The Life and CFNM Times of Herbert Smith Ch. 03


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Iris never took her eyes off of Frederick's genitals, noticing that he was partially erect.

"Ha! Ha!" Amy suddenly exclaimed. "So that's what you've been hiding!"

"Shut up, Amy!" Constance said. "Come over here Frederick and pour some tea for Ms. Fields."

"Yes, stepmother."

In an instant he was by his old teacher's side, filling her cup with tea.

"Sometimes my boys can get a little irascible," Constance said to Iris. "But they know that it's always best to obey me."

As Frederick finished his task he once more stood upright, his now erect penis bobbing up and down in front of him. His face was beet red.

"I guess he's happy to see you," Constance said to Iris.

All of the women laughed.

Frederick wanted nothing more to exit the room as fast as possible. He did not know why he had developed an erection at such an inopportune time, but there was nothing he could do about it. He stood there like a statue waiting for the laughter to die down.

"Shall we get down to business?" Constance asked Iris, still enjoying the result of her jibe.

"That's fine with me," Iris replied, sneaking a look at Frederick's expanding cock.

The girls on the other side of the room were talking softy amongst themselves, punctuating their discourse with intermittent giggles, Frederick's unruly penis the apparent object of their discussion. One stern look from Constance ended their gaiety.

"That's quite enough," she said. "Frederick, take your hard-on somewhere else for the moment until I call for you."

Frederick was glad to be gone. As he walked briskly out of the room his penis swayed to and fro, which made everyone chuckle. Even his brothers couldn't suppress their amusement at his sporting an erection under such circumstances which he, himself, had complained of as being stressful.

For the next half hour, Iris explained to Constance what had occurred at the school on the preceding day, sparing none of the details. Knowing that Constance had already been briefed by Herbert made the going a little easier. Despite this, she had half expected Constance to respond with some form of righteous indignation, but the ever-gracious woman never raised an eyebrow.

"I think some explanation is in order," Constance said to the beautiful teacher. "After you hear what I have to say, you can choose to become one of us or not. It will be your choice. But I just want you to know that I totally approve of your behavior. Penises are meant to be controlled by women—and girls," she said, glancing at her younger counterparts sitting across from her. "I will not bring any charges against you for immoral conduct. You can rest easy on that account."

"I'm glad to hear it," Iris replied. "From what Herbert and Amy told me, I got the impression that you were a highly intelligent and progressive woman who did not abide by the hypocritical rules of our society. I'm glad to see that they were right."

"It took a lot of guts for you to come here not fully knowing the truth. And I respect that in a person."

Constance spent some time going over the more basic aspects of what the Sisterhood was all about, giving Iris a more complete understanding of the Order. Once in a while Herbert noticed that his teacher's eyes would open wide when told of some particular spicy tale, but that, for the most part, she would frequently nod in agreement with her host as she explained the more abstruse points relating to what the Sisterhood expected of it members.

"We want nothing less than to create a new world order," Constance continued. "The ways of men have failed. Their legacy is etched in blood and almost constant warfare. The Sisterhood wants to make an end of male supremacy. It is the only rational solution."

"I can't say that I disagree," Iris countered. "But wresting power from a patriarchal system such as ours is going to be extremely difficult. How are you going to accomplish this feat?"

"We are accomplishing it even now—right here. Look at these boys. Do you know why they have submitted themselves to female rule?"

"I have no idea."

"They have come to realize that our ways, the ways of the Sisterhood, are the ways of our mother Earth who nurtures us all. The Sisterhood is the gentle but firm guiding hand that will keep the destructive and warlike male impulses at bay. And our male population will thank us for it."

"But how are you going to achieve this? Drug them? I don't see how it's possible—at least not on a massive scale. Men will not willingly abandon power."

"That is true. They won't. But those who cannot be persuaded to live under our rule will not enjoy the benefits of it. And there will be many benefits indeed—beginning with the end of all warfare on Earth."

"Those are very lofty goals," Iris said, scrutinizing her host. "If unrealistic."

"Not as unrealistic as you might think. I have found that most men are sick of the violence and the unending strife associated with the compulsion to dominate others."

"But you want to dominate as well. Isn't that hypocritical?"

"Our form of domination is different. The Sisterhood does not seek to create armies that go uninvited into other peoples' countries so that we can use and abuse them with impunity. All we seek is to keep men happy and contented so that they can pursue more profitable enterprises other than war. We do this by assuming positions of power in the political world. But we are also involved in many different social arenas—the media, the arts, our educational systems...they all provide women with talent and insight a chance to bring us further toward our goal of world domination. For example, as a teacher, you are in a superb position to mold the young male mind."

Iris looked at the three young men standing quietly but attentively next to her. Despite their youth and their natural male impulses, they seemed quite placid. Maybe it was possible to control these wayward impulses with the methods the Sisterhood employed. It certainly seemed as if Constance had achieved no small measure of success with her stepsons using these same methods.

"One has to be careful in the public school system," Iris said. "You can't go against established tradition without expecting a backlash of ignorance, hate, and possible violence. What I did with Herbert would be grounds for my dismissal from my job and God knows what other unpleasant entanglements with the law. So I really don't see how I can promulgate the Sisterhood's ideology in such an atmosphere."

"I agree that it is difficult to overcome the prejudice and hypocrisy of a social system that has gone awry. You are quite correct in what you say. However, there are ways of planting seeds of our belief system such that they will at least take root. I can show you how this is being done, right now, everywhere around the world."

"For instance?"

"Here, right in Point Lookout. There are many people in this town who are far more progressive than outward appearances might reveal. You would be amazed at how many people are with us."

Iris laughed. "I know my mother is one of them."

"Yes, she is."

"I would have never guessed. She never said a word."

"Because she would have been breaking a sacred vow. She knew that you were not ready to accept our beliefs and that's why she remained silent."

"Our beloved principal too?"

"Right again. You see, Iris, the world is changing—even if you are not yet aware of it. It is being done in subtle ways. It has to. We are not as physically strong as men are, and therefore we cannot intimidate them into becoming less violent. We must use our powers of persuasion, manipulation, and—dare I say it—one of our most potent tools: sexual control."

"May I say something mother?" Fiona asked.

Without waiting for a reply, the lovely blonde turned to Iris. "My mother is one of those people within the Sisterhood who believes that one of the best ways to keep guys docile is to frequently masturbate them. At least once or twice a day, sometimes even more."

"We have a special term for it," Lillian broke in. "It's called 'milking'."

"I've heard of the term," Iris said. "But what is the difference between milking and masturbation?"

Amy took this as an invitation to respond. "Masturbation is simply jerking someone off. Milking is a term used by female dominatrix's to describe a process called 'tease and denial,' which prolongs the masturbatory period for an extended time in order to produce a more robust cumshot."

"We like to milk a guy's balls really dry," Cecilia added. "And milking is the way to do it."

"Sperm, or the overproduction of the stuff, is the problem," Constance said, addressing herself to Iris. "Guys make billions of sperm every day. And they are constantly horny. This rutting sensation compels them to seek sex with a woman. When they can't find sex they jerk off. But it's a one-shot deal. It does not make them compliant. To do this, we need to milk them of all of their sperm on a daily basis. Sometimes we need to milk them over and over again until they are completely drained. I recently had to milk my own husband, Michael, who is on business in Europe, four times in a row to rid him of his semen."

This admission amused Iris. "Your hand must get very tired I would assume."

"It does indeed!" Constance laughed.

"Yeah, but we have devices that we use sometimes when our hands get tired, or when we're not in the mood," Lillian said.

"Really?" Iris asked. "What kind of devices are we talking about?"

"Herbert, go into my study and get the magic hand," Constance said. "And bring the tube of hand cream."

Herbert did as he was told and returned moments later with both items in his hands. He watched as Constance demonstrated to Iris how the device worked. Iris was fascinated.

"I've never seen such a thing in my life," the gorgeous teacher admitted as she held the lifelike female hand in her own. "It feels so real."

"Actually, it's made from a new hybrid plastic called dimethylene. Very, very much like human flesh. Just push the little button on the arm and the thing vibrates. On the larger models you can get the hand to actually move up and down the shaft of the penis while the subject sits comfortably in a chair. It can be programmed too. It's quite a labor saver."

"It's a lot of fun," Cecilia said, giggling loudly.

"And how would you know that?" Constance asked the girl.

"My mother has the one that goes up and down. She used it the other day on my father."

"Wow!" Iris remarked. "You actually saw your mother jerk your dad off with this thing?"

"She lets me watch once in a while. I used it on my brother a few days ago. You should have seen the amount of cum I got out of him. It's really amazing."

"You have an interesting family life," Iris replied, taken somewhat aback by the girl's candor.

"Don't judge her too harshly," Constance said. "You must remember that we of the Sisterhood are pagans. Anyway, most of us are. We do not abide by the moral standards taught to us by the world's dominant religions. We see them all as essentially false and emblematic of obsolete patriarchal systems, and therefore incompatible with Sisterhood ideology and human happiness."

"But where do you draw the line?" Iris asked. "A young girl like Cecilia watching her father getting masturbated by her mother—and with this contraption no less?" She turned to Cecilia. "Did you actually watch your dad come?"

Cecilia laughed. "Of course. That's the whole idea. I've seen my mother bring my dad off lots of times. I love seeing guys shoot their loads."

"But he's your father," Iris said, finding it hard to believe that the girl was telling the truth.

"So?" Cecilia replied. "So what? He's still a man. And men need to be milked."

"You must understand something, Iris," Constance said. "We want our initiates to see and experience everything there is to know about sex and how to use sex as a form of control over the male. What better way to learn than at home?"

"It sounds incestuous," Iris responded with dismay.

"Nothing of the kind," Amy said. "We don't actually do stuff with our parents. But we can watch."

"Yes, the girls can watch," Constance resumed. "It has been shown that voyeurism in the home has actually helped parents and siblings achieve greater pleasure when they orgasm—and far less guilt."

Iris had been informed by Amy the day previously that acolytes were sometimes involved in watching their parents engage in sexual practices, but she could not bring herself to believe it. Now, hearing it from Constance, she was forced to conclude that such things did indeed occur, and she found it rather alarming.

"Is this not a form of mental abuse?" she said to Constance. "I can't imagine a young girl enjoying the sight of her father ejaculating. It seems a very wicked thing to do."

"You are judging us by the standards of conventional morality," Constance replied. "Those rules do not apply here. That is not to say that we do not have a strong sense of ethics—we do. It's just that we do not believe in being hypocritical about the nature of our bodies. We do not believe that we are born in sin, or that the human body is dirty, as those steeped in religion believe. My own daughter Fiona was eighteen years old when she attended her first Sisterhood party, and she loved it. She was the youngest of my daughters to participate in the milking of huge black submissive."

"I still remember that day," Fiona said, all smiles. "My mother had put this big glob of Vaseline on my hand and I got the big black guy off in no time. He came like a horse! I remember getting all this cum over my hands. But it felt so know, controlling that big stiff prick of his. I'll never forget it."

"There is nothing shameful about young people learning to love sex," Constance said to Iris. "And what better place to learn than from your own family? I'm not suggesting we engage in incest, but we can certainly learn by watching others. It is natural and right. Only traditional religions subvert the human being's natural proclivity toward sexual knowledge. The great suffering and misery such belief systems have wrought upon the world cannot be underestimated."

"Although I was born into a conservative Christian family, I myself have always believed in moral relativism," Iris admitted. "What works for humanity in one age, doesn't work in another. Times change and we have to change with the times."

Exactly," Constance said, sensing that she was making an ally. "The ancient Spartans left their infants to die on a hillside if the child was born defective. It was not considered immoral to do so. Today, if any parent did such a thing, he or she would be charged with murder. As you said, times change."

"Personally, I think the ancients were far more civilized than we are today, especially in matters concerning sexuality and religious toleration."

"Quite true. Before Constantine the Great made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire, the Romans tolerated many different belief systems, and they worshipped many different gods. And young people were not prohibited from learning about sex. It was Christianity that made sex dirty and sinful. The early Christian fathers taught us to hate our bodies and despise the flesh, never fully comprehending that in their desire to abnegate the self, they were also casting a negative judgment upon the God that created us. Look to my own children as an example of the Sisterhood way of life. All three of my kids are sound in mind and body. None of them take any drugs. They don't smoke and they don't drink except in moderation. They are all honor students and have a vibrant social life. They are unimpeded by the insane doctrines, traditions, and rituals of a perverse and patriarchal religious system. They are the future: a new breed of woman who is going to rule the world."

Constance cast a loving eye upon her three offspring, who, along with Cecilia, sat quietly with smiles on their faces, absorbing every word the woman had to say.

"I must say that I am quite impressed by your Sisterhood," Iris said. "It might take me a little while to accept some of your doctrines, but essentially, I am in agreement with most of them."

"Splendid!" Constance replied, smiling broadly. "Take your time and think things over. If you find that you would like to join our Order, then I will act as your sponsor."

"I would like that."


For Herbert, seeing his stepmother and teacher get along so well was indeed comforting. He hadn't been quite sure how well Constance was going to react to the news that Iris had masturbated him, though he believed she would have acted with the same enlightened attitude that was the hallmark of her progressive mindset. That she did indeed behave with equanimity at the revealing news, and that he and his teacher would not suffer the possibility of any recriminations, proved that his instincts were correct. He smiled faintly, happy in the knowledge that at least one hurdle had been overcome.

"Tell me, Constance," Iris said. "How did you get involved with CFNM?"

Constance laughed. "That, my dear, is a long story."

"Go ahead, mom," Amy insisted. "Tell her about the black slaves during the Civil War. You know, Jim Knob and Black Willy."

The girl's voice seemed to acquire a certain animation at the mention of those two names and her eyes brightened considerably.

"Oh, dear! That story!"

"My ancestors used to keep slaves on the farm," Amy began telling Iris. "These two guys were the biggest..."

"All right," Constance said interrupting her. "I'll tell it."

The girls sat quietly in their seats, knowing that they were going to be entertained once more with the sordid but nonetheless truthful account of their family history. Before she began telling her story, Constance instructed Herbert, William, and Frederick to replenish each teacup. Once that had been attended to, she began her tale.

"Long before there was such a thing as the concept of 'clothed female, naked male' as an entertainment form, my great, great, great grandmother, whose name was Lily, had discovered it and practiced it assiduously on her farm in Raleigh. The Ainsworth family were plantation owners and they had, at one time, over one hundred slaves working the farm picking cotton. Lily was an avid writer and she left a journal, which has come down to us via the maternal line of the family. In it she describes some of the most, shall we say, indelicate aspects of how she went about choosing her male slaves."

"Tell her about Jim Knob and Black Willy," Amy reiterated.

"I'm getting to that," Constance replied. "Now don't ask me again." She turned to Iris. "You know why she's badgering me about those guys don't you?"

"They both had big dicks!" Amy blurted out.

Fiona and Lillian broke out laughing, and Cecilia slapped her friend on the back as she too followed suit.

"Yes, they did," Constance answered, "but I wasn't talking to you."

"Sorry, mom," the girl said, half apologetically.

"Do something useful and get me Lily's journal."

Amy got up off her seat and without a word disappeared into her mother's bedroom.

"So, you have a written record of Lily's exploits from the mid-19th century?" Iris inquired.

"Yes," Constance replied. "It's a family heirloom. Some of the language is very vulgar, even by contemporary standards. And I am amazed at how sexually debased some of these recorded incidents are."

"Are you saying that she revealed the sexual practices of these black slaves?"

"I'm saying that she recorded her own sexual practices with the slaves. How do you like that?"

"Old grandma liked them big, black, and full of spunk!" Lillian observed.

"That she did," Constance agreed. "And she made no bones about it."

This revelation struck Iris as somewhat mystifying. "Forgive me, I don't wish to cast doubt upon the veracity of your claim, but how could such a libidinous document survive destruction? It's what? Over 150 years old? If it would be considered pornographic now, it must have been absolutely wicked then. Am I right?"