The Dinner Party


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'You know as much as I do.'

Dan bought in another bottle of wine and carefully topped up all the wine glasses. He was walking to and from the kitchen with the different dishes.

Jenny's phone gave a tiny chime. She reached for her phone and read the message smiling as she did. She glanced across the table and saw Sebastian feeling for his phone. She looked at Dan and saw him watching Sebastian, flinching slightly.

'That was the missus. She's gutted she couldn't come tonight.'

Dan gave her a broad smile. He saw Sebastian's head whip around to look at Jennifer.

'Me too. It would have been great to introduced her to everyone and I think she'd have had an opinion on tonight's topic.'

Jenny laughed. 'Would she have? Next time we have a little party like this, we'll have to make sure she is available.'

'Definitely. I'm sorry Lucy hasn't had the chance to meet her. I think it's unfair that I've had the chance spend time with the two of you and these guys haven't.'

'Meet who?' Lucy said, walking back into the room in front of Imogen.

'Jennifer's missus.' Sebastian said in a salacious tone.

'Missus?' Lucy queried.

'Yes, my girlfriend.' Jennifer said. She took a sip of her wine before continuing. 'We've been together for just over three months and, well. It's a relationship.'

'I didn't know.' Lucy said, shaking her head.

'Dan's met her a couple of times. You've been busy those evenings.'

'I'm sorry, Jen. Work has been a real beast recently. What's she like?'

'Dan? I'm kind of biased. What do you think of her?'

Dan laughed. 'She's awesome. Absolutely brilliant. Very funny, very, very good looking. I've enjoyed her company enormously. Far more down to earth than I would have ever thought. She really fits you as a partner.'

He glanced over to Jennifer who was giving him a very big smile in response.

'Very, Um, Notting Hill.'

'Notting Hill?' Lucy queried, looking between the two of them. She could see the playfulness in Dan's smile and Jennifer shaking her head.

'What do you mean very Notting Hill?'

'You'd have to meet her to understand what I mean. Seriously, I want the two of you to marry and have lots of lovely children together.'

'If we get do get married Daniel Dahl, I want you stood next to me.'

'So long as it's as Best Man and not Maid of Honour.'

'I didn't know you liked girls.' Sebastian said.

'There's lots we don't know about each other, isn't there?'

'Jen, I need to meet her. I really want to meet her. I feel so bad for not being there.'

'Don't worry Luce, Dan's been superb. We've been out together, I think three times, maybe four.'

Lucy looked at Dan. He shrugged at her look. 'You've not been around much. Work has been keeping you pretty busy of late. Sometimes you don't even tell me where you've been or with whom. You know it pisses me off, I've told you enough. I'm not going to sit on my ass, I'll go out with my friends and enjoy time with them instead.'

'Just can't stop when my spark gets hot.' Jonathan said, walking back into the room.

He looked around the faces.

'Thanks mate. I'll do my bit now.' Dan replied as he walked out to the kitchen.

Jonathan took his seat and a sip of wine. 'What did I miss?'

'Jennifer's just come out. She has a girlfriend.'

'Maz? Yeah, I've met her. She's lush. I'm so jealous.'

Jennifer laughed and punched him on his arm.

'She doesn't like being called Maz.'

'You've met her as well?' Lucy put her knife and fork neatly on her plate and pushed it in front of her.

'Yep. Met her with Dan, I think it was the second time he met you guys?'

Jennifer nodded.

'Have you met her, Imogen?' Lucy asked.

Imogen looked up. 'Sorry? I wasn't paying attention. What did you say?'

'I said, have you met Jennifer's girlfriend?'

Imogen's head spun around as she stared open mouthed at Jennifer.


Jennifer shrugged.

'That's a no then.' Lucy said, smiling.

'How did you meet her?' Sebastian asked.

'I was running around Green Park one morning and so was she. We ran together for a while and started talking. Next thing you know, we're meeting up and things moved from there.'

'I like Green Park. It's just down the road from the theatre. A lot of my co-stars are lodged in hotels in that area.'

'It's a cool place to run this time of year. I think it's one of the more beautiful spaces in Central London.'

Dan walked around and picked up Lucy's plate.

'Thanks Love, that was really special.'

'I know, I nailed it cold. Still your favourite?'

Lucy lay a hand on Dan's arm. 'Always my favourite. What's for dessert?'

'Pecan pie with a dollop of Vanilla Ice cream. The pie is cold.'

'Wow. Both of my faves. You're spoiling me tonight.'

'I wanted to do your favourites tonight. I want you to think back in the years to come and associate your favourites with this evening. Make a strong association for you. Make it an evening to remember.'

'Thanks, that's really considerate. I like that.'

Dan walked out to the kitchen with a half-smile playing on his lips. Imogen slipped out of her seat and walked into the kitchen, catching Dan up.


Dan turned around to face her, his face blank.

'Hey Imogen. Come to give me a hand?'

She shook her head.

'No. No. I don't think so. I think I'm going to go.'

'Are you sure? We're just getting to the best bit.'

'You're not referring to the dessert, are you?'

Dan gave her a tight smile and shook his head.

'Dan, I'm sorry I didn't come to you and tell you. I'm really, really sorry. Please don't do anything stupid, OK? Whatever you're feeling, don't do something that's going to mess up the rest of your life. It isn't worth it.'

Dan looked at her, he could see tears forming in the corner of her eyes.

'Imogen, give her some help over the next few weeks. She's probably going to need it.'

He could see Imogen look at him, stare at him, trying to read his mind. Trying to work it out.

'I'm going. I hope... I really hope I see you around and when you see me, you don't hate me.'

'I'll never hate you Imogen. I may not like you a lot at the moment, but I sure as hell don't hate you.'

He watched as Imogen turned and walked into the hall. She let herself out and he heard the door softly click as she pulled it closed behind her. He picked up three dishes and walked them in and put them on the table.

'Imogen's just left.'

Everyone looked at him. He could see the shock on Lucy's face.

'Why? Where's she gone?'

'I think whatever it was that affected her earlier came back.' He said and walked back to the kitchen.

He bought in the remaining three dishes.

'Jon, can you manage two portions?'

'Hang on, Dan. Is Imogen alright?'

'Nope, I don't think she is. She was upset when she left. Now where were we? That's right, talking about infidelity. I think one more touch point on this topic and that should see us done.'

'Dan, can we not drop this now? Please?'

'Sorry Lucy sweetie, I just want to finish this last bit, then we can leave it. You can tell us about your day. But I want to close off the topic.'

He could see she wasn't happy.

'Thank you. For me, I'm not sure and I really would appreciate hearing everyone's thoughts on this one. Who is to blame for an affair? The husband who should know better. The man who made the vow, the one who is actually doing the scuzzy thing? Or his partner? The person who knows that he is married and yet actively participates.'

'Jen, you want to share your thoughts on this one first?'

She carefully took a small piece of the pie off with her spoon and lifted it up to her mouth.

'This pie is a work of art, Dan. An absolute work of art.'

She put the spoon in her mouth and kept it there for a moment.

'I think, and this is just my opinion. I think that both are equally to blame. Every circumstance is different and what motivates the affair, the cheating is different. But for me the cheater is betraying the person they have declared they love. They are knifing that person, the one they have pledged themselves to in front of their family and friends. They are screwing over that person in the nastiest way they can. Absolute scum.'

Everyone around the table could hear the relish is how she spoke. A smile played on her lips.

'But what about their accomplice? The scum sucker who enables that cheating. Possibly the seducer, certainly complicit at the absolute least. They don't have the excuse of not knowing, they deliberately break up the relationship and stick themselves into the middle of it. Nasty, malevolent bastards.'

Her voice had dropped lower and lower as she had spoken and everyone at the table found themselves leaning ever so slightly forward to catch what she was saying.

She sat back and in her normal voice finished, 'But that's just my opinion.'

'I find myself having to agree with the beautiful lady to my left.' Jonathan said, a smile playing on his lips.

'For me, the odious twosome should be exiled from normal society. They should lose their friends, their family and be treated as the subhuman faeces that they are.'

He had a broad grin on his face as he looked around the table. He could see that Lucy and Sebastian looked ashen faced.

'In the old days, the good old days, didn't they brand the adulterers with a big letter A? Or slit their noses, so that the upright people in society would know who to avoid?'

Jennifer and Dan both laughed.

'I don't know how real those were or whether it was a book. I think there was a book called the Scarlet Letter or something like that. I do like your idea though. Mark them so every decent person knows who to avoid.'

'Seb? What's your thoughts?'

He could see Sebastian shifting in his seat.

'You alright Seb? You look like somethings not quite right. Have a drink and take a moment.'

Everyone around the table could see Sebastian's hand shaking as he picked up his wine glass and took a sip.

'So, Sebby? Who's to blame?'

'I think... It's difficult, isn't it?' He was looking around to see if there was any support.

'I think there is blame on all sides. I mean the cheat is the one who cheated.'

'But Seb.' Dan said, his voice barely above a whisper. 'Some little fucking snake has encouraged them. Surely that snake deserves condemnation. Some punishment? Some pain.'

'Well, maybe, but I mean who is going to turn down a bit of nookie when its offered?'

Dan shrugged. 'Someone with morals. Someone with a bit of character, a bit of self-discipline. Someone who's not a cunt. I don't know. Luce, where do you stand on this. Seb is putting the blame onto the cheater, where do you think the blame lies.'

'Dan, I don't think this is the right time or place for this.'

'I do. I really do. I think an evening with friends talking about cheating whilst enjoying good food and a bit of liquid lubrication is a fine way to spend time. I like the subject, its challenging. Everyone has an opinion and it's interesting to hear them. So, what's yours?'

'Can't we talk about this later, Dan? Please.'

Dan's phone chimed and he pulled his glance away from Lucy to the screen. He cancelled the call and turned it face down onto the table.

'OK. If that part of the conversation was a bit too close to the knuckle for you, let's move onto the final one for tonight. What to do when you find out your partners cheating. Who wants to kick this one off?'

Jonathan started lifting himself up out of his chair, waving his hands in the air.

'Please sir, please, pick me sir. I know the answer to this.'

Dan laughed.

'Take it away Mr Bullman. After all, you have been in this situation. Talk us through what should happen.'

'For me. Beat the slimy bastard so that their face never tempts a person again.'

'Hang-on, the husband's the cheat remember?'

'Man and woman. I'd beat the man so that he'd be the Elephant Man's body double. The woman, I'd kick the bitch to the kerb.'

'Did you do that?'

'Nope. I kicked Vic out when I found out. But that snake ran away before I caught up with him. One day, one day I'll find him and have that little chat with him though.'

'Let me know when and I'll come and hold your coat.'

Jonathan smiled at Dan's words.

'Jenny, what would you do if you find out you're being cheated on?'

'I wouldn't hit them. But I don't think that's much of a surprise. Five foot nothing tall and tolerably slender.'

'Tolerably slender? You mean toned and not a gram of fat wasted?'

'Thank you for those kind words, Mr B. But given my height and build, punching people is not going to work for me in this kind of situation. I think I would name and shame.'

'No forgiveness?'

She shook her head.

'I'd like to think I'm quite a tolerant and forgiving person. But I know for me the relationship would be toast if they cheated. I'd just make sure everyone knew so they were aware of who to avoid.'

'Good answer, Seb, what would you do if you found out your special person was playing away from home?'

Sebastian dragged his gaze up from the table where he had been listlessly pushing his food around his plate.

'Dan. I'd remember the good years, remember what was invested and I'd see what could be done to forgive and rebuild. I think that is the mature, grown-up thing to do. I get the temptation to hurt, but I'd like to think I'd be the bigger man.'

'I think Sebastian is right, Danny.'

Lucy spoke up, her voice steady. 'Be the bigger man. Show why you are the Champion of the World. Don't let the love be wasted, be lost. Don't sacrifice all the effort and all the years. Listen, forgive, rebuild, and love. Don't hate but love.'

'What about you Dan? What would you do if you found out you were being cheated on?'

Dan looked at Jonathan with a smile on his lips. The smile didn't seem to extend to his eyes.

'You know, I really don't know what I'd do. It's not something I've ever really had to think about. Let's see, what would I do?'

He turned around, squinting at the kitchen. Listening intently.

'Seb, is that your phone that keeps making that noise?'

Dan picked up his fork and spoon and began to eat, his gaze firmly fixed on Sebastian who was patting his pockets trying to locate his phone. He got up from the table and rather shakily made his way to the kitchen. He walked back in, swiping on his phone and cursing.

'Hell's fucking teeth! What the fuck is going on?'

'What's up?'

'I've got a shit tonne of missed calls, texts. Somethings going on'

'Seb don't worry about good manners. Root through your phone and ignore us.'

'What?' Sebastian looked up at him briefly.

Dan shrugged, keeping his eyes fixed on Sebastian who was flicking through his phone.

'My fucking agent has just dumped me. Fucks sake.'

'In fairness chap, you did say she was a bit useless. Perhaps this is a change for the better.'

'I was talking smack. It took me fucking years to get onto her books, she's the gatekeeper for every decent fucking role in England and her reach is literally fucking global. Why the fuck has she dropped me? I am fucking screwed. Oh shit, shit, shit, buggery fuck shit.'

'Does she give a reason?' Dan asked.

'Maybe she doesn't like scum that pick up married women.'

'Jonathan, please. Forgive and forget, that's our mantra around this table. We're all about being the bigger guy.'

'Sorry Dan.' He hung his head like a recalcitrant child, but Dan could see the broad grin on his face. He pushed aside his first dessert plate and pulled the second in front of him.

'Seriously Seb, she's just your agent. You pay her, she doesn't pay you. There's plenty more agents out there.'

'No, no, no, no, fucking, no, no, please no.'

'Seb? What's up? It's just your agent. It's bad but it's not a disaster. Chill out.'

Sebastian was staring at his phone in disbelief as he read through a message on the screen.

'I've been fired from the show. Like gone.'

'Oh wow, brutal. But weren't you just saying earlier how bad it was? A cokehead for a principal actor. A gorgeous, but totally loved-up leading lady.'

'Hot as fuck leading lady.'

'Sorry Jen, yes, you're right. I stand corrected. Not just totally gorgeous and totally loved up leading lady, but one who is, as Jen has so accurately described, as hot as fuck. Not that you're biased, Jen. Shit director.'

He heard Jonathan laughing.

'I was talking fucking smack. Bullshitting. Same as everyone does about their jobs. That was the biggest role of my career. I was the understudy for a major role, this role, I only had to do it for a few more months and the principles would move on and I would be the lead. This was the break I have been working for.'

He sank his head onto his hands.

'Why have they got rid of you?' Lucy asked, her voice had a slight tremble in it.

Sebastian shook his head. 'I don't know, something about a video.'

'You dog, did you make a sex tape of you and Lucy?' Jonathan asked his tone playful.

'Fuck off.'

'There's a video of you on 'The Green Room Gossip' site apparently.' Jennifer said.

Sebastian perked up and quickly called it up on his phone. He watched it in silence, a puzzled look on his face. He blanched as he watched it.

'That was earlier on. That was here. What the fuck?'

'Yeah, I filmed your whiny-assed, little rant earlier and posted it for everyone to enjoy.'

'You did what? You've killed my career, Danny. You've absolutely fucked my career. What the fuck did I do to deserve that?'

'I dunno, banged my wife maybe?'

'There's no fucking comparison. That was a piece of ass, this is my whole fucking life. Julian is a vengeful bastard; he'll blacklist me across the whole acting world! I'll be lucky to get a role touring regional theatres in Australia after this.'

'Oh wow.' Jennifer interjected, a smile playing across her lips. 'Lucy, how does it feel to be described as a piece of ass by that waste of a sperm and an egg? That must be so humiliating.'

Lucy was staring at Danny, her mouth wide open with horror. 'Please Danny, don't do anything. I am sorry, so sorry.'

Danny's phone rang at that moment. The chiming noise was quiet, but it stopped the conversation.

He turned over his phone.

'It's your Mum.' He said to Lucy and despite her silent pleas and shaking head, he answered the call. There was silence in the room as they listened to his side of their conversation.

'Good evening, Mum.'

'Yes, I saw it.'

'No, I was the one who sent it out. I also posted it on her Facebook account as well.'

'I didn't want to be the one who was blamed for our marriage breaking up. I wanted people to understand why I'm dumping her.'

'No, no, she's not seen it yet. I cancelled her phone contract so that she couldn't see it until I was ready for her to.'

'No, my Solicitor has drawn up our divorce papers. It's fair. I've got a three-month secondment in the States for the next three months with work. I've told the landlord for the flat that we're no longer keeping it. I've wrapped it all up as fairly as I could.'

He laughed at whatever she said. 'No Mum, there's no way in hell we can work past this. I'm not perfect, but I think I'm worth a wife that will be loyal to me and not fuck around with any sleazy fucktard that puts the moves on her.'

'I will stay in touch and thank you for your kind words. Good night.'

He put the phone down onto the table and looked Lucy in the eye.

'Your Mum said 'Hi''.

Lucy was crying.

Jonathan pushed himself up from the table.

'Come on Sebastian, you useless fuck. Time, we make a move. I'll let you walk out with me.'

Dan smiled as he saw the fear in Sebastian's eyes. Jonathan saw it as well.

'Don't worry Seb, I'm just going to walk out with you. We want you to suffer the pain of our revenge, not beat you up.'

Danny watched as the two men walked out the room.