The Lab Rat Pt. 02


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The cold air blowing from my mouth and her own heat was sending her higher without much work. I started using my tongue's tip to taunt her little man in the boat as my index finger treated her tush as she had mine. When I knew she was near I stood up and sat on the chair allowing herself to lower herself down upon me. The meeting of my hardness and her swollen mound caused a major organism to overtake her.

I kissed her gently as her body came down from its high. Her free-flowing juices running out of her covering my manhood with a flood of her wetness. She buried her head in my shoulder as her pussy held me tight.

Robin moaned very audibility. "That was so intense. Thank you, girlfriend, for giving me your best. No mere man could have made it as good as this. But a woman trapped in a man's body could and just did."

I kissed her softly for a few then I moved slightly. Her body started to respond.

She looked at me straight into my eyes and smiled, "With what you have put into me these last two days I bet you have knocked me up. Now you're ready for me to ride you cowboy-style again."

I lifted off her slip, exposing her warm inviting flesh, then pulled her down tight on me. Her mouth met mine as we started our lovers dance all over again. Her body strength was not in it. She climbed off of me and we went into the bedroom. Soon I was embedded in her missionary style. I rode her fast and hard then slow and soft driving her towards the edge and keeping her there for as long as I could. Finally, as she said no more, we both reached the plateau once more.

As we were coming down sharing the afterglow, I rolled over pulling her on top of me and that's how we fell asleep.

Robin awoke me softly with a bunch of tender kisses before saying, "I've run a bubble bath with an aloha vera base. I want to see if that will help your skin irritation."

After using the bathroom, I climbed in. Robin came in with two flute glasses filled with orange juice and champagne. She held in her hand the two pink pills I had to take. I allowed her to slip them into my mouth before I stood my first sip.

Using the hot water and warm washcloth she washed my face and my neck before scrubbing my back. We talked about the day before and my experience of spending it as a girl. Robin pointed out that the more I did the more normal I would be at it but so far, I had passed as a female far better than she could have imagined.

"Yesterday was perfect until that man tried to play with your tush," she explained. "I've never experienced such jealously in my life"

"Perhaps that's my fault," I said. "I should have handled it differently. Next time I will slap his face and walk off the floor."

"That's all part of learning to be a woman, it will get easier in time. Today you're going to be going out in one of the dresses we picked out yesterday for you," Robin said with a wink and a smile. "It will give you an idea of how hot looking you can be. Keep in mind when we come back, Anna and I have a surprise planned for you."

When the water got cold, I got out. I could see why a female enjoyed a bubble bath because it was so relaxing. Even my flesh seemed to have a softness to it. I told my second wife that the bath had indeed helped to calm my skin. Robin again wrapped my body in a fluffy full-length towel. Sitting me down in front of the makeup mirror she started to get to work.

She worked six strings of hair extenders in. Giving my hair more body and depth. They were various shades of red, blonde, and light brown. Once in she styled my hair. She used a bit more eyeliner than yesterday. Again, she put just a touch of blush and worked into my facial cheeks. Finally, she put on a dark red lipstick on my lips.

"Take a look at yourself in the mirror, my she male hubby, "Robin said. "This will give you an idea about what we can do when your hair grows out."

I looked in the mirror. It was as if I no longer recognized myself. The highlights and additional length changed my whole look. My face looked leaner, softer, and more innocent at the same time. I couldn't believe it was possible, but it was. The hair additions and the extra makeup had brought my inner femininity out in such a unique way.

"You look like a beautiful young lady who just starting to discover her sexuality," Robin said. "Vibrate, inviting, and open to discovering new things. You look like you're at that dangerous age when men will be lining up to try to be the one that takes your virginity."

After removing the towel, she slid a red laced corset onto me. Starting at the lower back she began tying it up. As it rested at the top of my hips, I realized she was giving me more of a feminine shape. It seemed to lift my skin up. By the time she was done, I had tiny tits, sticking out with stiff nipples.

"This corset is a training corset for a young lady just starting to develop her breasts," Robin said. "As a result, the top part designed to hold your breasts expands as you need it."

The panties she had me step into with styled differently and a bit daintier than before. It had a built-in sleeve for my shaft to slide into before she pulled the zipper up. I could clearly see that it had been designed to complement what was already on. It had a very thin line that went up between the folds of my rear cheeks leaving my feeling half-naked. It had to be tied at the back in order to stay on. The last thing she slid on me was some sheer nylons that were attached to the bottom of the corset's strappings.

Robin walked me over to the full-length mirror and had me bend over at my waist. She did it for two reasons she wanted me to see my image in the mirror and she wanted to make sure that the back of my panties opened up as advertised. They did, my panties opened up exposing my rosebud in all its glory.

As I looked into the mirror Robin slid in behind me and said mischievously "Imagine how easy it would be for me to slip into a strap on and take my girlfriend and wife from behind."

I felt her finger exploring my tush the pressing against my rosebud. I was beginning to understand that the more they played with the more I was finding that I was liking it. I felt her index finger penetrate my rosebud. For the first time, I realized how vulnerable a woman must feel when in this position. It caused me to blush.

Robin burst out in a giggle and said, "Careful girlfriend getting a response like that for most would be considered as an invitation by most to replace their finger with a cock or a strap on and ride you hard."

My face went red as a beak, Robin said, "Making love like that can be just as rewarding for the giver and the receiver when putting the needs of the other first. In order for that to happen naturally, a woman has to be emotionally and mature enough to accept it. Making love should never be forced and should only happen when both parties are ready for the right reasons."

After sliding my arms into the sleeveless red dress, she helped slide it over my head before zipping me up. Its length came down to halfway between my upper legs and knees hugging my frame very tight. Looking in the mirror it was clear that I was a woman in all the right ways. I now had curves and depth that had been brought out. I realized it was the clothes that made the difference.

If my wives thought my tush was hot before in this outfit it had to be roaring. I began to understand that clothing was all part of a woman's femininity which highlighted their sensual and sexual appeal. Having the right items at the right time would be a heightening factor for sure.

She set out the one and a half-inch white heels for me to start walking in. I walked around the room feeling how the change is posture had tightened my calf muscles. Tightening and straightening out my whole backside causing a slight wiggle when I walked. Like any normal person, I had to check out my image in the full-length mirror. The corset was doing what it was designed to do. I thought I looked hot.

Robin commented about it by saying when a woman had a tush that wiggled in the way mine did it was an open invitation to anyone who was attracted by that. Their thinking would lead them to believe that I would be a very active lover when being fucked.

"Robin," I said, "I'm not into men."

"Hubby you and I know that," She said. "The problem is not us, it's them. There is no way with how beautiful you look with your femininity shinning so bright that anyone will believe you are a man."

I watched as Robin dressed herself to look more masculine. She was wearing a two-piece black suit with a white blouse which took one's attention away from her very feminine shape.

"Why are you down dressing," I asked?

"It's so you can learn just how attractive a woman you are," She said. "This will prove that all the attention we shared yesterday was because of you. I want you to begin to see how beautiful a person you really are in every ones' eyes."

Robin handed me a small white clutch purse and said, "Put your house keys and your wallet in that because you're driving your car today. We're going downtown to partake in a breakfast buffet at the casino before going in to pull a few levers for a bit."

Before we left to head out Robbin took a little spray bottle of perfume out of my purse and sprayed a bit of it on me.

It was stunning for me to learn just how right Robin's words were. No matter where we went both males and females were checking me out. In the casino, I was approached three times by young nice looking ladies who got to close for comfort because they were touching me in ways Robin and Anna would in public.

Robin had deliberately separated herself from me because as she explained later, she wanted to see how I would handle the situation on my own. She had particularly got a big kick out of a man who was about our age trying to get my name and phone number until he saw my wedding rings.

At twelve-thirty we headed back to meet the realtor at his office. Just as we pulled in so did the older couple. It took us a while, but we worked it all out. Both of us would pay for their own five year home warranty. I got the realtor to reduce his rate from seven percent to five for both sides. The moving day would be at the end of the month if both houses passed a building inspection. We left quite quickly afterward because the realtor was trying to do his damndest to be near to me. He as an older man was creeping me out.

As we were driving away Robin said "Girlfriend did you see how hard he was. If the rest of us had not been around he might have had you bent over, taking you from behind right now. Proves to me just how hot you are to both sexes when you're dressed like this."

For some reason Robin didn't want us going back to my house yet we took a walk through the mall. I found it humorous that so many were looking at us as we walked holding hands. Robin picked up a couple of short shorts as she called them before we left.

"Hubby," Robin said. "I will talk with the research department concerning your irritation problem but until we get it dealt with you might like to wear these shorts around the house with a light t-shirt."

When we pulled into my driveway, I discovered Anna's car in the driveway.

"You been with me for two whole days," Robin said. "Your first wife has not seen you since Friday morning and needs some quality alone with you my Hubby. So, kiss me goodbye and go reconnect with my sister wife."


I walked into our rental home after unlocking the door listening to the sound of my heels as I walked on the tiled floor. I set my small purse and the bag down on the kitchen counter. I in a way I was feeling relieved to have gotten through another day. I was tired of playing the role of a female and wanted to return to something familiar.

The lights were dimmed, the curtains were drawn, the scented candles lit and two wine glasses filled with white wine were sitting on the dining room table along with my pink pills. Anna clearly wanted a romantic evening with me.

It was then that Anna came out of the bedroom in five-inch heels, wearing a long full-length white laced satin nightgown that hugged her frame tight. She had tied her long hair up in a bun. She came out oozing of confidence that I had never seen before. Her soft sweet breasts were sticking straight out.

Without saying a word, she pulled me into her. She moved into me, kissing me softly at first before sliding her tongue into my mouth using it to dance with mine. We stood there for a few minutes sharing what we had missed. We were comfortable with each other yet for some reason this seemed different.

I felt her hand pulling up my dress as if she knew what she had planned to do. I felt it rising above my tush. She undid the bow that was holding my panties in place. Without a word she moved around to the front and let the zipper down. Then she pulled on my panties and they let loose. Removing her hand from my dress it fell back in place. Then she held up my panties for me to see.

"When Robin told me what you were wearing when she came home Friday night." Anna said." From that moment, I began to think about coming home to make love to my girlfriend, husband, and wife at the same time. I haven't been turned on like this since the night of our wedding."

I leaned into her and kissed her once more as her hands began to play with my tush. After kissing each other for a few the dinger on the oven went off. I learned that she had come home and made my favorite, baked mac and cheese.

Over dinner she had me explain everything about the weekend. What I had learned and how it had gone. She had to chuckle over a few of the situations I had to deal with while being dressed as a woman. Then she asked me a question about how I felt about the experience. I got quiet for a few moments. Anna started to get concerned until I started to speak.

"I was nervous at the start," I said. "Yet I found myself growing into it. If I'm going to do it again there is a lot that I have to learn."

"Like what," my first wife asked?"

"How to read people as a female," I said. "I think a lot of things happened because I did not know how a female would react in that situation."

Anna's eyes suddenly teared up. I began to get concerned but when she kissed me, I knew that what I was thinking was wrong.

"What was that for," I had to ask.

"For giving me the answer that you did," She said. "It was honest, insightful, and said a lot about your feelings. It was also very revealing about things going forth."

We had carried the dishes to the sink. I was rinsing them off before putting them in the dishwasher. Anna had put shrink wrap over the leftovers and put them in the fridge. She walked up behind me I heard her unzipping the back of my dress. I quickly dried my hands as she slipped my dress off of my shoulders. Then I felt the dress start it's fall to the ground. I lifted one foot at a time so she could take it and hang it up.

"Jaden, you are truly a stunning young lady," Anna said when she came back. "Seeing my wife like this makes it seem as if I am seeing a whole new person I have to get to know. Each time I see you as a female it excites me, and I see myself falling in love with you all over again. So, after tonight for a while dress as you would before we signed up for the test."

"Why," I asked more out of curiosity than anything else.

"It's been an emotional roller coaster for all three of us these last few days," Anna said. "You need time to reflect on everything with the logic you have. I want you to decide what your concerns are going forth. I know Robin loves you just as much as I do."

I took Anna into my arms and kissed her long and slow before speaking, "Robin and we have bought a new home we're all moving into in at the end of the month. It was with your approval I took Robin as my second wife, but you are and always will be my first."

It must have been what Anna needed to hear because she jumped up and wrapped her legs around me tight. We started kissing and did not stop I carried her to my chair which was still pulled out and sat down. Anna giggled about my hardness and stood up to pull up her nightgown. Spreading her legs apart she lowered herself down upon me. We just kissed and whispered soft words of love to each other.

"Robin was right you know," Anna said. "Just sitting here with my girlfriend's hard babymaker inside of me is such a unique feeling. It truly does make one feel complete. Every woman needs to experience this feeling once."

I looked down towards the floor her long nightgown hid our bodies making us appear as one.

Anna looked at me in a mischievous way," I've got a wild idea. I want you to take me from behind with you still wearing your undergarments while looking into a full-length mirror. I bet it will be mind-boggling to see."

"Right away," I asked. "Because you seem to be enjoying yourself right now."

Anna giggled, "Well my girlfriend's new breasts and their blossoming softness have turned me on."

With that Anna lowered herself down a little bit and started sucking on them gently. It was if she was seeing something in me for the first time that she wanted to bring out. She was showing me a tenderness that I had never seen before not even from her.

It puzzled me not because she was doing but because I found extremely sensual and it was confusing me. My body was eating it up because my hardness even to me seemed extreme. I felt I was reaching further into the source of the sweet nectar that came from her womb.

She looked up at me with a look of passion and love that seemed extreme. I lowered my mouth and kissed with a gentleness that I had never used before. It was like I was taking what my wives were showing me to the next level.

My tongue danced as it was a fairy landing on the daintiness of a petal. Her moans exposed her emotions as she sat impelled on me. I did it for quite a few minutes noticing that her womb was getting hotter and moister than before.

I realized she was trying to hold down her desires so she could savor for a bit longer what she was experiencing.

"I love you Jayden more than you ever know," Anna said. "The three of us are going to make it. This tonight is giving us a taste of how wonderful it's going to be. Promise you will let me watch you with my sister-wife, and let her experience watching us."

She lifted herself up and we headed into the bedroom where she removed the nightgown, she was wearing standing in front of the mirror she bent over. I could see her breast hanging down it all their glory. Her curved tush in front of me as she spread her legs apart. Her swollen pussy hanging down. I moved in bringing the head of my shaft to her wanting lips. Using my hand, I moved it up and down against the lips. She was so moist she had already started to drip.

"Don't tease me, girlfriend," Anna begged. "Shove it in and take me hard."

Every man or woman taking a lover from behind has to appreciate the power they're being given. I inched into her slowly trying to draw it out for her. I watched as my cocks head disappeared in between her swollen lower lips. Taking my hands, I held onto her with my hands towards the top of her hips. Arching my body just a little bit I drove into her as fast and hard as I could.

From the moment I started taking her Anna was like a wild animal lost by the desire and the fires burning within her. I started slowly. Anna's inner heat was so intense. Slowly I started pounding her with an intensity that I had never experienced. I was ramming her so hard that her bouncing breasts were slamming against each other.

In the mirror, I saw the extreme pleasure she was experiencing as I gave her my all. I had to stop and look for a minute because I was in awe of what I saw. We were two females screwing the hell out of each other and we were both really into it. It was as if tonight she was my bottom bitch and I was treating her accordingly.