The Hole in the Attic Pt. 07


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"Then, when, Maggie?"

"I'll let you know after I decide the best way to initiate it. Until then, let me give it some more thought."

Maggie gave me a soft kiss on my lips and then proceeded toward the bathroom.


As I walked down the stairs to the kitchen, I heard Mom singing. I smiled. Not only was she beautiful, but her voice was also beautiful as well. She had a charming singing voice. Before she began teaching at Marietta High School, she sang in the church choir. I love Mom with all my heart, and every time she comes into my line of vision, I gasp at her beauty. I just hoped my sexual relationship with Maggie didn't ruin what Mom and I had together. She might stop having sex with me and be angry with us for a long time, but I know she loves us.

I poured myself a cup of coffee and sat down at the table. Mom was still singing when she placed a plate of bacon and eggs down on the table. She stopped singing, looking down at me, she smiled. I could see love and lust in her eyes. There was no anger there right now, but I knew she was probably upset at seeing Maggie and me having sex.

"Thank you, Mom," I said, pulling the plate in front of me.

"You're welcome, Sweetheart," She replied as she turned toward the stove.

I took a bite of eggs and said, "I love you, Mom."

"I love you too," Mom said, turning back to look at me.

I wanted to say more, maybe explain, why I was in Maggie's bed this morning, but nothing came to mind. I returned to eating my breakfast, and Mom poured herself a cup of coffee and joined me at the table. She sat quietly reading the morning newspaper. The silence was killing me, but I knew I would make matters worse if I opened my mouth. I finished my breakfast and then placed my dirty dishes in the sink. Mom continued to read the newspaper.

"Well, I need to do some things around the ranch and run some errands, Mom."

"I know you do, dear, I know you do." She didn't look up from the morning paper.

Her reply was so casual, so unconcerned it made me feel even guiltier that I had betrayed her with Maggie. I thought I should say more, but nothing came to mind.

"I hate to eat and run, Mom, but I have several things to do."

"Okay, I'm fine, honey. Now go," Mom said, shooing me away with her hand.

I didn't have a comeback for that, so I grabbed my keys, and after kissing her on the forehead, headed off to the daily grind. I left the kitchen, unsure of the future of our relationship, as I looked over the list of things I needed to do around the ranch. Mom sat watching me walk away. She smiled, then she frowned before returning to her newspaper. I went out the backdoor and proceeded to the truck. When I opened the door to the truck, I remembered the list of items Maggie needed from the hardware store. That list was still on the coffee table in the den. I quietly slipped back in and quickly retrieved the list. As I was leaving, I heard Maggie coming down the stairs. I could see into the kitchen from the den and waited to see if there would be a heated exchange between Maggie and Mom.

"Good morning, Mom," Maggie said in her usual cheerful tone.

"Good morning, Maggie. There are eggs and bacon on the stove, and you might need to reheat them in the microwave," Mom said as she looked up from the paper.

Maggie returned Mom's smile and then reheated a plate of eggs and bacon before joining Mom at the table. Maggie quietly ate her breakfast, and Mom continued to read the paper. I decided everything was strangely fine between them and was preparing to leave when Mom broke the silence."

"Maggie, can we talk about what I saw when I came to your room this morning?' Mom softly asked.

"I'm not in a mood to listen to a lecture about how wrong it is to have sex with my little brother. And I am sure you don't want me lecturing you about fucking your son," Maggie answered in a calm but firm voice.

"What are you talking about, Maggie?" The shock in Mom's voice was unmistakable.

"Please, Mother, don't try denying it. A ranch hand repairing fences across the road saw you and Jimmy entering one of the cabins together. You were in there with Jimmy for over an hour. An arriving family called Housekeeping and told them that the room hadn't been clean since the last occupants checked out. Housekeeping told me the sheet was stained with semen and vaginal fluids. So, Mother, I say again, don't try denying you and Jimmy were in there fucking like teenage lovers."

Mom didn't say a word. Maggie finished her breakfast and left the kitchen to handle the chores she had for the day. I slipped out of the house unseen and drove to the hardware store. I didn't look forward to the storm brewing between Maggie and Mom. I'd never considered what might happen if Maggie or Mom ever found out I was sleeping with the other. When this all started, I was a young, stupid teenager, but I am a grown man now, and I need to deal with this like a grown-up.

Upon leaving the hardware store, I began to replay in my head the confrontation between Maggie and Mom at breakfast. Although it had not been volatile, I could see a storm brewing on the horizon, and I needed to defuse the situation before I lost them both. I needed to get them together and talk things out. I called Maggie first, and she picked up on the third ring.

"I know what you want, Jimmy," she grumbled.

"What do you mean, you know what I want, Maggie?"

"I saw you lurking in the den when I left Mom in the kitchen. I know you overheard our conversation."

"I wasn't lurking in the den, but I did hear you and Mom talking about us being lovers. I think we should all get together and discuss it before it blows up in our faces."


"No, I'm serious, Maggie. I love both of you, and I don't want that splitting us apart."

"I don't want that happening either, Jimmy. What do you think we should do?" Maggie sounded as though she was close to tears.

"I want to take you and Mom out to dinner tonight, someplace elegant where Mom won't feel free to pitch a fit. We can have a nice dinner, maybe some wine and reasonable conversation."

"When you say reasonable conversation, are you talking about opening the can of worms that you are fucking us both behind our backs?"

"Maggie, please don't make it sound so tawdry and crude. I love Mom, but I am in love with you. If the law allowed it, I would marry you today and spend the rest of my life loving you as my wife,"

"Okay, Jimmy. I'll go to dinner with you and Mom, but if I hear one word from you about the three of us having a threesome, I am out of there."

"Maggie, I promise I won't say a word at dinner about the three of us having a threesome. I promise."

"Okay, Jimmy, set it up with Mom."

Mom answered my call on the second ring. There was a quizzical tone in her voice.

"Hi, Jimmy. Did Maggie put you up to calling me? Did she tell about our little spat at breakfast?"

"No, she didn't, Mom. I came back for something I had forgotten and was in the den and overheard it for myself. I want to take the two of you out for dinner tonight and have a civil conversation about what is happening between the three of us. I don't want to lose either of you over this."

"How long have you and your sister been having sex, Jimmy?"

"I'd rather wait and get into that tonight at dinner, Mom."

"I want to talk about it now, honey. Did you start having sex with Maggie before or after you and I began cheating on your father?

"My first time with Maggie was in my senior year at high school, and Maggie was dating Bubba. You and I started six months to a year later while I was a freshman at Emory. Why would that make a difference?"

"It doesn't. I was just curious if you were cheating on Maggie with me or cheating on me with her?"

I was stunned by her jealous comment but shaken more by the dial tone that followed it.


Our dinner reservations were for eight o'clock at Del Frisco's Double Eagle Steakhouse near downtown. I was at the bottom of the stairs when I observed Maggie and Mom descending. They are both so beautiful it almost took my breath away. Maggie is wearing a black cocktail dress that hugs her firm round hips and comes down to an inch above her knees. Mom dresses similarly, but her dress is navy blue. The plunging necklines of both dresses showcase their milky white breasts that bounce with each step. They each wore four-inch heels matching their dress. And both wear their long blond hair down around their shoulders. To protect them from the chill of the night, they also wear a lightweight white sweater that buttons down the front. I'm wearing a white shirt, no tie, a pair of dress trousers, and a dinner jacket required by the restaurant. And like the good Texan, I'd become, I have on Tony Lama Cowboy Boots.

We arrived at Del Frisco's at eight o'clock sharp and were immediately escorted to our table. We each enjoyed a cocktail with our appetizers. Mom and Maggie ordered the eight-ounce filet mignon, and I pigged out with a full rack of dry rub, baby back pork ribs. I had a couple of beers with my ribs, Maggie and Mom had red wine with their beef.

Our dinner conversation was calm and friendly, not volatile and hostile as I had first envisioned. Maggie and Mom laughed and carried on as though nothing had happened this morning. I was beginning to relax when Maggie turned to Mom and said, "Mom, now that everything is out in the open are you going to be alright with Jimmy and me sleeping together?"

I waited for the room to implode, but that never happened. Mom patted Maggie's hand and said, "Honey, I am happy for both of you. I hope both of you find the same happiness your father and I have found with the years we have been together."

Mom's response surprised me, and I think it surprised Maggie as well. I had expected a lecture condemning our love affair. I looked at Maggie, and she looked back at me with a quizzical expression.

"Are you telling us we have your blessing, Mom?" I hesitantly asked.

"Of course, you have my blessing, sweetheart. I just hope you have thought about what will happen when you have children together. And I can almost assure you that eventually, you will have children together."

"Do you think Dad will be as calm about us being lovers as you apparently are about it?" Maggie asked.

"Oh, your Dad won't object to you two having sex with each other. I shudder to think what he may say if he ever learned that I have been sleeping with your brother."

Maggie looked at me with a questioning look in her eyes. I knew what was on her mind, so I nodded my approval for her to proceed. She turned to Mom and said, "Don't hate me, Mom, but Dad can't possibly be mad at you for having sex with Jimmy because he and I had sex with each other the afternoon before I married Bubba."

Mom glanced at me with a shocked expression and asked, "Did you know about this, Jimmy?"

"Yes, I watched the two of them through the hole in the attic over Maggie's bedroom."

"Why didn't you tell me, Jimmy? All the times you and I have shared intimate moments, and you never once mention Maggie and your Dad had sex with each other."

"I'm sorry, Mom. I didn't think it was my place to tell you, and I saw it as something private between Maggie and Dad just as I view our time together as private."

"Well, I guess it is a bit different, Jimmy. Maggie and her Dad had sex that one time but you and I have had an ongoing sexual relationship for years."

I smiled at Mom and nodded my understanding of the difference. Maggie spoke up and said, "Well, Mom, it has been a bit more than just that one time. Since that first afternoon, Dad and I have found a few other stolen moments to be together."

"Now that I didn't know," I gasped.

"I'm sorry, Jimmy, but I couldn't help myself, and I hoped both of you understand," Maggie pleaded. "Dad is fantastic in bed, and I had to have him every chance I got. We have always been able to find time to be together, especially after my divorce, and I was living in the same house with him. I'm sorry, Mom. Please don't hate me."

We have all had enough alcohol at dinner; the truth is finally coming out with little difficulty. We are each baring our souls to each other, and no secrets seem safe.

"I don't hate you, honey. And, Jimmy, if I had known about you and Maggie, I would have never brought Becky to Dallas with me and arranged for the two of you to get together."

Mom slapped her hand over her mouth and blushed. "I hope I didn't just let the cat out of the bag about you and Becky, did I, Jimmy?"

"No, you didn't, Mom," Maggie interjected, "Becky was a delight that both Jimmy and I enjoyed sex with during a wild, wonderful threesome."

"Are you telling me Becky had sex with both of you that weekend?"

"Yes!" We said in unison.

"That little tramp," Mom muttered. "Becky has managed to have sex with every member of this family."

"What do you mean by that, Mom?" Maggie asked.

"Bring your sister up to speed, Jimmy, while I order another round of drinks."

"Okay, Maggie, I'll try to give you the condensed version. A week or so after I started at Emory University, I learned that the professors didn't care if I attended the class or not as long as I took all the exams and got a passing grade. One day I decided to skip my afternoon classes and visit Mom at her office. When I entered her office, Becky was not at her desk in the outer office. Mom's office door was closed, so I assumed she was in a meeting and decided to wait. After five minutes, I put my ear to her door to see who she was meeting with but only heard moans. I eased the door open and observed Becky eating Mom out. I eased the door shut and quietly left campus. I didn't say anything about it but later found that Mom was aware of me being there and seeing them."

"Whoa! That must have been a shock," Maggie remarked. "How did you learn Mom had seen you?"

"I started using my computer skills to hack into Mom's office, turning on her computer camera and watch what went on there. I learned Mom and Becky were involved in an ongoing lesbian affair. I watched them regularly, and Mom eventually told me how Becky had seduced her into the affair. One day I observed Mom using a big strap-on cock to fuck Becky. Mom had bragged about how wonderful it was to be fucked with a large cock, and Becky wanted to experience the feeling. Mom didn't want to let Becky fuck Dad's big cock, so she came up with the strap-on, and later Mom agreed to set me up with Becky."

"So is that why Mom brought Becky to the convention in Dallas, to fuck you?" Maggie asked.

"Yes, but Mom didn't count you being there, and that's why she is shocked to hear you and I both had sex with Becky that weekend. I told Mom I had indeed fucked Becky that weekend, but I never told her you were involved because I didn't want her to know about you and I having sex with each other," I explained.

"Mom just said that Becky has had sex with every member of our family, so my question is how does Dad fit into the situation?" Maggie asks.

I looked at Mom and asked, "Do you want to tell Maggie how that came about, or do you want me to explain?"

"I'll give her the preliminary details, and you can fill in the technical computer stuff, Jimmy," Mom volunteered.

Maggie took a sip of her cocktail and replied, "I don't care who starts first, but the suspense is killing me. I want to know how and why Becky happened to have sex with my Dad."

"Well, I set the stage for Becky and your Dad to have sex with each other because I felt guilty about having sex with Jimmy and Becky behind your Dad's back. So, I felt that I owed your Dad an opportunity to have a little extra on the side. I knew Becky wanted to experience his big cock, and I felt if I could put the two of them together in the right setting, it would happen," Mom explained.

"And I verified what actually happened between the two of them by searching the videos archives of on the server at Dad's repair shop," I added.

"Becky was having car trouble and was late reporting to work several times during a particular week. I called your Dad and asked him to send a wrecker to tow Becky's car to his repair shop. When Becky returned later that evening to pick up her car, the magic happened, as suspected it would, and they had sex on the couch bed in your Dad's office," Mom said.

"The video cameras on Dad's security system are very high tech, and the video turned out so clear you can see the freckles on Becky's tits. I don't have to tell either of you, Dad's performance was spectacular, and Becky came away thoroughly satiated. I haven't checked his video archives since then, so I don't know if it was a one-time happening or not," I said.

"Oh, I know for sure Becky has been with him many times since then. I smell her perfume on him quite often, and I see her lipstick on his work shirts several times and month," Mom smiled.

"So you are alright with Dad fucking Becky occasionally, Mom?" Maggie asks.

"I am as long as Becky keeps eating my pussy, and I continue to have access to your brother's cock when I am around him," Mom chuckled.

In my opinion, dinner was a total success. We each had one more cocktail and then went home.


Mom was exhausted when we got back to the ranch, and she retired to her bedroom as soon as we walked into the house. Maggie and I decided to stay up longer and talk about where things might go from here. I'm thinking that with Mom's blessing, I would like to explore the possibility of living openly with Maggie as husband and wife. I mentioned that on the way home, and both Maggie and Mom seem to agree.

"Would you like a beer, Jimmy?" Maggie asked as we walked into the den.

I nodded yes as a reply but then asked, "Do we have anything harder?"

"Is bourbon okay?" Maggie replied.

"Absolutely," I said.

"Jack Daniels, Old Turkey, or Jameson?" she asked.

" Jameson, please, straight up," I smiled.

"Coming right up! Have a seat on the couch while I get it for you," My beautiful sister said, motioning to the couch and then turning to walk out of the room towards the kitchen. She slipped the lightweight sweater off and tossed it onto the back of one of the chairs as she went past, and I saw that the low-cut dress she was wearing beneath the sweater was sleeveless. I also didn't see any indication of a bra, so I was pretty sure my sister was braless. I turned and walked over to the couch, sitting down in the middle of it and relaxing until Maggie came back. She soon returned with a shot glass in one hand and a whiskey glass in the other. Both had bourbon in them, but the whiskey glass also had ice in it.

As she walked towards me, it was more evident that I was right about her not wearing a bra. Her nipples were hard, poking against the material of her dress. I am always mesmerized by how her breasts bounce as she crosses the room. She saw where my eyes were and grinned in response as she walked over to me and stopped next to my outstretched legs.

"I prefer my bourbon on the rocks," she said, holding out the shot glass to me. I took the shot glass from her, and as soon as I did, she immediately hiked her dress up, threw one leg over me, and sat down on my lap, facing me. She slid up onto my lap as far as she could go, her knees pressing into the back of the couch on either side of me, her panty-covered pussy resting firmly on my crotch.

"A toast," she said, holding the glass in front of her. "To a new beginning, good whiskey, and good sex!" she said, grinning at me.

"I'll drink to that!" I replied, clinking my glass to hers. We both took a sip of our drinks, with Maggie never taking her eyes off of mine as she did. I could see the lust building in her eyes.

"This is going to be such fun," Maggie said, her voice soft and sultry as she looked into my eyes. "I'm going to make my little brother cum so hard! How many times can you cum in one night, Jimmy?" she asked, taking another sip from her drink.