The Interview


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"Not at all, Tommaso. I find it to be both beautiful and stimulating," Lauren teased.

"Excellent," Tommaso responded. "That is the reaction I was hoping for from you."

Yet another drink was put in Lauren's hand and she sipped at it as she walked around the room and inspected each of the portraits one at a time. As she moved about, she saw Lyle descending the stairs with a silver tray in his hands. On the tray were two small silver bowls with small pills in each. As he passed the Dolce executives, they each took one pill from both bowls and swallowed them with a drink of the beverage they were holding. Lyle then approached Mark and Cecil. After a brief discussion with Lyle, Mark nodded and swallowed two of the pills himself followed by Cecil, who looked over at Lauren and smiled as he took his pills.

Lyle then joined Lauren and asked if she would care to partake.

"What are they?" Lauren asked.

"They are from Italy - expensive, and very popular with the wealthy. One helps reduce the negative effects of consuming a copious amount of alcohol, so you can drink without worrying about a hangover tomorrow. The other is a mild stimulant that will enable you to enjoy the evening and add to your natural stamina," Lyle explained.

Lauren thought about it for a few seconds and then, against what should have been her better judgment and influenced by the alcohol she had already consumed, picked up one each of the pills and downed them with her drink. She then continued on her tour of the room's artwork, fascinated by the intertwined bodies and multiple positions and partners that were represented.

After a few minutes, Lauren began to feel a euphoric sense of being - coupled with an ever-increasing feeling of affection for the people around her. She also was aware that her nipples were at full attention and pressing into the fabric of her lace bra. Glancing down, she could see that her nipples were indeed making their presence known through the thin material of her silk blouse. Oddly, she wasn't at all embarrassed. On the contrary, she felt a surge of warmth that traveled from her lower abdomen to her vagina - wonderfully stimulating her clitoris.

She looked over at Mark who was watching her. He smiled and lifted his glass in salute, as did Cecil who was still standing with him.

"Lauren, my love. Come join me at the bar," Tommaso called to her.

Lauren turned and walked toward Tommaso, all the while fully aware that the fabric of her bra and panties were rubbing against her nipples and clit respectively.

As she approached, Tommaso slid off of his bar stool and made a production of looking her up and down taking an obvious pause as he looked at her chest. "You make our clothes look delicious, Lauren. You have a wonderful presence about you and your body is made to be appreciated. However, if I may, I'd like to make a couple of adjustments so that you can wear our clothing the way it was intended to be worn. Would that be all right, darling?"

"Yes, I suppose so," Lauren agreed. Disappointed that she had not worn the clothing correctly.

"In Italy, women understand that it is important to tease men with their clothing. Making one's self the object of a man's desire adds to the power and influence that can be wielded by a confident and sexy woman such as yourself," Tommaso explained.

With that, Tommaso knelt and began to unbutton the bottom three buttons of the skirt. He then rose and unbuttoned her blouse down to just past her bra.

"The stocking tops are meant to be seen, in a peek-a-boo fashion. The bra, as well, is intended to be slightly revealed as you turn or lean over. That is very expensive lace and it demands to be noticed. What do you think, Lauren?"

Before responding, Lauren looked over at Mark who had been watching her exchange with Tommaso. He nodded his approval and gave her a thumbs-up to reinforce his opinion.

"It's not my usual look, but I like it. It makes me feel sexy," Lauren admitted.

"Excellent! I am certain that everyone here greatly appreciates the sexy scenery you are providing. It is very exciting for us, as it must be for you, based upon your obvious physical reaction," Tommaso added as he once again stared at her chest.

Lauren looked down again and saw that her nipples were harder than ever and were straining against the fabric of her blouse even more. "Oh, I am so sorry," Lauren apologized.

"Don't be, Tommaso assured her. It is perfectly natural and only adds to your beauty and appeal. I also very much appreciate the trust that you have demonstrated here, knowing that being the wife of one of my key executives and a member of my innermost circle affords you benefits that only a few get to enjoy. Please come sit with me for a while."

Lauren walked with Tommaso to the bar. As she did, she looked down and saw that, with every step she took, the tops of her stockings and a little bit of bare thigh flashed into view. Looking around the room, she saw that all eyes were on her as she walked.

With effort, Lauren stepped up and slid onto one of the barstools. Tommaso sat next to her and they were joined by the three other Dolce execs.

"Like moths to a flame," Tommaso declared with a grin.

It was impossible for Lauren to keep her skirt pulled together, so she gave up and simply crossed her legs, leaving the entirety of her stockings exposed and very little distance between the new endpoint of her skirt and a view of her sexy new panties. The fact that she was enjoying this pose concerned her somewhat, as this was a business affair - not some pick-up bar from her college days. The men talked with her as she sat there and took every opportunity to touch her leg, her arm, or her shoulder and neck. The touches sent electric jolts through Lauren's nervous system and kept her nipples and clit swollen and hypersensitive.

In the meantime, Cecil had been talking non-stop with Mark. Reinforcing the benefits that the job would entail and reminding Mark that his part in securing the position was done. The executives were sold on his talent and abilities. Tonight was all about Lauren, he advised. Tommaso was obviously impressed by her and things were going well.

"How far will he take things with her?" Mark asked while watching his wife with the four men at the bar and noticing that his cock was awakening.

"It all depends upon her...and you," Cecil explained. "He is offering an extraordinary opportunity and expects an extraordinary amount of openness and cooperation from the two of you tonight. Can you go along with that?"

Mark was feeling the effects of the two pills that Cecil had persuaded him to take, plus his libido was running wild as he watched his sexy wife tease the men at the bar. He now had a raging hard-on and unreasonable desire for things to go further, "If she is OK with it, I am OK with it."

"She won't be forced to do anything. She will, however, be encouraged to do a lot," Cecil admitted.

"Lauren seems to be enjoying herself and I am enjoying watching her. She can handle herself," Mark noted.

The conversation at the bar continued for a while with each man taking the opportunity to ask Lauren questions and, occasionally, reaching out to touch her in some minor way.

Meanwhile, Lauren was having a conversation within a conversation in her head. Chatting with the men while, at the same time, mentally debating just how far she should let things go. A little teasing was OK she supposed, however, she felt certain that the men with her now wanted things to go past the teasing point. She needed a balance between going along with the advances they were trying to make and maintaining a degree of professionalism. Tommaso seemed pleased with her and she wanted to keep it that way.

A sound at the top of the stairs drew everyone's attention as three young boys descended the stairs.

"It's my sons and their friend," Tommaso declared as he moved to greet them. "They are in the city for the weekend."

He brought the boys over to the bar and introduced them to Lauren, Mark having already met them on one of his previous visits.

"Lauren, may I introduce my sons, Luca and Stefano, and their friend, Vanni Esposito," Tommaso said.

"Nice to meet you," Lauren greeted the trio.

"Nice to see you again," Luca replied. "We saw you and Mr. Tressel out by the pool yesterday, but we did not want to intrude on your privacy."

"Oh, I see," Lauren replied with a panicked flashback to her behavior in front of these three. "Well, it's nice to be formally introduced then."

"Yes, it is," Luca responded with a thorough sweep of his eyes all over her body.

"Oh, well, this is less of me exposed than they saw yesterday," Lauren mentally reassured herself.

"Dad, we wanted to use the game room, if that's OK with you," Luca asked.

"Of course," Tommaso replied. "Just use the back staircase or the elevator when you leave so we won't be disturbed."

"No problem, Dad," Luca said. "Very nice to see you again, Mrs. Tressel." The three of them then departed the room through one of several doors, pausing to speak with Mark and Cecil before they left.

"The boys mentioned that they saw you by the pool yesterday. They said you were beautiful and very relaxed and comfortable with your body. They also said that your body and the bathing suit you wore easily put girls their age to shame," Tommaso recalled. "Did you enjoy putting yourself on display for them?"

"Well, there's another line crossed," Lauren thought.

"I am comfortable in my own skin and what woman wouldn't enjoy the attention of good-looking men or boys," she reasoned.

"Delighted to hear that, Lauren. That is yet another of your qualities that I admire," Tommaso responded. "With that in mind, perhaps you will allow me to make another small adjustment to your outfit?"

Without waiting for a response, Tommaso reached forward and undid two more buttons on her blouse and pulled the shirt tails out of her skirt leaving the blouse open and draping across her breasts. The move brought grunts of approval from the other three and an admiring look from Tommaso.

Lauren, meanwhile was still dealing with the uncertainty of what Tommaso's sons had told him about yesterday. It was obvious that she was teasing and flirting with the boys. Had they told their dad how slutty she had been behaving?

"I could use a visit to the ladies' room, please," Lauren requested.

"Of course," Tommaso agreed and directed her to a door near where Mark and Cecil were standing.

Standing up and straightening her skirt and blouse, Lauren walked toward the door, realizing she was putting on a show for everyone. As she passed by Mark, she asked him to join her in the restroom.

Once inside, she turned to him and said, "Did you know yesterday that those were Tommaso's sons?"

"Yes, but I didn't want to discourage your behavior. I knew the boys wouldn't mind and it was just a bit of harmless fun," Mark explained.

"Well, we are having some more harmless fun tonight, aren't we, Mark? Are you sure this is the right thing to do in this circumstance?" Lauren inquired.

"I'm positive it is. Cecil has been through this before with other candidates he has brought and he says that you have them eating out of your hands like no other wife he has seen before," Mark assured. "I vote that we let things go where they go. Tommaso will direct you."

Exhaling hard, Lauren said, "Well, he is directing me toward being a slut at the moment."

"Like I said before, almost everyone in business whores themselves to a certain degree," Mark reasoned. If you and I benefit financially from what happens tonight, I have no problem with that. It is just harmless...'"

"I know, I know - harmless fun. All right then, I will take my direction from him. Everyone I have talked to about him indicated that would be the best course of action anyway. You better be certain that you are OK with what may happen. I don't think these guys are going to settle for a little peek at my underwear."

"I hope they don't settle. I am really getting off watching you with them. You are so damn hot and, although I don't fully understand my reaction to all of this, I want to see you go a lot further with them," Mark admitted.

As she turned to leave the room, Mark took hold of her blouse at the shoulders and deftly pulled it off of her, "this should move things along nicely, my darling little slut."

Without missing a beat, Lauren stepped out of the restroom and walked past Cecil toward the bar. Cecil nodded his approval of her latest wardrobe adjustment.

Back at the bar, the four men were obviously delighted with her new look. Her small, pink nipples were rock hard and now clearly visible through the lace of her bra. Approving looks and comments abounded.

"Before you sit, my dear. May I make one more adjustment?" Tommaso asked. This time, he waited for a response.

"Whatever you like," Lauren demurred.

Tommaso unbuttoned the remaining buttons on her skirt and pulled it away from her body.

"Now we get to see what the boys told me they saw yesterday," Tommaso offered.

"This is more than they got to see, I think. They couldn't see through the material of my bikini as you gentlemen can through this lovely bra and skimpy panties," Lauren noted.

She was correct. Standing in front of the men, the now-exposed panties offered a tantalizing view of her pubic hair as well as the lips of her vagina and her engorged clitoris. They all took their time staring at her. Taking in every sexy detail that she now willingly presented them.

"You do our clothing justice," Bernardo offered. "You look every bit as sexy as any of our models. Will you walk around a bit so that we can see you from all angles?"

Lauren smiled at the compliment and then proceeded to walk a few steps away, giving them a nice view of her tight ass, and then turned, letting them watch her breasts bounce ever so slightly as she walked back to them. The sexual tension in the room was palpable and no one wanted to break the spell. When she returned, the men intensified their brushes and touching. Stroking her back, her stomach, her fully exposed legs. Examining the fabric of the bra and panties with their fingers.

Lauren was becoming so turned on by all of this that her breathing was accelerating to a noticeable level. She lifted her eyes to look at Tommaso's face. He gave her a slight nod and a smile. Keeping her eyes on his, Lauren reached behind her and released the hooks on the back of her bra, slowly peeling it away from her body and then handing it to Tommaso.

Everyone's breathing now increased. Lauren's beautiful breasts were now fully exposed, and her pert nipples were a clear indication of her body's level of arousal. Tommaso slowly moved his hand toward her chest and this time Lauren nodded her approval. His hand closed on her left breast covering the nipple and part of the mound with his palm. He slowly massaged the firm but pliable flesh, enjoying the feel of her very erect nipple in the center of his palm. He then took his other hand and added her right breast to his caresses.

Lauren leaned her head back, fully exposing her throat in submission. Tommaso leaned forward and kissed her neck - nibbling with small soft bites as he went. Lauren's arms remained at her sides presenting a picture of a woman surrendering to what was being done to her.

Sensing her level of submission, Tommaso pulled back from her neck and moved his hands to lift her by her armpits back onto the barstool. The other three execs moved in closer, surrounding her from behind, while Tommaso remained directly in front of her. Hands from the three men behind her took turns touching, pinching, and kneading her breasts. Bernardo and Lorenzo leaned down and each took a nipple in their mouth and began to suck on them. As they did this, they leaned Lauren farther back to afford easier access to her body.

Lauren became aware that Tommaso was pressing slightly against the inside of her thighs with his hands, encouraging her to spread her legs wider for him. She opened her legs wide and felt his hands move up her thigh to stroke and caress her vagina through the material of her panties.

He ran his fingers up and down her slit, gliding through the slick wetness of the crotch of her panties which had been and were continuing to be coated by the lubricating juices flowing from her excited pussy. Employing both of his hands, Tommaso began to rub and pinch her clitoris through the fabric, causing Lauren to pump her hips up and down, encouraging him to continue, which he did for several minutes.

Lauren was lost in passion. The three men behind her continued their assault on her breasts, each taking a turn and then allowing the odd man out to join in on the activity. Tommaso's touches had her straining to press herself against his magical fingers and causing a steady flow of liquid from her vagina.

Suddenly, his hands moved from her body, causing her to groan in disappointment. Her disappointment was short-lived, however, as she realized he was now using his hands to tug her panties off of her body. Lauren lifted her hips as much as she could to assist him in this process and he quickly slid the soaking garment completely off of her. She was now totally exposed to these men whom she had just met a few hours ago. Her legs were spread widely, exposing her swollen labia and clitoris. Her mound was slick and covered by her own juices providing a clear indication of her enjoyment of what the men were doing to her.

Just as she felt Tommaso's finger begin to probe the opening of her vagina she also felt his mouth descend upon her clitoris - taking it between his lips and sucking ever so gently while flicking his tongue across its surface rapidly. With this new sensation, Lauren threw her head back and the men on her beasts took the opportunity to lower her upper body even farther. The position left her back and shoulders suspended in air but being supported by the men. Her legs meanwhile had been dangling off the other side of her seat and now Tommaso lifted them over his shoulders allowing him an easier angle for Lauren to feed her sex to his hungry mouth.

Lauren pumped her hips up against Tommaso's mouth as she continued to feel his fingers teasing her opening. With her right hand, she reached down between her spread legs and found his fingers just inside her labia. She then grasped his wrist and pulled - diving his fingers deeper and deeper inside of her. Once his two fingers were fully inside of her, Tommaso rotated his wrist, curved his fingers, and began stroking in and out of her pussy - rubbing her G-spot with each stroke. This resulted in a release of fluid from Lauren's wanton cunt that coated Tommaso's entire hand.

With her eyes closed and her head now leaning back farther than her prone body that was supported by the stool and the men touching her, Lauren became aware of something pressing against her lips. Opening her eyes, she was greeted by the site of a very hard cock that was seeking entry into her mouth. Without a second thought, Lauren opened her lips and accepted Antonio's organ into her mouth. He began to slowly and cautiously pump his cock in and out between her luscious lips. Lauren loved that she was now providing sexual pleasure to all four men at the same time. Tommaso eating and fingering her pussy with vigor, two others licking and sucking on her tits, and Antonio fucking her mouth with his cock. She was in heaven.

Antonio had worked his cock farther back toward her throat than she had ever experienced before. Lauren noted that the angle that was created by having her head so far back made it easier for him to penetrate more deeply. The man behind the cock was not satisfied with this heretofore unexplored oral territory, however, as he continued to press forward with each stroke into her mouth. Amazingly, Lauren felt no gag reflex at this angle and surmised that the little pills she took might be helping as well. After a few minutes of effort on his part and a lot of concentration on Lauren's, she felt his ball sack resting on her nose and his pubic bone hitting her chin - signaling that she had taken his entire 7" cock down her throat.