?" Madeline whispered.

"I will save you," Virgil smiled at her and Madeline couldn't help but return his smile.

This time when he kissed her there was some passion in it and Madeline parted her bruised lips so that Virgil could use his tongue. The kiss was fervid but affectionate; there was a genuine spark between Madeline and Virgil and they both felt it.

"Let me take off this filthy dress," Madeline wriggled free of Virgil and gripped the hem of her dress ready to pull it over her head.

"No. Let me. I like to unwrap my own presents," Virgil smiled down at her and Madeline's heart raced.