The Broussard Sisters Ch. 10


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"Hunting's great," Pam said and looked at her reflection in the mirror. "Finding sucks."

"Still no luck, huh?" Candy asked.

"No, damn it, and I don't want to just give up and go work at the factory," Pam stomped her foot.

"Hold still," Bobbi ordered. "And what is wrong with the factory? Mr. Jake and Mr. Bill both work there, you know."

"Same here," Cindy sighed as she entered the room. "There's nothing out there."

"Dress's over there," Bobbi said and playfully swatted Pam's backside. "Get out of that. CAREFULLY."

"Paul's got it so easy," Cindy said as she shimmied into her dress.

"Oh?" Bobbi asked. "How's that?"

"He started his own business," Pam said. "All he's got to do is sit around and wait for somebody to come along."

Bobbi laughed.

"Honey, I'm sure it's a little more complicated than that," Bobbi said and bent to hem Cindy's dress.

"Well, yeah, but..." Pam said.

"Damn it!" Cindy exclaimed. "Pam, that's it!"

"What?" Pam looked at her.

"Pam, I'm not finding anything and I've been all over the place!" Cindy said. "And you're not having any luck either, huh?"

"Well no, but..." Pam said.

"When I applied at that gym in DeGarde, they told me that almost half of their clientele is from Bender and they got a lot of them from Kimble and Flowers too," Cindy said excitedly.

"So?" Pam asked. "I don't want to teach aerobics."

"No, not aerobics," Cindy said. "But you and I know that half the battle of losing weight and staying in shape is diet; these women will need someone to teach them what to cook and how to cook it!"

"Hold still," Bobbi warned.

"Oh my God!" Pam shrieked.

"I know, right?" Cindy shrieked back.

"What about me?" Candy asked, getting excited too.

"You told me, at that school in Ruston, they said that the blind in Poland, they either become watch makers, or cane chairs, or become masseuses, right?" Cindy asked, bubbling, nearly bouncing with excitement.

"Yeah," Candy agreed. "But how's that..."

"Candy, you can go to U.L.D. in DeGarde and take a class in massage therapy," Cindy said.

"Hold still!" Bobbi ordered.

"Touching a bunch of fat sweaty people?" Candy shuddered.

:Oh just wash your hands afterward," Cindy laughed.

"You can practice on me," Pam offered.

"And me," Cindy laughed.

"Uh uh, I'll practice on Paul," Candy said smugly.

The three girls squealed at each other.

"I give up," Bobbie said and put her pins away. "You'll just have to walk down the aisle looking like that."

"I'm sorry, Miss Bobbi," Cindy said and tried to stand still.


Paul smiled as Rebecca shyly stuck her head into his bedroom.

"Hi beautiful," he said. "What you doing?"

"Coming to see you," she said and entered his room.

"Yeah?" he asked and picked her up. "And what you want to see me for?"

"When you and Miss Candy get married, you going to live in a castle?" Rebecca wanted to know,

"A castle?" Paul laughed. "Why would we live in a castle? I'm not a king."

"But you're going to live happily ever after, right?" Rebecca asked.

It made perfect sense to her. To live happily ever after, you needed a castle. In all her stories, that's how it always went.

"And do you live in a castle?" Paul asked her.

"No, silly, I'm not getting married," Rebecca chided him.

"No, but Mom and Dad are married and they're living happily ever after, right?" Paul asked her and delighted her by tossing her on his bed, making her bounce.

"Yeah," she agreed.

"Then it's okay if Miss Candy and I live in a regular old house?" Paul asked her.

"I can come see you, right?" Rebecca wanted to know.

"Absolutely," Paul agreed. "And I bet Jacob will be there too."

"He's my boyfriend," Rebecca confided to Paul.

Paul smiled and kissed his baby sister. He hoped that Jacob was indeed Rebecca's boyfriend and would learn to love the girl for her sweetness and happiness. She looked a lot like her mother. In his eyes and in the eyes of his father, Marie was beautiful, and Rebecca was beautiful, but in the eyes of others, others may not be able to see the beauty that Bob and Paul saw.

"Yeah? He's your boyfriend?" Paul asked her. "You two going to dance at the wedding?"

"Yeah!" she giggled.

"Good," Paul smiled and sent her back out of his room.

His cell phone rang and he smiled; it was Cindy.

"Hey," he said quietly.

"Hey, Pam and I got this great idea and I want to know what you think and we'll all work there and you'll be part owner too, even if you don't work there, you'll be the handy man and you know, fix up what stuff gets broken and..." Cindy said breathlessly.

He made sure to lock the door of his room and unzipped his jeans.

They'd gone to Manny's last night. Afterward, they made him drive them out to the work site, to look at the house.

The frame was up, the roof was nothing but plywood at this time, but the Particleboard was up. From the outside, it was recognizable as a house. Inside, the unknowing eye would not be able to see the individual rooms, would not be able to see the characteristics of the home.

"And this is my kitchen?" Pam asked as she grabbed his hand and pulled him to the room.

"Yes, right over here is the sink," Paul said, pointing out the pipes that stuck out of the concrete foundation.

"This is my room, right?" Pam asked, looking around.

"Right," Paul smiled and listened as Cindy and Candy squealed from the west wing of the house, where the master bedroom and bathroom were.

"Anyone see us?" Pam asked, unzipping her jeans.

"No, they'd have to be peeking in the window, why?" Paul asked, looking at the ceiling joists.

"Cause, I want to break in my kitchen, Pam husked and gripped his cock through his jeans.

"Oh, lovely," Candy huffed as she came upon Paul and Pam grunting. "We're not even married yet and he's already cheating on me."

"Doesn't count," Pam groaned aloud.

"What?" Candy laughed uproariously. "Doesn't count? Why not?"

"'Cause he's in my ass, not my pussy; can't get me pregnant like that," Pam explained.

Pam, you're a mess," Cindy laughed and hugged Candy tightly. "And you, you got room to talk."

"What?" Candy protested.

"Who was just licking who in the bedroom back there?" Cindy asked and kissed Candy, tasting herself on Candy's tongue.

"Aw damn," Paul groaned and shot a heavy stream of his semen into Pam's tight ass.

"Ow, ow, ow!" Pam complained as Paul jerked roughly.

He stroked himself as he listened to Cindy's excited babble, then Pam's equally excited babble, and then his fiancé's babble.

"Well, yeah, we got forty acres; I was planning on dividing it up, doing a few sec houses, you know, but it's already zoned for residential and commercial, so, yeah, putting a gym right there at the corner of nineteen and fifty two would be easy," Paul agreed.

"And I'm going to be giving massages," Candy went on.

"Sounds good to me," Paul agreed. "No 'Happy Endings' to them customers, you hear?"

"Rehearsal dinner's next Friday," Candy reminded him.

"Yeah, yeah, Hashim's already complaining about it," Paul laughed. "You remember to invite Brother Dominick?"

"Oh!" Candy gasped. "Love you, talk with you later!"

He tucked his semi-erect cock back into his jeans.


Elizabeth looked around the apartment. Daphne's taste was beautiful, feminine. The floral patterns were light, airy, really , really brightening up an otherwise drab apartment.

But she didn't feel bright or beautiful.

Work was okay, tedious actually. The new car she'd bought was also nice. But she felt oddly empty inside.

She was lonely.

There was a swimming pool in the complex and she'd put on her bikini and swam around for a while, chatted with the other residents that either swam, or just dangled their legs in the overly chlorinated water. But that had proved fruitless. No one there piqued her interest.

Other than some old guy that had swum a few vigorous laps, rested for a few minutes, then swam very vigorously again. When he took another breather, she said hello and Gordon chatted with her.

Up close, she could see that Gordon Ziegler was older, at least thirty, possibly thirty five years old.

He was polite, even charming, but didn't dawdle. He was out there to do his cardiovascular exercises.

He swam vigorously again, then got out of the pool.

"Ever want a cup of coffee, or an iced tea, I'm in apartment two twelve," he smiled and got out of the pool.

"He makes some strong, kick ass coffee," a bald headed guy agreed.

"It's strong, if you're from Lansing," Gordon teased.

"Yeah, well, up in Lansing we don't normally drink coffee thick enough to paint the walls with," Mike laughed.

"Just don't expect any alcohol," Gordon said. "I don't drink and don't see any reason to supply anyone else with it."

"Just 'cause YOU don't drink, don't mean you got to have such a big stick up your ass about it," Terri, an older blonde that was wearing a swimsuit designed for a much younger woman, a woman without stretch marks or sags, said with as much venom as she could.

"He's really one of the nicest guys I've ever met," Mike said to Elizabeth as she gathered up her stuff and prepared to return to her apartment. "Don't listen to Terri; she's just a bitch 'cause it didn't work out between them."

"I'm thirsty, A coffee sounds pretty damned good to me," she decided and grabbed her purse.

"Hey!" he smiled as he opened his door. "Just got back from work, want some coffee?"

"Work?" Elizabeth asked. "What you do?"

She looked around the apartment. The furniture was heavy, masculine. And the apartment was neat, clean. It also smelled nice; it was not a 'bachelor pad.'

"Computers," he said and poured two mugs of coffee. "What you take in yours?"

"Cream and sugar," she said and watched as he fixed one cup and slid it toward her.

"Try this, see if it's right," he smiled, then fixed his own cup, just putting cream in his. "Used to drink it black, but when I quit smoking, my taste buds changed."

"Perfect," Elizabeth smiled. "Now, what do you do with computers?"

"I assemble them, load software, do some repairs," he smiled and sipped his own coffee. "Want to sit down?"

"Sure," she agreed and sat on the couch.

"Oh, hey, what kind of music you like?" Gordon asked.

"Just about anything, really," Elizabeth answered, thinking about Darren, her loud next-door neighbor.

Gordon pressed a remote control device and Elizabeth smiled widely as The Go-Go's started playing 'Head Over Heels.'

"How's that?" Gordon asked.

"Perfect," Elizabeth answered.

"And what about you?" Gordon asked. "What do you do?"

"Stare at a computer screen all day, try to make sense out of insurance policies," Elizabeth answered and dug out one of her business cards and held it out to him.

"Bet you see all kinds of fun stuff," Gordon said dryly.

He found a business card and of his own and gave it to Elizabeth. She read it; it was a store just a few blocks away. She had driven past it a couple of times, knew exactly where it was.

"Not really," Elizabeth admitted. "I mean, I've only been there a couple of months now, but... Oh, did have one the other day! Woman got drunk, got a huge tattoo on her butt, and now wants us to pay to have it removed. So far, that's the only interesting one I've seen."

"Yeah, been thinking about getting a tattoo on my butt that says 'if you can read this, you're too close,'" Gordon said. "In Braille."

Elizabeth sat and thought about it for a second, then burst out laughing.

"Cute, cute," she agreed and put the card into her wallet.

There was a knock at the door and Gordon smiled and got to his feet. When he opened the door, Mike came in. He seemed very surprised to see Elizabeth sitting there. She smiled in greeting.

"I suppose you're here for your daily shot of caffeine?" Gordon asked as he strode to the kitchen.

"Yeah, yeah, but I can see you're busy," Mike stammered.

""Not really," Gordon said, pouring a mug of coffee for his friend. "Just chatting."

"Dude, let me tell you," Mike said, smiling at Elizabeth. "You got this gorgeous creature sitting in your living room and you're just chatting? Dude, you're a homo!"

"Uh huh," Elizabeth smirked.

"Shut up," Gordon shook his head. "Don't listen to him; Mike thinks it's impossible for a man and a woman to talk for ten minutes without jumping into bed."

"Oh yeah?" Elizabeth smiled. "Well, we've been talking now for what? Eleven minutes, right?"

"Way overdue; I better get out of the way," Mike said. "But I guarantee you, if you were wearing a Catholic schoolgirl uniform..."

"Shut up!" Gordon demanded.

To Elizabeth, he confided, "I went to Saint Thomas Aquinas, In Bender, that's why Mike's picking on me about Catholic School girl uniforms."

"No way!" Elizabeth shrieked. "Me too! That's where I graduated! Class of Oh Two; what about you?"

"Class of Eighty," Gordon said and smiled.

Elizabeth did the math in her head, then looked at him.

"You're over forty years old?" Elizabeth asked, shocked.

He didn't look as if he could be over forty years old. His hair was a dark brown, as was his mustache. There was not a hint of gray in his hair, nor on the hair on his chest, which she'd seen as he swam. His face bore no wrinkles either. His face was square, strong, masculine, youthful looking.

The hair could be dyed, although she didn't think so, but the lack of wrinkles or crow's feet could not be easily manufactured.

"See? See?" Mike teased Gordon. "She thought you were in your seventies or eighties."

"You're such an ass hole," Gordon laughed and drained his coffee cup. "Yep, afraid so; I'm forty four, well, will be in a couple of weeks."

"No, no, I thought you were like, thirty, maybe thirty five," Elizabeth stammered.

"Nope, I'm old, probably old enough to be your daddy," Gordon smiled.

Chapter 96

"Now?" Rebecca asked Miss Candy again.

"No, no, Rebecca, when the music starts," Candy smiled down at the flower girl.

"But when are we going to have the cake?" Rebecca whined.

"Afterward," Cindy smiled down at the girl. "We have to go up and get married, then everyone's going to the hall, and we're going to eat a bunch of good food and then we can have cake."

"We got to do ALL that?" Rebecca asked, dismayed.

"Yeah, but it will be totally worth it," Pam assured the girl. "I made the best cake ever!"

"We ready?" Jake asked, then burst into tears again.

"Your daddy's like the biggest cry-baby in the world," Cindy teased.

"Yeah?" Candy asked. "Seen your daddy lately?"

"The big old puddle sitting out there?" Cindy smiled. "Yeah, I seen him."

"Okay, now," Candy told Rebecca as the music began to swell.


TeddiAnn crowed with delight as Sissy poked her head into her bedroom.

"You came!" TeddiAnn enthused.

"I told you I would, silly," Elizabeth smiled happily and retied TeddiAnn's shoe. "You ready?"

"Yep," TeddiAnn said.

"Okay, here's juice, and some animal crackers, and some clean clothes," Daphne said as she packed a large cloth bag.

"Daphne, we're going to the zoo, not Africa," Elizabeth smiled.

"Well would you rather have it and not need it or need it and not have it?" Daphne huffed.

"You're right," Elizabeth smiled.

As she was sticking TeddiAnn's car seat into the rear of her car, she smiled over her shoulder at the tall red head.

"So, what are you and Dad going to be doing?" she asked.

"Making some real noise," Daphne whispered and laughed out loud at Elizabeth's blush.

"Well, I asked," Elizabeth agreed.

"By, you be a good girl for Sissy," Daphne said and kissed TeddiAnn.

"Bye Momma, I love you," TeddiAnn said as Elizabeth buckled the girl in securely.

Elizabeth felt a small flash of resentment; TeddiAnn should be calling her Momma, not Daphne.

"Just a quick stop," Elizabeth told the girl as she pulled up at the church.

There were several cars in the parking lot, including a limousine.

"Someone's getting married," she said aloud.

"Here comes the bride, here comes the bride," TeddiAnn sang out loud.

His grave was neat; someone had been tending to it. Probably Matt, Teddy's older brother, the one he loved the most.

"I love you," Elizabeth whispered to the headstone. "Baby, I love you; I miss you so much."

She held onto TeddiAnn's hand tightly. She wanted to tell the girl, wanted to tell her, 'Here's your father, here's your real Daddy,' but knew it would do no good, would serve no purpose. It would only confuse the girl.

"Okay, let's go," Elizabeth smiled and picked up Teddy's Daughter.


Elaine leaned happily against Charlie. She loved weddings, loved reliving her own wedding to Charlie. Her 'cousin,' he became her cousin when Mom married Dick Davis looked very handsome in his tuxedo. Candy looked lovely in her white wedding dress.

"Thinking about ours, huh?" Charlie asked.

"Uh huh," she admitted.

"Had a few less kids at ours," he mused and jiggled a slightly fussy Richard.

"Yep," she said and handed Trey another animal cracker.

More of the cracker wound up on the child's clothing than in his mouth.

"I do," Paul said quietly.

"And do you, Candy, take Paul..." Father Gregory repeated.


Her skin was cold. Her face looked so peaceful as she lay next to him.

"Baby, I love you," Bill said and kissed her lips softly, then burst into tears.

Deputy Orville Jackson sighed as they waited for the Medical Examiner to arrive from DeGarde to tell them what they already knew. Beverly 'Sunny' LaCombe was dead, possible drug overdose, judging from the syringe that lay on the bed next to the ravaged looking corpse.

Finally, the car pulled up in front of the motel. The obese man waddled up the flight of stairs, sweating profusely from the exertion. The distaste was evident on his face as he looked around at the surroundings, then examined the corpse, filled out the paperwork, then nodded to the two paramedics that stood around. They loaded Sonny's body onto the gurney, then left the room.

"What now?" Bill asked Deputy Jackson.

"Um, you got friends, family?" Deputy Jackson asked him.

Bill hung his head in shame.


TeddiAnn squealed in delight as the goat drank greedily from the baby bottle. Elizabeth smiled at the girl's happiness.

"Your daughter's lovely," a woman smiled as her own child waited her turn.

"Thanks, but she's my... She's my sister," Elizabeth smiled proudly.

"Mary had a little lamb," TeddiAnn recited as they petted the sheep.

"His fleece was pink and orange and purple and blue, right?" Elizabeth asked.

"No!" TeddiAnn exclaimed. "His fleece was white as snow!"

"Oh!" Elizabeth said. "Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure!" TeddiAnn emphasized. "When we get home, I make Momma read it to you, okay?"


"Daddy, stop please," Candy hissed as Jake sobbed. "We're supposed to be dancing!"

"Your father in law," Bobbi shook her head as she and Paul danced together.

"Uh huh, I think I see a few tears in your eyes there," Paul reminded her.

"Well that's different!" Bobbi laughed. "I'm a girl; it's okay if I cry."

Pam and Cindy seemed to be in a race to see who could get the drunkest the fastest.

Rebecca dragged a less than enthusiastic Jacob onto the dance floor.

"You're my boyfriend, that means you have to dance with me," she ordered.

Bob Robichaux took a few pictures of the flower girl and ring bearer, as did Bill Broussard.

"My turn," Marie demanded of Paul as another song came on.

"I promise, I won't cry as much as Jake," Bob smiled at his new daughter in law.

"Like anyone could?" she laughed and hugged him tightly.

Pam almost fell over as she helped herself to another plate of Hashim's lamb curry. For some reason, Cindy found this hilarious and gave herself a coughing fit as she laughed.
