The Erotic Book Illustrator


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I didn't answer, because her mouth smashed against mine. Her tongue evilly swirling around inside mine. Incensed by her words I pounded her down into the mattress, it had changed from lovemaking to fucking. Now with her words echoing around my head I took back control and ignoring her pleasure. I fucked her, our flesh colliding, crashing together brutally. The wet slap of my balls hitting her arse, the sloshing wet squishy sounds of sex reverberating.

Ripping her mouth from mine, she screamed "Cum inside me baby, just like he did."

Sounds stupid, but her erotically charged narrative sped me towards a huge cum, and she was there with me.

"Fucking hell." I said in exhaustion.

"Oh yeah, that was amazing. You like the thought of that huh?"

"Babe, if it gets you off, then I'm happy, because that was fucking hot."

Over the next couple of days, the topic of sex was never far away, and Zoe seemed like she was aroused all the time. The continued subject of her getting fucked by some other guy was wearing a bit thin, but it's hard to argue when the sex was so incendiary. I had never seen her, or any woman for that matter so driven, so alive and ferocious.

Friday lunchtime, she called me to say Claire and Stu were coming around for a barbecue, and I wasn't to be late. That left me feeling a little uncomfortable. The friendship we did have was now eroded, at least from my perspective. I actually felt uneasy thinking about it.

Pulling into our driveway, their car was already there. Sucking in a deep breath I walked in. Zoe met me with a sexy kiss. "Hey babe, Claire and Stu are out on the deck. Get changed quick aye."

"Yeah, no worries. I'll be down in a sec."

Walking into the living room, I could hear the laughter and chatter out on the deck. Grabbing beers, I walked out the back. "Hey guys." I said, handing Stu a beer. I noticed Claire watching me intently, anxiety etched deep.

"How's work?" I asked, and slowly Stu and I found conversation. The girls chattering away as they always did. Sex was thankfully not mentioned.

After they had gone, Zoe gave me a deep passionate kiss. "Thank you sweetheart."

"He's still my mate regardless of his kinky nature."

My good deed was repaid passionately later in bed.

What did become obvious over the next few weeks was Claire's dominant personality showing through. I suppose she felt more comfortable expressing herself. It was a bit shocking for me though. "get me another glass of wine Stu." It wasn't a request, it was a command, and he simply did what he was asked, although. Now he responded meeekly. "Yes mistress."

He did check out my reaction, and although it made me uncomfortable. I tried to cover it up. I couldn't believe how under her command he was. It evolved as well, becoming more sexual in nature. One night he spilt her wine, and she growled. "Damn it Stu. That is going to earn you a spanking tonight, and I was thinking of releasing you because you have been so good recently. Now I think another two weeks is in order."

He grimaced, but responded. "Thank you mistress."

Zoe, was obsessed with the cuckolding thing. Every day she seemed to be on the internet reading stories, or watching interviews with actual couples living the lifestyle. It became her main focus, and it soon grew to include porn. I might be watching TV, but she had her laptop open watching all this cuckold stuff.

She wasn't trying to hide it either. Quite often, she handed me the laptop. "Hey babe, watch this clip." Or, "Read this story."

I sucked it up, even although it was getting up my nose. Why... The sex was incredible that's fucking why... We had always enjoyed a reasonable sex life, but now it was way up there on another level.

It became clear that she was talking to Claire about it as well. I often caught them tittering away about something, but the moment I walked in. The conversation stopped.

I did overhear one conversation though. I was carrying stuff in from the workshop, and walked past the dining room window. Claire had come round for a chat with Zoe after work. I took the chance to go out to the work shop. Some of my instrumentation required calibration.

Anyway, as I walked past the window, I heard Claire say. "Stu is pissing me off. My new lover came around last night, and I instructed Stu to suck his dick to get it hard for me. The little shit refused to do it. I had to spank him in front of Mark."

"Is he not keen on that aspect?"

"No, it seems like it's a limit he's struggling to get past. I don't understand it. He sucked Marks cum out of me after we fucked in front of him. I don't see what the difference is."

"Was the spanking his only punishment?"

Claire sniggered evilly. "No, I extended his chastity. It's over a month since he has been free."

"A month, shit. Sean couldn't go a day I reckon."

"Prior to being locked up. Neither could Stu. Actually, he might have been worse."

"Who is mark, by the way is he new?"

"Yes, we've only been together a few times. You'd love him. He's got a lovely big fat juicy cock, and he just goes and goes. He's like the energiser bunny."

Zoe giggled hesitantly. "I don't think Sean would appreciate that."

Claire seemed taken aback. "I thought you two were talking about it?"

"We do when we're making love. It's sort of part of our pillow talk. I can tell though. Sean would never go for it."

"Yes, well. That's what I thought about Stu as well. But here we are."

"It's just a fantasy thing with us. It really gets me going, so Sean is putting up with it. I would like to take it further, but I sense if I pushed, he would push back way harder."

The boxes in my arms were getting heavy, so I walked inside, making sure I made plenty of noise.

Claire disappeared soon after, and our evening progressed as usual. Zoe was busy most of the night in the studio working on a new commission. It was getting late, so I popped my head in. "Bub, I'm off to bed."

She looked up guiltily. "Shit sorry, time got away from me. What a bitch I am leaving you alone all night."

"Forget it, I know how busy you are. I'm just knackered. It's been a long couple of days."

She shut the computer down sending the room into darkness. "No, I'm coming to bed as well."

I sensed her arousal, as we made out a little. The kissing bringing out passion we both felt. Like most nights, she started the role playing thing, but as she started her narration, I slammed my hand over her mouth. "Not tonight love. Let's just enjoy each others company. We don't need the fantasy stuff every night. Our sex life isn't that boring is it?"

She sighed, "Of course not, I merely thought you liked it."

"It's okay occasionally, that way it's a bit dirty and exciting. Every night is too much."

We finished our lovemaking, but it was a bit of a flop. I could see and feel she wasn't into it. That disturbed me, because with all the fantasy stuff, and the role play, me letting her tell me she had been with somebody else. Our lovemaking had been furious and ardent.

She didn't even want to talk afterwards. We snuggled, her playing the little spoon. She wasn't sleeping, she was thinking, and I couldn't break in.

It was dinner the next night before she opened up. "I'm sorry about last night. You took me by surprise, and it actually hurt when you slapped your hand over my mouth."

"I'm sorry as well. I didn't mean to be so rough. What I said still stands though. The pillow talk, and fantasy stuff is nice. I just don't want to hear it every night. Some nights I just want to make love with my wife."

She nodded as she picked away at her food. "I know. I've become fixated on the cuckold thing. It arouses me like crazy though." Her eyes peered at me inquisitively as she chose her words.

"Sean, would you ever consider actually doing it?"

Swallowing my beer in one long gulp, I replied. "You actually want to have sex with somebody else?"

"No, it's not just sex, it's something about control. I mean yes it would involve sex, but what excites me is you having to watch, or sit outside the door listening. I'd love that part of it."

I thought momentarily before answering. "The simple answer is no. I'm not aroused by it. When we do the role play when we make love. It's not the idea of you having sex with somebody else that excites me. It's your arousal. It's the way you respond to it. I accept it for that reason only."

She looked devastated. "You don't enjoy it at all?"

"I just told you. I enjoy your reactions, it's your fantasy. Our sex life has never been better, but no, I don't get off on any of that shit."

"Wow!" She groaned sheepishly. Her expression hardening. "I don't know what to say. I'm sorry I thought you were enjoying it as much as I was,"

"Zoe, I have been enjoying it, just like when you go with me to the bike races. I love it and you tolerate it, because you know I love it."

"Bloody hell Sean. This is a little deeper than that, don't you think?"

"Yeah, I guess. I was simply looking for a comparison."

Shaking her head in bewilderment. She asked. "Could you look after the dishes tonight? I have those illustrations to finish."

She was already on her way out to her study, when I replied defeatedly. "Yeah, no worries."

That was it for the night from her. She stayed in her studio, as I caught up on paperwork. At least I tried to. Unfortunately, my mind was caught in a whirlwind of swirling emotions. Again it was almost midnight when I poked my head around the door and said softly. "I'm going to bed."

She looked up, her eyes a little puffy. Somewhere during the evening she had been crying. "Okay, I need to finish this. I'll be there soon."

It was cold and closed. No sweetness, no apology. "Yeah right." I grumbled as I wandered off to bed. I guess the tension and my disillusionment wore me down a little. Not that I was trying to stay awake for her. I hit the wall and crashed.

I'm not sure what time she came to bed, I didn't even rouse. She was there beside me, when I woke up. Her body was nestled up against mine. Her arms around me.

She must have been late to bed, because she moaned loudly in complain when I eased myself out of her grip and snuck away for my shower.

I was gone before she showed her head. Work was pretty full on, and maybe that was a good thing. I had no chance to get lost in my misery. With only a couple if days left on this project I was flat out trying to close out punch lists and final inspections and photos.

It was after six when I got a text from Zoe. "Are you coming home tonight? Claire and Stu are here."

"Sorry, still got documents to finalise. If you'd told me, I would have tried to get home on time. Still got at least two hours to go."

I didn't get any response from her, but Stu called me about an hour later. "Hey mate, hows things?"

"All good bud, you know what it's like closing out projects."

"Yeah, I was more meaning here at home. Zoe is outside with Claire bawling her eyes out. I was just checking to see you were okay."

"Yeah, all good bud. Just some stuff going on. Women, you know what that's like."

"If you wanna talk mate, I'm here for you."

"Maybe golf on Saturday if you're up for it."

"Sounds good. I'll pick you up at eight thirty. Oh and you might wanna pick up something to eat on the way home. Your dinner is in the microwave, and it looks pretty fucked."

I took his advice, and stopped at a pub for a bite and a beer. I wasn't sure I wanted to talk to Zoe at the moment. How do you respond to a wife who tells you she wants to fuck other guys. Not only the sex though, she wanted to rub my nose in it. Shit who wants to sit outside a bedroom door listening to their wife getting fucked? Not me, that's for sure.

It was late when I got home. Parking my pickup, I saw the light still on in her studio. Again, as the previous night. I popped my head in. "Hey, I'm going to bed."

She glared at me, with a mixture of aggravated torment, and bewilderment. "Your dinner is in the microwave."

"Yeah, nah. I got something on the way home."

"Fine." She snapped caustically, turning back to her computer. I could see it wasn't work she was playing with either. It looked more like some sort of forum or chat room.

"Goodnight." I called grumpily, already halfway up the hall.

Again, I was asleep before she came to bed, and I was gone before she got out of bed. Our relationship was falling apart before my eyes, and I didn't know what the hell to do to fix it.

Friday, I finalised the project, and we all went out for a few beers. Normally on these nights I called Zoe, and she came with me. She liked to meet the guys, and enjoyed the social interaction. This time I just sent her a text saying. "Don't get me dinner. I'm gonna be home late."

She didn't even respond.

I was smashed when the barman kicked us out. Thankfully he called me a taxi. He parked the pickup in their yard, and kept my keys.

The house was in complete darkness, and I decided I couldn't be bothered going to bed. At least being drunk, I had no problem falling asleep on the sofa.

"Fuck." The loud banging on the front door woke me up. Swinging it open, I found Stu standing there. "Holy fuck mate. You look rough. Big night huh?" he said with a broad smile.

"Oh yeah. Project close out celebrations. I might have over done it a little."

He laughed loudly, saying. "Does Zoe look that bad as well?"

"Nah, she didn't go."

"Oh..." He said in a long sigh. "That explains it."


"Claire rushed off last night and refused to tell me where she was going. Got home about midnight."

"Give me a moment mate. I'll go and get changed. Make us a coffee will ya."

Zoe was still in bed pretending to be asleep.

On the course, we had to wait for a couple of other groups to tee off. "Are you gonna tell me what's going on?" Stu, asked.

"It's private. Not something I want to talk about."

"Mate, let me in. I've been where you're standing right now. I know what you're going through."

It might have been a combination of my pounding hangover, and the raw emotions of my disintegrating marriage, but I snarled. "No you fucking don't. You might know what Zoe and I've been fighting about. But you've got no fucking idea how I feel. You wanted it. You looked forward to some bloke fucking your missus, I fucking don't all right!"

He staggered backwards under the weight of my attack. I was on a roll, I had been bottling this up for ages, and with the bottle now wide open there was no going back. "Jesus mate, you were probably on cloud nine when she told you to lick some dirty fuckers cum out of her putrid filthy fucking twat."

He glared at me as the anger erupted out of me. "This is all your fucking fault. You and that slut you call a wife. Zoe never showed any interest in this crap until Claire filled her head with it. Dirty fucking slut."

"Fuck you Sean. I was trying to help." He stormed of as another waiting group sniggered at our interactions.

When I saw the sneering laughter, I yelled. "You lot can fuck off as well."

I had to get a taxi home, and that hurt. It cost nearly a hundred bucks. I was storing my clubs in the garage when Zoe came rushing out. "you cruel malicious bastard. You bloody prick. He was your best mate."

"Fuck off Zoe. He was no friend of mine. Filthy prick. Jesus, I'm glad it's out in the open and I can say what I really think. Thankfully, I'll never have to see him again."

"Oh my god. You narrow minded shit head. He's bloody devastated. Claire's trying to console him now."

"All she has to do is bring some bloke home and fuck him and it'll make his day. He'll have a creamy sloppy breakfast."

"Oh my god." She screamed as she slammed the door rattling every window in the place. It wasn't until I was about to close the garage doors, when I remembered my pickup. I sure wasn't going to ask Zoe, for a lift down to the pub. It meant another taxi fare. At least it was safe and sound, and I was able to stop and get a nice greasy burger to settle my stomach.

When I got home, Zoe wasn't home. It gave me a chance to have a shower, and catch a few zeds. I was still tired, and all the bloody tension wasn't helping. It was hard to escape my foul mood. All I could see was the anguish on Stu's face as I screamed at him. The snide looks on the other groups faces. He must have felt humiliated...

Thinking about it, I said to myself to try and justify my actions. "That's what he's into though, right?"

When I got up it was lunchtime, and Zoe still wasn't home. At least I had some peace and quiet. I made a couple of sandwiches, and sat down to check emails. I had put in some quotes for different projects, and I was going to need for one of them to come through.

There it was. "Awesome." I said aloud. I had quoted to the local council to undertake surveys on all of their rural bridges. There were over eighty of them, and would take me nearly a year. The quote I put in was pricey, because I didn't expect to get it.

With it in the bag, I could relax a little and take a few days off before throwing myself into it.

Zoe arrived home about six, looking distraught. Her red puffy eyes showed she had been crying. She dropped her handbag on the bench and flicked on the jug. Normally when either of us are making a drink. We offer the other one as well. Not this time, there was a cold determined expression stretched across her features.

She made her tea and walked straight past me out onto the deck. Wow, it was like one of those old vampire movies, where the temperature in the room drops dramatically as he nears his victim.

Now, I couldn't actually see condensation forming on the walls, but it sure as hell felt like it. The whole situation pissed me off. Claire and Stu pissed me off for filling her head with all this crap, and Zoe pissed me off for falling for it.

My response to her ignoring me was. "Fuck it." I decided to cook myself some dinner. It wasn't much, beef strips with some stir fried vegetables. The aroma soon filled the house. The garlic, the ginger, and a little coriander.

It smelled pretty damn good. When I added the soy and oyster sauce. It all sort of infused together.

It tasted as good as it smelled. When Zoe walked back in, I'm sure she checked the bench to see if I had made another plate. When she realised there was nothing. She placed her cup in the sink and turned to look at me.

"I think it's best if you sleep in the spare room tonight. I don't want you near me."

"Really, don't want me near you huh. Well, I'll make it easy for you. I'll move out, and then you'll be free to fuck whoever the hell you want."

"What the hell are you talking about? This isn't about sex. It's about the way you cruelly and with no remorse at all destroyed Stu, your best mate. Bloody hell Sean. I don't care about the sex. How could you do that to him?"

"How, Jesus Zoe, he knew all about our problems, and then he tried to tell me he knew how I felt. The stupid bastard. How could he know? He fucking wanted his missus acting like the slut she is. He wanted to do all that perverted shit. I fucking didn't. So how the fuck do you think he knew what I was feeling? You tell me."

"Sean, he was simply trying to talk to you. Let you know that he was there and you could talk to him. You, his best mate in the whole world totally humiliated him in front of a bunch of strangers."

"Don't get all sanctimonious with me. He loves it. For Christ's sake Zoe. He sucks other men's cum out of his wife's fanny. Do you really think he cares about a few strangers knowing. Jesus, it probably made him fucking horny."

"Oh my god. You heartless prick. He's your mate. He was trying to help you."

"Help me what? I suppose he was going to tell me how good it is, and how I should be happy that my wife wants to fuck other men. How I should beg for the privilege of sucking your pussy when you're finished."
