The Enchanted Forest


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Reaching the edge of the clearing she starts to scurry faster when she ends up tripping and falling headfirst into a large snowbank. She lets out a shriek causing John to come running across the clearing. She is just getting up brushing the freshly fallen wet snow off the front of her dress when her father approaches her.

"Daddy I tripped and fell. Look at me I am covered in snow," she says her teeth chattering.

"Well. Jesus, why did you take the coat off."

"It was in the way when I peed and I was like hurrying to get back to you so I just draped it over my shoulders sorta when . . . this may sound silly, but it felt like something reached out and tripped me."

"Yeah OK . . . we will talk about it back inside the sleigh. First, let's get this coat back on you."

"It won't help much now. I mean the snow is fresh and all wet. My poor dress is soaked. Jesus look at it," she cries out as John glances now for the first time at the front of his daughter's dress.

Indeed, the wet snow has done a number on the front of Jade's knit dress. It is soaked and clinging to her skin. He can clearly see the outline of her large nipples pressed invitingly against the dress. With a great effort, he manages to wrench his eyes off her tits while wondering if she might have fallen into the fucking snowbank on purpose knowing the effect this would have on her dress.

After all, she has been quite the little tease all night and now, with a bit of rum inside of her . . . well who knows. The one thing he does know, for certain, is the face she is not wearing a bra is made abundantly clear.

Just in case he might have overlooked this little fact, she shines the flashlight on the front of her dress imploring her daddy to look at her . . . what a mess she is. The only thing he sees is her very erect, and very large nipples are highly visible as helps his shivering daughter back to the sleigh wondering if there is any credence to her story about being tripped . . . or is it just another form of teasing.

He will have to talk to her further about this because . . . because if it is true . . . just who or what tripped her and why?

Once settled back inside the relative comfort of the sleigh Jade takes a large drink from the flask before turning to John and with a shy smile says, "I am absolutely freezing now, Daddy. You just have to do something to warm me up."

As she says this she moves closer to him while slipping back on her white mittens and adjusting the matching white scarf around her neck. As she moves closer he once again is finding it extremely difficult to keep his eyes off his daughter tits.

She slips off his large overcoat allowing the full impact of her wet dress to be shown off inside the sleigh which is being bathed by a fair amount of moonlight filtering in through the blankets.

John takes a quick peek out and notes the huge full moon that has risen in the dark snowy sky. He is not sure if he has ever seen a moon so large and so bright in his life.

He sinks back into his seat, and trying to maintain some semblance of decency between them, he tells Jade, "Hey hon, maybe you should put the coat back on."

"I would, but . . . but it was sorta of yanked off me when I fell down. At least that is what it felt like. Now it's all cold and wet from landing in the snow bank."

"Really yanked off you? By who, Jade?"

"I don't know . . . maybe by whoever or whatever tripped me. I don't think I am supposed to put the coat back on. Can't you just cuddle me next to you under the blanket . . . and that should keep me warm enough."

Without waiting for his answer she snuggles up next to him under the blanket and then takes the flask of rum from his hand. Holding up the flask up she says, "This will help keep me warm."

She tips the flask back and takes a swallow just as he launches into his speech about how alcohol does not actually warm someone up. She obviously doesn't care as she only smiles after he is finished and takes another drink.

"Suit yourself. You will see when I am right." He grabs the flask from her and takes several large swallows himself.

As if she was reading his mind she grins at him. "Good, no long lectures about getting drunk only a warning about how it won't really warm me up . . . which is OK as I have you to keep me nice and warm."

"Well then let's work on getting you warm then shall we," he replies slipping an arm around her. They sit silently for a few moments enjoying the quiet solitude of the forest clearing.

Both of them are thinking the same thing-are the tales about this part of the forest to be believed. Is it indeed enchanted by the wicked spirits of that father and daughter from centuries ago or was it the forest that lead father and daughter down the wicked path of incest.

Whatever the case may be the forest seems to be weaving some magical spell around John's heart as his thoughts are becoming darker regarding his pretty young daughter.

She finally breaks the silence by telling him again how she is convinced some unseen force reached out and grabbed her ankle causing her to trip and fall into the snow bank.

He only laughs, telling her she is silly . . . silly, clumsy and a little drunk that is.

"No, Daddy . . . I think maybe the forest wants to make me cold by tripping me. I think the forest and everything in it is haunted by . . . you know that father and daughter in Mr. Garrett's story. Maybe even us, Daddy . . . maybe we are haunted now."

"It is only a story honey?" he tells her while not wanting to give her a hint of his true feelings. Yes, by now, John is having doubts that the legend of this forest is just only that—a legend.

He can't help but to think how that snowball . . . heading straight for the middle of her back suddenly dipped and nailed her right in her beautiful ass.

Then there was that poor horse stepping into a hole that Mr. Garrett swore was not there earlier. If that does not happen they are most likely already half way back down to town by now. Instead, he is up here . . . all alone . . . getting drunk . . . with his gorgeous young daughter.

She interrupts his thoughts. "OK, well if this forest is not haunted explain to me how you . . . Mr. Prim and Proper first nailed me right on the ass with a snowball. You . . . had . . . to be aiming for my butt, Daddy which means you had to be staring at it . . . right?"

"Honey . . . Hmm . . ." Jesus does he tell her the truth . . . how the snowball magically dipped down.

"Well? I am waiting for an answer," she says her voice taking on that demanding tone that says he is not going to be able to simply brush her off.

"Yeah well, my goal was to hit you in the back, hon. I guess I was just a little off."

"Whatever . . ." she sighs.

He hopes she is going to drop the matter, but instead she changes the subject to an even more dangerous topic.

"I notice the way you are having a very hard time keeping your eyes off my chest, Daddy. Not exactly the behavior I would expect from Mr. Prim and Proper."

"First of all . . ." He sighs trying to control his anger as he does not much care for this new pet nickname she is teasing him with. "Stop calling me Mr. Prim and Proper and second of all . . . I have not been staring at your goddamn chest, Jade!!"

"Again whatever, Daddy. Deny all you want we both know the truth."

"Honey, really I-"

"Oh forget it . . . for now anyways. I think we should discuss exactly how you plan on keeping me warm."

"What . . . my arms around you cuddling you under the blanket is not working?"

"It is . . . kinda . . . but . . ." She pauses and bats her eyes seductively before whispering, "I think those kisses we shared earlier tonight were really, really, nice. Nice and they made me feel real warm and loved on the inside. So maybe, if you really care about keeping me warm you should shower me with some more of those sweet kisses like we shared earlier."

"Honey, I . . ." He is about to protest knowing in his heart if they were to start kissing now, while all alone deep in the heart of this lonely forest . . .

God knows where that would take them. He has not had sex . . . in what . . . in a good long while anyways.

Then she says it. Quietly, but with total conviction. "It's what the forest wants."

Just then, almost as if to confirm the truth of what she says, a large wind gust on this previous totally windless night rocks the sleigh.

"See," she whispers bringing her lips to his. He starts to pull back, but an even stronger gust of wind threatens to rip the protective blankets off the sleigh.

Still he hesitates . . . until they both hear it. An eerie sound comes floating to their ears. It's like the faintest of whispers—yet unmistakable- from the surrounding woods.

Kiss, kiss her sweetly . . . softly . . . be gentle . . . kiss the daughter.

John wavers, befuddled as to what he thinks he is hearing. How could this be possible? He quickly realizes it must be the wind whispering in the trees. He shakes off the other supernatural explanation, and instead, turns away from Jade seeking comfort in Mr. Garrett's flask. He takes an extra-large swig from it.

Just as he does, a howling starts up somewhere deep in the woods. A wolf, maybe, and then a chilling return howl this time closer.

Jades grips his arm, digging her nails into it. They hear a shuffling, snorting sound close outside the sleigh, followed closely by another loud howling; so very close this time as to make both of them shiver in fear.

Again, the sleigh is rocked by a gust of wind. The strongest yet. He reaches out snagging the blanket and holding it in place as it almost flies loose. Jade looks at him in absolute desperation. Tears are forming in her eyes. She is quivering in terror now. The whispering, that faint maddening whispering of kiss her . . . kiss her . . . starts up again.

Their lips come together as he does the only thing he can think to calm her fears as that loathsome scuffling noise just outside the sleigh is getting louder. He seems to have no choice; his hand being forced by the enchanted forest.

Their lips touch briefly again and again as they exchange several light kisses in a mere instant before she pulls back . . . just as he was getting warmed to the task.

She smiles at him and then she begins to speak. Her voice is deep and serious and without a hint of mirth. "Look outside and know your fate. Look and see what fun they are having. Go on . . . look."

He peers out into the dark clearing, shifting the small hand warmer from hand to hand, and suddenly has a vision of such clarity and intensity that it simply cannot be denied.

The vision shows a lush forest clearing in the spring. Maybe this one if it were not winter. Prancing across the clearing is a comely young lady in an old fashioned billowing white cotton dress. Her dark, curly hair flies in the wind.

Racing behind her is a man wearing an equally old fashioned white collar shirt and black work trousers with suspenders. He is holding what appears to be a large hunting knife aloft and yelling at the girl to stop. He also notices a pair of hand cuffs dangling from his waistband. She is half- giggling, half-screaming as she runs away from the man chasing her . . . but not very fast. It's almost like she wants to be caught.

He catches her; pinning her against a tree while waving the knife in her face. She shrinks back from it and stops struggling. He pulls the handcuffs out from his waistband and quickly secures her wrists behind the tree.

More giggling ensues, before he reaches out with the knife and callously saws through the buttons on her blouse. A delightful pair of large breasts come spilling out. He attacks them with first his hands, and then his mouth, before gripping her by the hips and lifting her up. He struggles out of his suspenders as his pants fall to the ground.

The man thrusts into her once and then a second time just as she lets out a loud moan, "Oh, Daddy, fuck me . . . give it to me. Yeah that's it."

John hears him grunt as if he was standing right there. They both turn to him with wicked smiles on their faces before the vision fades to nothing. He lets the blanket drop back into place . . . his fate sealed.

"Did you see anything, Daddy?" she asks softly.

"Maybe yes, but . . . well, now all I see, Jade . . ." He stares at her intently before lowering his voice. "Is the most beautiful daughter a father could ever hope to have."

"Oh, Daddy. I may be beautiful yes, but I am still really cold."

"Then I must warm my baby girl up," he whispers as he pulls her into his embrace. He unleashes the pent up sexual desire that has been growing for her all night. His tongue slips from its moorings, and slides easily into her mouth- tasting, exploring, and circling all around. Jade responds in kind, shoving her tongue against his as their hands find each other's under the blanket.

Breaking off the kiss, he lowers his mouth to her ear saying gently, "Are my kisses working baby. Are you getting warmer?"

She leans back, a fetching smile spreading across her face. "Daddy, they are working . . . but only to a point."

She finds the hand warmer lying unattended on the seat between them and pushes it into his hands.

"You need to be using this to make your hands warm. Hurry."

He grips the small hander warmer twisting it in his hands letting the heat flow into them.

"What did you really see out there? You were looking so intently."

"I . . . seen a father and his daughter . . . having fun is all. How did you know, Jade."

"Hmm, the forest told me. So what kinda of fun. Naughty fun."

"Yes," he thinks of pushing her on just how the forest told her, but decides against it. He is afraid maybe of just what she might tell him.

"It was them I think."


She pulls his hands up to her face, placing them softly on her cheeks whispering, "Your hands are really warm now."

"Yeah, well, Mr. Garrett's hand warmer works really well."

She pauses, her smile becoming playful as she thrusts her chest out to him while sighing heavily.

"What's wrong baby," he says responding to her heavy sigh of discontentment just as she knew he would.

"Well look at my poor tits, Daddy. I guess I picked a bad night not to wear a bra huh," she says sweetly.

"I guess you did baby . . . I guess you did." His voice barely rises above a whisper as he stares achingly at those regal tits of his daughter's . . . just as she invited him to . . . just as she wants him to.

"They feel like blocks of ice. Can't you . . ." She starts to guide his hands from her face, "Use those incredibly warm hands of yours to warm my poor boobies up, Daddy?"

"Oh God sweetie . . ." He can't even answer as his mind whirls out of control from her invitation. It's an offer he has longed for the whole night while at the same time despairing of what he would do if it ever came.

He offers no resistance as Jade guides his hands to the front of her dress, and presses them firmly against her breasts. Nature takes over as he begins to knead her tits firmly through her skin tight wet dress.

"That's it," Jade says excitedly. "Warm them up for me." She leans back against the padded cushion of the seat, closing her eyes, her big tits thrust out at him in a decadent vision of pure beauty.

John continues to fondle her tits gently as his cock is growing harder by leaps and bounds inside his dress pants. "I-is it working baby girl?"

"It would be better if you kissed me too while warming them up don't you think?"

"Yes, yes of course sweetie. Warm kisses, warm hands only makes sense." Jesus now he is using fucking logic to justify what he is about to do!!

"Perfect sense," she says as their lips come softly together. They kiss. Desperate tongues are snaking in and out of warm and willing mouths as the smoldering flames of passion—hiding there just under the surface all night between them—start to flare out of control.

Whatever is happening between them now cannot be stopped. He begins to knead the soft fleshy mounds of her tits with frantic craving as his mouth slips down and finds her neck showering it with a series of light kisses.

Jades lets her hands drop downward and into his lap. She uses one hand enshrouded in its soft mitten to stroke his manhood through his dress pants.

Their mouths have found each other's again, and are exchanging kisses no longer slow and languid, but instead fast and furious. Their tongues engage in mock battle as John hands really begin to go to work on his young daughter's big braless tits, kneading them with a determined, impatient, frenzy fueled by the forbidden craving both daughter and father are feeling without reservation.

Jade finally breaks off the kiss and whispers, "I think it would be better, I mean easier for you to warm my tits up if this stupid wet dress wasn't in the way don't you think Daddy?"

He needs no further prompting. His hands, one on each of her bare arms, move slowly up to her shoulders. He hooks a pair of fingers on each of the straps and begins to slowly tug them down.

She bunches her shoulders inwards allowing the straps to slide down her arms more easily. It does not take much for those lethal tits of hers to come spilling out of her tight dress.

Her regal breasts are big and beautiful and bronzed to a golden perfection sans any tan lines whatsoever. They are even more gorgeous than poor John had even envisioned in his wildest fantasies.

Jade tilts her head seductively, while smiling innocently, whispering in the sweetest and most innocent little girl voice, "Are they big enough, Daddy?"

"Oh God yes." He stares wide eyed with rapturous wonder at her tits noting in utter amazement at something only previously hinted at. The simple beautiful fact is, now revealed in stunning glory to his eyes, is how big her fucking areolas really are.

He had no idea anything in this world could be as beautiful as those immense dark silver dollars perched on top of her lovely tits.

Just when he thinks things could not get any more exciting she looks up at him and whispers, using that damnable innocent little girl voice of hers on him once more, "Please warm them up for me. Pretty please, I know you want to play with your little girl's virgin boobies. I have been saving them for you all my life."

His voice comes hardly strong enough to be called a whisper as that single word 'virgin' sparks untold excitement inside of him.

"Y-yes baby" he finally manages to say. His hands slowly begin to reach out towards her chest.

He fondles them softly, tender, reverently even, whispering, "They are a bit cold honey."

"More than a bit, Daddy," she says sighing as she feels his toasty warm hands spreading their heat through her icy cold tits.

Girlish playful desire engulfs her young heart as she giggles when his thumbs find her nipples and begins to flick them back and forth. It's a feeling she finds to be extremely delightful.

Her childish giggles are followed by a soft moan when he uses both hands to cup her tits gently, feeling their weight, before he switches to kneading their fullness with increasing passion.

"Oh God, baby your tits feel so nice."

"Daddy, I think you need to use that warm mouth of yours to really melt the coldness that have covered my poor tits."

Jades raises up while snaking a hand around the back of his head shoving his face deep into the twin mounds of her immense tits. He kisses them all over, slow and gentle at first, before the immense forbidden hunger he feels for his daughter's tits starts to bubble over.

He pulls back for a brief moment to enjoy the view of his daughter. There she is- reclining against the seat, those plumb virgin mounds hanging out of her dress, being offered up to his hungry mouth as a sacrifice.