The Interview


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"Quirks? What kind of quirks?" Lauren asked.

"Well, he is full-blooded Italian, so you can be sure he really loves women — particularly very pretty ones like you. And, he has a real problem with people turning down a request that he makes. This is because, I think, he takes such good care of his people and their families, therefore, he expects reciprocation when he asks for something." Maria explained. "I remember another couple that were in New York for a weekend kind of like yours. I saw them in the hotel lobby when they left a day early on Sunday. The wife was crying and the husband looked all sorts of angry about something. Never saw them again. I guess it didn't go well."

"Any advice for me?" Lauren asked.

"It's simple, really. Be nice, be friendly, go along with the 'program' - you won't regret it," Maria explained as she ripped the last waxing strip off of Lauren's pubic area.

As a finishing touch to the process, Maria used tweezers to eliminate any errant pubic hairs that the waxing had missed. She used her fingers to move and stretch the skin around Lauren's labia area in order to facilitate her plucking. When she parted the lips of Lauren's vagina to check inside, it was apparent that Lauren had been emitting a copious amount of female fluids during the process.

"Oh, I am so sorry," Lauren said, embarrassed by her body's involuntary response.

"Please, do not give it a second thought," Maria reassured. "It is a perfectly natural response and indicates that you are a sexually healthy woman. I think you will find this type of reaction to stimulus to be a blessing, Mrs. Tressel," all the while moving her fingertips up and down Lauren's slit and over her bulging clitoris checking to see if more plucking was needed.

Lauren felt her hips begin to slowly rotate in response to the manipulations of the talented technician. She doubted that there was any more "lady-scaping" necessary, but she was in no hurry for the process to end.

"There is no problem, Mrs. Tressel. You should be very excited by the events of this entire weekend and do not be shy about showing your appreciation - particularly when you are around Mr. De Luca," Maria suggested.

The tech stroked Lauren's vagina a few more times, slightly encroaching with her fingertip into Lauren's vaginal opening a few times. Then, suddenly, she stopped. Lauren's hip movements continued for a few more seconds and then ceased.

"We need to be certain that you meet with the head dressmaker on time, Mrs. Tressel," Maria explained. "Plus, I think you will appreciate and find it helpful to maintain a high level of excitement as the day and night continue." Lauren left the spa, with her sexual "motor" still running.

After applying a bit of makeup and slipping into a denim skirt, a blouse, and flats, Lauren located Franco, who was waiting for her in the lobby. Franco drove her directly to the Dolce Enterprises building in midtown. She was greeted at the door by a young female whose task it was to direct her to the head dressmaker.

"Would you like something to drink?" The girl asked Lauren.

"Sure, thanks," Lauren replied.

After being escorted into a dressing room, a glass of champagne was delivered to Lauren. Minutes later, the dressmaker, Luigi, arrived with his assistant in tow. The assistant was carrying several boxes, which he laid on a table near Lauren.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Tressel. My name is Luigi. I trust you will like the outfit I have put together for you to wear to tonight's dinner. Please, take a look," he said as he gestured toward the boxes.

Lauren moved to the table and began to inspect the contents of the boxes. Inside she found a black knit skirt that buttoned all the way up the front. A cream-colored silk blouse with long sleeves and, again, buttons up the front. A pair of beautiful 5" stiletto high heels that were black with cream accents along the side. To her surprise, the boxes also contained black thigh-high stockings as well as cream-colored lacy panties and a matching lacy bra.

"Everything is from our yet-to-be-released couture line for this year," Luigi informed. "Signore De Luca asked that you be in one of the company's finest outfits for dinner tonight. Please, step into the changing room and try everything on for us. I will make any last-minute adjustments that are necessary."

After moving into the private room, Lauren slipped into the silk panties and bra. She noted how soft and smooth the texture of both items were. Combined with the very detailed lace pattern both displayed, it was obvious that they were top quality. She also noted that her nipples were clearly evident through the material as well as her small pubic patch and the outline of her labia.

Pulling on the stockings Lauren could tell that they snugged her legs tightly and clung securely to the tops of her thighs. "Well, I won't have to worry about that possible wardrobe malfunction," she mused.

After getting into the skirt, which came to just below mid-thigh, and the blouse, which was made of very thin material and allowed for an opaque but tantalizing view of her lace bra underneath, Lauren thought, "I guess this is the look Mr. De Luca likes in women. A little over the top, but elegant nonetheless."

Lauren returned from the changing room a few minutes later wearing the outfit. Every item fit like it had been made for her which, in a sense, was the case. Luigi fussed about a bit, tugging and adjusting the skirt and the blouse while pinning and marking for the slight final adjustments he thought necessary. As he went about his work, his hands would brush against Lauren's breasts and hips causing little jolts of pleasure to surge through her.

"Well, I am definitely maintaining a high level of excitement," Lauren thought as she leaned into the dressmaker's touch a bit. As she did, Luigi unbuttoned the blouse and removed it from her, handing it to his assistant. He followed this action by repeating the process with her skirt.

Stepping back, Luigi nodded his approval. "The lace of both the bra and panties perfectly accentuate your womanly attributes," he judged.

"It provides a hint of what is underneath, while still ensuring a degree of mystery," Luigi commented as he ran the back of his fingertips over her sensitive nipples and labia for emphasis.

Surprised by the dressmaker's boldness, but enjoying the attention, Lauren thanked him for his comments and remained perfectly still while he continued to look intently at her barely concealed body.

"I appreciate the attention to detail," Lauren commented. "However, it seems a bit excessive as these items will be under the fabulous clothing you are providing me."

"One never knows, Mrs. Tressel," Luigi countered. "Plus, I find that a woman feels at her most sensual when she knows every inch of her clothing and her body are groomed to perfection, as you are and will be."

After a few more somewhat awkward moments, Luigi broke the spell that he had created, "Thank you for your time, Mrs. Tressel, I will complete the final tailoring of the skirt and blouse and will have them sent over to your suite at the hotel within the hour. Please take the lingerie and shoes with you. I hope you have a wonderful time tonight."

Lauren walked to the front of the building where Franco was waiting with the limo. Her two encounters with the Dolce employees had left her feeling very sexual and naughty, which inspired her to playfully tease Franco during their drive back to the hotel. When she sat on the rear seat of the limo, she allowed her already short denim skirt to ride up very high on her thighs. While chatting with the driver during the ride, she could see him looking back at her through his rearview mirror, obviously enjoying the view she was providing him.

"All went well with your fitting, I trust?" Franco inquired.

"Oh, yes, very well. Luigi even provided me with stockings, panties, and a bra for tonight," Lauren responded while retrieving the panties from her bag and holding them up for Franco to see.

"Those are very lovely," Franco commented. "You should feel very desirable in them tonight."

"I love wearing sexy underwear," Lauren offered as she opened her legs and lifted the hem of her skirt to demonstrate.

"Yellow is a very good color for you, Mrs. Tressel," Franco declared. "Thank you for showing them to me."

Without responding, Lauren unbuttoned and unzipped her skirt and pulled it down from her hips to the floor. Stretching her legs out in front of her, she provided Franco with an unobstructed view of her lovely yellow t-back panties with a wide lacy band at the top and very thin silky material at the crotch. As she adjusted them, like she had done with her bikini for the boys at poolside the day before, she inquired, "What do you think of these, Franco?" Touching the crotch with her fingers, she said, "These are my husband's favorite pair."

"I can see why he likes them, Mrs. Tressel, but I think he may like your new panties even better," Franco countered.

"Well, give me your opinion then, please," Lauren requested. As she said this, she lifted her hips off the seat, hooked her fingers under the waistband of her panties, and slid them off her hips. She left her legs parted enough for Franco to get an unobstructed view of her pussy and pubic hair as she began to slip the new panties over her feet. As she, once again, began lifting her hips to pull the delicate garment into place, she looked directly at Franco. His eyes were busy feasting on the lovely view she was providing him.

"So, what is your vote?" Lauren asked him.

"Mrs. Tressel, your body makes them both look wonderful and any man would be grateful to see you wearing either of the panties. However, I must admit there is something about the yellow pair that I particularly like on you. But please, do not tell anyone at Dolce that I am saying this," Franco said with a smile.

"Your secret is safe with me, Franco. I assume my little fashion show for you will remain between us as well?" Lauren asked.

"I will remember this ride forever, however, it will be my very private, very happy memory, Mrs. Tressel," Franco assured her.

As the limo approached the hotel, Lauren slipped the new panties back off and pulled her skirt back on, providing Franco with one more memory of the ride. When they stopped, Franco left his seat and moved to the rear door, opening it for Lauren. She exited the vehicle, taking the hand he offered to assist her with her egress from the vehicle. As she did, she placed something in his hand. Looking down, Franco saw that it was her yellow panties, "Mrs. Tressel, I wish you and your husband the best of luck with the job. I very much hope you become a part of the company, as I would enjoy having the opportunity to drive for you on a regular basis."

"I would like that as well, Franco, — I enjoy your company. Let's both hope tonight goes well," Lauren said.

"I've driven other wives, whose husbands were going through Mr. De Luca's process and you stand apart from any of the others. If I may suggest, just be yourself with him. The confidence you demonstrate and the sensual energy that comes off of you will serve you well with the executive team. Mr. De Luca will appreciate what you have to offer the company, I am certain. Show him that you and your husband are 'all in' to make the most of the opportunity. You will both be happy that you did," Franco instructed.

Lauren thanked Franco and then realized she needed to hurry up and get ready for tonight - as it was already past 5:00 PM. When she walked into her room, she noticed that Mark was not there yet and surprised herself with the realization that she had been so caught up in her day that she had not given much thought to how his day had gone. Stripping off her clothing, she stepped into the shower and began the process of preparing for the most important dinner of her life.

Thirty minutes later, Mark entered the room in a rush and found Lauren wearing a towel sitting at the bathroom vanity applying her makeup.

Tugging at the towel, Mark asked, "How about a quickie before you get dressed?"

"Regrettably, not a chance, Mister," Lauren retorted. "You need to get ready and I certainly don't have time to redo everything I've done thus far. It is a shame, though. After my experiences with some of the Dolce employees this afternoon, I need a sexual release. It seems to me that all of them have some type of agenda for tonight that I have not been made privy to yet. Is there something that you are not telling me, my love?"

"Well, other than you being the focus of a gang bang tonight," Mark said with a wicked grin, "there is nothing else to tell."

"A gang bang? Really, Mark, is that the best you could come up with for me? Be careful what you joke about though! The thought of that happening just made your wife very wet and very naughty-minded," Lauren observed.

"I like that," Mark smiled. "I think we have tonight in the bag, my naughty wife."

"This is sounding more and more like an indecent proposal where I am the compensation from our side," Lauren surmised. "Am I supposed to behave like a slut tonight?" Feeling another surge of vaginal fluids as she said, 'slut'.

"Just be you, go with the flow, and trust your instincts. Cecil has assured me that nothing will happen tonight unless we are both OK with it," Mark coached. "To be clear, at this point, I am very much OK with you pushing the boundaries well past simple flirting to make these guys happy with us."

"So, are you saying that I should act like a whore if they want me to?" Lauren questioned.

"Aren't many of us whores in some way or another, Sweetness?" Mark observed. "A lot of people make compromises to get what they want. To be perfectly clear, I am not pressuring you. If anything makes you too uncomfortable, we will call this whole thing off immediately. However, if you relax and go along, I'll bet you will have a good time and the evening will be a success."

With a thoughtful nod of her head, Lauren returned to her hair and makeup then moved into the bedroom just as Mark was stepping out of the shower. She found her skirt and blouse along with a wide leather belt draped across the bed. She smiled to herself when she noticed that the belt, like the shoes, was made from Italian leather. "Well, they are consistent," she thought.

Lauren dressed in the freshly altered clothing and was slipping into the heels as Mark stepped out of the walk-in closet "Oh my god," he exclaimed. "You look positively wonderful and sexy and wonderful — did I mention sexy?"

"Thanks, honey. Just a little something I picked up while I was out today," Lauren teased.

As both Lauren and Mark were putting the finishing touches on their outfits, the telephone in their room rang. Mark answered and listened for a moment and then said, "OK, we will be up in just a few minutes."

"That was Lyle, one of Signore De Luca's assistants. We don't have far to travel. Dinner will be a privately catered affair in the penthouse of this hotel - two floors up."

"Well, I am as ready as I will ever be, so let's get to it, my love," Lauren urged.

They walked down the hallway and entered the elevator for a short ride. Just before they stepped out into the penthouse suite, Lauren revealed to Mark, "By the way, I took off my skirt and panties in the limo today, in full view of the driver, and then gave the panties to him."

Mark had no time to process Lauren's revelation as they were immediately greeted by a very large black man in a suit. "Mr. and Mrs. Tressel, welcome. My name is Lyle. 
 "Thank you, Lyle. We are pleased to be here," Mark responded.

Lyle ushered them into a very large room appointed with beautiful artwork and furniture where four men were already sitting. The men looked up and began to rise as the couple entered the room.

A very elegant, very tanned gentleman of about 50 with an air of authority about him stepped forward extending his hand, and said, "Ah, Mrs. Tressel. You are even more beautiful and ravishing than I had imagined. My name is Tommaso De Luca and I welcome you to my home." With that, he took her hand in his and leaned forward to kiss the back of it.

"Thank you, Mr. De Luca. I have been looking forward to tonight since I first learned of your company and the opportunity for my husband to join your executive team," Lauren replied.

"We all have been very impressed by Mark - even more so as we have gotten to know him better. You have made quite a first impression, my dear, and I trust, like your husband, we will only be more impressed as we have the opportunity to know you more intimately as this evening progresses. In that spirit, I will ask that you call me Tommaso and I will call you Lauren, if that is all right."

"Of course, Tommaso," Lauren agreed.

The others in the room were introduced to Lauren. Bernardo Ricci - 55, Tommaso's second in command in charge of global operations. Lorenzo Bianchi - 45, head of the global sales team and the man to whom Mark would report. And Antonio Russo - 48 head of HR worldwide. The fourth was Cecil Brooks, who had been invited to join them as well.

After small talk and glasses of Prosecco, the six of them adjourned to the adjoining dining room for dinner. The meal had been prepared by the executive chef from the restaurant where they had dined the previous evening and was served by members of the senior wait staff from the restaurant. Everything was, of course, delicious. As the meal progressed, attentive staff never allowed the wine glasses to become empty.

Lauren was seated directly to the left of Tommaso, who was at the head of the table, and she was flanked by Bernardo on her left. Across from her was Antonio - next to him Cecil, then Mark, and at the other end, Lorenzo. Mark was deep in conversation with Cecil and Lorenzo leaving Lauren to be entertained by the three execs at her end of the table. Tommaso asked her all about her history, focusing on college and her social life. Antonio inquired mostly about her current job and any reluctance she might have to leave it to relocate to New York. Bernardo did not say much, but she noticed that he kept a close and unapologetic eye on her skirt and legs. Lauren assured them that leaving her job would be no problem at all and that she found the prospect of living in New York to be very exciting.

Tommaso asked how she and Mark met and if she had any other lovers before Mark.

"Yes, one other boyfriend for about a year," she answered, thinking it "so Italian" that he had used the term "lover" instead of "boyfriend".

After dinner drinks were served and Tommaso invited everyone to follow him downstairs where it would be more relaxed and informal. As Lauren rose from her seat, she noticed Bernardo staring at her skirt again and decided to be a little careless with her posture, giving him a brief glimpse of the top of her stockings.

"I don't think I would have done that a few drinks ago," she thought to herself.

As the group made their way to the stairway, Tommaso explained to Lauren and Mark that the penthouse suite comprised the entire top two floors of the hotel and that Dolce owned the entire building.

"I entertain many friends and business associates upstairs, but this level is for a select few to enjoy," Tommaso told them.

The very large room they entered at the bottom of the stairs was spectacular in its own way. Much warmer, with rich leather furnishings; a full 15-seat bar; a fireplace, and beautiful hardwood floors partially covered by elegant Persian rugs. The walls were dominated by large pieces of artwork - all of which were canvasses of erotic subjects - some of which, while tasteful, were very graphic.

"And now I'm certain you better understand one of the reasons that I am very selective as to whom I ask to join me on this level. I hope you are not offended by any of the art, Lauren?" Tommaso asked.