The Freaky Friday Thing Ch. 03


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He did try to set aside what it was he was doing though, as he poured some oil into his palm and started to rub it into her skin. It was a monumental effort though, not to get excited about what he was doing, and he knew she was watching him bemusedly.

"You didn't get any rubbed in here." she told him with a lilt to her voice as she pointed out the limits of her pubic hair along her labia. When he swallowed and nervously worked some oil in, right along her labia, she laughed. "It's alright to be feeling aroused Emily! I don't mind."

With hot cheeks and not knowing why he would bother to deny it, "Who says I'm aroused?"

"Your nipples for one! Good lord girl, those are some very impressive nipples."

He groaned. The sheer material of the robe certainly wasn't up to the task of hiding those things. Rather than saying anything more he got started with the wax. While applying the first application though, his eyes flicked up and noticed that his mothers nipples were hard too. He froze momentarily, his eyes locked on her hard nipples showing through her robe.

He jumped at the sound of her voice, "Yes. You have been rubbing my pussy after all." She shrugged and continued, "It felt really nice, and I'm not a robot."

Thinking about it, he pressed a strip of material into the wax, and peeled it off in one quick yank. She didn't even flinch, which both irked him and impressed him. As he got started with the next application he asked, "Are you bi-curious mom?"

"Huh, I suppose it wouldn't be fair for me not to answer honestly. So yes dear, I'm a little bit curious. Your father is excited by it too... Oh... that came out wrong. My curiosity excites your father. But we both know that it will never go anywhere. Your father owns me and my genitals as far as I'm concerned. They're for him and him alone, so I suppose I'll just have to go on being curious."

"That was a lot more information than I expected." it just popped out. Then he started thinking about it as he yanked the next strip off of her. 'Did she just tell me all that extra stuff to stave off any possible advance I might make? Shit! She wasn't actually worried about that was she?'

"So are there any lucky women you have your eye on?"

Without thinking about it the words just slipped from his mouth. "Just Evan."

His eyes clenched shut at the realization of what he had said. His face burning all he could think was that at least he hadn't slipped and said Emily. How on earth would he explain that? This was bad enough though. His heart in his throat, he opened his eyes to see his mother smiling at him.

"Well that's certainly rather taboo! Oh don't worry about it Emily!" and she laughed. She actually laughed! What on earth was going on? Was he in the twilight zone?

'Well duh? You're stuck in your sisters body! How much more twilight zone do you want?'

"You're hardly the first to have a crush on a sibling Emily dear. In your case, being twins... It's quite normal for you to be extremely close to one another. For my part, I'm actually rather relieved."


"The one and only thing that bothered me about you being a lesbian, is that I want grandchildren. Selfish of me I know, but there it is. The fact that you can be interested in a guy, even if it is your brother... well it tells me that there is hope that maybe you'll find another guy somewhere out there that also interests you!"

'Oh I'm so stupid. She didn't mean... well that!'

During his uncomfortable silence, he supposed that she figured out where his mind had gone with her words because suddenly she was a little more serious, "Emily... you wouldn't actually... would you?"

Nothing came to his mind. He sat silently staring.

"It seems I decided to get you on the pill just in time. As much as I want grandchildren, that wouldn't... although... little babies from both of my babies... no, no. Emily?"

"Yes." stunned, "Oh you just reminded me I still have to take my pill this morning."

"So go do it. Now."

Emily was trying hard not to stare at the doctors ass, as she leaned over examining Emily's father. She must have been fresh out of medical school, because she was very young, and very attractive.

Emily was used to being aroused by other women. Had even started to accept it in her heart, but this was different. She didn't know if it was the male hormones she was now getting or what, but she felt an almost overwhelming need to just reach out and pull the doctors scrubs down and shove her dick into her.

'Oh lord and I could do it too! I have a cock! I can fuck a woman properly now. Eat her out and fuck her good... Oh dear lord what is wrong with me? Why am I even thinking about this doctor? I don't even know her.'

It was an eye opening insight into the male psyche. 'No wonder men's eyes were always leering at me. I can't help myself either!'

"Well you're a very lucky man Mr. Domski. You came very close to the pudendal nerve. A little to one side, and your wife would be rather upset with you, permanently. You do know what I mean right?" at his nod, she went on, "Or you might even be in a wheelchair if it were further up, and found the spine. A little to the other side, and you might have found the femoral artery, in which case I'd be consoling your family right now. I hope this brings into light the seriousness of this. You're fortunate to have a smart son, who by the way did exactly the right thing. Although, in the future Evan, call an ambulance. Bringing him in here yourself was the one reckless thing you did, but at least it worked out alright. I'll need to put a stitch into both the entry and exit wounds, and you'll need to keep them clean and dry. Use Polysporin on it. Any questions?"

She could see that her father's face was rather colourless. The shock of hearing just how bad this could have been, and how close it was to actually being that bad, had to have hit him hard. Clearing his throat, he managed to ask, "How long until the stitches can come out?"

"Oh, about ten to fifteen days. You're to watch for any signs of infection. Is your tetanus shot up to date?"

"Uh, tetanus?"

"I'll take that as a no. Oh nurse, could you bring me a tetanus shot please. I get to stick our patient here one more time!"

Emily almost laughed out loud at the doctor's obvious gleeful delight in torturing her dad. For his part though, dad wasn't so delighted. Emily couldn't remember ever seeing his father manage such a dirty look as he was giving the doctor now.

By the time everything was finished and they were on their way out, dad seemed to have recovered some of his good humour. "Glad to see that you at least were enjoying my doctor's... humour. Didn't think you would ever get your eyes off of it."

She hoped she wasn't blushing, but she didn't see the point of trying to deny it. "Ah...busted huh?"

"Big time! Don't think anyone in there missed were your eyes were glued. You might be interested in knowing though, that she had a happy little smirk on her face when she realized what had you so enthralled. I'm sure she even put her ass in your face intentionally."

'I can't believe I'm talking about this with dad. Of course, he has no idea he's actually talking to his daughter, not his son.'

Evan, still stuck in Emily's body sat with his mind and hormones all on extreme overdrive. His emotions too, were all over the place. He was sitting on Emily's bed, his mother now standing up examining herself, both with a mirror and her hand.

It had been one heck of an uncomfortable job finishing up with waxing his mother. He was of course excited and aroused at what he was doing, but knew that his mother also knew full well that he was aroused, if not the true nature behind it. She had no way of knowing that it actually was her son waxing her, not her daughter, at which he felt guilty for the necessary deceit.

Too, her seeming acceptance of the relationship between Emily and Evan, or at least half acceptance of it, continued to play through his mind. He had of course had no intention of revealing that, but now that he had, the possibility of it being eventually accepted by his parents had his mind reeling.

The part that was torturing him though, was that he felt an overwhelming need to masturbate. To let off some of the tension that had built to such monumental levels. He pretty much knew though, that he still wouldn't be able to, or in fact know how. Emily's hymen was another impediment too. How could he masturbate and not honour her wish that he not break it?

The real torture though, was in knowing that Emily seemed perfectly willing to have sex with him, and that now he seemed even to not have to worry too much about his parents finding out and disowning them, but to still have the problem of being stuck in her body. The only way out of that, seemed to be to do the one thing he wanted more than anything, and the one thing that now terrorized him. Have sex with her. Or, rather him, as she was now in his body. Could he have sex with a man? What if he liked it? What if it didn't even solve the body swap problem? Could he go on in a relationship with her for the rest of his life, as a woman? What were her thoughts on the matter? She seemed to be much more comfortable with the situation than he was, but was she really?

The sound of his mothers voice broke him out of his reverie. "Emily dear, thank you for your help. I think your dad... Well I suppose you don't want to hear that, sorry. I think I really like it too though, so maybe I'll impinge upon you in the future to help me keep it up. At least until I'm comfortable enough with the idea of doing it myself. Anyway, I know you want the room to yourself, so I'll head down stairs after getting dressed. As long as you don't make too much noise, I shouldn't even hear anything."

He was too stunned at the obvious overture to do anything but stare, with a weak and feeble exclamation of "What?"

On her way out the door already, she slowed, "Oh come on Emily! You're so horny right now you won't even be able to think straight for hours if you don't let off a little tension. There's nothing wrong with masturbating, so for heaven's sake do it. Give yourself a big orgasm, and then if you want, I'll take my girl shopping for some nice new clothes."

The frustration of being told to do the very thing he wanted to do, but couldn't, was both embarrassing and opened up the emotional upheaval he was fighting. Not being used to being so emotional, he tried to hide it, but again she noticed.

Stopping in the doorway, her face turning concerned once again she asked, "What is it dear? Something more must be going on? Please, let me help?"

'Holly flying pigs! Can this day get any more screwed up?'

Embarrassed and frustrated, but also feeling so out of control and forlorn at the direction his life was going and these damn emotions he couldn't get a grip on, he was surprised to hear the words leave his mouth, "I can't masturbate. I really want to, but I just can't."

"Why on earth wouldn't you be able to?"

'Damn it Evan, get a hold of yourself. You're going to fuck things up really bad if you don't start censoring your words.' Thinking fast, the hymen issue was the only thing that he could safely answer with, so he used that. "I can't break my hymen mom. Not before..."

"Oh dear! What are they teaching you in those sex-ed classes? Or not teaching rather! While I'm glad to hear that you're still a virgin, Emily dear, it's perfectly safe to masturbate. You're not going to break anything, or start growing hair on your knuckles or any of those other silly ideas. I thought that in this modern world you would know all that, or I would have sat you down for a talk long ago. I'm sorry. For now, be assured that unless you get very aggressive with more than one finger, you're not going to harm your hymen. Quite unlikely anyway, but even if you do... So what?"

"Oh... I thought that..."

"It's okay. Now you know, and that's what matters. And if you're really dead set on making sure you don't break your hymen dear, you can always masturbate without penetration. Now go give yourself your first orgasm. We'll celebrate it afterwards by shopping!"

He was already feeling hopelessly embarrassed, and didn't want to add to it at all, but his damn curiosity went and got control of his mouth again, "So... does that mean that... that you can... orgasm without penetration?"

The pitying look as she shook her head and almost giggled at his lack of knowledge said it all even before she answered, "Of course you can. I mean, every woman is a little different. Some orgasm easily, some not. So it's possible that you'll need penetration to get there I suppose, but I think it unlikely. You're a lot like me in many ways, and I orgasm relatively easily. All you can do is go and start experimenting Emily. Find out what works for you, and what doesn't. I'll not interrupt you, so come find me when you're done, so that we can get out of here for the realtor's sake. You still have a couple of hours or more."

Feeling ridiculous, he thanked her and stepped back into Emily's room, his mind still swirling. 'I can't believe I'm about to do this, and mom knows exactly what I'm about to do. Even told me to! She actually told me to go and masturbate! Is that normal?'

Turning, the image of Emily caught his eye in the full length mirror she had mounted beside her closet, wiping all other thought away. The things she did to him! Seeing her there staring back at him, wearing one hell of a sexy robe, her nipples standing out against the sheer material, his arousal which had been on a slow burner these past few minutes ratcheted right back up to where it had been before the awkward conversation.

He watched in the mirror as Emily slowly parted the robe, her hands sliding up and over her breast, felt her nipples in his fingers as the image of her in the mirror pulled on them. He gasped, just as she did in the mirror as the sensation from his nipples seemed to somehow race down and find his pussy where it quivered in needful delight.

Her hand slid down, first cupping her pussy, before her middle finger slid into the wet folds of her lips. He could feel a need building, even as he stood watching Emily do these things to herself, and found himself spreading his legs, felt his finger pressing into himself even as he watched the mirror image of her sink a finger inside of herself.

It felt so alien and strange, panting a moment, he looked again into the mirror, looking for the inspiration to continue. Instead he saw his finger coated in blood. Startled he slipped his finger out and stared at it, worried that he had somehow done some damage.

Heart racing in dread and worry, his mind slowly started to put it together. He was beginning his menstruation. Cursing, he knew he wouldn't be able to make himself continue now, and so despite the incredible tension and frustration he felt, he made himself go looking for some clothes to put on.

'Guess I'll just have to go out with mom, and spend some money on Emily! At least I'll be able to choose the things I'd like to see her wearing.'

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ZBSKRNZBSKRNover 4 years ago

Love the story it's just fun. will there be another part?

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Don't stop now!

Next chapter please. Things were just starting to heat up. You can't just leave it there. Please continue and thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Great story, but..

Love the story, but two constructive tips:

When the dialog point of view changes, you need to insert a line like "******" to stop readers from getting confused and annoyed when they realize the change and then go back to re-read and figure out where the split was.

There are quite a few spelling errors of the homophone type which spell checkers cannot help with since they're spelled right (write?) but but mean the wrong thing despite sounding identical when spoken. Meat versus meet, too versus to, and so on. It really is otherwise written pretty well so keep up the efforts! Thanks!

Found a helpful link for ya ;-)

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Where is the next chapter coming out

I love you story but seriously when is the next chapter coming. It has been months and we all want to see where it leads.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Continue with story

When are the new chapters coming out? Great story

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