The Breeding Chamber Ch. 02


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He was tall, lean, muscled and his skin was pale except for his tanned face and hands. His face was handsome in that craggy way that some men have and his face lit up when he smiled. Madeline found herself becoming attracted to him.

Virgil unzipped Madeline's black mini cocktail dress and let it fall to the floor of the barrack room. She stood in her spiked high heels, dressed only in her shimmering taupe pantyhose with the flimsy red nylon panties worn over them, her generous breasts cupped by the matching brassiere.

Madeline had never been embarrassed by nudity or ashamed of her body before, in fact she was proud of the enhancements that had been done to it and the way she kept herself toned by regular exercise but for some reason she felt vulnerable in front of Virgil and she crossed her arms in front of her breasts and turned her knees inward and lowered her face.

Rather than taunting Madeline, it would be easy to tease a woman who was really nothing more than a whore, about being embarrassed by her nudity, Virgil thought she looked cute.

He stepped into her and kissed her softly, holding her by her shoulders, making no attempt to draw her to him. She let him kiss her and she felt the tenderness of it. Virgil could easily just throw Madeline on the bed and defile her if he chose to do so but he seemed to be genuinely captivated with her and she had to admit that she felt the same about him, even though she had only just met him.

She smiled a little when he kissed the tip of her nose and told her once again that she was beautiful.

She unfolded her arms and draped them around Virgil's neck and kissed him, her body pressing into him ever so lightly. His cock brushed against her flimsy nylon panties and she felt the heat of it but Virgil made no attempt to press it into her. He was deliberately teasing himself, making himself wait until Madeline was ready for him.

Madeline opened her mouth and slipped her tongue into Virgil's mouth and softly pressed her body against his toned flesh. Her nipples hardened as did her cock. She was thankful that it was tucked between her legs because she didn't want to ruin the moment. Virgil placed his hands gently on Madeline's hips and returned the kiss. She felt his cock bloat to full tumescence and press into her pubis, the head of it rubbing on her silky panties. She felt him groan in the back of his throat and he pulled her closer.

Madeline stepped into him and took his hand in hers and guided it to her breasts. He cupped her bosom, feeling the heft of one breast, then the other. Virgil knew that Madeline's breasts and buttocks had been enhanced but it made no difference to him, he was enamoured by her perky bosom, her flat belly and trim waist, her pert buttocks and those long sexy legs. He guessed that Madeline was close to forty, very near his own age, but she had kept her body in very good condition and she was genuinely beautiful.

Virgil lowered his face to her bosom and suckled on her teats, allowing her flimsy brassiere to fall to the floor next to her dress. Madeline moaned when he suckled her nipples, gently nipping them with his teeth, then lapping at them with his tongue and finally taking them into his mouth and sucking on the engorged ripe red berries.

Rings of pleasure radiated from her breasts and Madeline purred and softly ran her fingers through Virgil's hair and guided his lips from teat to teat. His cock was pressed against her belly and she could feel it pulsing and detect the little dribble of pre-ejaculate seeping from the eye.

She lifted Virgil's face away from her breasts so that she could kiss him and this time the kiss was ferociously passionate, tongues intertwining, lips crushing, teeth gnashing as they held each other tight and kissed fervidly. Madeline snaked a hand between their bodies and brushed it against Virgil's cock. The sleekness and heat of it excited her and she trapped it between her legs.

Virgil humped Madeline's nylon-sheathed thighs; the feel of her glossy pantyhose on his sensitive cock was unbelievable. He gripped her panty-clad buttocks, digging his fingers into the flimsy red nylon panties and worked his penis against her legs.

Madeline delighted in the feel of Virgil's engorged manhood pressing against her legs and she kissed him harder and shimmied her body against him. She adored the feel of his hard muscles pressed against her soft feminine flesh.

Virgil slipped his hand between their bodies and pushed his fingers inside her pantyhose where he found her cock, semi-erect, coiled between her legs. He freed it so that it lay flat against her belly inside her silky pantyhose and nylon panties.

Madeline was immediately embarrassed. She knew that some men, most men if she was honest, preferred not to acknowledge that she had a penis and preferred to think that they were making love to a real female.

Comfort Girls could be called by any feminine pronoun but never female. That privilege was bestowed only on cis women: the Breeders.

During the early days when the Breeding and Comfort Girl programs were in their infancy it was proposed that Comfort Girls be given 'designer vaginas' as well as breast and buttock enhancements but the Commission had baulked when the doctors told them that while breast and buttock augmentation surgery was reasonably simple to perform and cheap, vaginoplasty was very expensive, involving complicated surgery with a significant recovery period before the new vagina was useable and they bemoaned the drain on an already overloaded healthcare system.

"Why bother giving them cunts? So long as they look pretty you can just roll em over and fuck em up the ass while you diddle their titties," was Justin Durden's final say in the matter.

Vigil positioned her cock between their bodies so that it was pressing against Madeline's penis through her pantyhose and began to grind as he kissed her. Ripples of intense pleasure emanated through their hard phalluses, stimulated by the warmth of their bodies and the silky, sensuous nylon. They both began to exude pre-seminal fluid and the front of Madeline's pantyhose became saturated with their viscous emissions.

Virgil eased Madeline down onto the bottom bunk and lay on top of her and she wrapped her legs around him, rubbing her nylon-sheathed claves on his flanks; feeling him shudder with the sensuality of it, gasping into her mouth around their fervent kisses. She clung to him; her arms around his neck, feeling his body melded to hers. Madeline had been with hundreds, possibly thousands of men in her lifetime but she had never felt this: she had never felt an emotional connection that she thought might even possibly be love.

She felt Virgil arch his back and realised that he was searching for her anus and she placed her hand down there and guided him to her puckered bud and mewled when he slowly entered her. Despite being recently fucked her anus was tight, but lubricated by the semen from those who had recently used her but Virgil gave that not a single thought.

He looked into Madeline's face and saw the genuine emotion there, the grace, the dignity and more importantly he saw the adoration in her eyes and he smiled at her as he slowly began to fuck her, holding her tight so that he could feel her body against his as his engorged manhood slipped slowly in and out of her tight rectum.

She languidly scratched his back and grazed his flanks with her high heels, not to spur him on, but to enhance the pleasure he was feeling as he fucked her.

Virgil slipped his hand between their bodies and gripped Madeline's hard penis and squeezed it through her pantyhose and then he freed it from the nylon trap and began to stroke it.

"You don't have to do that," Madeline whispered, thinking that Virgil was doing something he didn't really want to but thought he had to.

"Shut up my sweet," Virgil whispered and kissed Madeline softly and then harder and then with all his passion as he began to thrust harder and faster in and out of her, stroking her cock in time with his thrusts.

Madeline was in sensory overload, feeling Virgil's lips on hers, his tongue on her tongue, his flesh on her flesh, his manhood in her anus, his fingers on her penis and finally his cock exploding deep inside her rectum. Her own cock erupted, her hot glutinous semen spattering Virgil's belly, then pooling in her belly button.

The lovers clung to each and shuddered, Madeline's heels twitching and quavering in the air, her arms wrapped around Virgil's body, crushing him to her as an incredible orgasm washed over her, feeling his iron-hard rod quiver deep inside her as his issue fill her rectum.

Virgil breathed in the scent of Madeline's perfume and tasted her sweet breath as they kissed, he felt her breasts pressed against his muscled chest, her gossamer-clad legs scissoring against his tender flesh, her sphincter contracting around his bloated phallus as he pushed himself all the way inside her and exploded. It was bliss. It was heaven.

They lay in each other's arms, not wanting the moment to pass; savouring it, denying the reality of the situation until Major Billy Brody began to pound on the barrack room door.

"Ok Benning; times up. You have your orders," Billy shouted through the door.

"Yes sir, give me a little while please," Virgil shouted back.

"Get it done sergeant!" Billy growled and stomped away.

"What now?" Madeline whispered; her fear evident.

"Don't worry about it. I'm going to fix it or I'm going to leave Freetown and take you with me," Virgil grunted as he dismounted and pulled on his pants.

"They'll never let me go. I've seen too much and Susan hates me," Madeline was crying; she had pulled the thin sheet up around her nearly naked body.

"Well first things first. You can't wear those," Virgil had put on his boots and he kicked out at Madeline's crumpled, semen-stained dress.

"Stay here. Keep the door locked until I return," Virgil kissed Madeline quickly and made for the door.

Madeline leapt from the bunk and wrapped the sheet around her and locked the door behind him.

"Can we go again Sarge, we won't take long," Leon and Spliff were only partially dressed.

"You heard the Major. He told me to get it done, now you two stand guard outside here until I return and don't let anybody go in there," Virgil ordered.

"But she's locked it from the inside," Spliff whined.

"Yeah. Go figure that. Maybe she doesn't want to get raped again by your skinny ass," Virgil retorted.

"It was hardly rape Sarge. She kinda liked it; you saw it," Leon whined.

"She's a fuckin' Comfort Girl you moron. She's programmed to pleasure men and she's trying to save herself. You really think she enjoyed taking on you two peckerwoods?" Virgil tried to make light of it.

"Well either way I sure enjoyed it. It was my first and I want more," Leon replied.

"Next raid into Durden City Leon; you can stop by the Comfort Palace. Now stand guard until I get back," Virgil slapped Leon on the shoulder and strode quickly away.

Leon tried the door as soon as Virgil was out of sight but it was locked.

"Shit!" Leon kicked the wall but didn't try to break down the door.

Virgil returned in little while carrying a knapsack, he knocked on the door and identified himself and Madeline let him in. She sat on the bunk with the sheet wrapped around her. He set down the knapsack and down looked at Madeline sitting forlornly on the bunk unsure of her fate.

"Nothing bad is going to happen to you," Virgil said and leaned down and kissed her.

"That door leads into the ablutions. You can clean yourself up and I have some clean clothes that might fit you. They won't be flattering but they are the best I could rustle up and in the smallest size I could find," Virgil helped Madeline to her feet and led her through the door into the ablutions.

She clutched her purse and her clothing to her.

The ablutions comprised two porcelain urinals, two heads without doors on the stalls and two showers. Virgil produced a dopp kit and a clean bath towel from the knapsack. He locked the external door to the ablutions and left the door adjoining the small barrack room open but left Madeline to her own devices.

"The barrack room, ablutions and mess are provided for those standing watch in the operations room," he explained to Madeline who on the other side of the wall stripping out of her panties and pantyhose.

Madeline realised that Virgil was making small talk to try to keep her mind off the reality of the situation and she smiled at his endeavours to do so as she sat on the head and relieved herself. She turned on the water in one of the shower stalls and ran it until it was as hot as she could stand it and used the soap in the dopp kit to lather herself up and wash her body and her face, trying to keep her hair as dry as possible without a shower cap.

She used the deodorant provided in the dopp kit and then looked at the clothing that Virgil had provided. It was a set of combat fatigues, well used but clean. The underpants were cotton briefs and she smiled to herself as she stepped into them. She had to use her own brassiere of course but it was still reasonably clean. She opened her purse and she took out the eyeliner, mascara, eyeshadow, foundation powder and lipstick that she had taken to the television station to touch up her makeup.

Madeline fixed her face and then doused herself in perfume. She struggled into the tight-fitting camouflage pants and shirt. They were cut for a man of course but they actually looked quite flattering on her because they were so tight. She had to leave the top two buttons of the shirt undone and her tuck was tight in the cotton briefs and polyester-cotton blend slacks.

She sat on the wooden bench adjacent to the showers and put on the thick woollen socks which helped her feet fit into the combat boots which she laced tightly. She brushed her hair and checked herself in the mirror. She was dressed similarly to how Susan Solister looked in the Commander's office but she didn't have the same bearing.

Madeline put on the combat jacket over her shirt and self-consciously crept back into barrack room carrying the knapsack into which she had stuffed her own clothes and her high heels.

Virgil couldn't suppress a smile.

"You are one goddamned sexy trooper," he smirked.

"Fuck off Sergeant Benning," Madeline read Virgil's last name off the linen name bar on his combat jacket.

"You only have to call me sergeant in front of the men. When we are alone you can call me Virgil," Virgil joked and Madeline smiled.

"Now what?" Madeline's fear began to creep back.

She knew what the Commander had ordered her men to do: 'take it into the Badlands and dispose of it'.

"Now comes the difficult part," Madeline shouldered her purse while Virgil shouldered the knapsack.

He led her to door that opened onto the corridor.

"You two can take a hike," Virgil said to Leon and Spliff.

"The Major told us to take her out into the Badlands and dispose of her," Leon looked surprised to see Madeline dressed in combat fatigues.

"Take a hike I said," Virgil barked.

"Hey, sure Sergeant, you can take out the trash. We already had our go," Leon smirked and grasped his compadre by the shoulder and they sauntered away to the mess.

Virgil resisted the impulse to punch Leon in the face and instead led Madeline down the corridor to the Major's office.

Susan Solister and Victoria Eglin

"You got a mouth on you I'll give you that. Why are you defending that tranny fuck toy?" Susan baited Victoria.

"She's done nothing wrong. She was raised the way she was and she knows no different. Madeline was just in the wrong place at the wrong time when your men came to get me," Victoria countered.

Susan Solister waited a beat and just looked Victoria Eglin up and down approvingly. Dressed in her red sheath dress with the side split to show off her legs, matching pumps and black fully-fashioned hold-up stockings Victoria looked attractive despite the manhandling she had endured. Her shoulder-length glossy black mane was tousled from being roughed-up and her makeup was messy but her brilliant green eyes still flashed sexily, enhanced by her smudged black eyeliner and mascara.

It was not unusual for the breeding women to form intimate relationships with each other; after all there was no intimacy, tenderness, attachment or affection in the breeding rooms. The practice was condoned by the overseers of the Breeding Facility providing the relationships did not affect the women's willingness to breed. Victoria herself was in a lesbian relationship with Silvia Cornish and she could sense Susan Solister's hunger and desire for her and she bristled.

"I haven't eaten a pussy since I escaped Durden City; I'm surrounded by men who are loyal but I see how they look at me. Brody shares my bed because I like him and I trust him and he provides me with added security. No one is going to try to enter my bedroom with Brody lying beside me," Susan said giving Victoria appreciative look.

"I reek! I've walked miles through underground sewers beside a river of shit, been dragged through the Badlands and my cunt is full of spunk from some stranger from The Mating Game but if you want to play scissor sisters or eat my pussy you are welcome," Victoria said snarkily.

"I like it when Billy comes to me straight from battle, reeking of sweat, cordite and the blood of my enemies. I won't let him wash until he's made me come at least twice with that horse cock of his. A sweaty clunge full of a stranger's jism sounds like an appetiser that I'm up for," Susan spat back at her.

Victoria backed into the desk as Susan leaned into her and sniffed the hollow of her clavicle. Susan's body was only inches from Victoria and their breathing suddenly became heavy. Susan raised her hand and Victoria flinched, expecting a blow but Susan caressed her cheek, softly drawing her fingertips and manicured red fingernails down Victoria's cheek.

"You smell wonderful," Susan took a deep breath and then she pressed her lips to Victoria's.

Victoria stiffened and kept her mouth closed but she made no attempt to push Susan away and Susan took the gesture as tacit approval to continue. She would have liked to get Victoria out of that dress but this wasn't the place or the time to do so, so instead she pressed her lips harder against Victoria's and slipped her tongue into Victoria's mouth while at the same time she slid her hand inside the slit of Victoria's gown and caressed her thigh.

Victoria gasped as Susan's sweet tongue invaded her mouth and Susan's fingers caressed her thighs. Susan wasted no time, running her fingers up Victoria's thigh like a spider climbing its orbed web, featherlight and deliberate. Victoria gasped again and Susan began to explore Victoria's mouth with her tongue as her fingers drifted across her pudenda, tracing the outline of Victoria's genitalia through her whispy almost transparent panties.

"You're getting wet," Susan broke the kiss and breathed heavily.

"You're stoking my cunt; I'm only human," Victoria looked up into Susan's deep blue eyes as Susan's index finger split her open and found her vulva.

Victoria shuddered as a warm beatific sensation began to spread through her abdomen.

"This isn't your first rodeo with a woman is it?" Susan smiled wickedly and pressed Susan's panties deeper into her cleft and circled her finger.

The stench of vaginal secretions and stale semen wafted from Victoria's crotch.

Victoria thought of Silvia Cornish briefly and then looked Susan Solister right in the eyes, showing no fear. Instead she reached out and unbuckled Susan's belt then unzipped her fly and tugged her fatigue pants down her thighs. Instead of the expected cotton briefs that she expected to find, her fingers found a pair of black satin panties. Victoria slipped her fingers inside Susan's panties and pressed them against Susan's loins. She smiled when Susan hissed.