The Decoy Princesses Pt. 02


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Over the next couple of days, Elsbyth guided Alyndra through the daily routine of keeping Ogol's chambers and the rest of the top floor of the keep tidy. Every so often, Alyndra would ask her fellow slave about the gem embedded into her belly button but Elsbyth would just redden and go quiet. Eventually, Alyndra stopped asking. Meanwhile, their master came back often during the day to fuck at least one of them while the other either watched or was made to lick at the clit of the one being pounded. The two elven slave women had full run of the floor and plenty of chores to do. Right before each mealtime they were to prepare him meats, ale, and water to consume. Then they'd kneel like pets on either side of him while he ate, occasionally throwing them scraps to eat themselves. Alyndra noticed that Elsbyth took it all in stride, even going so far as to look obedient and happy, but she could tell that the half-elf was practically dead inside. Elsbyth looked as if she were just going through the motions in order to survive from day to day. Alyndra was nowhere near to the point of complacency as she wept every time Ogol came to take her yet again. Every time, though, she'd subtly resist him; laying there and taking it, refusing to answer him, or just outright defy him. More and more each day, she remembered what happened to her in the brothel and it sent her into a sobbing fit at night.

Ogol seemed to relish this trait in her as he seemed to want to humiliate her a bit more each time by way of punishing her for her insolence. When he came back this time, he didn't drop his loincloth for her. Instead, he reached down and put a collar around her neck with a leash on it and, with a tug, led her out the door. Alyndra looked back in alarm at Elsbyth, who just gave her a wan smile by silent way of telling her to be brave. Alyndra submissively followed her orc master down through the keep, listening to the hoots, hollers, and catcalls of all the orcs who saw her naked body. Her slightly pink blush turned to a furious red when she was led out of the keep and into the grounds. Now the common orcs were getting a good look at her. Now her face burned with shame and humiliation.

He led her to a rather large building in the back of the compound next to the outer wall. Its outer door seemed to have a smaller door inside of it. Puzzled she looked at it, wondering why there'd be a smaller door inside of a door until Ogol had opened it up. Looking inside, her heart sank.


This, apparently, was their bunkhouse for the grubby little green things with the first floor being their mess hall, kitchens, storerooms, and work spaces. Their bedding quarters were up on the second floor as she could see the doors up on the second landing around the perimeter. "I have a present for you lot," Ogol said, leading Alyndra straight through the mess area on up to the second-floor landing. On the landing there was a normal sized bed with shackles at the corner. "Lay down, slave," Ogol ordered her. Not having any other option, Alyndra did as she was told amid the cheers of the goblins below. Ogol shackled her down, spread eagled, and attached her lead to the small headboard. He then loomed over top of her, leering down at her. "Maybe a weekend with the goblins here will give you a better appreciation of my company," he told her, reaching down to pat her cheek in a condescending manner. "It certainly worked with my dear, sweet Elsbyth. Think about it..." he said. And with that, he was gone, leaving her alone to the mercy of the goblins who were now advancing on her.



Darian and Rhys burst into the orc brothel with swords at the ready. It had been a month since they found out that Alyndra was alive and they were on the warpath. The guards fell under their blows without having a chance to pull their axes out. Darian quickly took charge of the women out of the side rooms... elf, human, goblin, and orc alike... as Rhys mercilessly hacks the male orc patrons down. He methodically mows through them until he's standing before the cowering brothel owner. "You own this place?" Rhys demands, "You are Vekk?"

"Yes... Elf..." Vekk says. "What do you want? Gold? Women? Take them all! Just leave me be?"

"Some mighty Orc..." Rhys snorted.

"To be fair, not everyone in their society is cut out for the army..." Darian said with a sympathetic shrug as he herded all the women into the front room.

Rhys just grunted as he turned back to Vekk. "Alyndra," he said curtly. "You bought her from a Orc named Grug. I don't see her in this group here. Where is she?"

"Alyndra?" he asked, rolling the name around. "Must be the Elven Cow... OW... what the hell is your problem?" he demanded, rubbing the side of his face when Rhys backhanded him. "If that's the Elf you're talking about, I sold her to Ogol not too long ago!"

"Where is he?" Rhys shouted down at him.

"Out on the eastern frontier! At least a day's travel time from here! Large keep on the border, you can't miss it!" Vekk says, still cowering.

Rhys gave him a savage kick to lay him out and then drove his sword down through his skull. Pulling it out, he looks at Darian, who is looking back with a look of a teacher whose student just showed uncanny brilliance. "So... eastward."

Darian jerked his head towards the now stunned women. "Gotta figure out what we're going to do with them, first. Especially since we're just on the outskirts of the Citadel." Darian turned towards them. "Well, ladies? I'm sure that you Humans and Elves will want to come with us, yes?" he asked. They all nodded. "How about you Orcs and Goblins? What do you want to do?"

An orc woman with long black hair looked at the others and then stepped forward. "This is the only life most of us have known. Our honor dictates that we continue doing it," she said.

"Eh..." a goblin with blue hair in big puffy pigtails shrugged. "I was here for the money..."

"Wait, you got paid?" another goblin girl with pixie pink hair in a spike cut asked in outrage, ripping her collar off and throwing it down in disgust. The two of them then started arguing about proper compensation and why one was getting paid when the other wasn't.

Before the argument could get out of hand, Darian pulled his gauntlet off, put two fingers in his mouth, and let out a shrill whistle. "YO! Tell ya what, if y'all want to start up your own business, I'm sure we can build you a brothel in Eshhandell. If y'all want to stay here and try your luck, then stay here. Punchline is, we're leaving and if you want to come with us you're welcome to. Otherwise, stay here and make your own way. You're free to choose."

"We're taking them back?" Rhys asked, outraged at the delay in getting his sister back.

"Trust me, I know that you want to go after her, but we have to get these women outta here before the orcs realize that we're here again." Darian said, heading for the door. He gestured to the women. "Whoever's coming, let's go," he said. To his surprise, a couple of orc women and a handful of goblin women fell into step with him as he walked out the door. His exit was stopped short when he saw a familiar face standing outside with a group of warriors backing him up. "Krudge..." he said grimly.

"We meet again, Human..." Krudge smiled at him, baring his teeth and showing off his pronounced tusks. "You have been busy... walking in and out of my city, tearing up my fields, wrecking my pub..."

"In my defense, it was a shitty pub to begin with," Darian pointed out.

Krudge snorted in amusement. "Well... you've had it easy until now."

"You think what we're doing is easy?" Rhys asked incredulously, pushing his way to the front of the pack of women.

"It ends here, Darian the Black and Rhys of Eshhandell," Krudge went on, amusement now gone from his voice. "All of you women will go back into the brothel until another master is assigned to you... I assume Vekk is dead, judging by the blood on your blade, Elf... but you all will be put back to work and..."

He never got to finish the sentence as a huge fireball of blue flame knocked him and the five closest orcs next to him down to the ground, unconscious. Shocked himself, Darian looked down to see the naked pink-haired goblin snarling with her hands up, both of them glowing blue with magical energy. "I'm not laying down for you guys for free anymore, Orc!" she shouted in anger. She flexed her arms and shot out another huge fireball at the next group, blowing them in every which direction as if they were a tree trunk splintering apart from stress. She looked up at Darian. "Think you can conjure up a shield to keep us safe while I plow through 'em, toots?"

"What's your name?" Darian asked.

"Bizzie Bombblast," she said with a grin as she cooked up another fireball. She let it loose, scattering the last bit of orc warriors that were on their feet.

"Ever think about being a Paladin?"

"I'm a Mage, moron!" Bizzie said, as if it should be obvious.

"Eh, no big deal, we can multiclass you," Darian waved it off as trivial, conjured up the requested shield, and led the way out of town.

As they ran, with Rhys bringing up rearguard, the blue pigtailed goblin was running with them, snatching up cloaks and darting in and out of buildings, grabbing up weapons that she then passed out to the fleeing women for them to clothe and protect themselves with. She settled on a boomstick herself, using it to snipe at orc archers during their escape. "That is nice shooting, Miss..." Rhys commented.

"Aimiee," the goblin girl said proudly. "Aimiee Deadeye," she added, taking another shot and downing another orc.

"Why do you turn on your orc masters?"

"How else am I gonna make a living if I hang out in a brothel whose owner is dead?" Aimiee asked with a shrug as they fought their way out of the Citadel's town and took refuge in the woods. "Besides, they haven't paid me in two weeks!"


Alyndra looked in apprehension at the growing mob of goblins, their loincloths discarded and their small pricks in their grubby little hands, stroking themselves to hardness, in eager anticipation of ravishing her. She started shaking her head in disbelief as they drew nearer. Then they were upon her, swarming all over her body as they began to force her to pleasure them. Two of them immediately latched onto her ample breasts, sucking hard on her nipples. Another one went for her clit while one of his companions jabbed his cock into her. One goblin grabbed her head and shoved his cock through her lips, slapping her cheek while ordering her to start sucking him off. Two more were curling her slender hands around their members, making her jerk them back and forth to pleasure them.

She squirmed in her bonds underneath the mass of their writhing bodies, desperate to escape from them to go back to the keep and throw herself at the mercy of her orc overlord. When it became obvious that she wouldn't get free and she wouldn't be able to dislodge them, she closed her eyes tightly and just gave up, letting them to with her as they willed. Alyndra started to cry softly as the multiple mouths and pricks attacked her flesh all over. Whenever one came inside of her, or jizzed all over her body, another goblin was there to take his friend's place. She whimpered and moaned as her breasts were being mauled and molested. Their mouths latched onto her now hard nipples.

After the initial wave of them enveloping her and getting off on or in her, they settled into an orderly line in which they'd come up to her, two at a time, to take her. One would fuck her wide open, and now cum soaked, pussy while the other would force her to suck him off. Each one would either attack her breasts with their mouths and hands or drag their long, green, calloused fingers back and forth across her clit to stimulate her further.

Much to her shame and embarrassment, she climaxed with them multiple times. After some time, the goblins left her alone as either their duties called them away or they left to eat or sleep. They left her there, tied down and splayed open, for them to use as much as they could and as often as they could throughout the day, not caring if she were asleep or awake for when they used her again.


"ARE YOU INSANE?" King Ellisar demanded of Darian.

Darian rubbed his eyes and groaned. It'd been a long day and it was late by the time that he and Rhys got back to Eshhandell. Thanks to Bizzie's magical powers in the arcane, they were able to cut the normally week-long trip down to a couple of days using her portals. "Do I really have to answer that question?" he asked.

"I want to know why the hell you brought orcs and goblins into my city!" Ellisar demanded.

"Because, yeah, fuck freedom and equality and all of that bullshit that you preach..." Darian rolled his eyes and sighed. "I'd thought better of you... I thought that we were past this. So... if having orcs and goblins here, who we freed from slavery... from their own people I might add, and who helped us get back here, mind you, if having them here offends you SO much, then I'll take them elsewhere."

Ellisar smiled smugly and crossed his arms, pleased that he'd won. "Good... be sure that..."

"However..." Darian held up his finger to interrupt him. "That means that Paladin Hanz will have to leave, seeing as he's half-orc... and you'll be banishing Sharia as well since, as you may remember, she's getting ready to give birth to our half-orc baby... and if she's banished, that means I'm leaving as well and I'll go straight to the fucking orcs to tell them to burn your racist-ass kingdom to the ground before I head off to spread the word to every kingdom and nation that I come across as to what happened here and why so that you'll find zero aid whatsoever." Now Darian crossed his arms and glared at the elven king. "So, tell me, do you really want to go down that route with me? How many of the Shield of Selune do you think will leave with me? Hm?"

"They're... they're ORCS!" Ellisar shouted.

"They're PEOPLE!" Darian shouted right back.

"He is your Liege Lord!" One of the nearby guards shouted at Darian, hand on his hilt as he advanced. "You will..."

Darian cut him off by swiping his left hand in his direction, sending him flying into the nearest wall using his magic. "Quiet, son, the adults are talking now."

"I'm older than you, human half-breed!" The guard spat out as he picked himself up off of the floor.

"Only on paper," Darian quipped before he turned back to Ellisar. "What's it going to be? Patron of Virtue, Freedom, and something resembling Democracy, or are you going to be a purist, racist prick?"

"You don't understand..." Ellisar grounded out through grit teeth.

"Are you saying that we shouldn't free slaves?" Darian asked, his tone turning innocent. "Or are you saying that we should only free those slaves that are your citizens and tell all the others to fuck off since they don't have pointy ears, pale-ass skin, and insanely long life spans?"

"That's not what I'm saying at all!"

"Oh, so we can free slaves all we want, so long as we return them back to their respective races for the sake of racial purity then, right? So, we need to return the humans to the closest human kingdom we can find, bring the elves to you, take dwarves to the dwarves, the drow to the drow, and send the orcs and goblins back to the orcs... the same people who enslaved them to begin with. Do I have that right?" Darian asked. He tapped his foot impatiently. "Well... sire..." he asked, adding a sarcastic tilt to the title.

Ellisar leaned back in his throne, rubbing his temples. "How have I become so cursed to have a Paladin like you?" he bemoaned.

"The Lord, Thy God, GeeEm, decreed that you're an asshole and thus sent me to correct you in the error of your ways," Darian deadpanned. "And Selune agreed with his holiness and aided to bring me into your loving grace..." Darian gave him an evil grin. Then he became deadly serious, drawing his sword. "I'm going to need your answer, sire. Do you accept the refugees that I have brought you, or are we going to have to throw down?"

Ellisar quirked an eyebrow up. "I thought that you exclusively worshipped Selune?"

"Right now I'm worshipping stupidity and you're my new god," Darian counted.

Ellisar let out a resigned sigh while looking up to the heavens beseechingly. "Stay your blade, Sir Darian... they can stay... However..." he quickly added, "they are your responsibility. If they step out of line, then it's your head on the line."

"Racial profiling... awesome..." Darian grumbled. "But, hey; it's a start. I'll house them in the Shield's keep until such a time that they can enter society as productive members."

"No whore houses..." Ellisar pointed at him. "Last thing I need is those sorts of women offering their wares to my people."

Darian snorted "Why? You don't want any competition for your royal brothel? Do you realize how much gold they'd rake in?" He held up a hand to forestall any argument. "Look, we'll find work for them. I'm sure the elves are all going to go back to their homes and families. The human women might want to go back to their home kingdoms and those who don't I'm sure we can find something for them to do other than the horizontal hustle."

"And the orcs and goblins?" Ellisar eyed him again. "Are you going to keep them close to keep an eye on them? What if they run off?"

Darian shrugged. "They had ample opportunity to run off and a lot of the orc women that we freed, stayed with us instead of returning to their homes. So, I think that it's safe to say that the ones that we have here are here to stay."



Alyndra was led into Ogol's bedchambers by one of the goblins from the bunkhouse. She hadn't been allowed to walk on her own feet but instead ordered to crawl all the way back to the keep and up the spiral stone staircase. Ogol was by the fireplace, lounging naked in his bearskin covered chair, while Elsbyth knelt submissively by his side to attend to him. "So, my spirited little elf," he laughed when she was led up to him and her leash handed over. "Enjoy your time with my goblins?" he asked, waving the goblin away. When she didn't answer and instead hung her head in shame, he laughed even harder. "Now, are you ready to serve me properly instead of fighting me?" Ogol arched his black, bushy eyebrow. "Or would you rather trade up to my garrison instead of my goblins.

Her eyes went wide at that prospect, she looked up at him in alarm and swallowed what remaining pride she might have. "No... Master."

"So you'll serve me properly as Elsbyth here does?"

"Yes... Master..." Alyndra replied morosely, now hanging her head in resignation and keeping her eyes fixated on the floor between his massive feet.

"Good," Ogol said, smiling broadly in a big, toothy grin. He took a sip from his goblet as he stroked Elsbyth's golden hair. "Now, play with your breasts"

Eyes flicking up to him briefly, Alyndra let out a whine but brought her hands up to her large, round globes regardless. She was at least thankful that the goblins had the decency to bathe her thoroughly before bringing her back to the keep. So when she started rubbing and kneading her breasts, her skin was clean and silky smooth once again instead of being caked with their dry semen. Alyndra closed her eyes and let out a soft moan as she tried to get in to it for her master. "No," Ogol's voice cut through her moment of self pleasure. Her eyes popped open again and she looked up at him with a questioning look and whimper. "Look up at me while you pleasure yourself," he ordered her.

With a pained look on her face, Alyndra resumed masturbating but with her eyes now locked onto his triumphant eyes and leering lips. She squeezed her breasts together and pinched her nipples. As the tingles of pleasure went from her ample chest down to her tight loins. Her sex went wet and she slid one hand down between her legs as she spread her knees open wide. She moved her hand up and down her mound, slowly at first, but soon increased her speed. Then she spread her labia open with her own fingers so that she could finger her clit. Her lips parted as she let out a tiny, husky breath as the pleasure shot out from her loins. She whimpered, hating herself for doing this in front of an orc and for feeling pleasure while doing it.
