The Car Mechanic and the Skier Pt. 02

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Divorce is Complicated.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/28/2020
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The evening after our marvelous trip to the mountains, I was tossing in the middle of the night when my mobile chimed. "I miss you."

"OMG, I'm lying here wide awake and wanting you in my arms."

"If you are found in my bed, or my bed is found empty, there will be big trouble."

"I'm not waiting until Wednesday."

"I'm going to make up something about the car needing more work. Meet you at your house at noon?"

"Ok, yes, that will be fine..." I was babbling. She clicked off.

The shop was really busy in the morning and I had to tell Tony a story about meeting someone to talk about work on my house in order to get away.

She was relaxing in the porch rocker. I took the steps in one giant leap and picked her up. Her legs went around my waist and she said, "Better get me inside in a hurry. This is pretty compromising."

I plopped us on the sofa and discovered her bottom was bare as a baby under the flowered dress. She unzipped me as I unhooked her bra. She was hot and ready and jammed all the way down on me in seconds. We played kissyface and she said, "This is truly slutty. Nice girls do not sit this way. They don't stick their tits in your face like this. They don't feel like they are about to explode."

I buried my face in the valley between her breasts and just hugged as hard as I could. She squeezed me and I thrust up in her. She shouted and came, hard. A fresh new load of my juice surged into her quivering cunt.

Our heads together, we panted in relief.

"If I marry you, can we still have forbidden sex at noon?"

I walked us to the bathroom and soaped up a towel. She held her dress up as I worked between her incredible muscular thighs. She grabbed the towel and wiped my floppy dick.

"How come you are beautiful, smart, athletic and like sex? I'm head over heels in love with you."

"And you like my son, too?"

"Yes. Of course. And your sister. And her kids. I want the whole package."

She looked at me, a little teary. "I was wondering how you would feel, down out of the altitude, about being submerged in my family problems."

"I already carried you across the threshold. Do you need more commitment?"

She laid her head on my shoulder and cried. "Eric," she whispered, "you've captured me, and Melanie too. God, I hope this works. If it doesn't, it will destroy us."

Pretty heavy for a noontime quickie, I thought. My grip on her was tight.

"Hey, sometimes you do what feels right. Like letting it all out on the second run when you are one second out of first."

She pulled my head down for a searing kiss. She smiled. "So marrying you is my second run? My let it all hang out run?"

"I hope so. I like the way they hang."

She swatted at me and we went back to work.

My phone rang at five. "What did you do to my sister at noon? She came over here and cried for an hour. Kept telling me they were happy tears."

"We had a tender moment."

"I'll say. What about coming here for dinner? Ray's gone again and the kids would love to see you."

"I'll come and bring wine, but you have to tell Kate."

"Fine. Maybe she can get loose."

The Volvo and my truck arrived together. Kate and Robbie and I walked into instant pandemonium. "Eric, Eric," Kevin shouted, "did you bring a game for us?"

In my plastic sack were three game consoles. I spent a few minutes on the floor, and had three gamers going.

Melanie handed me a glass of the wine I brought. "My god, Eric, fancy chardonnay for us and consoles for the kids. Give me a kiss."

We put our glasses down and she gave me the full body treatment. Kate moved into our arms and whispered, "I'm supposed to say 'get a room.' "

I pinched their hard behinds and we went to finish fixing dinner. Kate said in a low voice that her sister could hear, "She wants the same treatment I got at noon."

Mely looked at us from under her eyelashes and nodded. I noticed she had makeup on, and a too nice dress for dinner at home.

Kate continued, "After dinner, I'm going to watch the kids and the two of you are going to your house for exactly forty-three minutes. That's how much time we had at noon. She gets equal treatment."

Another sidelong look and a wiggle of her ass. She had stockings and low heels on too. My god.

The beef stroganoff was super. Karen said, "Mom, why ruin good meat by putting sour cream on it? I thought that was just for berries?"

I pulled her braids and she screeched. "Karen, sometime, not at the dinner table, I will tell you a story about spicy sauces on meat."

Melanie was riding in the pickup for the first time. "This is nice. Do all your women friends like riding up here like this?"

She had always been a big tease and still was. "I torture women who tease. Tie them up and put little red lines on all their private places."

"Ohh, I don't like the sound of that. You're not in high school now. You might be serious." She reached out for my hand. "Have you ever tied a woman up and beat her?"

"No. Beating up women is sick. But sometimes a woman lets her rape fantasy get loose and wants rough sex. Do you have a rape fantasy?"

We walked up to my front door and I pulled her in tight for a tender kiss. She took my hand and led us upstairs to my bedroom in the old house. She turned the night light on and disrobed in semi-darkness. She wasn't talking but her body was sending messages. She got down to her bra and panties and started working on me. I unhooked the bra and ran my fingers from back to front. Her breasts were stiff and the nipples hard. I guessed I had an aroused woman in my hands, probably for more than one reason. I trailed a hand down her belly and located a warm wet place.

I whispered in her ear. "We could doublecross Kate. You could call and say you are tied down and I'm not letting you loose until morning."

She moved her hips forward to get my finger farther into her.

"You mean this is domination sex and I'm the sub?"

"Take it or leave it."

She growled and pushed me onto the bed. She stepped back, hissed, and took a running leap into my arms. We rolled over and over, cussing and swearing. She had a lousy cheating husband in her brain, and it was my job to suck some of that poison out.

"Useless fucker, you're not even going to take me, are you?"

We wrestled around, with Melanie pounding and scratching. Finally, as she was tiring, I maneuvered us into missionary and plunged hard, letting my full weight fall on her.

In my lowest, huskiest voice, I said, "You're mine, Melanie, God damn it, and I'm not letting you go." Two more strokes and she was coming violently. I flipped us over and she put her head down on my chest, crying and pounding on me at the same time. My big hands were holding her ass firmly on my cock. She was still shaking and spasming on me. I covered us with a blanket.

Her breathing slowed and she said, in a normal voice, "I would so like to stay here in your arms tonight." I was still hard and she wiggled on me. I did a gentle drumbeat on her tough globes.

"But," I said for her, "my sister is an angel and I wouldn't pull a dumb trick like that on her."

She licked my nose and said, very quietly, "Yes, my sister is an angel."

I added, "And I have two of the nicest kids around that like Eric a lot."

I added more, "And he just asked if he could stay the night in my bed with me and Kate."

She sat up and pounded on my chest. "Fuck me good and take me home."

I did. She yelled and screamed and came like crazy. She clung to me all the way back, smiling about the bench seat in the old pickup. Before we got out, she stuffed her tongue down my throat one more time and said, "Don't stop being such a fun lover. Please." Her eyes were bright and her fingers were trying to get me hard.

Back to pandemonium city. Daddy got to be in the middle of the sofa where three different bodies could work on him. I sat there and realized how much of a kid's world was discovery, and how important moms and dads were. I got the high sign, and put the lock on all three. "Karen, what time is it?


"What does that mean?"

"Brush our teeth and get ready for bed."

"If you do that lickety split, I'll read some of the hobbit story to you."

As soon as they disappeared, two more bodies landed on me. I grabbed them for kisses in my lap and said, "Let's take a minute and all read to them. Each of us can do a separate character."

The three of us sat on the floor in the kid's bedroom, with everyone tucked in. I held the book and did narration, while the sweet high voices of the women did the characters. I loved it and drew my two lovers in close. Ten minutes and all eyes were shut. We tiptoed out.

Clustered around cups of tea in the kitchen, they nuzzled me and I rubbed around their backs and on their boobs. Kate said, "We were our own audio book. That was nice."

Melanie added, "Very nice, we have to do more of that. Which means we have to spend more nights together."

Melanie found some brandy and poured a slug in the cups. "Sis, he wrestled me down and speared into me and said I was his and he wasn't letting me go."

Kate licked the side of my face and said, "He does things like that. Do you believe him? He's just a dumb auto mechanic."

I kissed her and rubbed the tip of the breast I had in my hand.

It wasn't even much after nine, but we got in bed anyway. I thought about reading but a warm naked body on each side was very distracting. Kate said, "You got us both today. Do you need more?"

I mumbled, "The male always needs more," and closed my eyes. Melanie turned out the light and it was the end to a special day.

I turned over in the night and could tell the body I was holding was awake. "What are you thinking about?"


She wiggled her ass into me and I caressed the left boob. "What about me?"

Another voice said, "Yeah, what about him."

We were all awake and doing the cat thing again. It was cozy and nice.

"He has a job and we don't."

"We're raising kids. What's wrong with that?"

"I don't know. He's holding me and my brain just turns to mush when he does that."

"I have an idea, get over here on top of me."

"That's better. Now he can take turns and we'll see who gets off first. First one to come makes breakfast."

Melanie's sweet curvy ass was just beneath me and my cock was finding its way inwards.

"Oooh, yes. Yes, yes, yes."

I whispered, "I'll be back." The next set of hips below were thinner, sharper, and heaving up to get to my hard tool.

"Oh, that is good. More, harder, deeper."

For ten minutes, I took care of both of them. They wiggled and shook and were so fired up that when I was driving into Melanie on top, Kate was getting off below.

I finally gave a loud grunt and sprayed both of them. Equal treatment, for sure. I collapsed backward, panting. They got up and pulled me up. "Fucker, you've made a fine mess."

Melanie's shower was never intended for three, but we soaped each other up, kissing and biting and swearing dire sexual threats.

Mely found us robes and we sat together tightly in the kitchen sipping very hot tea.

I kept my hands busy in their hair and said, quietly, "How did that get so out of control?"

They leaned into me, shaking and laughing. Kate kissed me, "Because you have a big cock that drives us crazy."

I told them to grab the cups, put one on each hip and walked us back to bed.

They shrugged out of the robes and did more cat behavior. I put my back against the headboard and watched them, sipping my tea. What I was seeing was two driven women letting it all go after good sex. Pounding, rolling, kissing, hissing.

They crawled into my lap and gnawed on me, taking little bites here and there. I worked on the necks and shoulders, and made passes at their tits. Kate reached over and turned out the light. They pulled me down under the blanket with them. "That was SO hot!"

"How come the dumb auto mechanic is getting such good treatment?"

A voice said at my ear, "We can't figure it out, but it sure is nice."

The sun and small feet were on us.

"Get up, get up, it's late. You can't hide under there."

Karen was licking us, Robbie and Kevin were saying "Ewww." I grabbed her and swatted the flannel covered behind. "You kids are mistreating the grownups. I'm going to report you."

Kevin and Robbie looked worried, Karen went back to walking on us.

Mely said to Kate, "What do you think, sis, a month's worth of dishwashing duty?"

With shrieks, they disappeared. The two girls in my neighborhood sat up and kissed me. "That was so naughty. Mother would not approve."

Kate leapt out of bed and looked for her underwear. With a top and jeans on, she went to do breakfast, carefully closing the door behind her.

Mely straddled me, stroking my erection gently. "Your number one girlfriend is awfully nice letting me hang out with you."

"I think I have two number ones."

"Really? A dumb broad with two kids and a cheating husband?"

She was looking down, watching my cock disappear inside her. I pulled her lips to mine and kissed her hard. "Don't put yourself down, Mely. She was a stuck up star in high school and college, but she's over that now. She knows how life doesn't always treat you well."

Mely had her head on my shoulder, sniffling. She whispered, "When your arms are around me, and I've got you buried in me, it seems like my problems are under control."

"He makes me feel the same way." Kate was holding out cups of coffee and sitting on the edge of the bed.

She pulled my hair and said, "Ok, serious talk. What about housing and what about Ray?"

Mely climbed off me, found some briefs, picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"Ray, what's going on, you said you thought you would be back today."

"Look Ray, I know you're in bed with some cutie. I don't care anymore. I want you out of this house and I want a divorce."

After a lot of noise from the other end of the line, she said, "Hey, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. Family court comes down hard on adultery. If the lawyers get into this, you're going to be seriously poor, sitting on the wrong end of a wage garnishment. I want you and all of your stuff out of this house by the weekend, and I want a $500 child support check every month on time. Now, get out of that cutie and go to work. You need the money."

Kate's eyes were bugged out and her hand was over her mouth. "How the hell did you do that?"

Mely fell back across the bed and panted. "Romeo here told me we are both his number one girl, and he felt so good in there, and it came to me that if I wanted more, Ray had to get out of my life." She gave a nervous giggle and put her head in Kate's lap.

I grabbed some clothes and went to the shower. I was late for work. They gave me a piece of toast and kisses and I was gone.

Fortunately, there were a lot of jobs at the shop and I didn't have time to think about all the hot loving I was getting. Just before noon, Tony handed me the phone and it was Kate. "We're at your house with lunch. We are here for serious talk, not a nooner. Get your butt up the hill."

We sat around the table in my parent's sunny kitchen. Everything was thirty years out of date. I'd grown up in this room and it was like an old shoe.

"We were wondering, just wondering, if you would consider having your harem and kids live here."

Quiet munching for a while. "Needs work."

I stared at them. They took another bite and stared back. Kate said, "We're handy."

"The kids would like the yard. I could build a swing."

"We could plant new roses and grow tomatoes."

"That big bed upstairs is like a gravel pit."

Mely said, "I think he had a girl in it and got a lot of pushback."

Kate said, "I want to buy the new bed."

Mely said, "She's just funning you. We haven't talked about the hot tub and the new shower."

"Sounds like I've acquired expensive girlfriends. Two of them."

Kate said, "You don't have to buy new flooring if you sand these and let us buy oriental rugs. I know a merchant in Geneva who will give us a good deal."

Mely rolled her eyes and came over to comfort me. "That's all right, don't cry."

Kate took the other side and they pulled my hair back and forth.

They said, "please," together like they had practiced.

I had them around the waist, kissing the bottom of impressive boobs.

I stood. "Thanks for the nice lunch," and turned for the door. I was halfway there when they tackled high low and I was on the hard floor with two bodies beating and kissing me.

"Pretty please!"

I stared at them. "I already said it was the best idea I've heard in years."

"You louse! You are teasing us again! You be careful or we will cut back on your pussy ration."

There was wiggling and kissing and I got up. I pulled them in and kissed noses. "My pussy ration, eh? I'll have to remember that."

I had a real glow on, driving back to the shop.

It was six o'clock and I was cleaning and stowing tools when a warm hip came up against mine. "We have to stay away from Mely's place for a few days. He's dumb enough to hire a detective to poke around."

"It's not a good idea to leave her alone there with the kids."

Tony came up to say he was shoving off for the day. "That's a pretty dress, Miss Kate. The boss is a new man since he started going out with you."

Kate did a full blush and said, "Why Tony, that is so nice of you to say. Eric and I are real happy with each other." She leaned up and kissed me full on in front of Tony.

"Whew! That's hot, I'm leaving!"

"Mely and I talked about the home alone thing while we shopped, and she doesn't think it is a good idea either. And she can't lock him out, he is supposed to show up to get his things."

She kept going, "We hope you won't be mad. Staley's Furniture delivered beds for the kids and us about an hour ago. I've got sacks of bedding and towels and stuff in the Volvo."

I got a lock on her and rubbed boobs into my chest. I kissed around her head and ended up on the warm tender welcoming lips. "So you need a male to help set up camp in the old house, is that it?"

"You said in the mountains that you liked camping with us."

I closed up and we walked out together.

There was a giant pile of cardboard on the front porch but the lights were on inside. Mely had a fire going in the kitchen woodstove to take the chill off. There were cartons of takeout on the counter.

I looked around, "Unpack first or eat first?

"The kids are dying to see their new beds. Let's do them now and feed them. Grownups get a beer to help with the heavy lifting." She tipped her face up for a quick kiss.

"You've been kissing the other woman. I can taste her lipstick."

I swallowed a big gulp of beer and told the kids to come help.

With the three of them on one end and me on the other, we got three twin beds upstairs. Kate and Mely had swept out one of the bedrooms and told me the kids were not having any of separate bedrooms. I told them to help the moms while I worked on the grownup bed.

It was a nice queen, with boxspring and a stained wood platform to go underneath. This time it was two women and me heaving it up the stairs and into the front bedroom. When you have the incentive of setting up the bed you are going to sleep in with two luscious females, the job seems easier.

The old microwave actually worked and we sat around the table with steaming plates of noodles and other good things.

"Gee, Eric, when you said we could go camping again, we didn't know it was going to be so soon!"

"Yeah, and we don't have to sleep on the ground!"

"And there is a real toilet!" Karen, like other women, didn't enjoy squatting in the weeds.

She said, "Mom, are we going to live here?"

"I'm not sure honey, Kate and Eric and I are talking about it. Your dad is moving out of the other house and it might get sold. Do you think you and Kevin would like it here?"