The Creation Of Shanna


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Angie moved from England to San Francisco and immediately starting building his empire. Intelligent, driven, she was welcomed by the alternate lifestyle population, many of them rich and restless, so he did a good bit of business with them.

When she could afford it, she gave herself a few upgrades, shaving her adams apple down and getting 38D breast implants, permanent hair removal from her neck down except for a small patch above her penis. She didn't take hormones, she enjoyed a fully functioning penis and had no desire to lessen it.

She met Mike while he was working for the IRS after his abrupt departure from acting. She had called them, suspecting her accounting firm of irregularities. Mike was on the investigative team they sent out.

The accountants were indeed manipulating numbers, not just hers but two other major companies. Three people went to jail, and she had to pay some back taxes, but they didn't fine her, and reduced her burden by half as a thank you, mostly due to the urgings of one of the investigators.

He did the exit interview and offered up the thanks of the IRS.

"Off the books, Miss Browne-Davies, may I offer a few suggestions?"

"Please, and call me Angie."

"Angie, you would be much better served if you had in house accounting. There would be no delays, you would always be current on your status, just have an outside firm do an audit at irregular intervals to keep them on their toes and abreast of the latest changes."

"Also, you need to streamline your operations, you have different departments doing almost exactly the same things. Waste, Angie, costs."

She was enchanted by him, and offered him a position. He had committed to two years with the IRS for the experience, but promised he would call when he was free. She never forgot him, and ten months later he called, and she hired him to set up an in house accounting department.

In three years he was CFO, and minority owner.

Angie had to sell him a bit of the business to keep him, afraid he would go out on his own if she didn't.

He actually went through the course and got a brokers license. Because of his good looks and past history, many of their female clients, many of them mature, insisted he handle them. He was courteous, polite, witty, and a monster in bed.

His stamina and size quickly became public knowledge, and he found himself turning down dates on a regular basis. He was mercenary to a degree, willing to bed a woman to seal a deal, but he refused if they were married or in a committed relationship. This cost the company a deal or two, but soon people respected his boundaries.

His most recent adventure had been with a country music star, sixteen years his senior. She was remarkably well preserved for her age, very, very, rich, and willing to do anything he wanted.

She bought a huge estate from them, barely quibbling at the price. He liked her, was good in bed, and seemed to know everyone, so he got a good bit of referrals and even sold a few properties.

It all came apart when he picked up a paper and saw his engagement announcement on the front page. Apparently they were to be wed in Nashville next month, and she gushed to the reporter about the romantic way he proposed to her. Her sales peaked and she became a hot commodity on the talk show circuit. He called her in a rage.

She giggled.

"Would it be so bad to be married to me? I wouldn't ask for a pre-nup, in a decade or two you would be very rich."

"Call me old fashioned, Jenna, but I'll only marry for love, and as fond as I am of you, I don't love you. Please don't call me, speak to me, or contact me again. We are through. And make a statement saying it was a mistake, we both realized it wouldn't work. Say you broke it off if you want, but do not make me the bad guy! Do you understand?"

The rejection angered her, and she started to vilify him in the press.

He struck back, hard. The night of the supposed proposal he wasn't even in the country. She hinted he might be gay, and he offered solid evidence she was bisexual, with pictures and audio. Sales of her songs started to plummet, and she begged him to stop.

"I asked you nicely to retract the whole thing, Jenna, and you tried to destroy me. You should have known, as much time as we spent together, that I don't have a forgiving nature. Never speak to me again."

In six months her career was in ruins, she was being sued in court by three of her ex-lovers for outing them and destroying two marriages. A year later her estate was facing foreclosure. Mike managed to get it for an up and coming musical couple, Moria and Wiley Patterson, for two thirds the price. They were friends, having met while he was in Tennessee.

The whole episode left a bad taste in Mike's mouth, and he stopped dating for a bit. He was striding down the halls of his office complex when he saw a woman go into the interview room. He took in the smart suit, the great ass, and short hair in a second.

"Heck," he thought, "My boss is a transvestite, my lead accountant is gay as they come, our most successful sales team is married, and swingers, why wouldn't we hire a lesbian? It would balance out."

Because of her own personal situation, Angie had great empathy for anybody in an alternate lifestyle. She got some very talented people for just that reason, and because she gave them a chance when no one else would, they were incredibly loyal.

Curious, he went into the room. They had hired, at Mike's insistence, two real estate lawyers instead of retaining a firm. It was much more cost effective, and their loyalty was guaranteed.

Business had been so good lately there were hiring a third associate, concentrating on the international side of things. So far they had not found anyone they were comfortable with.

He got his first shock when he saw how beautiful her eyes were, almost almond like, liquid pools of warm brown. Her hair hung in glossy curls just below her ears. The lips were plump sensual, made for kissing.

Imagine how shocked he was to hear him introduced as Shane Jones. Mr. Jones was equally shocked that he would be in the interview room.

Mike gave him his most disarming grin.

"Don't mind me, Mr. Jones. I sometimes audit interviews when I'm bored or particularly interested in an applicant."

His smile, though shy, was dazzling.

"Which category do I fall into, Mr. Hogue?"

"Depends on you resume. May I see it?"

The head of the law department passed it over.

"Please, go ahead. I'm sure Mr. Whisnant is familiar with it. I'll just sit in the corner."

He half listened while the interview progressed. He knew he made him nervous, and wanted to see how he responded when under pressure. He stumbled a few times at first, but by the end he was composed, concise in his answers.

Humm, British, that ought to tickle Angie. Second in his class, only negative seemed to be his shy nature. Probably why he didn't go into trial law.

By the end of the interview he had made up his mind. He pulled Mr. Whisnant out of the room.

"What do you think?"

Mr. Whisnant didn't hesitate.

"He's sharp, just not very confident. Other than that, he's the best so far. If I don't find anyone better, he'll get an offer."

"How many are still scheduled, Mr. Whisnant?"

"Three, all tomorrow."

"Tell me, do any look better on paper?"

"No, but they all seem competent."

"Would you do me a favor? I have a feeling about this one, and would like to hire him."

Mr. Whisnant was no fool. When Mike Hogue asked for something, you didn't refuse.

"By all means. I'll have my assistant notify the others and give them my regrets."

"Thanks, Bob. I owe you."

That made the lawyers' day.

"Don't mention it, Mike.I'm sure he'll be an asset. Do you want to tell him, or shall I?"

"I'd like to do it. Thanks again, Bob."

Bob Whisnant was practically whistling as he returned to his office.

Mike went back into the interview room.

"Mr. Jones, we like you. Tell me, have you had any offers yet?"

Shane felt the room grow smaller and the temperature rise when Mike Hogue re-entered the room. It made it hard to think.

"Yes, one, but I prefer to work here if I get the chance. I do have four more interviews lined up in the next few days."

"Are your salary requirements written in stone?"

Shane was rattled, his asking price was commensurate with the average for his specialty.

"I feel my expectations are reasonable. If you don't think I'm worth the money, say so."

Mike grinned.

"Good answer. Here's the deal. We'll give you twenty five hundred more than you ask, If you agree to start tomorrow. One time offer. If you have to think about it, if you leave before we come to terms, the offer is off the table and I wish you success in your job search. You have two minutes."

It took a full minute to get his mouth in gear.

"Thank you sir, You've just hired a good lawyer who is only going to get better with experience.

You won't regret this decision."

Mike shook his hand.

"See I don't, Mr. Jones. Remember, I value loyalty above all else." He scribbled a note on the resume. "Take this to personnel, they'll get you paperwork taken care of. See you tomorrow."


Shane was walking on air. He couldn't wait to tell his wife. They had been married four months.

At five three, she was an inch taller, and loved wearing four inch heels. He didn't like it, it made him seem even smaller. But she loved him deeply, and had a great body, 42 28 40, and was jet black. Even his skin seemed pale beside hers.

They celebrated that night, drinking and dancing. She was disappointed when he called it a night, but the paycheck would improve their lives greatly, they had been living on her salary as a teacher, and it had been tight.

He still didn't get any sleep. They started out with oral, her favorite. He brought her to three orgasms with her mouth before he slid up between her legs. He had insisted they have sex as soon as they talked marriage. His cock was three and a half inches long, and slender. He wanted her to know that was all she was ever going to get.

She told him that it fit just perfectly, and they were married. She carefully kept her collection of vibrators and other toys hidden to keep from hurting his feelings, and to her shame, she used them at every opportunity. She had even had to turn him down a couple times because she was sure he would detect her looseness. She blew him, she was very experienced, and deep throating him was no problem.

It was a marriage heading towards ruin.


Luckily, the first day was a meet and greet, settle into your office type of day. His real work began the next day. It was hard, but rewarding. He did manage to find a thing or two in contracts that saved the company money and embarrassment.Things were going well for him, professionally.

Home was a different matter, he never learned to manage money, and Donna was even worse. They were often right on the edge of bankruptcy, despite reasonable salaries.

Donna was a fourth grade teacher, and thought the wife of a lawyer should be dressed to reflect his social position. Her clothes and jewelry were over the top, nine and ten year old children didn't notice, but it made her unpopular with the rest of the teachers, middle class at best.

Mike, who hears everything, found out about their money troubles, and stepped in. Besides Dream Realty, he had another company that bought and sold distressed property. Angie didn't mind, her company didn't deal with properties of that value. Mike had managed to accumulate several decent apartment buildings, and usually had about a dozen houses for sale. He even worked a deal with Angie to offer the lower level employees a discount if they lived in one of his buildings.

It kept his buildings at full occupancy, bound the employees closer to them, and generally the units were respected. No one wanted to explain to their boss how they trashed an apartment he owned in a drunken stupor or domestic disturbance.

"Mr. Jones, How are you? Lunch?"

Shane looked up, startled. Me had only spoken to Mike three times in seven months, twice was just an exchange of hellos, the third was congratulations for catching an error that could have been very expensive to the company.

"Uh, sure. When would you like to go?"

"Right now. Do you like Mexican?"

"Yes, that would be fine. Let me....'

He was cut off with a wave.

"Your assistant can handle things, I've reservations, you know how I hate tardiness."

That part was true. One of the worst mistakes you could make with him was to keep him waiting.

He soon found himself in one of the best Mexican restaurants in town. Everyone knew Mike, and the wait staff practically fought to serve him. He knew their names, their families, and asked about them.

"How does Maria like college life?" he asked the waiter.

The waiter beamed.

"She was overwhelmed at first, she didn't think she would get to go. The scholarship came out of nowhere, I know somehow you were responsible. Our family will be forever in your debt."

Mike seemed uncomfortable in his praise.

"Nonsense, Hermando. She had the grades and drive, she deserved it. Tell her if she needs a summer intern position, give me a call. I intend to exploit her talent all the way to graduation, then I'll try to hire her. You have every right to be proud of her."

After he left, Shane had to ask.

"Did you get her the scholarship?"

"No, I just brought her to the attention of the right people. I wasn't kidding about the internship or the offer of employment. She's pretty sharp."

He changed the subject.

"How's your wife? She's a teacher right? A noble profession, seriously underpaid."

Shane showed him a picture.

"She's a beauty. Look, I've got an offer for you.

I've got a house, we're in the closing as we speak. The couple can't take possession for another six months, he's out of the country and she wants the children to finish the year in their old school district. Part of the deal is I provide a house sitter until they can move. Do you think you guys would be interested? It's a pretty nice place, and it's in your wife's district. It would help me out."

Shane was shocked. His lease was up in a month, and Donna was after him to move, but they couldn't afford the places she liked.

"Could I talk to my wife first?"

Mike chuckled.

"The first rule of real estate, Shane. You never sell a house to a married man, the wife always chooses. Here's the key. It's got a pool, service included, that may sway her. If not, I'll have to look elsewhere."

Shane was in a daze, but he did see the really nice tip Mike left, and an envelope marked "Maria".

Donna was speechless when she saw the house. They christened every room, twice, the first week.

Shane tried several times to thank him, but he brushed it off, insisting he was the one grateful.

Two months later Shane got another visit.

Mike leaned in the doorway, grinning.

"Bob tells me you know how to play golf. True?"

"Ye sir, I was a caddy in college to earn extra cash. Caddies got to play free on Tuesday morning.

I really enjoyed it."

"All right then. We have some people we're thinking about doing business with coming in day after tomorrow. They love golf, so we've arranged an outing. Bob hates golf, and Harry doesn't play.

That leaves you. They like to talk business while they golf, and I find it prudent to have one of my lawyers around. Clear that afternoon, and tell Donna you may be late. They like dinner and a few drinks afterwards."

Shane was excited, then his face fell. Mike instantly caught it.


"Yes. I don't have clubs any longer. Couldn't afford it after I got married."

Mike grinned.

"That won't do. Call Donna and tell her to be ready tonight. I'm taking you two to the Three Rivers Country Club for dinner tonight, then we'll go to the pro shop and get your clubs. Then you and I are going to hit a few on the range, do a little practice putting. I'm sure Donna can amuse herself at the bar for an hour or so."

Shane was embarrassed again.

"Sir, I don't have the...."

Mike waved him down.

"Don't worry about money. I'm requiring you to do this, we'll consider it a business expense, since it will probably happen pretty often. I'll pick you up at six, the earlier we get there the quicker we can get you set up."

Donna was home by four, and Shane called her to tell her. She probably started getting ready then.

He told her casual, he was going to be hitting golf balls, after all.

Of course that went in one ear and out the other. She was dressed to the nines when he arrived in one of the company limos. She decided on an ivory dress, strapless, that contrasted nicely with her dark skin, and four inch heels, her highest.

Mike immediately swept her off her feet, complimenting her appearance. He told her how much he appreciated her letting him borrow her husband on occasion, and promised to try to limit it to a minimum.

She was living in a dream when they were delivered to the door. The restaurant was every thing she dreamed it would be.

She didn't know what to order, so Mike made a few suggestions. Shane got stuffed sea bass, while Donna and Mike had lobster. The meal was fabulous, and the chocolate dessert was decadent beyond description.

There was a woman at the bar, a business associate from his rental business, that he introduced and who took Donna under her wing, saying she would see her safe while the boys got their toys.

Mike insisted on the best, and had the pro shop open by request and the club pro available.

He got the full package, clubs, shoes, clothing, rain gear. They tried a few balls on the range, and tested six putters before he found one he was comfortable with.

Donna had gotten a little buzzed, and she and her new friend were flirting lightly with the gentlemen at the bar, basking in attention.

She looked at Mike and her husband, and shamefully admitted to herself how aroused she was around her husbands' boss.

He got a kiss at the door that night, and she felt like her lips were burning. Shane smiled, and agreed with Mike when he said they had to have dinner again sometime.

She destroyed Shane that night, and after she was sure he was asleep, crept into the bedroom on the other end of the house, got out her largest vibrator, and tried her best to kill the batteries while she fantasized about Mike.

The golf outing was a success. Shane didn't play badly considering how far out of practice he was, and really, you're not supposed to beat clients anyway. Business was discussed in snippets on the course and in depth at dinner. Mike was pleased.

It became a habit with them. They often went after work for a round. Mike found him to be competitive when they were alone, and after a few months the only thing that kept him from winning was Mike's ability to crush a drive. Shane was much better at the short game, but you didn't need much of a short game when you practically drove the greens on short par fours.

Donna grumbled about the time away, a little, but she was too infatuated with Mike to really complain. Plus every month or so he had them as guests for dinner, at a restaurant they could never afford. Once, he took them on a golf weekend, them playing during the day and then hitting the clubs at night. Mike was a fair dancer for his size, and Shane was even better than Donna, so they really looked good on the floor.

Donna was hot, and she got asked to dance a lot. She accepted because she loved to dance, but she saw Mike frowning and Shane looking embarrassed after one particular dance when she got a little carried away with the grinding, but the guy's cock felt huge, and she just had to have it against her.