The Broussard Sisters Ch. 12


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"I didn't..." Judge Monroe babbled, truly frightened now.

"That's right, you didn't., she screamed. "You didn't do what we elected you to do; you didn't do what we expected you to you to do; you didn't do your fucking job. Now, I got to do it for you."

Special Agent Paul Zwylliger pulled up behind Judge Monroe's Mercedes-Benz and opened the car door. He walked to the driver's door of Judge Monroe's Mercedes-Benz, rapped once on the window, and then opened the car door.

"When you finish with him, Ms. Simone, I'd like for you to come with me," Paul said calmly.

"Please, for the love of God help me!" Judge Harold Monroe screamed.

"You've only got two bullets left; make them count," Paul said, clapping his hand over Judge Monroe's mouth

He pulled a pair of panties out of his shirt pocket and dropped them into Judge Monroe's lap.

"Kaitlin's," he said to Judge Monroe. "And..."

He pulled a few strands of blonde hair from his pocket and dropped them on the floor of the car.

"Let her court appointed lawyer get her out of this one," Paul sneered at Judge Monroe.

"Make sure he's dead then come on, Ms. Simone," Paul said to Crystal, then closed the door.

"Help me! Help me, please!" Judge Monroe screamed.

"What you think? Crotch, then head, okay?" Crystal said, squeezing off the two shots.

She got out of the dead man's car and walked to the idling Mercedes-Benz.

"Um, how'd you know my..." she asked as Paul Zwylliger put the car into drive.

"Ms. Simone, we've been watching you for a few months now, ever since you used your grandmother's computer to find Judge Monroe," he smiled "We figured, sooner or later, you'd get tired of waiting by Club Fantastic for the target to show up and would probably go to his house looking for him, right?"

"Yeah, if he hadn't come along by Monday, I was going to..." Crystal admitted, surprised.

"Just the fact that you waited this long tells me you're perfect for the Agency," Paul said and pulled onto I-10, heading west.

"Agency?" Crystal asked.

"Anyway, we were getting ready to move in, bust up their little crystal meth business, but then this little blonde, by the way, take off that ridiculous wig, comes in and starts taking them out, one by one," Paul smiled. "But, we couldn't have you going to his house; he's got it wired for video surveillance and you would have been ID'ed for sure then."

"But how'd you know I that he was going to..." Crystal sputtered.

"Easy; we let his assistant know there were a few subpoenas being filed; one thing a sociopath like that cannot stand is not being in control," Paul smiled. "And, the one place, beside his courtroom that he feels most in control, is beating up on hookers. So, one thing leads to another, and a certain little blonde that's pretending to be a hooker finally gets to meet Judge Harold Monroe."

"What was the deal with the panties?" Crystal asked.

"His daughter's," Paul shrugged. "Daddy's been harboring some pretty strong incestuous feelings about his little girl and she knows it. She's been making sure Daddy catches her fucking her boyfriend as often as she can. Now, it looks like she pushed him a little too far, doesn't it?"


Nicole, her husband Fred, Freddy, Johnny, Sophia, Cristopher Michael, Jamie, and Cindy, Cristopher Michael's baby sister, all crowded into Fred's minivan to drive to Clark's for banana splits.

"Mr. Fred, Jamie says she doesn't want hers, but I can have it," Cristopher Michael called out.

Nuh uh!" Jamie cried. "I did not! Cristopher Michael said I can have his!"

"Nobody's getting anything if y'all don't settle down back there," Fred called out.

"So, Cristopher Michael, Jamie, y'all excited about having a baby brother or sister?" Nicole called out.

"No," Cristopher Michael said.

"Yes ma'am," Jamie answered.


Carlos looked up, just in time to see the fourteen year old boy pull his gun out.

The heat had not let up, even though the sun was dipping behind the horizon.

Heat, meth use, and anger are a deadly combination and those that survived the gun battle decided to take their anger out on the town of Bender.

They piled into their cars and began a night long rampage of shooting at anything and anyone that came within sight.

"Elise, I need you to come in, now, need you to stay and monitor the calls," Dick Davis ordered.

"Dad, I'm supposed to be on patrol in two hours," Elise argued.

"Do not argue with me! Get in here. NOW!" Dick yelled into his cell phone, and then flipped it shut."

Battle gear," he demanded, donning his bullet proof vest.

The other police officers followed suit.

"Fucking knew this shit would happen; it's just too fucking hot out there for them not to act up," he muttered as he grabbed a shotgun out of the rack.


Buddy sat on the edge of the bed, numb. Dee and Sonja had humiliated him, both taking turns jamming a strap on dildo into him, and then making him suck his own semen out of their pussies.

Then, if that had not been bad enough, Sonja had forced him to pull on a pair of her lace panties.

"Damn," she laughed. "I'm jealous, Buddy! They look better on you than they do on me!"

Then she and a giggling Dee had decided that his new name was 'Sissy.'

She was supposed to love him; this did not feel like love. He did love her, was pretty sure he loved her, and knew he would never treat her this poorly.

Just as he was beginning to come out of his mental fog, a nude Sonja walked back into their bedroom.

"Oh, Sissy?" she cooed. "I just took a shit, and guess what? We're out of toilet paper. Why don't you clean me up, huh?"

She lay down on the bed, face down and used her hands to spread her buttocks apart.

"Come on, put that tongue to use," she giggled.

Buddy didn't say anything. He got off of the bed, reached into the bedroom closet, and pulled out his old baseball bat.

Dee walked in, sipping her fifth gin and seven up then stood in shock as Buddy again raised the bat above his wife's bloody body."

What are you doing?" she screamed.

Buddy turned and took a mighty swing, striking Dee squarely on the bridge of her nose.


"Down, down, everybody down!" Fred screamed as he saw the Angel 270 gang members' car drive past, guns blazing.

Both Cristopher Michael and Nicole reached for Sophia. Cristopher Michael managed to pull the girl onto the floor of the mini van just as the rear window of the van shattered inward.

Thankfully, the gang members did not shoot at the van any more, but drove on to find another target. The next target on the path was Early's grocery store.

First, they riddled the front glass windows with bullets, and then Eduardo's cousin decided to toss a Molotov cocktail through the remains of the store front.


"Okay, finally got that...mmph!" Pam said as she walked into the bedroom, but was grabbed by Paul and given a heartfelt kiss.

"Wow!" she said when he finally released his hold on her lips.

"I love you so very much; I'm so grateful you're here," Paul said sincerely.

"I think someone is very overdressed," Cindy said, reaching out to unbutton Pam's blouse.

"Very," Paul echoed.

Cindy heard gunfire and looked out the window. She could also see an orange glow in the twilight sky.

"What's that?" she asked.

"Don't know, but it isn't important," Paul said. "It isn't as important as you, or Pam, or us."

"Jeez, they teach you that sappy stuff at them A.A. meetings?" Cindy teased.

"No, thought of it myself," Paul smiled, moving her long red hair to kiss her neck.

He groaned as Pam bent and took his limp cock into her hot mouth.


"Hey," Bill looked up, surprised when Nadia came into his bedroom.

"Hey, 'Husband,'" she smiled, shrugging out of her robe.

"I um, Elizabeth's here, right?" Bill asked.

"Yeah," Nadia agreed and turned, modeling the white baby doll pajama set.

She picked up the hem, showing him the G-string panties.

"I um, I mean, when Elizabeth's here, um, don't you usually, you know..." Bill stammered.

"We're married, Bill," Nadia smiled, crawling into bed. "THIS is my bed from now on."

"But, um, you and Eli... Nadia, I love you; I don't want you to stop being you," Bill said sincerely.

"I'm not," she whispered, cuddling up to him. "Bill, Honey, I'm not going to stop being me, and me is Mrs. William Jonathon Baggett, wife of Mr. William Jonathon Baggett."

"But, but, you and Elizabeth, you're gay, right?" Bill stammered, even as his cock was responding to Nadia's naked thigh resting across his thigh.

"Bill!" she laughed, a happy bubbling laugh. "Really! If I was gay, would I do this?"

She bent her head down and took the tip of his cock in between her lips and nuzzled it.

"If I was gay, would I beg you to fuck me?" she whispered, sliding the flimsy panties down her slim thighs.

She slid his erection into her pussy and shivered happily.

"Bill, Sweetheart," she smiled, gazing into his eyes. "No, Honey, I'm not gay; I'm...well, if I'm anything, I'm bisexual."

She kissed him softly, and then looked into his eyes again.

"Bill, I'm with people that I love. I don't discriminate; I don't sit there and say 'well, they're a guy; I can't love them,' or 'I can't love her because she's a girl.' That's so silly. Why can't I just love somebody because I love them?"

"Don't know," Bill smiled, hugging her tightly.

"I'm with you because I love you," she continued, wiggling her hips to accommodate his girth.

"And I love you," he admitted.

"I know," she smiled. "And then I find out, you're willing to marry me, even if I was gay? AND adopt my daughter?"

"My daughter," he smiled.

"OUR daughter," she laughed and playfully licked the end of his nose.

"Gross!" he laughed. "I had a big old booger hanging there."

"Not no more," she laughed and sat back.

She untied her pajama top, baring her breasts to his eyes. She smiled as he cupped her breasts. He groaned as she tightened her vaginal muscles around his cock.

"I put my pussy rings back in; can you feel them?" she asked, squeezing his cock again.

"Yeah," he wheezed, dangerously close to coming.

She slowly pushed herself up, until just the head of his cock was nestled in her pussy, and then slid down again.

"Damn, you really fill me up," she sighed.

He wanted to ask, 'better than Elizabeth?' but knew enough about women to keep his mouth shut.

Suddenly, she grunted, clamped her muscles tightly around his cock, and then gave a short bark. He felt his crotch grow wet as she came. His own climax followed almost immediately.

With a kiss, she slid off of him, got out of the bed, and leaned over. She kissed his gasping mouth, then took his cock into her mouth and cleaned him of their juices.

"Be right back," she smiled and skipped out of the bedroom.

She returned a moment later with a warm washcloth, and lovingly cleaned his cock and balls of their juices.

"Why you sleeping in that ratty thing?" Bill asked as Nadia pulled on one of his old tee shirts.

"Because it's yours," Nadia smiled. "It's like having you wrapped around me all night long."

"I mean, you got them, that, um, whatchacallit," Bill said.

"This?" Nadia asked, picking up the baby doll top. "Oh Bill really! Who could ever sleep in one of these things? This isn't for sleeping in; it's for sleeping around!"


Elise found herself being deluged by frantic calls; 911 operators were routing the calls directly to the station. Surprisingly, especially to herself, she was handling the flood of calls calmly and professionally.

"The diner's on fire!"

"They're shooting at us!"

"The grocery store's on fire!"

"Yes ma'am; all available units are being dispatched; please stay inside and please stay calm," Elise said and switched to the next incoming call.

The volunteer fire departments of Kimble, Flowers, and Bender were contacted and given the coordinates of each reported fire and the GPS system showed her who was closest to report to each incoming call.

Dick couldn't help but feel a surge of pride as his step-daughter radioed in.

"Got them," he radioed back to her; having spotted one of the cars speeding toward him.

He did a gutsy, reckless, and illegal maneuver; he cut his lights, and then swerved his cruiser into the oncoming lane.

His airbag deployed, and he did have his seat belt on, but the collision was still a very forceful one and left him dazed for a few moments.

"Damn!" he finally said, then found his shotgun and tried to open his car door.

The impact had twisted the metal, making the door impossible to open.

"Fine, fuckers," he snarled and crawled out of the shattered window.

One of the gang members was sprawled across the hoot of the car, a pool of blood spreading around his body. The driver of the gang members' car stared lifelessly through the shards of the windshield.

"I can't feel my legs," a kid whined from the rear of the car.

"Aw, ain't that a fucking shame," Dick snarled and nudged the bloody body of a fourth boy with the muzzle of the shotgun.

"I can't feel my legs," the boy sobbed out, voice rising in panic.

"Heard you," Dick said and walked around to the other side of the car.

At first, he thought it was just one girl, but then he saw that it was one girl and one boy's body, mangled together.

"One survivor," Dick muttered.

He walked back to his car, shook his head in disbelief that he had managed to escape the wreckage, then reached in and picked up his handset.

"Elise?" he called out.

"Dad?" Elise asked.

"That's 'Sheriff,'" Dick heard at least three of his officers respond into their own handsets.

"Sheriff?" Elise asked.

"Send an ambulance, corner of fifty two and Frontier Trail; need a back board. Automobile accident Victim, one male, approximate age sixteen, can't feel his legs," Dick said.

"Yes sir," Elise said.


Carmen Davis listened to the scanner and fidgeted with a cup of coffee. Every fiber in her body demanded that she pick up the telephone and call her husband and demand that he send their daughter home, where she would be safe. Every fiber in her body demanded that she call her husband and demand that he come home and be safe.

"God damn, I HATE being a cop's wife," she screamed. "And a cop's Mom!"

The telephone rang, jarring her. She grabbed it.

"Hello!" she nearly screamed.

"Hey, um, I um, I got to get ready to go in," Charlie LaPointe, her son in law said. "Um, you, could you come over and watch these brats until Claire gets here? I don't know what happened to her; she's not answering her phone."

"Charlie, are you crazy?" Carmen snapped. "We're in the middle of a riot right now! You can't leave."

"There's a, a WHAT?" Charlie asked.

"You don't hear all them sirens?" Carmen asked, almost incredulous. "That damned gang's out there, shooting at anything that moves; you can't go out in that; you'll get killed!"


Officer Eric Greene sighed as he braced himself to call me his report.

He had nosed up to the Cadillac and forced it off the road. The car had stopped when it struck the sign advertising 'The Best Wings in Bender.'

He had ordered them to stop, had ordered them to drop their weapons. But the four youths, hopped up on meth and adrenaline, had laughed and taunted him.

A warning shot did not stop them but still he held his fire until one of the youths raised his hand.

Three boys and a girl now lay dead on the filthy asphalt parking lot.

From inside their car, he could hear a cell phone ringing.

"Damn it, now I can't reach Claire to tell her not to come," Charlie cursed and hung up.


"Yes, yes, we're all fine," Elizabeth said into her cell phone, looking out the window at the dull orange sky. "No, no, Oscar, you stay where you are; we're fine."

"You sure?" Oscar asked, swallowing nervously as he watched the Channel 12 live report of the riot.

"Yes, Sweetheart, I'm sure," Elizabeth smiled.

"I um, I know that, um, that was just a you know, a courthouse wedding," Oscar said. "But um, Nadia and Bill sure did look happy, you know?"

"Yeah they did," Elizabeth agreed.

"And I um, I mean, it um, it kind of got me thinking, you know," Oscar stammered.

"Oh yeah? Thinking about what?" Elizabeth whispered seductively.

"I mean, um, hey, you want a big old church wedding, or how about we just, you know, go to the courthouse and get married, huh?" Oscar brazened.

"Oscar Grouchie Coutre that has got to be one of the worst proposals in the world!" Elizabeth giggled.

"Well I uh..." Oscar stammered.

"I mean, really! Over the phone?" Elizabeth laughed.

"I hadn't really..." Oscar stammered.

"And the answer is I want a church wedding," Elizabeth laughed happily. "But I would like it to be just a nice, simple church wedding; I want my dad to walk me down the aisle, I want Nadia to be my maid of honor, I mean, nothing too big but something nice, what you think?"

"I think it'd be perfect," Oscar smiled.

"I love you," Elizabeth said quietly.

"Love you too," Oscar said.

The End of 'The Broussard Sisters' series. Also, it is the end of the 'Dee & The Twins' series.

***Author's Note: I write these stories for my pleasure; I post them here for your enjoyment.

Don't like it? Don't read it.

Any and all critiques and comments from 'Anonymous will be deleted. Also, please do not send e-mails (I wish I knew how to turn that option off.) I do not check that particular e-mail account very often and usually delete the e-mails without reading them. I do not read them because, out of the few that I did read, they were so hateful and vengeful that I decided I would not bother myself with them again.

Again, any and all critiques and comments from 'Anonymous' will be deleted.

In an 'Advertising in Mass Media' course I took in college, years and years ago, the instructor said a message had to be repeated three times for it to be retained. So...

Any and all critiques/comments from 'Anonymous' will be deleted.

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AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

This was a well done series and a great ending. You filled in a lot of story lines. Iā€™m expecting a series on Netflix or Disney + , one day. It would be 10 seasons minimum.

5 for story, 5 for series.

russ603russ603about 2 years ago

While the series started our really good, it got too confusing when more people were introduced with the same names of characters already in the series. Last three parts were too confusing to enjoy and the ending was just "meh."

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I've been reading for years on Literotica, not much of a writer but semi decent at editing. I enjoy stories and I enjoyed this series. A soap opera for sure, but enjoyable even with trying to figure out some of the story. :) Took me a few days to read it, don't remember reading any of JimBob44's stories before but I'll be back for more.

For those that can't handle people dieing in the story, how do you handle REAL LIFE?

If/When I ever create an account I'll come back and give another review. Thanks for writing.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Please read before deleting

Hey, I did read your announcement and know it will get deleted but I still wanted you to know that I just finished the whole series in 2 days, and even though it isn't what I usually read on here, I still very much enjoyed it and even had a few tears.

So thank you for sharing

chazz894chazz894about 4 years ago
need more

I'd love to have more on this story does Pam and Paul have kids and what happens to others in the story

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