The Lab Rat Pt. 02


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It was fun to see Anna's eyes reflecting in the mirror as the mini organisms hit. The stronger the organism the further her eyes appeared to go into her head. When the big one hit, she lost it for her legs wanted to buckle and pull me down with her. I kept taking her as she went through it.

We made it back to the bed where I took my bitch once more before I fell asleep. With her on top riding me for all, it was worth. When we were done, we both felt like two well-used sluts. I slept all night in the corset and sheer nylons.

The first thing we did Monday morning was to get the corset off of me after I awoke to find my wife riding my morning woody. Anna was in an exceptionally good mood. She showed it to me by blowing me off while we had a morning shower. Of course, she had to share the remains with me. Those shorts short's that Robin had picked out, fit nicely but it left a little too much of my rear cheeks exposed for my liking. I had put a long t-shirt of my own on trying to hide it. Even dressed down I not only looked girly, but I felt like it too.

After eating a couple of breakfast bowls, she was off to work. I took the pills as I was assigned and checked the computer to see if there were any orders for me to process. Afterward, I began looking at the costs, I had been incurring by using middlemen as my distribution centers. By bringing it all under one location I could cut my costs by thirty- five percent. That would allow me to buy the shelving equipment, my own forklifts, hire a staff of three to five people and perhaps save more on shipping.

I was busy cleaning up the house when the mailman knocked at the door. They had a registered letter that I needed to sign for. It was for me from the wives' employer. It turned out it was my first cheque for my monthly clothing allowance. The mailman asked if I was Jaden's sister, I said yes so, he let me sign for it. Then he asked me how long I was going to be in town.

It had been a busy day for both Anna and Robin getting her settled in her new position. So much so that they didn't have time to discuss their relationship's outside of the office. Robin indeed did talk to the research department regarding the lap rats' ongoing skin irritation. It took them about two hours to come up with a prescription that was delivered to Anna.

The new prescription would cut the skin irritation down but would make Jaden more accepting of things than he would normally be. When Robin and Anna read the background on the drug, they both felt that while he was taking it Jaden's submissive nature would be enhanced. Both agreed that they would have to be careful not to take advantage of it during this time. Forcing Jaden to become a female full time might end up destroying all they were working towards.

During lunch, Robin said, "I slept like a log last night. I did not realize how busy a weekend it was with Jayden. It's been a long time since I have been that emotionally and sexually exhausted."

"He's really turned us both on far more dressed as a girl," Anna explained. "Then he ever did as a man. He never wore me out as he does now. I told him to dress as he would normally the rest of the workweek because I needed a break."

About an hour before they were due to be off using the speakerphone in Anna's new office my wives said they would both be home at the regular time. I did not have to worry about supper they would be stopping to get it.

They brought home fast food from Arby's. We spend the evening rehashing our relationship and setting the guidelines for the three of us going forth. It was an open and honest discussion. We decided as a group that we would have three separate bedrooms each with double closets and separate bathrooms. My bedroom would have a queen size bed the other two just doubles. I took the addition medicine they had got me for the first time.

I told the ladies my idea of how I could utilize the space that had been used for tractors as my warehouse and cut out a lot of the middleman that I currently used. The volume of shipping from one location would benefit me by getting me greater discounts with the company that could give me the best price structure. I found I was able to wear my regular clothing the next day without any problem. I had Anna tie my hair in a ponytail.

We decided as a group to subdivide our new property, into two sections. If the bank would go for it. They did it but required that my wives became shareholders in my limited company. The city council approved the zoning changing since it was still within the city's boundaries. Half of the property we had bought got zoned commercial. As a result, we were able to get a clear title to the house and had the mortgage on the corporate property. After it was all done, we had it appraised all over again. The end result was that we were more than half a million ahead. It made our corporation a very viable operation.


It had been a busy eight weeks moving two homes into one. I was finding it harder to hide my growing breasts. As a group, we had decided that the next time I would dress as a female was when we were done with the construction and the move. Although I would not admit it to either of them, I was actually looking forward to it as my curiosity was getting the best of me.

We had things worked out for the most part. There were nights when I was sleeping with one of them and nights were the two of them slept together. Their newfound bisexuality seemed normal to me and I was blessed in knowing that neither would neglect me because of their love for the other.

Robin and Anna had bought me a few training bras which I was now wearing regularly under the bulk loose tank tops and sweaters that I wore. Each Friday the hours I spent at the research department were getting longer. As they seemed to have more and more tests to perform on me. When I had asked them why their explanation was mind-boggling.

It seems that my sister and I had been a medical rarity. The odds of having identical twins with the opposite sex were greater than one in five hundred thousand. The fact the both of us survived to be born was astronomical. It was normal for one of these types of twins not to develop beyond six weeks and be flushed out in the afterbirth fluids.

They were using some of my blood to research that out in order to explain why both of us had survived. They had partnered up with a genetic code researcher to find if it was in my DNA. I thus was researching out my family tree as to what could be discovered. So far, I had not discovered much as there was not a history of a twin being born.

When I brought that point up to both Karla and Leah, we all began to wonder if it had been caused by the environment that my parents were living in during the time we were conceived. Diseases like Parkinson's were known to be caused by the environment that the persons were exposed to over a period of time.

The construction crew was almost done the remodeling of the third floor. We had expanded the outside four walls by twenty feet on the third floor which allowed my wives to have their own sitting room. So that we now had columns surrounded the lower part of the home embedded in concrete. It ended up giving us a ten-foot walkway all around the house. All three of us shared the view that the new look of our home had added a character to it that reflected the old stately homes in the south.

The relationship between the three of us was getting closer. The small business administration had approved my business loan and the storage shelving was now being installed in what would become my first warehouse. I had built an office onto the front of the building and installed electrical heating into it. The next shipment coming from overseas would be delivered to this location.

Since the two forklifts, I had bought would run on propane. I had built a storage tank beside the warehouse so we could fill them when needed. We had dug out a massive area behind the metal building and installed a proper loading dock. That way when the containers arrived, they could be unloaded quickly. It also made it easier for shipping. The lighting system had been changed to a system that would heat the body but not the building that would allow us to work comfortably.

Using the excess soil, I had leveled out the land around the house and created a huge sitting area for the summer with a sloped roof from the center. When the plants grew up over the cast-iron structure it would provide us with an outdoor sitting shaded area in which we could relax.

Anna had booked this Friday off to be here at the house while the construction crew finished cleaning up inside the third floor. We each had our own bedroom with a walk-in closet and master bathroom. Both Robin and Anna had added a small sitting area to the side for use at a later date. My bedroom would have a queen bed while both of theirs would have a double. The furniture had been ordered and would be delivered on Saturday.

I arrived right on time for my next visit to the research department. Karla Wasley and Leah Guzman were there to greet me. We talked with each other for about half an hour before starting with the day. They asked about my experiences with all that was going on. I guess they were trying to find if I was having second thoughts. In honesty, I explained that with all that had been going on in my active life I really hadn't had time to think about it a lot.

I undressed and prepared to go through the sterilization procedure before entering the lab. The assistant who came into the undressing room with my hair net and goggles asked me to bend over.

"Jaden, I'm going to be inserting a small long cylinder into your rear end. It will be activated after you finish going through the shower. Its function is to measure and transmit to our computers the data it collects." The young lady explained. "Today we begin to check your sexual responses to stimulation while we are performing the usual things. We need to ensure that growing your breasts is not affecting you mentally, physically, or emotionally. This is just one of the ways we will be doing that."

At first, I felt violated by it. The coldness of the object entering me startled me. But as the day wore on my body adjusted to it. I was surprised that I felt kind of empty when they removed it.

Six hours later I left the lab feeling exhausted. I was amazed at some of the things they had put me through. It was my impression that the device they had slid into me did not do what they claimed. It had been revealed that I had lost two inches from my waist. My breasts they had estimated were about twenty-five percent developed. As a result, they had me slip into a tight-fitting slip so they could document my progress with a bunch of images.

On the screen behind them, I could see my image behind them. Even I had to admit that I looked very feminine. My growing breasts had been the center of their attention. It had been embarrassing at the time because the way they had explored and played with them as they poked and measured them for fat content, density and softness it kept me sexually stimulated.

Leah Guzman took me to her office after I had dressed to leave for the day and offered me a glass of white wine which I accepted.

"Jayden, I want to thank you," She said. "To be honest we had been expecting a lot more problems with you by this time. The way you have handled things so far has been top-notch. You have made things easy for us. Your research on your family background has us now looking in a different direction to find how it all happened."

With that, she handed me a check for ten thousand dollars.

"It's a performance bonus,' Leah said. "Since you conduct has saved us thousands in budgeted costs that didn't happen it's our way as an organization for awarding you for you beyond expectation conduct."

"The other thing Karl and I would like to leave with you. It is an opportunity that you should consider while you are going through the trial test. Since we have found you a delight to work with if you decided at the end to keep your breasts, we would like you to become the spoke's person for our whole line of male products."

I was taken back by the offer and said I would definitely keep that in the back of my mind. On the way home I deposited the ten thousand dollar check into my business account to be used as a cash reserve when needed.

It was almost six by the time I got home. My two wives demanded to know what took so long. With the workers all done on the house, they had planned a special all-girls weekend. It was to be the first since we had all got together. The first thing we did was tour the finished third floor. I explained all the additional things I had gone through and my meeting with both Leah and Karla.

What caught the girl's most attention was when I said the medical staff has slipped a thin metal device into my rosebud. It worked like a giant thermometer and collected raw data to be processed later on. I had to go through most of the day with that foreign object in me. Both of them looked at each other with knowing eyes as if what I had revealed had caused something to change.

"How did it feel having something inside you," Robin asked? "Was it hard to accept?"

"For the first little while I didn't appreciate it," I said. "It was cold, hard and unmoving. As it warmed up because of my body heat it was noticeable but not restricting. When they removed it, I felt empty for a while."

Robin was going to stay home Saturday morning to ensure our furniture was being set up where we wanted it. Anna and I had hair appointments for nine o'clock. In addition, we both would be getting our nails and makeup done. Robin's appointment was set for one in the afternoon.

After a quick shower Saturday morning my wives were helping me get dressed for our all-girls weekend. Using a hair blower and a curling iron they styled my hair. After adjusting the top part of my white corset, they slid it up on my shoulders tying it up from the bottom. Like the last time, it had tightened my chest lifting everything up and out. My breasts stuck out of the half cup bra just below my stiff nipples. The effect created made my budding breasts look larger, thicker and gave me a defined cleavage line. I now had clearly defined breasts.

The girls were delighted by how much the garter had enhanced my feminine look. They chose a white pantie that had a sleeve in it to hide my baby maker. When slid into and on me they zipped it up which pulled my manhood down and under. I put on a light white blouse before sliding into a pair of black slacks. Then I undid the top three buttons of the blouse exposing my budding breasts in an innocent and sweet way. We would return to get dressed for the night because they had planned something special.

To finish off the look Robin and Anna presented me with a heart-shaped pendant that they slid around my neck. It rested just above the curves of my breasts. Inside the locket was a picture of the two of them one on each side. The last thing they did was put a set of magnetic diamond studs on my ear lopes before allowing myself to look in the mirror.

My look took my breath away. I had the figure and curves that would attract even me. Even without makeup, my natural femininity shone brightly. It was if my body was saying 'I am a woman I have arrived.' The jewelry only enhanced my overall appearance. Both Robin and Anna had to capture my image. The last thing I did was slip my bare feet into were some opened toed heels.

Before we left, we had to share a few sensual kisses between the three of us. Now that I was basking in my femininity Anna was treating me improperly in a teasing way. As we headed out the door, I felt her hand on my backside as she moved her finger along my tushes fold.

"My girlfriend is growing up," Anna said as we climbed into the car. "I'm looking forward to the day when your love for me as a female will allow me to fully dominate you under the sheets and take you as if I was the man."

I was still blushing when we made the hairdressers right on time. We were the first clients of their workday. Anna asked my hairdresser to do an outstanding job on me as it was an anniversary and she wanted us to look our best. My hairdresser using her laptop quickly showed me some hairstyles that she thought would look good on me. Once I decided she got started cutting and shaping my hair. Numerous times she mentioned that she wished her hair had as much body as mine did.

While I was under the dryer, they did all my nails. It was interesting the care and attention they were given. The color they applied was chosen after the Cosmetic coordinator had decided on the color of lipstick I would be wearing.

Then it was back in front of the mirror as the perm I had been given was combed out and shaped. The look was transforming and stunning. It was if I was seeing myself for the first time. Instead of the straight hair, I now had body and curls. I saw myself as the woman that everyone else believed I was. It was then that I realized that I could not easily change my hairstyle back. I had to wonder for a second if Robin and Anna had done that deliberately.

With the sales meeting, I was going to be having on Monday from a couple of manufacturer's representatives from overseas looking for someone to introduce their product into the North American market. Everything had to be perfect.

It wasn't until the cosmopolitan was done with her makeup and makeover that I realized just how beautiful and feminine I looked. She had thickened and lengthened my eyelashes, softened my facial looks giving me a look of innocence that was outstanding and with the lipstick created a mouth that appeared to be begging to be kissed.

Anna's face was shining with excitement. She had been finished before me and had watched the cosmopolitan work her magic on me. We ended up buying the cosmetics she had used for my further use down the road. What she didn't know was that they were the ones that my two wives employers manufactured.

We got back to the house just in time for Robin had to leave. They were still setting up the furniture. Robin was stunned by how beautiful I looked. Before leaving she pulled me right into her holding me tight while giving me a very deep sensual kiss. The two men setting the furniture saw us in the sensual embrace.

They had just started to set up mine. I instructed them on how I wanted it, then went and checked out Robin and Anna's because they were finished. The bedroom sets were perfect for they tied into the color schemes they had picked out. Each reflected their personalities and were not overly girly, but they were definitely feminine in nature.

It was funny Anna kept pointing out to me as they set my bedroom up how much I was turning the male workers on. Anna and I heard one of the men say boy that redhead has a set of inviting lips. If she wasn't a lesbian, I would be trying to slide my cock between them. I bet that mouth was born to be fed a man's cock.

I blushed; Anna giggled. We then left the room to leave them to it.

"I'm going to have to go shopping for some business attire appropriate for working in as a female for Monday," I said. "There is no way I am going to be able to hide my hairstyle. With the meetings, I got set up for that day. I'm going to have to dress professionally as a woman and everything will have to be done to seal the right impression."

"Since, you will be dressed as a woman perhaps it's time you learned what a female has to go through when she has her monthly and has to wear extra protection in case of accidents because you're at the stage in your development that it could start at any time."

When the two men were finished, I went in a gave them a hundred dollar tip. It was surprising when one of them pulled me into him and gave me a deep tongue exchanging kiss. I really was not prepared for it and did not know how to react, so I responded in kind.