The Literotica Olympics Day 13


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“Oh yes, something about semanties, right,” Tom chimed in.

“Semantics, Tom, you false lug of a-yes, I see your damned blackmail paper you bastard.” Tom was really starting to get on his nerves. “And now you want me to describe the specifics of the event for the viewers at home again, don’t you?”

“If you would be so kind and don’t want anything
unfortunate being aired in its place.”

“Someday, I’m going to rip you into little pieces.”

“What was that?”

“I said, that sounds wonderful, Tom.”

“Sure you did and now on with the description monkey boy.”

Oh yeah, Harry really hated Tom and the OC. Gritting his teeth and grinding them down a bit, he began his measured speech with false enthusiasm. “The Sybian Horse is a traditional pommel horse used in regular gymnastics except instead of two hand holds, there are two sybian-style vibrators that the contestant must perform on and it is also triangle-based in order to allow the legs better maneuvering. Basically they are rated on the difficulty of their tricks, the depth of the vibrator, how many used at a time, and what they do on them. Like the parallel bar event this is a no-extra event. This is because this event is to show off the flexibility of the contestant and their skill in moving around cocks in both senses of the word. It also is a fun event to watch. The horse vibrates as well making a missed movement a sharply intense feeling. One of the few events where a bad performance can be as equally erotic as a good performance.”

“And with that we may be ready to begin,” Tom stated as he folded the paper back into his pocket. “Black Tulip is approaching the horse wearing the regulatory nothing.”

“She’s currently the first place leader with a 9.62 score. Harry, what do you think of her chances of holding onto that position?”

“Well, she’s got a lot of raw talent and has had stellar performance on the resistance events, but she is a rookie at this particular event and as such tends to make rookie mistakes. Hard training at Amsterdam’s famed Pot and Bondage Clinic and raw talent can only take someone so far in these games.”

“It looks like Black Tulip is in position,” Tom began, looking down at the Dutch raven-haired beauty stand at attention on the official line. “And there’s the gimp plugging in the Horse.”

“An interesting fact about this year’s horse,” Dick added. “Apparently they had to rewire the dungeon in order to deal with the power that it draws. It’s a really f-ing powerful Sybian”

“A what powerful Sybian,” Harry asked disinterestedly.

“You know,” Dick began like he was talking to a child. “F-ing.”

“Yeah, I know fucking, but why don’t you fucking say fucking. We commentate on a goddamn sex event. We don’t have to mother-fucking censor ourselves.”

“Oh yeah I know about that. I’m not a damn idiot. No, I meant frapaloozing, a word meaning lots and lots of numminess inducing stuff,” Dick replied. Harry now noticed that his eyes were jumping like frogs on acid.

He looked down at the white lines still on Dick’s desk. “You still snorting coke there, Dick?”

“Oh no, finished that long time ago. I’m now on copper sulfate,” he spit out. “Spins your mind like a murgerbumbo. Oh yeah!”

Harry blinked twice and then slammed his head on the desk and muttered. “Only four more events and its all over. Just need to hold out a little longer and then I’m going to find that contract on my soul and force both of these dipwads to eat it.”

Tom, seemingly oblivious to the previous conversation added, “And it looks like the Sybians are ready. There’s the signal and this event has begun.”

The crowd erupted in a mild cheer and a few orgasms from the couples still at work from the Parallel Bar event as Black Tulip ran briskly towards the Horse. The run-up was a little longer than was necessary to allow the cameras to get a couple of cheap Baywatch style shots for their much needed horny male geek viewers.

Jumping up from the spring onto the horse in a manner only describable with the words “bouncy” or “nummy” and earning a few well deserved whistles from the male part of the audience that can look at naked women having sex all day and yet still be transfixed by a bouncing breasts, she landed neatly and wetly onto one of the Horse vibrators.

“And Black Tulip has stuck the first trick, a pussy jump onto the first vibrator. And cleanly too, there was no resistance.”

“Yes, as our audience can clearly see, those are nine-inch, highest setting vibrators on the horse and she took it in like it was nothing. If I know her mistress and I do, I’d say she did some warm-up with her before hand to make sure she was pre-widened and moistened. And notice how she made hardly a noise as it went in. That’s definite self-control there.”

Black Tulip settled for a second on the thick dildo, measuring it up with her pussy and getting a fresh flow beginning. She then clasped her arms behind her back, let her legs grip around the perfectly designed triangular base and began to jump up and down on the vibrator. Her face remained as stone serious as before though the observant could see the heavy sweat bead on her brow and the slight open-mouthed motions of her lips. The rest could see the trail of liquid flowing down the Horse onto the floor.

“That’s the old bishop there and it is a good event for showing vaginal control as well as making sure the pussy is lubed up for the more difficult events and can also serve to
yup, there she goes,” Harry stated.

Black Tulip thrust all the way up and unlocked her legs and brought her hands down to take some of the vaginal fluids and lube her ass. Her strokes were furtive and fast and she only dipped back twice. She needed to because the judges would ding her for stalling if she took too long and also her current foothold was vibrating fairly intensely.

Finished, she dipped quickly down so that the head of the plastic cock was barely inside the lips and directly on the clit. She let out a small moan as the hard buzz first contacted.

“A half point deduction, but nothing too serious,” Tom quipped. “She’s certainly well-disciplined in the noise department.”

“Well, she trains her self-control through a vigorous method of becoming a 50s pulp comic with an enigmatic smile. It is a secret Dutch technique only used by those considered nummy enough to pull it off,” Harry spoke up with the white powder dripping down his face.

“Sure, she does Dick,” Harry muttered. “Now watch here, it looks like she’s going to pull a Melissa with a half-twist.”

Taking a halted breath with a near gasp, Black Tulip swung her hips violently over the top of the Sybian so that she turned a full 180 degrees. The force of the twist so near her clit caused her to moan softly again. The moan however, did not stop her from continuing the Melissa and with one hand she grabbed the cock behind her and guided the head quickly into the rim of her anus.

“A difficult maneuver done acceptably, if not splendidly.”

“So what did she do wrong on that maneuver?”

“Well the Melissa is named after Melissa Needs who in 1972 performed the lean back and sunk it fully in the ass without the use of her hands. My guess is that if Black Tulip hadn’t been distracted by the half-twist addition, she’d have done the same. Still, as you can see, it gets the reaction it wants.”

The audience cheered the maneuver as much as one can call a general increase in coitus a cheer. The judges were likewise pleased. There were a series of meaningful nods and smiles and yes, one or two unprofessional leers and one case by Carl East of holding up a sign saying, “Hey BT, how about after the event, you show that maneuver to me again?”

Black Tulip meanwhile was getting her grips on the dual Sybians whirring away just inside her twin holes. Her “voluptuous numminess” as Dick would put it was heaving a little erratically revealing that she was far more turned on than she was willing to admit.

“This isn’t good, it looks like the half-twist spent to much time on her clit. She’s far too turned on and is stalling to get her bearings back. It’s a shame, she had the momentum going into the move.”

“There’s the sign from the judges, she’s been docked one point already for stalling. And there could be another point coming
wait, no, she’s ready.”

Black Tulip rolling her eyes back straight and controlling a few involuntary shudders began to rock back and forth, pushing in and out the two dildos in her ass and cunt. Her breasts rocked slow time behind her motions and she softly breathed the beats out as they occurred.

At the seventeenth beat, she pushed herself fully onto the Sybian in her pussy, turned around, and then sunk it all the way inside. The maneuver pushed her clit directly onto the sloped top of the Horse. This caused her clit and the inner folds of her labia to be stimulated extra and directly as the big dildo whirred deep in her pussy. BT made no sign that this new stimulus had any affect on her as she stared directly at her mistress.

Noticing the sign from her mistress (a smile and wink) she prepared herself for her next movement.

“She couldn’t be planning on
” Harry began shocked as he watched Black Tulip begin to bend down arching her back steeply. “Holy shit, I haven’t seen a Pamela for 16 years.”

“A Pamela?” Tom asked genuinely confused.

“Just watch, asshole.”

Tom began to fumble towards the incriminating document and then Black Tulip did the Pamela. His jaw dropped open.

Black Tulip wrapped her breasts around the dildo that had been in her ass and swung herself into a handstand over the Horse. She remained in that position for a second and then swung herself back onto the first vibrator, this time letting it sink in her ass. As she did this she swung back into a sitting position and panted heavily.

“Now is there any points off for panting, Harry,” Tom asked.

Harry and even coke-brained Dick looked mournfully at Tom as if he had asked for another popcorn at a showing of Schindler’s List. “No. And furthermore, the Pamela is one of the harder maneuvers in the Sybian Horse event and requires that the contestant as strong and most importantly large breasts.”

“Uh huh, you know what we could use out here. A popcorn machine,” Tom muttered.

“Philistine,” Harry muttered as the audience continued their wild applause of orgasm and squelches over Black Tulip’s rare trick. “Anyway, I reckon she will pull off one more trick and then go for the dismount. She may even just skip ahead if she’s getting to hot and bothered. No sense in pushing herself after a maneuver like that.”

Black Tulip smiled lazily as she took a moment to catch her breath and stabilize her feelings. Her breasts were red streaked from their enveloping of the vibrator and tingled wickedly and slightly painfully. She considered the flow in her cunt and decided to go for the easy dismount. She pushed up with her hands and hips and did not move.

“HOLY FRAPALOOZING MURGERBUMBO,” Dick cried out from the desk. “She clenched. Her ass clenched on the vibrator when it entered. She’s stuck! This could spell disaster for the nummy Venusian.”

“I think you mean Dutch, Dick,” Harry intoned while scooting his chair a little further from his stoned colleague. “And yes, ass-clenching is a very real threat in this event. Many of the tricks involve taking the thick, long, plastic cock very deep in the anus. If the anus is not lubed enough or is not prepared for fast entry, then things like this happen.”

Black Tulip frantically tugged at the dildo under her, trying to dislodge herself and woefully played with herself to try and get herself to calm down and loosen up. In the corner, ABSTRUSE threw down her Absolutely Fabulous hat and began stamping angrily.

The crowd groaned at the display and Lucifer_Carroll held up another one second stalling flag as Black Tulip began thrashing desperately to pull out. Then with a thump, she slid up and out and fell pussy first on the top of the Horse. The sudden hard hit and the power of the vibrations directly on the clit and length of the cunt forced her to spasm four times in orgasm and sated, she slid off unglamorously onto the floor. By the very merit of landing like a cat on her knees, it counted as a landing, instead of a fall.

“Harry, how would you judge that slight setback,” Tom asked.

“Slight setback? Well, with such a departure, it’s all up to the individual judge’s discretion. I doubt we’ll see anything over 9.3 and overall it’s a matter of how much their pity and awe at the Pamela overshadow their disappointment in nearly falling off the Horse. This is a very tough call.”

“I’ll say. Though, I think she’d have done better if the gimp had removed the flying monkeys of the apparatus first,” Dick chimed in excitedly.

“Are you sure that’s just copper sulfate, Dick?”

“I think so, it said so on the baggie.”

“Okay,” Harry muttered, falling into stunned silence. He moved his lips up and down as if to say more, but nothing was willing to make the trip from the brain.

“It looks like mistress ABSTRUSE is having a few words with the judges and gimp about the dildo that stuck and in true ABSTRUSE style, seems to be getting most of them to laugh.”

A dark, booming voice rang out through the joviality after little more than half-a-minute. “No,” it said and ABSTRUSE slunk sadly back to her corner as Lucifer allowed a thin smile to cross his lips.

“It looks like Lucifer is blocking the appeal,” Tom began. “What do you think about it all, Harry?”

“Well, Lucifer is in the right as much as I hate to admit it. Still, it doesn’t look like BT will be docked for falling off or anything like that and ABSTRUSE probably won a few extra points from the other judges. You just have to take hits like these when they come.”

“Well, it looks like ABSTRUSE is saying the same thing to BT,” Tom mentioned. Black Tulip was sobbing softly on ABSTRUSE’s shoulder while she patted her friendly on the bum. “Shame. She could have locked up the event if she hadn’t messed up.” And without missing a beat, he swung back to excited with, “And here’s the gimp with the scores.”

“From oggbashan 8.9. From Carl East 9.4. From raphy 9.2. From Liar 9.0. From cantdog 9.3. And from Lucifer_Carroll 8.6. Total Sybian Horse score: 9.06. Total score for Black Tulip 9.54, tied for third place.”

“A painful hit, wouldn’t you say, Harry?”

“Not really. It could have easily been a lot worse and this way she’s still in the competition. Overall, not a bad hit and if she doesn’t get bumped, she’ll be sitting pretty on a bronze medal. Not bad for the Dutch rookie. With her raw talent, she could be looking at a gold at the next games.”

“I noticed that Lucifer didn’t argrbrbooboo,” Dick began before falling over on the ground twitching.

“Oh my God, is he all right?” Harry muttered before rushing to his side. Though not trained in treating drug overdoses, he was trained in panic emergency procedures. That is, how to panic over a prone body and wonder frantically how CPR is supposed to work and whether someone will figure out how to do it first so you won’t be the one kissing a guy.

“Oh yeah, he’ll come to once he realizes that he’s not on the Baywatch set and doesn’t need to fake an emergency.”

“I’m not?!?” Dick screamed bolting straight upwards rebounding against Harry’s skull with a hard clonk. “Sorry Timothy Leary. Didn’t mean to-pretty rainbows
I mean, Lucifer didn’t seem to punish the thing what with all that numminess whatsitcalled much.” And then proceeded to pass out again.

Harry walked back to his seat rubbing the bump on his head, pausing only long enough to dump Dick’s bag of “copper sulfate” in the specially ordered bomb-disposal unit behind the desks. “Yes, Lucifer treated Black Tulip very well in the scores. A testament perhaps to ABSTRUSE’s unique abilities as a wordsmith and jokester or more realistically a testament to his inability to make BT cry anymore than she already was. He’s not as evil when the tears are already flowing. Of course that only applies when they are genuine. This is a man
er demon that literally eats grief for breakfast.”

He was stopped there by a sudden cheer from the audience. Colleen had re-entered into the dungeon, dressed similarly to before but this time, the red vest had been foregone for a black model.

“And it looks like the mistress is back,” Tom mentioned candidly as Colleen did a few lashes with her whip to make sure she was still warmed-up. “So it looks like it is time for cloudy to do the Uneven Bars. And she certainly looks ready to do them. Harry, why don’t you tell us more?”

Harry gave a tired sideways glance at Tom. “First of all, the uneven bars are what she’s tied to. This is the prime torture resistance event, not a sexual event. The bars are set at an angle so that one leg is bent and touches the floor while the other rests fully stretched. This allows the contestant to stand up straight while exposing both the pussy and the ass fully and allowing full access. It also keeps much of the musculature tense, which adds to the power of the strokes, lashes, and whatever else is used. The techniques and materials used in the event are known only to the mistress. The only thing that is constant is the time limit: 10 minutes. All of this is so there is no way for the contestant to prepare fully for the event and thus the element of surprise and novelty is maintained. It is a way of testing the contestant’s reaction to the kinky and unexpected.”

“Uh huh. And what about cloudy’s chances,” Tom asked reading from his anchorman script.

“Well, she’s been doing splendidly throughout the competition and currently holds second place with a score of 9.55. However, the events in which she has received the lowest scores have been the Vault and Floor Exercises, the two events with the most punishment. So, it’s a toss-up on whether or not she’ll pull through here. If she does, a 9.94 will bop her to first place and a 9.52 will give her a firm hold on second.”

“Well, she’s getting a last minute pep-talk from her master, Chief Redneck and is putting on her extras. Funny name for a master.”

“Well, they are both Southern Cherokees so they are technically redskin rednecks. It’s their little joke.”

“Uh huh. I guess that explains the confederate belt and feather headdress.”

“He believes in ironic symbols. Seems to be a big thing among masters and mistresses at these games.”

“Irony, huh. Damn, I better not send him these Klan invites then.”

Harry allowed the briefest of horrified looks pass over his face before complete surrender gave in. “Yep,” he intoned in an exhalation of breath.

“Anyway, it looks like cloudy’s going for the gold decking her breasts out with a complete packet of safety pins, putting in her clit ring, and putting in the butt plug.”

“Yes, I’m surprised at the butt plug as this is a torture resistance event and it will not be worth many extra points. I suspect that she is just throwing things together to make sure her scores stay as close to maximum as she can. I notice she isn’t trying the water torture which shows she isn’t showing desperation.”

“Water torture?”

“Basically drinking too much water before the event making a ‘piss out’ very likely. Dangerous tactic, usually only employed by the desperate. We probably won’t see it these games.”

“Interesting. Well it looks like cloudy is ready and is walking over to be strapped to the Uneven Bars.”

cloudy stepped up to the Bars and lifted her right leg straight out so that her ankle rested on the tall bar. After Colleen firmly strapped it in with a tight old-fashioned rope bond, she put her left knee over the lower bar adjusting her footing until it was comfortable and allowed her the maximum of stability. With a quick nod to Colleen, her leg was bound similarly with rope and she clasped her hands behind her back.