The Fallen


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Alone again, Carly looked around the room, feeling despair well up inside her like magma in a volcano about to erupt. She was lost, alone, imprisoned – officially she was a prisoner of war, but it seemed likely that she would not be treated fairly – sure the aliens had repaired her injuries, but for what purpose? She could be tortured and interrogated, or put to work. Seeing how badly the initial counter-attack had gone Carly had no doubt she would be waiting a long time for rescue, if the Earth forces ever did manage to penetrate the alien’s air defence. Maybe we can embargo them on their own world forever, Carly thought, but we might never break their stronghold.

Tears pushed at the edge of Carly’s eyes as she sat on the small bed that ran down the far wall, unsurprised at how hard it felt. Lost, alone, imprisoned, the words kept racing around her head like angry bees. She felt powerful waves of nausea and dizziness roll over her as she sank deeper into her panicking despair, fighting the urge to beat the forcefield door with her fist in a fit of rage and fear. Never before had she been in such a hopeless situation, she told herself – she had never even been a prisoner before, during her entire military career.

Escape seemed to be her only hope, but Carly wondered what that would involve. Sneaking out of a cell guarded by a force-field door, through an installation run by alien technologies, one-armed and without weaponry. That was not a recipe for success, but she managed to calm her raging panic – after all, she told herself, she was not stupid. Sooner or alter an opportunity would present itself, and she would take it without hesitation. She would leave this rock, or die trying – and not give the aliens the pleasure of keeping her as a slave.

Drying her tears Carly glanced again at the room that held her. The cell was a tiny cube, smaller than the medical room she had awoken in, lit this time by a more homely yellow light, allowing her to identify the colour of her surroundings – deep green concrete walls, beige roof and black rubber floor. The door was nothing more than a black shadow, sucking the light away from the corner of the room. The bed was little more than a narrow section of floor raised two feet up and covered with a thin mattress and blanket. In the one remaining corner a small chair faced a narrow shelf, with a computer screen set in the wall beyond, looking like a primitive workstation.

Carly felt a dull pressure on her anus and instinctively she adjusted her legs so that she was sat on one bare buttock, relieving the pressure. She began to inspect her naked body, closely studying each of the bizarre implants that now adorned her bare skin. Her left arm looked mostly normal, apart from a thick metallic vein running down its topside, half-embedded into her skin. At the end it sunk into the back of her hand, which had a normal thumb, forefinger and ring finger. The rest of her hand had been replaced with a stubby metal barrel that extended up her forearm until it was lost under the skin just below her elbow. Gazing into its open end Carly identified it immediately with a sudden shock: it was a military class laser. Instinctively she tried to move her missing fingers; with a sharp click a row of three curved, serrated blades snapped out of the top of the gun, standing three inches above the top of her hand, glinting in the faint light. She relaxed her ghost fingers and the blades clicked closed again, stowed into the back of the gun casing.

Carly’s right arm had various small implants embedded into the skin as far as her elbow, which had been reinforced with a servo-assisted over-joint. Her forearm was little more than a long dark metal box, bulky but surprisingly light, lighter yet slightly wider than her real arm had been. When she tried to move her missing fingers she could feel resistance against her tendons and heard a quiet clicking from the box, but nothing happened. She assumed there was something contained within it that she should be able to control, but was currently unable to. A flat smooth plastic plate set into the box near her elbow looked like some kind of screen, although nothing was displayed upon it.

She turned her attention to the rest of her body, glancing down at her once proud round breasts. A thick metal band wrapped around them and pulled them into her chest as far as they would comfortably go. Two thick round metal coins were set into the band so that they covered her aureole completely; reinforced metal wires or pipes left the coins and ran around the band to her back where they disappeared through her ribcage. The band and its coins were contoured to support her like a sports bra, and were comfortably unobtrusive, although it seemed completely irremovable, as if bonded to her skin.

Carly’s heart rose into her mouth as she let her eyes and left hand wander down her bare abdomen to the small metal shield covering her sex like a G-string. Where there should have been leg-bands there were two metal wires each about 15 millimetres thick, which disappeared under red blisters of skin just above her pelvic bone as if stitched into her insides. The shield completely covered her mound and lips, raised slightly away so that when she touched it she only felt pressure against her pubic bone and her perineum, where the box ended. When she moved it felt as if there was something small inside her sex, although it was not attached to the shield – she couldn’t feel it by wiggling the metal cage.

As she ran her fingers over the metal cage Carly felt herself choke on what seemed to be fear and distress. When the realisation dawned that she could not remove or open the sex shield a small whimper left her mouth, followed by a quiet “No…” Her sex was no longer hers – locked away from her touch behind a solid metal shield. It shouldn’t be a problem, she told herself – captured and imprisoned millions of miles from home, sex should be the last thing on her mind, but her sex had always been something she considered very much hers. Nothing could ever take that away from her, she thought, until now. And suddenly it was gone, what she thought of as the last part of her body that made her truly human, locked away from her touch. Carly gulped back her tears of frustration, realising that there was another emotion there that she could not quite place, and continued her inspection of her violated body.

An inch-thick pipe protruded from the rear of Carly’s abdomen on her left side, curving down between her buttocks and into her anus. She could feel it moving deep inside her when she sat down, not uncomfortable but constantly reminding her of its presence, quietly demanding that she remove it.

Following back up her toned belly, Carly was surprised at the firmness of her stomach. She pressed against it with her good fingers, identifying several hard lumps and hard, smooth contours under the fleshy wall of her abdomen. She was still nauseous with fear, but she realised the nausea was concentrated around her throat and head, not her stomach. She felt neither hungry nor full nor acidy, as she usually did when she was afraid. After a while she realised the feeling of lightness inside her perhaps meant she no longer had any stomach or intestines.

Carly felt her pulse rate begin to rise as she considered her situation. The enemy had turned her into one of them, a hybrid of animal and machine, powerful yet restricted. She knew from studying the machines in the factory that the enemy processed captured or killed humans, building disposable soldiers from them. But perhaps her size and sex made her body less than adequate for outfitting with heavy weapons, and she began to wonder whether the enemy had another, non-combat use for her. She wondered why her sex was encased, and the more she thought about it, the more worried she became about it. She regularly underwent periods of total chastity, especially on heavily-staffed cruisers where privacy was minimal, but sometimes even then she had to have some relief, and had become an expert at masturbating herself to silent orgasms, as she imagined many of the other crewmembers had.

Eventually she realised how tired she was and settled down to sleep, feeling the uncomfortable metal implants digging into her as she tried to rest on the hard mattress. Despite her fear and a strange sense of growing arousal, sleep came quickly, weariness overcoming her frantically beating heart and sending her into a tormented world of dreams, both hellish and teasingly erotic.


Carly awoke slowly, realising instantly that she was still in her windowless cell. She felt cool and dry, ominously so after her vivid and heated dreams, but she decided it was better than being hot and sweaty, having no water with which to wash herself.

As she turned on her mattress she felt instantly the probe in her anus, and more so the wetness in her pussy. One movement of her hips caused her to gasp out loud – she was for some reason uncontrollably aroused, already breathless in heart-pounding excitement as her mind swirled with a thousand ways to pleasure herself in the cell. Instinctively her right arm moved downwards but was arrested in the blanket by the bulky box where her hand should be, cumbersome and unfeeling.

Immediately Carly remembered her missing hand, instead directing the good fingers of her left hand to comfort her yearning pussy, but she also remembered the metal shield around her sex, fixed and irremovable. A moan of frustration left her lips when her fingers touched the rigid case, as tears welled in her eyes and threatened to spill onto her cheeks. A moment later she thumped the hard bed, crying out loud with boiling anger as she tried to pull her lips apart and force her fingers under the edge of the shield, slippery with moisture seeping under its edge.

After several minutes Carly gave up and resigned herself to lying still as tears ran down her cheeks and into her ears. Her knees were raised in the air, lying wide open as her hips rocked from side to side slightly, glistening at the edges of the metal box with moisture.

Minutes seemed to pass like hours without the presence of a clock. Carly’s frustration gradually subsided as she lay still, turning her position over and over in her head. A barely audible click drew her attention to the flush-mounted screen on the far wall. She glanced down her body at it; a single word was displayed in thick red bizarre but recognisable characters the middle of the screen: RECHARGE. As Carly watched the word disappeared and was replaced with a green wire-image of a female body, stood upright in typical anatomical position. Text appeared alongside her body in letters too small to read from her position on the bed. She stood and stepped towards the screen, viewing it cautiously.

The text was indecipherable but seemed to be indicating a section on the right flank of the model, below her rib cage. Just as Carly was about to run her hand down her flank, to see if there was an implant that she hadn’t noticed, a hatch on her side popped open and a tray about 2 inches tall, 1 wide and 6 long ejected from the right side of her abdomen. The hatch was contoured to match her natural shape but it was clearly made of a smooth metal similar to her chastity shield. With a mechanical hiss a canister lying on its side in the tray began to rise slowly until it was held aloft on thin metal legs. The wire-image on the screen displayed the open tray in yellow, with the canister above it flashing between bright and dark shades of red. A dull red box surrounded the canister, linked to a fresh paragraph of indecipherable text with an arrow.

The image changed to indicate the canister being removed from the tray. Uncertain, Carly reached down and pulled on the canister, which popped free with a click. It was weighty but solid, as if filled with a heavy liquid – a meter on its side displayed a full red bar, which presumably meant something.

Without warning a tray lowered quickly from a hatch in the ceiling, containing another identical canister. Carly picked up the fresh container and inspected it: this one had a full blue bar on its side. Beginning to understand, Carly clipped the canister into the tray protruding from her side and watched, terrified and fascinated, as it was withdrawn back into the tray before the tray itself slid inside her and the hatch clicked shut. With shaking hands she placed the red canister on the tray on which the blue one had arrived and watched it whisk back up into the ceiling with a hiss.

The screen displayed a single red line “RECHARGE COMPLETE.” Carly’s suspicions that she had no digestive system were now confirmed in her mind – she required nutrients and water from the canisters provided by her enemy. She began to realise that she would be unable to eat or drink again, and with the thick pipe in her anus and the shield around her sex, she was unable to toilet anyway. A mixture of great loss of her human self and of a bizarre new-found power swept over her, but compared to the fear, anxiety and frustration that was already running through her she could not focus on the origins of the new emotions.

The words on the screen faded quickly to be replaced with another phrase: “LEARN.” Carly was confused by this for a moment, until the words faded again to be replaced with a wire-frame image of a right hand, upright with the palm towards the screen. The index finger began to bend at the first knuckle, folding over on the palm of the hand. Carly assumed that she was supposed to do the same. She pulled the small chair out from under the shelf and sat on it, watching the screen.

Carly raised her right arm before her face, the inhuman black box still startling her even though she knew it would always be there. She tried to flex her right index finger, already aware that it would trigger some reaction from the box. With a quiet click a small hatch opened and a probe extended from it, a round rubber bar two centimetres thick and twenty long. The image on the screen then displayed the index finger extended from an otherwise clenched fist, moving around in a fashion slightly more dextrous than most people would be able to manage.

Carly mimicked its movements, twisting her ghost finger left and right, up and down, noticing how the rubber probe seemed to bend to follow the direction her finger would be moving. Her engineering mind marvelled at the technology, fascinated that there was a material that could move in such a fashion and that she could control it with the tendons that used to be connected to her index finger. Experimentally she touched the probe against the wall, and jumped when she felt a warm, hard, rough surface.

Mentally preparing herself for a shock, Carly touched the wall again, feeling with almost inconceivable depth the grain and temperature of the concrete, the rubbery feel of its green rubber-based paint, the very components that made up the wall. Carly thought that it was like having all the nerve endings of an incredibly sensitive part of skin connected to an appendage designed purely for the sense of touch, like a fingertip. She viewed the probe in awe, realising that it was at least as dextrous as her right index finger had been, and just as sensitive and responsive: she felt immediately that she could shut her eyes and identify any surface by rubbing the probe tip against it.

The screen indicated a clenching fist, and Carly mimicked its actions, watching as the probe disappeared inside the box, which quickly closed its hatch with a click. Next the virtual hand indicated bending its ring finger, and again Carly followed. This time a device similar to a screwdriver appeared, its tip extending far enough from the box so as not to be hindered by a hard to reach screw, yet close enough so as not to be cumbersome. Carly experimented by twisting her wrist left and right as the screen indicated, watching the screwdriver tip twist with her wrist’s movement. By moving her index finger left or right the screwdriver tip would disappear for a second, then return with a different bit attached – there were numerous bits available, presumably for a number of different applications among the enemy’s environment. As with the previous attachment, a clenched fist returned the screwdriver to its casing and the hatch clicked shut.

Carly continued to mimic the hand on the screen, marvelling at each new device contained within her box – a soldering iron, a small extensible inspection mirror, a set of micro-pincers, in fact just about everything that she would want in a portable tool set, and more than she had ever carried as a Battlefield Engineer.

As Carly neared the end of her learning session, she noticed a vague tingling in her nipples, anus and clit. It wasn’t particularly strong and came on very slowly, so that at first she didn’t notice it. When she did, it was only after she had began shifting on her seat, moving so that her legs were instinctively pressed firmly together, trying to increase the sensation in her moistening sex.

By the time the ‘lesson’ was over, Carly was feeling quite aroused by the continuously varying tingles, almost like tiny electric shocks, certainly pleasant, enough to make her curse the shield over her sex. When it didn’t go off she realised it was being administered remotely, like the way the aliens had controlled the implants in her body when she had recharged. Perhaps it was some sort of reward for completing her task, or some sort of punishment, or both.

Suddenly the tingling changed to a hard shock, so quickly that she didn’t have time to react against it. It hit her like a powerful blow to her anus, clit and aureole all at once, so painful that she let out a loud, sharp shriek. The pain ended just as soon as it had started, leaving Carly afraid and breathless as she sat on the chair, wondering why she had been hurt so suddenly.

The tingling began to return slowly for several minutes, agonisingly arousing her until she gripped the base of the chair, squeezing her legs together and grinding her buttocks into the seat. Suddenly her pussy was filled with sensation – a divine vibration on her inner lips and clit, more delicate than the hard vibrator that she had sometimes used at home – more like an array of small moist tongues lapping very quickly at her sex. She instantly threw back her head and arched her spine, eyes shut and mouth wide open as she let out deep moans of pleasure.

The pleasurable tickling continued for several minutes, constantly adjusting and moving, until she was sure that she would eventually come from the attentions on her sex, and then it suddenly stopped, leaving nothing at all. Her legs squeezed tightly together as she urged the sensation to resume, desperately wanting more, but none came. Instead she was left with a burning emptiness inside her, aching and hollow, almost painful. Her head moved forwards again as she glared furiously at the blank screen, enraged that her pleasure had been interrupted.

Realising that she was helpless to please herself, Carly relaxed her grip on the seat and leant back tiredly against the backrest. She couldn’t understand how much the attentions on her pussy had excited her – usually any direct attention to her sex had little effect until the rest of her body had been properly aroused. But the voracious rhythm of the buzzing had been just right to drive her wild, constantly varying as she approached orgasm to take her on the quickest path to release with no deviation along the way.

After several minutes a sudden shock hit Carly’s body again, sending her jumping into the air in pain. Almost immediately after she was attacked by the vibrations in her sex, this time driving deeper into her than before, building her quickly through the stages of arousal until she gripped the seat and clenched her eyes ready to explode in ecstasy. This time the vibrations stopped just as she was about to come, and she thumped the shelf in frustration as she stood up and walked back to her bed to lie down.