The Change


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There's a huge wooded park about a mile away from our house and we walk there, holding hands. A few older people on the other side of the street smile at us and we wave to them. It's getting slightly darker as night approaches but the sun is still out. Anyway, we could both see perfectly well in pitch black if we had to do it.

Sarah admires the acreage of forest in the park. "Wow, shit. I had no idea this park was here." The smell of wet trees and grass surrounds us and it invigorates me. I'm excited for some reason and I feel overly happy - like a puppy getting away from its mother for the first time and wanting to run and play. I've run around here before and haven't felt like this so it's a new experience. "Let's go! Let's go!" I tell her. She's grinning and I know she's feeling the same as me.

Even though I remember running in the mall I'm still amazed at how fast we are. It's hard to judge since the few cars driving the woods are only going about 10 miles per hour but with a push we're running past them. If we push hard the trees blur and we stir up piles of leaves as we pass. We're careful to only do this when there's nobody around. There are a few other people jogging beside us but not many as it gets later. The other joggers are breathing hard but we're talking and laughing with each other as we pass them.

I feel like I could run for days. With every step I feel the muscles in my thighs and calves tighten and release like a well oiled machine. My toes splay out and grab the ground through my shoes before releasing. I notice my running pattern is different - I land on my toes, followed an instant later with the ball of my foot and then my heel for a brief period before launching myself forward.

The wind whips around me. I take huge mouthfuls of the cool air. My eyes are drawn to the trees and I keep wondering what it'd feel like to run through them. I feel like a free runner drooling over the packed buildings of some huge, sprawling city. What would it be like? I'd have to think about each step and use the trees around me as hand holds. I find myself wondering what's hiding out there and I can smell and hear hundreds of small animals - probably mostly raccoons and birds.

The road is dull, flat and boring in comparison.

What decides the matter is a smell that's suddenly in the air. It makes my mouth water. It's spicy and heavy in the air like some exotic harem tent from an old Mediterranean tale. My nose flares and I stop running. Sarah stops beside me. She almost asks me what I'm doing but then the scent hits her, too. "What in the world is that?" She asks. Her eyes are slightly dreamy.

"I'm going to find out." I tell her before sprinting in the direction of the scent. The fastest path is through the woods.

It is different running through the woods but a large part of me is ready for it. I watch the path ahead of me and my foot tests the ground each time it lands. Sarah is slightly faster than me and I chase after her. She leaps over fallen tree trunks and pushes herself off of tall thick trees with her hands. She's laughing into the wind as she runs and she's taking a zigzag path so she has more time to enjoy the forest. I'm just a few feet behind her.

I admire the flex of her legs and the way her ass moves in the shorts. Sarah grabs onto one tree and anchors herself with her black claws. I don't stop to wonder why her fingernails are changed. She bunches up her legs and pushes herself hard forward. Now I get where the saying "poetry in motion" comes from as I watch it in slow motion. The way she tucks her legs in and how her calf muscles bulge and strain for release before she kicks is amazing. The tree splinters at the base as she flies.

She lands in a flurry of leaves and then hunkers down on all fours. The smell is very strong now - perhaps 50 feet away. I creep more quietly up to Sarah and, without looking at me, she takes the lead. We move slowly and silently. I can feel the pads on my hands and my claws dig into the rich earth. My feet are cramped in the shoes and I feel the roughness of the bottom of my feet in them. I didn't make any conscious effort to change anything but I trust my body more and more. The loudest noise we make is the sound of leaves rubbing against each other occasionally. I let my arms and legs choose where to go rather than try to do it myself.


A short distance later we find the source of the wonderful smell - there's a somewhat short black woman doing stretches against a tree. Sarah and I position ourselves at the edge of a dead tree and watch as she performs a series of leg and upper body stretches. She's wearing a tight black outfit that goes down to her calves. It's form fitting and I follow the lines of her body with my eyes. She's got a nice set of hips that flare out into a good sized ass. It's heart shaped and exercise won't ever make it go away completely.

Her breasts are constrained in the sports bra she's wearing. I'm guessing they're a good C-cup. She's gorgeous and has her thick, black hair pulled back into a loose ponytail at the top of her shoulders. She's got on dark red lipstick and a light flowery perfume. The perfume is not the source of the spicy smell from earlier - it's the woman herself.

In the middle of a stretch, she suddenly stops and looks around. Neither of us made a noise and we didn't hear anything but we hold our breath. She looks around a little more and then finishes stretching with the heel of her foot against the tree trunk. She has nice, defined calf muscles and I expect she jogs every day to keep in shape. Her thighs are solid and large for her size.

When she's done with the stretch she clears out a small area around her tree and digs in a small backpack at her feet. She picks out a thin book and sits against the tree.

Sarah touches me and crawls off to the right. We both circle around to get out of the lady's line of sight. We get about 15 feet away before we stop again. What was a simple exotic smell earlier is now intoxicating. I breathe deeply and my dick stirs. Sarah's almost panting beside me. I'm hard and it's painful in these old shorts. We're at the side of the woman and I watch in excitement as she puts her hand on her chest and closes her eyes. I smell something other than the spices -- the woman is getting turned on. She glances around furtively and then tosses her book beside her before biting her lip in frustration. It's a cute gesture.

She closes her eyes, dips her hand into the front of her tight shorts and down into her panties. I can smell her sweat and pussy juice mingling. The woman's breath catches and she fondles herself with her other hand.

Sarah groans quietly. "Something..." she takes four quick breaths. "Something's not right. I..." she doesn't finish the sentence but instead grunts in pain.

The beast in me stirs and suddenly I want to feel the other woman naked against me. I stand and walk towards her, abandoning all stealth. My cock is a huge bulge in the front of my shorts. Sarah reaches for me but then stands and leans against a tree. "Wait..." she gasps.

I'm standing in front of the woman before she sees me. Her eyes fly open and she lets out a short shriek. Her hands fly out of her pants and off of her chest. "Wh... who... Who are you?! What do you want?!" she demands of me. I can smell her excitement and I get down on my hands on knees. The woman is still sitting but pushes herself back against the trees with her knees up.

She's terrified but also dripping wet. She covers her breasts with her hands and closes her knees together but forgets that with the way she's sitting she's showing me her soaked, engorged pussy lips through her pants. I slink towards her on my hands and knees. She's watching me and her eyes are wide. I hear Sarah behind me and it sounds like she's in pain.

I'm a foot away from the woman but she hasn't moved. Her voice is high with... desire and a bit of shock and she's breathing fast. "Wha... what do you want?! Stop!" But she's not as loud as she was earlier and she's not trying to get away. She's trembling but I don't think it's entirely out of fear.

I crawl the rest of the way and the woman is still not moving. I steal a glance at her and her eyes are losing focus. I can feel the warmth from her pussy at this distance. She tries speaking again "Wha... what's happening?"

I put my head down and rub my nose against her crotch. "Ohhhhh gooooooddd!" the woman moans. She almost reaches for my head but her hands go back to her chest. My nose comes away wet from her juices, even through her pants. I lick my nose and my tongue reaches. "Nooooo..." the woman moans again. I kneel and put a hand on each of her knees. She resists but only barely. I spread them apart, almost flat. Her eyes are closed and she's slowly shaking her head back and forth. The muscles in her neck are standing out as she tenses.

I bring my head down and gently bite the wet fabric of her shorts. This time the woman does bring her hands down and she grabs my hair. "Ohhhhhh. Don.... Don't..." she moans again. My canine teeth tear small holes in the tight fabric. I feel my body straining against my clothes and I know I'm changing.

Behind me, Sarah is kneeling with her hands in front of her on the ground. She's panting and her long tongue is hanging out of her mouth. "What's happening? I don't... I didn't... I can't stop this..." She's almost lisping because her tongue is too large for her mouth.

She gasps and a hole rips opens in the right side of her shorts. Fine brown hair sprouts wildly out through the opening. Her shoes make a leathery creak against the strain. The tips of her shoes perforate and black claws push through the holes. The shoes explode at the sides, just above the sole and the tops of the shoes land several feet away. Her toes expand inches and dig into the dirt.

Sarah leans forward on her toes and hands. The skin is thickening on her feet and palms while turning black. The muscles on her forearm bulge and fur cascades down her shoulders to the tips of her fingers. She's straining in this position. Straining to get out of her clothes. The other side of her shorts rip and dark fur is already showing through. A bump appears at the base of her spine and grows larger quickly, pushing her shorts down slightly as it does. Long, brown fur is growing out from her tail and up to the small of her back.

The rip in the right of her shorts expands and almost breaks completely. The thick brown fur is almost indistinguishable from the color of the shorts in this light. Sarah's making a moaning noise that sounds like "Mrrrroooooohhhhh." The hair on the base of her spine thickens and begins creeping up her back. Her trapezius muscles flex and thicken. Her tits are expanding and stretching the shirt beyond anything it was designed for. The nipples widen and grow slightly; she's rock hard. A loud tearing sound signifies the impending loss of her shirt as the spandex breaks. The tear begins at the top of her back as the fur expands to her neck. The muscles in her back rip the shirt the rest of the way and it hangs loosely below her.

The middle of her back is dark from fur. Fine hairs are spreading out to her sides and then thickening. The tips of her ears poke through the sides of her hair. She pulls her head back and the bones in her face crunch as it expands. Her tongue is already too long for her mouth but is slowly pulled into place as her face shifts out. Her nose flattens and turns black with a pebbled texture. Her lips thicken and go black. When her muzle is complete she lets out a slow "Rrrrrrrrraaaaaa" sound and shakes her head.

Her crotch is covered in thick tufts of brown fur and a line of hair grows from her crotch up to her throat. The line spreads and then grows out to her sides and up her breasts. Pussy juice drips slow and thick to the ground. The muscles in her shoulders flex and the tattered remains of her shirt falls to the ground below her. Her shorts are somehow defying the laws of physics and staying on.

Sarah stretches luxuriously from her shoulders to her back to her ass and finally legs and toes. She shakes her ass and her tail wags back and forth with the motion. She stands, rips off the rest of her shorts and roars. She looks at the woman in front of me and her nostrils flare as she takes in her scent.

The woman's eyes are closed and she doesn't see any of this. She has a firm grip in my hair and she's moaning. I lick her from the bottom of her ass cheeks to the mound of her pussy and my rough tongue drags her pants over her pussy lips. "Ohh god. Ohhhhhhh Jeeeeesus." she moans. My tongue comes away more wet than before.

I dig my fingers into the band of her pants and pull them apart. She jerks and her eyes fly open. She sees Sarah standing behind me and there's a spike in her heart rate but she's too out of it to care much. She's shaved and her skin is slimy from her pussy juice. She reaches down to play with herself but I pull her hand away.

My pants rip and I know by the itching over my body that I'm growing fur. I can feel a tugging in my back and my balance shifts as the tail grows. My nose burns as my mouth grows.

I've never slept with a black woman. I'm a firm believer that every culture has beautiful women but I just never had the opportunity or the guts to ask any black women to go out with me. And she is beautiful. Sarah's pussy lips are pulled more into her body but this woman's lips are puffier and she's engorged because of her desire. Her chest is heaving and it takes me a moment to realize she's talking. "Please... please... please..." she's saying over and over. She keeps trying to move her hand down to her cunt but I hold it in place and she makes a small frustrated cry. Her other hand is massaging her tit through her shirt.

I lean down with my muzzle and stick my tongue out. The tip of it brushes the ground and then dips up between her ass cheeks as I slowly bring it up her pussy to her clit. She shrieks and bucks her hips up into me. I can feel her ass shaking under my fingertips. Her hands tighten on my hair and she's got the tip of my elongated left ear between the fingers of her right hand. I push her hips back down and hold her with ease. She's trying to ask for more but she can't talk. I bring my tongue down again and lick between her hot pussy lips. She tries to push up again with her hips but it's impossible for her. Instead, she reaches her legs around and hooks them against me. Her shoes feel rough on my skin and the rubber soles pull on my fur.

I lean in again and push my tongue into her a good three inches. The woman screams out an "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" and grabs the tree behind her. I push in and out and up and down and bend my tongue so the back part rubs against her clit. Her voice goes hoarse screaming in pleasure. I don't care if there's anyone around to hear her.

Sarah crouches beside me and licks the side of my face. She's got one hand in her pussy and she's fingering herself. I pick my head up and lick her muzzle and throat. I keep my right hand on the woman in front of me and I bring my other hand around to Sarah's ass. She pushes it out for me. I rub my fingers around her crotch to get them wet and then pull her right ass cheek. I rub her asshole with my middle finger. She growls and pushes against my hand. My finger is slick with her juices and I push it into her. She goes down on her hands and knees and makes a sound like a quiet howl. She automatically brings her ass up in the air for me. My fingers are like sausages when I'm changed but I fit another finger into her and fuck her ass with them. She brings a hand back to her pussy and rubs herself.

I feel a hand on my muzzle and turn to see the black woman. Her eyes are unfocused but she's talking, "H... Hey. Hey. H..." I keep my fingers sliding in and out of Sarah but put my mouth down again. I bite the woman's inner thigh muscle and blood wells up around my teeth. She bucks again and cries out, "Ohh! Yes! Yeees!" I lick the blood and then continue to lick a trail directly to her pussy lips. I push hard with my tongue on the outside of her lips and clit and she can't sit still. I can feel precum dripping slowly off of my penis and sometimes the sheath pulls it into the fur on my belly.

The woman's trying to talk again. "Me... my... turn..." I guess what she means and I kneel back, pulling my fingers out of Sarah. She whines but keeps masturbating. The smell from these two females is like a drug. My mate's smell overpowers this woman but hers is also unique and strong.

The black woman leans forward eagerly and grabs my cock. One hand is at the base of the sheath and the other in the middle, on the skin of my dick. She looks so small next to me. I can feel her pulse going so fast through the one hand. She either doesn't notice the sheath or doesn't care. She brings her mouth down on the head of my cock and drinks the precum off of me. Her small, human hands on my huge cock feel strange but good. She brings her chest up against my cock and tries to fit it between her breasts. She's still got her tight shirt on so she can't really squeeze them around my dick like she wants. She leans down and brings the head of my dick into her mouth.

I'm ... large. She doesn't get very far. I distinctly feel her teeth and there's only room for about four inches of me in her mouth. She tries so hard but that's all she can get in. She bobs up and down on me while trying to squeeze me between her tits. Her shirt is harsh against me but I have thick skin and it doesn't hurt. I think she saw this in a movie and is trying to imitate it; she's not very good at blowjobs.

Sarah stands and presents her ass to my face. I dig my muzzle into her pussy and fuck her with my tongue. She shreds a nearby tree with her grip.

Eventually, I push Sarah away and pull the other woman up to her feet. Her pants are ripped down to her shins. She doesn't want to let my dick go and she's still trying to give me a blowjob. I pull her off of me so she tries to give me a hand job. I growl at her and turn her around, against the tree. She hugs the tree and spreads her legs. "Yeeees. Please, yessssss." she's saying.

I dig my claws into the neck of her shirt and rip it apart. Her breasts are large and soft -- they explode out of the shirt. I step forward and lean into her. My dick lies against the top of her ass. She leans forward and stands on her tip-toes. My cock slides down and presses in-between her ass cheeks. The base of my sheath bulges with my testicles and they rub against her pussy. The texture and shape startles her at first but then she's pumping her ass up and down, humping them. I clutch her soft ass cheeks with my claws and they tighten nicely around my dick as she's humping me.

She has dirt and mud on her ass but I don't care. I grab the woman's hips and pull her out from the tree. She puts both hands out and against the tree in front of her. I bend slightly and my dick probes her ass, bobbing slightly. She's hot with desire and her juice is running down her legs. She cries out again and tries pushing back into me but I'm too big for it to just go in. I hold her steady with one hand and my dick with the other and guide it into her. It's tight but she has wide hips and it fits. I can't go in all the way but I get at least nine inches into her before it stops. Her legs turn to water and I have to hold her up with both hands around her waist. My claws dig into her flesh. Little trails of blood flow around to her stomach.

Sarah bends over in front of the woman and presents her left tit. The woman kisses and sucks at Sarah's breast, looking for her nipple through the fur. When the woman finds it she takes it in her mouth with a happy "Mmmph!" while sucking on it. Sarah is rubbing the woman's back and making a face at me. I think it's a grin. Her grin turns into an open mouth of pleasure when the woman reaches hand around and digs her fingers into Sarah's pussy. The woman looks positively tiny between Sarah and me.
