The Erotic Book Illustrator


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There were kinky elements that disturbed me, but I lived with them. Why you ask? Well... When the woman you love gives you the most incredible blowjob you have ever received. You don't complain just because she pushes some of the cum into your mouth when you're kissing.

Or after we've just fucked, and she wants me to eat her out. It was a little gross, but I wanted to squirt her mouth full of my cum, thn I guess It was only fair... Trust me, you had to be there.

We were both busy, and with me working at home a lot it gave us time to connect. Which was great.

Zoe got a real boost when she was offered some new work from one of the major publishing houses. She was asked to proof read, and edit a couple of very racy novels. She even brought her work to bed, sharing some of the more graphic stuff aloud as she read.

I have to say, that got both of us going. It was all pretty harmless but very sexy stuff.

I did get a bit of a shock, when I got home from work one evening, and she was hard at work in the studio. She was so immersed in it, she didn't even hear me come in. "Whatcha doing?" I called from the doorway and she almost hit the roof, she was so startled.

"Bloody hell, you bastard, I nearly wet myself."

With a chuckle, I asked. "You look busy."

"New project, there's this writer who wants some illustrations for his book."

"Oh yeah, children's books?" I asked.

She giggled. "Oh hell no. This is sexy as hell."


"Yeah, it's an erotic story, and he wants to include some illustrations. I'm just finishing up a couple and then I'll send them to him and see if that's what he's looking for."

"Sounds interesting."

She looked up at me with cute evil squinty eyes and said. "I don't think you'd like it."

"Oh yeah, whys that?"

"It's a cuckold story."

"Oh right." I said with a sarcastic sigh. "I guess they called the right Illustrator then aye." I grinned seeing her wince. "Making you horny is it?"

"Feel my panties, and you tell me."

I laughed, turning to head off up the hall. "Nah, I need a shower."

Over dinner, she couldn't hold it in. She was right into this story. She had finished a couple of illustrations, and had begun to start the proofreading aspect of the job. When she told me how much it was paying, I was impressed.

In bed that night, she brought her laptop, and as she was proofing, she read some of it aloud...

Yep, it was definitely a very twisted cuckold plot line. As she read, she turned to me and asked. "Play with my pussy, and I'll read to you."

Fuck, she wasn't joking earlier, she was already slippery. Her pussy opened like a flower, her glistening petals clutching at my fingers as they worked in and out of her gorgeous portal.

I had pretty much blocked out her words, choosing instead to lose myself in her pleasure. I suckled hungrily on her luscious boobs. My teeth pulling sharply on her erect swollen nipples. I kissed her neck, her ears. I nibbled at her lobes.

Then it was under the blankets I went. My tongue and fingers finding their way inside. The intoxicating scent of her desire already overpowering my senses.

Her legs flopped open welcoming my oral assault. Her reading became stuttery and indistinguishable as I found her special place and her orgasm rushed towards us at break neck pace.

Climbing between her legs, my cock slid into her in one easy deep thrust. Her computer was long since gone and her attention was on me as I thrust heavily into her.

Afterwards, we snuggled as always. "What did you think of the story?" She asked breathlessly.

"Sorry I missed it. All I could focus on was my sexy wife."

She pouted, visibly annoyed that I played down the story. "I was being serious Sean. I'm interested in if you thought it was any good."

"Zoe, sweetie. Put yourself in my position. You have a gorgeous sexy woman open and at your fingertips. Are you going to listen to a dumb story, or focus on the beauty of said sensational goddess?"

She giggled, squeezing my hand. "That was a good save. You chose the words well."

Work was full on, and it demanded a lot of attention. Searching for faults on concrete and steel structures. Many of which were years past their use by date created enough nightmares. When you include traffic management, and public interactions. As well as collection images and saving them while dangling from a rope. It took a lot of energy.

Arriving home the next evening, I was surprised to find an unknown car in the driveway. I parked up front of the workshop, and sauntered into the house. No signs of anybody, but I could hear voices. Walking down to Zoe's studio I found her working on her computer, with a bloke leaning over her shoulder, his face right beside hers.

"I'm home." I muttered.

Zoe jumped startled. The guy beside her stood up quickly as well. "Bloody hell Sean. You have to stop sneaking up on me. Shit you're going to give me a flaming heart attack."

"I wasn't sneaking."

She sighed deeply, looked at me with a smile hiding behind her telling off. "Sean, this is Dane. He's the author of the book I was proof reading yesterday evening. Dane, this is my husband Sean."

He walked over and we shook hands. I took in his appearance, about my height, maybe a few inches taller. He dressed business casual, with dress pants, a white collared shirt and a dark grey blazer. His handshake was firm, without being lethal. I judged him to be somewhere between forty five and fifty five. He had the physique of a gym junky rather than somebody who got their body from actual work.

"Pleasure to meet you Sean. Zoe has told me so much about you."

His eyes, I didn't like them. They weren't shifty, or too close together. But there was something about the way he looked at me. It was a mixture of superciliousness and condescension. He exuded arrogance, and looked down his nose at me with a smug disdain.

I took an instant dislike to him. "Nice to meet you." I replied. "I'm gonna have a shower. Do you want me to start dinner?" I asked, doing my best to ignore his presence.

"Shit, sorry babe. We were so busy I forgot to get anything out." She looked guilty and uneasy.

"No worries. As soon as I've had my shower. I'll get something."

"Sweet, thanks babe." She turned back to her computer screen and he turned to look at what she was suddenly talking about.

Stripping quickly, I climbed into the shower. "What an arse." I said to myself. I do not like that guy at all.

I changed and walked into the kitchen. I had to chuck some frozen chicken pieces in the microwave to thaw out. As I was starting on some potatoes, Zoe walked into the kitchen to grab a bottle of wine. As she got a couple of glasses down from the rack. She leaned in close and placed a sexy little kiss on my lips. "Could you make enough for three? I was going to ask Dane to stay for dinner."

I wanted to say no, but maybe I needed to give the bloke a chance. "Yeah, I can throw in a couple of extra bits of chicken."

She kissed me again, and was about to walk out, but stopped. Holding up the bottle she asked. "Do you want a glass?"

I pointed to my beer on the bench. "No thanks." She smiled, and vanished back to the studio. An hour later I poked my head into her studio. They were sitting on the little chaise lounge under the window. Wine glasses in hand chatting and laughing like old friends.

"Foods served." I said matter of factly as I turned and walked out to the dining room.

"Wow, this looks scrummy babe." Zoe said as she sat down. "Very nice indeed." Dane added as he sat.

"Oh shit, would you get us another bottle of wine please babe? We finished the other one." She said, her words more like an order than a request.

For some reason, the way she said it pissed me off. "You're closer than I am. Why don't you get it?"

She flinched a little, giving me a curious expression. Shrugging she replied. "Fine."

I noticed Dane's eyes watching me very intently throughout the brief exchange.

Zoe returned with the bottle, and passed it to Dane. "Could you open it please?" As he took the bottle, she gave me a bit of a scowl before sitting back down.

"Zoe tells me you're a civil engineer. That must be fairly intensive work."

"It pays the bills." I replied. "What about yourself. What do you do?"

"I'm a writer now, as you say. It pays the bills."

"Is that what you've always done?"

"No, I used to be a clinical phycologist. I actually did a masters in phycology, a BA in counselling and social sciences. I ran my own practise for many years. Decided rather than hearing peoples problems, I should put some of what I had been listening to into print. So I started writing."

"Jesus, that's a bit unscrupulous isn't it. I thought that information was personal and private." I tried not to make it to accusatory, but he sat up sharply and gave me a very cold glare. I heard, Zoe's sharp intake of breath as well.

"Of course it's private. I never used their actual names, or case notes. I just used them for inspiration."

He went on to tell me about how he received the highest distinction honours at Victoria university.

God he was so full of himself. "Have you written anything I might have read?" I asked.

"Zoe told me you read the book she is proof reading for me."

"Nah, not me. Zoe read it."

"You listened." She said with a cheeky giggle.

"No, you read it. I was otherwise occupied." I threw back sarcastically.

"There are a few along very similar lines you might enjoy. I can send you a link to them if you would like?" He posed it as a question, and I could see he was evaluating my answer. It made me wonder how much of our relationship Zoe had revealed to the pompous bastard.

"Nah, that shits not for me I'm afraid."

"Oh, Zoe said you were interested in the theme and had been talking about the lifestyle for some time now."

Shocked, I responded quickly. "Sorry dude. I think you've got the wrong idea. Zoe mentioned what your book was about. But I have to tell you mate. That shit revolts me. I find it disgusting. I mean if that's your thing and you don't mind your missus shagging other blokes then more power to you."

"Sean." Zoe gasped. Stop it, that wasn't called for."

"He, asked." I snapped defensively, "I was just giving him my opinion. "You know damned well all that obscene garbage turns my bloody stomach."

He stared daggers at me, which only incensed me to carry on. I knew it was way over the top but just like when I yelled at Stu, once I started there was no going back. "Like I said mate, if that's your thing, and you're into it then it's all good aye? I mean if you like the taste of other blokes cum, then who are we to judge?"

"Actually. I'm single." Dane replied curtly. "I prefer the bachelors life style."

"Shit, it must be hard to get chicks to play along. Do they just pretend to be your wife while the other blokes shag her?"

Sucking in a deep breath he replied. "Actually, you have my role reversed. I'm not the cuck. I'm the bull."

"What in gods name is a bull?" I snorted. "Does that mean you are Bi, I mean do you enjoy the men's company as well? You know suck their dicks for her?"

Zoe just about sprayed the table with wine, as she choked. "Sean, oh my god stop it. You're being rude. Dane is trying to tell you. Stop being unpleasant."

I sniggered. "Sorry bud. Carry on."

He knew damn well that I was making fun of him. "I think you know very well what a bull is. Zoe, told me you have been role playing, and have actually read quite extensively on the subject. Your overly hostile response leads me to think you do harbour some latent tendencies. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Lots of men enjoy it. Your aggression is a defence mechanism to cloak your submissiveness."

He smiled across at Zoe as he released his analysis.

"Sorry bud, but you have it all wrong. I don't read any of that shit. Zoe has been because of her editing work. The reason for my hostility, as you put it is. I find it vile, disgusting garbage that should be banned from print. I believe it is the worst type of pornographic crap, nothing more than human sewerage."

I watched as he chewed on his bottom lip. Zoe dived in before anything else was said. "I think we should get back to work Dane. If you're finished here?"

"Yes, the meal was delightful Sean. I thank you for sharing with me."

I picked up on his hidden meaning immediately. "You were just lucky I had enough left for you."

They wandered off, and I heard Zoe apologising profusely to him.

I cleaned up, and was just putting the last of the plates away when Zoe stormed in. "You obnoxious rude bastard. The man is my client for gods sake. What on earth possessed you to be so horrid?"

"Well my love. It was the fact you've only just met the guy, and you already revealed our most personal conversations to him. Stuff that we said in the confines of our bedroom. Things that were completely private. Meant only for our ears. You fucking humiliated me in front of that pompous fucking arse. You implied to the fucker that I was interested in that shit when you know full well that I'm not."

Her bluster vanished immediately. Her anger replaced by guilt, her shoulders sagged and she very quickly apologised. "I'm sorry Sean, you're right. I shouldn't have revealed those things to him. I'm sorry you felt humiliated. You didn't have to. Dane has a lot of experience in these situations. Both professionally and personally. He understands the psyche of men who feel that way"

"I don't care if he's the fucking Pope. What is said between you and I should stay between us. If I can't rely on you, trust you. Then I need to re-evaluate."

She sneaked into my arms begging forgiveness. Rather than anger, there was now contrition. It might have been childish, but when she kissed me, and said. "Let me take you to bed and apologise properly."

I replied, Sorry, I have a mountain of paperwork to do. I got stung with the dishes, now I'm going to have to work late."

"Are you sure?" She pouted seductively. "I promise I'll make it all better."

"Sorry, if you'd come and helped with the dishes, we could be in bed already."

She wandered off as I walked into my office. Well, the spare room I used as an office. "I'll wait up for you." She said with a sad smile.

She was asleep when I got to bed. She did cuddle up to me, but that was all. My alarm roused me early, as I had another big day ahead. Zoe got up with me and we had breakfast together before I left. It was a little tense, and I sensed she had things to say. "Spit it out Zoe."

"I'm just angry at you. The way you behaved yesterday. Yes, I did the wrong thing, and I've apologised, but bloody hell Sean. There was no need for the way you behaved."

"I think he got what he deserved. The pompous dick. The way he carried on was unacceptable."

"He was trying to talk to you. I don't understand why you thought it was okay to be so bloody crude."

Me being crude... He's the one who flaunts his disgusting fetish in the world. I'm not talking about it. He is the fucking dick, and if you reveal one more fucking detail of our private life to the arsehole. We will be having a very serious fucking discussion."

I left leaving her to do the cleaning up. Not that she complained, but the kiss goodbye was barely a kiss at all. I had plenty of time to think about it during the day. Yeah, I probably needed anger management or something, but that bloke just pissed me off.

I had a degree in engineering, mechanical and civil. I had an associate diploma in project management and HSE. It's not like I was uneducated. He was just one of those totally unaware people. So full of himself he didn't understand why everybody else wasn't interested.

Still, Zoe did have a point. I was rude, I had made my mind up about him immediately, and I had pushed him in that direction. He wasn't getting an apology, but I would bite my tongue if we bumped into each other again.

To try and appease Zoe, I finished up my inspection about one O'clock, deciding to surprise her. On the way home I brought a selection of her favourite cakes, and a freshly made cappuccino from her favourite cafe. She adored the caramel slices from there.

When I got home about two, she was nowhere to be found. I called her mobile, and she answered straight away. "Where are you?" I asked.

"I'm at Dane's house. He invited me over, and made lunch for us. Where are you?"

"I stopped off at Cafe Sorrento on the way home. I brought us afternoon tea as I finished early. I got your favourite."

"Oh bugger. Sorry Hon. If I'd known I would have made sure I was home. My favourite huh, I wonder if you know what it is."

"I guess I'll see you when you're finished over there. Bye, love you."

"I love you too babe." She replied.

I sat down at my computer, and started to up load my day's photos. I had my coffee, my half of the afternoon tea. I could have left hers but decided. Nah, fuck it, and ate hers as well.

I was just about finished when she walked in about an hour later. "Right, where's our afternoon tea?" She asked with a big smile on her face. Leaning against the door frame with her hip thrust out seductively.

"Sorry, I figured if you had a big lunch you wouldn't be hungry. I ate yours."

She saw the empty packets on the desk, and leaned over to check the docket. With a deep sigh, she said. "You greedy bugger. You know how much I love those."

"Sorry babe, but you said you had lunch."

"Yeah." She pouted, "But after you called. We finished up so I could come home. I was looking forward to that."

She wandered out to her studio, leaving me feeling a bit shit for being such a dick. I only ate hers out of spite for being with old dick face.

She cooked dinner, which was nice. What I didn't appreciate was her going on and on about the mansion Dane lived in, and how his library was bigger than most towns. It was Dane this, and Dane that. She talked about how he was a popular author."

I tried to bite my tongue, but it was hard. I wanted to tell her exactly how I felt, but realised if I did. We would be in the middle of a huge fight, and I was feeling a little horny.

I had just about reached my limit, when the phone rang, and Claire saved me. Zoe stood up, and walked off to her studio, and I heard her giving Claire the big run down on what a wonderful person Dane was.

Oh well. I piled the dishes on the sink and rushed off to my office to catch up on reports, and upload some test results. I had spent the day with a team of contractors doing MPT testing as I discovered some nasty looking cracks in one of the bridges.

It was later when Zoe walked in a little upset. "What's with the pile of dirty dishes?"

"I figured we could do them together later. I had to get this report finished."

"I've been busy as well you know." She grumbled semi playfully.

"I know that. It's why I said we could do them together."

We did them together, and it gave her a chance to talk about Dane... Lucky me. She said Claire thought she was lucky, as she had read much of Dane's stuff."

We made love with a heated fervour that night. Her passion was unbridled and it left us both exhausted. At least we managed to end the night on a high note.

The next day was busy. It wasn't until I was about to pack up and go home that my phone buzzed with an incoming text. "I invited Dane for dinner tonight. No rush. I wasn't going to start until you got home. Dane said he wanted a chance to chat with you. He thinks you got off on the wrong foot. Bye, love you."

Oh fuck no. I checked my phone again, and it was getting close to four O'clock. I developed a little plan. I stopped at the takeaway bar on the way home, and bought fish and chips for our dinner. She loved the fresh crab. I got just enough for two.

I made plenty of noise walking in after seeing his car in the driveway. I walked in through the front door, and called out. "Hey babe. I got fish and chips for dinner. Saves doing dishes aye."
