The Elf Dick and The Stormwind Ass


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"Why?" I growled as a soldier slammed the door.

"We heard word of an elf infiltrating our noble class. It didn't take much to find out how to capture you." Yara laughed.

The door crashed open with a splintering of wood and soldiers flooded in. I considered fighting, but if I posed a threat, the swords those soldiers were carrying would probably find their way into my body. It was close quarters and I wasn't skilled in combat magic. I could throw some fire and ice, maybe kill a handful of them but there was entirely too many. Plus with the other mage in the brawl, I'd probably not come out of it. I'd rather they didn't kill me so I held my hands up and went willingly.

"Horde scum." She gowled as I was led away.

I felt bile rising in my throat. I couldn't express my hatred of all this well enough. Horde. Alliance. Good. Evil. Fucking idiots all around. I get so tired of being forced into the politics of the world. Why can't I just fuck some nice asses and live in peace? Where was the harm in what I was doing?


The Stormwind stockade was not a glamorous place. The guards hadn't given me any clothes and so I was lying naked on a worn wooden bed. The worst part about it was that the stockade was beneath the canals of Stormwind so it was cold and damp. Water dripped in the corner of my cell and the stone floor had a constant slimy feel.

Now you may be thinking the obvious. How did I start my story in a brothel I owned and with my dick in a woman who loved me, yet right now I was in prison? The answer is pretty simple: I got lucky. Well, to be fair, I got desperate. I guess desperate and lucky is a pretty alright answer.

You see, the stockade had enchantments to prevent using portals to enter or leave. They also put enchantments on the cells to nullify magical escape attempts. I knew because everytime a guard was out of sight, I quietly tried another spell to escape. Anything. Ice to brittle the bars. Fire to... well I didn't know what I was going to use it for but it had to be worth something. It didn't matter. Nothing worked and I began to worry that I wouldn't ever be able to escape without outside help.

That particular thought brought me to what I tried next. I was waiting until night when the guards were busy playing cards and whiling away the quiet hours. Once the sleepy, half-aware patrol passed my cell and headed back towards the guardpost, I slipped off my bunk and set into action.

I wasn't sure if it was going to work, but it was a different class of magic entirely. It wasn't governed by the same rules and laws as the more basic arcane. It was just possible that it could bypass their wards or possibly they hadn't protected against it. I bit down on my knuckle and drew blood. With it, I began drawing a symbol on the slimy ground. It took me a few layers of blood to get it to the point where I was sure it would work.

My arcane power came up and I tapped into my own life to imbue it with a unique power. Fel magic came from my fingers and coursed into the blood rune I had drawn on the ground. It felt amazing, as it had all those years ago, to be using this kind of magic. I could see how some people could get addicted to it, but I never could because honestly it couldn't hold a candle to fucking fat asses. I forced my thoughts back on the task at hand. Almost immediately I felt it working. My power crossed the planes of reality and grabbed ahold of the being I was focused on. It was pulled back to me and I felt the fabric of space rippling above the rune. There was a momentary pause and then a gentle wash of fel power came from an opening rift. A figure of incomparable beauty and irresistable sexuality stepped through. I stood and looked her in the eyes, those bright blue eyes.

She was as tall as I, though taller with the horns from her forehead. Her skin was a light pinkish-purple and a long tail curled around behind her with batwings spread from her shoulders. Her face was very sexy with long pointed ears, flowing black hair, and cute little fangs hanging over deep purple lips. Normally creatures like her are seen wearing tight leather and showing a lot of skin, but she was just showing the skin. Last time she was around, we had entirely done away with anything covering skin.

"Mistress... It's been so very long. Why have I been left to rot after only one time?" The succubus purred, sliding one of her long, slinder fingers around my cheek. I felt a flood of desire in my loins at her touch. Her breasts were just as huge and youthful as they had been. Her ass was exactly as curvy I remembered it to be. My eyes ate her up, every curve, ever bit of her luscious thighs, everything. It took my entire will and mental fortitude to resist shoving her against the bars and fucking her brains out all over again.

The thought of her attacking me again drew my resolve. I immediately cast my power out around her and bound her will and soul tightly with arcane chains. I only needed to control her for a few hours and I would be free.

She sighed and rolled her eyes, "Please mistress, that is hardly necessary. I'll do anything you ask. So where is this dark... naughty dungeon you've summoned me to?" Her tail snapped about impatiently and her eyes were fixed on my erection.

"Hey! What's all that noise?" A guard yelled, and his heavy bootfalls approached quickly.

"My power can't leave the cell because of the enchantments. I think yours can. I want you to try and charm the guard to let us free." I hissed, impressing my will upon the bonds I had on her.

"Oh darling, I hardly need magic to charm a man." She smiled widely, bearing more of her fangs. She turned to the bars and watched the guard walk over to us. When he saw that there was now a demon in the cell, his eyes went wide. Her hand slipped through the bars quickly and she placed one sharp nail under his chin. With a practiced motion, she drew him close and whispered to him, "Hey there handsome. Why are you keeping a cutie like me locked up when I could be out there having fun with you and your friends." He tried to turn away, but her hand slipped around his cheek, "No, no. Don't call them over yet. I'm not done talking with you. You want what I can give you, don't you?"

"A... Alright..." He stammered, his eyes falling to her huge, bare breasts.

"We were imprisoned so unjustly. If you'd be so kind to unlock this cell, I'll come out there and give you your prize." The succubus cooed, caressing his cheek lovingly.

"Yea. Of course." He sounded like he was half-asleep as he drew his keys from his belt and slid one into the lock.

"Hey! Charlie, what is going on over there? Get back over here! I haven't taken enough of your money yet." Another guard hollered.

"Huh?" Charlie looked up, the charm fading from his face. The succubus hissed in annoyance and shoved him back with a hard push, sending him to the ground. She grabbed the key and turned it, swinging the cell door open wide.

"Perfect! Handle the other guard!" I said as I lunged through the cell door. I kicked the downed guard across the head hard.

"Sound the... the... the..." The other guard started to yell but my succubus was quicker. She had her hands held towards him and a wry purple smoke was flowing up around his body.

She sauntered towards him and slid one of her hands around his neck, "Don't go doing anything rash, my pretty. You need to help us get out of here."

"The other guards won't let you..." He said, his voice hollow and mesmerized.

"Make yourself invisible." I instructed her as I drew my own illusion up around myself.

The succubus nodded and her own body faded into shadows, "Just lead us out. Open the doors. Head towards freedom and make sure we can follow."

"Of course.." He mumbled and walked towards the stairs.

The stockade had a full guard and it took a bit of skill for us to slip out with our guide. He opened the gates and leaned against each one in turn to hold it open for a few seconds. The other guards talked to him in passing and he talked off each one with another excuse. We walked through the barracks built above the stockade and stepped out past the guarded doors.

"Thanks dear. Go home now." The succubus said and we left the barracks behind us.

Both of us invisible, we fled the military district of Stormwind. Once we were a safe distance away, we slipped into a back alley and down to a run down looking inn. There was no point to revealing ourselves, so we just slipped through to an empty room and locked the door.

"Whew. That went better than I expected." I sighed, sitting back down on the worn old bed.

"Are you going to answer my question yet mistress?" The succubus said, crossing her arms and leaning against the door.

I looked up at her, "What?"

"Why has it been decades since you summoned me? After such a night as we last had, why did you leave me to rot in the Nether? I spent years longing for you. Such painful desire... it was torture..." She frowned. The way her lip quivered and her eyes glowered; was she pouting?

"Because you broke free and cursed me! You are a demon. Why would I want to summon you if I had any other option?" I scoffed, "Why are you even still here? Go away."

"Cursed you...?" She stared in shock, "Mistress, you gave me the night of my unhallowed life! The kind that all Sayaad dream of, a night of pure unadultered bliss that slakes every thirst, fulfills every desire, and just... just..."

She gave a feral roar and leapt at me. I raised my hand and stopped her in her tracks. "Wait!" I focused on the bindings I had around her and forced her to sit back, "Hold on a second. I'm confused now. Can you explain?"

Her face was flushed and she was shaking with need. Despite her wild eyes, she took a deep breath and said, "I never cursed you. I blessed you with all the desires and lust you could ever want. I gave you dick and balls fitting someone as amazing as you. You can mount and dominate anything with that knot. Mistress, has it really been a curse on your life?"

I opened my mouth but I couldn't say anything. I raised a hand and then it fell in my lap. A wild rush of emotions and memories filled my head. It took me a minute to finally find my voice, "No... You're right... ever since that night, I've had any woman I wanted. I've fucked anything I set my eyes on. I guess I just thought it was a curse because it was always out of my control. It was put upon me by a demon."

"See? I blessed you. Now can we fuck? Please! Mistress, your dick looks so enticing." She said without looking away from my cock.

"Hold on. Why did you leave then?" I asked, "If you were so happy, then why leave?"

"Your bindings and summoning were weak. My power on this plane was incomplete so I used the last of it to gift you as thanks." She said quickly and started to twitch towards me.

"So if I release the bindings on you, what will you do?" I cocked my head.

She grinned, "I will fuck you until we're both too exhausted to move."

I reached out and put a finger to her lips. She immediately started to suck on it and I grinned, "I'll get it right this time. What's your name?"

She flicked her tongue around my finger teasingly, "Khara."

I released the bindings I had on her. It was exactly as dramatic as I thought it would be. Her bright eyes widened and her body stiffened. Like a wound spring, she lunged. Before I knew what was happening, I was buried under a flood of succubi desires. Her lips were all over my face and she was grinding her body against mine. Wetness was drooling from her pussy and all over my thighs. She locked her mouth with mine and wound our tongues together. Fire blazed in my loins and all the memories of that night so many years ago came rushing back.

With all the furor I could muster, I kissed back. I groped her body and pushed back, stirring her desires with my own. Lost in the arms of the only other creature that had ever shared my boundless desires and lustful need, I gave into everything.

"I want your cock." She gasped between kisses. My hands were firmly gripping her bountiful ass and I rolled over, forcing her beneath me. I held her down and turned around, poising my dick above her mouth. "I-" was all she got out before I thrust my hips down. My dick shoved down her throat and I smothered her face with my huge sack.

Don't get all concerned for the succubus. The way her pussy double-timed the flood screamed that she clearly loved the treatment I was giving her. I spread her thighs and dove headlong into her soaking slit. Her juices were sweet and deep, filling my head with heady need. My hips bumped faster and I fucked her throat harder.

"Khara! Oh fucking hell." I growled, digging my fingers into her thighs.

She slurped and her throat convulsed around my dick. I slapped my sack on her face with each hump and I felt her hands crawling up my ass. She pulled down on my and forced me right down on her face. Her tongue lapped hungrily against my cock.

"You are such a cock-hungry whore!" I said and her fingers rubbed up against my ass. With near supernatural talent, she slipped the digits inside and found my prostate. The pleasure of her touch sent a surge of heat through my dick. "Fuck! Fuck, I forgot how much you love dick! Be sure to guzzle all my cum!"

My enormous sack clenched up and my orgasm forth. My knot stretched her jaw and locked my dick in her mouth as it poured it's load down her throat. Her body was shaking beneath me and she she gulped hungrily.

While I basked in the pleasure of feeding her the largest load I had unleashed since the last time I had fucked her, I dug my tongue back into her pussy. Her body was crafted in every possible sense to pleasure. Her pussy smelled and tasted absolutely heavenly. I drank in her wetness as if I were dying of thirst. Her pussy clenched and convulsed around my tongue.

When my orgasm came to an end, I leaned up and waved a spell in the direction of my dick. It flourished with warmth and my knot deflated as my balls filled once more with semen. I slipped free of Khara's warm mouth and she took a deep breath.

"Still hungry for my cum?" I asked as I got off her.

"Mistress, I'll still be hungry for your cum ten minutes after we finish." She snorted with a cheeky grin, "Now give me that dick!"

She grabbed my shoulders and shoved me flat on my back. She stradled me and had my dick sliding inside her before I knew what was going on. Her hot and tight pussy engulfed me completely. I gave a long moan and laid my head back, content to let her go crazy.

Fucking a succubus isn't like anything you can imagine. I haven't exaggerated once in everything I've told you. Any warlock who summons a succubus for anything besides sex is wasting so much potential that reality itself should give them a swift kick in the ass.

"Do it Mistress." She gasped as she bounced on top of me. The insides of her pussy were squeezing and milking every bit of me. She didn't waste any time. She knew we had hours to go so she wanted the first load as soon as possible. Her tail was curled around my balls and had them in a gentle squeeze. Her every breath came out in pants of need and desire, constantly begging for my seed.

I grabbed ahold of her plump, round ass in both hands and thrust upward. Khara cried out in joy and her head lolled back. She grabbed my legs and ground her crotch against mine. Her tail continued working my sack and we rode a wild ride of ecstasy together.

My knot grew hot and I felt my orgasm rushing forth. My fingers dug into her ass and I forced my brain to focus on something for just a few moments. Arcane power rose within me and flowed into my cock. It was a spell I had developed a while after we had our first night... though I rarely got a chance to use it for fear of hurting my nightly fuck-toy. I felt as though Khara might appreciate it though.

"You're going to lose your mind." I warned her in panting breaths and I released the spell. A smile split my face and I let out a long groan of pleasure.

"Huh?" She moaned as she felt my knot start to inflate.

My first shot hit her womb like a geyser. I could actually see her belly distend from it and she screamed. Her eyes went wide and her entire body turned into goo on top of me. That first shot alone probably filled the vacuum in her and the next just pooled in with the first.

The spell empowers orgasms. It multiplies my virility, volume, and force by at least ten and without any way of pulling out because of my knot, the immense amounts of cum get trapped within. Normal folks would probably be hurt by it...

Khara? She was drooling on my shoulder and shaking with orgasms.

I could feel her belly tightening against mine and more cum poured from me. I had turned her womb into a violent torrent of semen and her body shuddered each time I added more to it. I relished every moment I felt her cum anew.

It took at least five minutes for my orgasm to wind down. My constant liquid injections had her filled with more than a bucket of cum. Her belly was a round, gravid lump and she was entirely unmoving aside from the wheezing breaths she took. Even her tail was laying limp across my thigh. I wrapped an arm around her and patted her ass, "Told you."

"Mi... Mistress..." She whimpered. She tried to push herself up but her arms didn't have any strength in them.

I actually did feel kind of bad. It must've hurt her ego just a little to know that a mortal was better at sex then her, a very demon crafted for lust and desire. Because of that, I carefully hugged her and rolled over so she could lay back. The movement made her moan hoarsely and I settled down between her warm thighs, cock locked tightly in her pussy.

Can you guess what I saw when I looked at her?

Love. Unadultered, unfaltering, and entirely without her own consent. Her eyes were positively glowing with love when she looked up at me. She licked her lips and said, "I love you. I didn't know I was even capable of such pleasures. It feels so exquisite~! the ecstasy of all this cum and the forcefulness with which you delivered..."

I leaned down and kissed her deeply, taking the last of her breath away. She wrapped me in her arms and kissed me back. It was the perfect moment... except.

"Hey! Keep it the fuck down! We get it, you're having sex! Now cram a fucking pillow in the whore's mouth." A gruff and angry voice came from the door as they pounded on it.

Khara snorted with laughter as our kiss broke off. I sat up a bit, adjusting my cock inside her and leaned my arms on her plump belly. She gasped with pleasure and I felt the pressure on my cock increase. I smiled, "So, in love with me huh? I've heard that a few times before. Did you fall victim to your own blessing?"

A dark blush crossed her cheeks. For the first time, I actually got to see her embarassed. "Hardly. It's all your doing. You used that cock, and you made it more than I could have ever hoped. Just promise that you won't throw me away again."

I laughed myself that time, "Oh please! In the last month I have fucked so much gorgeous, fat human ass and yet in all of that I've never had this. Someone my equal. Someone who can take me hump for hump." I stopped at that and looked down at her belly, "You can, can't you? You aren't actually worn out after this, right?"

"Why don't you yank that fat knot out of me, and find out?" She gave me a fanged smile and I felt her pussy loosen. I and my cock were forced out by the sheer pressure of all the cum. A flood of white washed out of her and all over the bed.

I looked up in shock. Had she been clenching and holding me in all that time despite the orgasms? While I was kneeling there shocked, she stood up despite the river of cum flowing down her thighs.

"So Mistress, the question is, can you match me and my decades of lustful desire?" She said. I growled and yanked her down to the bed.