The Literotica Olympics Day 13


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An excited and uncharacteristic squeal erupted from both Tatelou and ShockChick at the announcement. As well as a congratulatory cheer and moan from the audience.

“And that’s a guaranteed medal for the British wench,” Tom said in his cheery voice. “They’re squealing like two teenage girls at a crack house. Honestly, though who’d have guessed this British wench would be able to overcome her foreign inferiority and guarantee herself a place in the medals. Wouldn’t you say so, Harry?”

Harry looked over to Tom in that long silence that only accompanies those moments you really wish you hadn’t heard what you know you heard. “Um…” he finally began noticing an odd change in his co-host. “When did you put in those red contacts?”

“What red contacts,” Tom asked worriedly and frantically pulled out a hand mirror from a small bag next to his seat. “Oh crap, the OC’s anti-infernal medication must be wearing off. Excuse me while I go to the bathroom.”

Harry slowly contemplated the hidden meanings of Tom’s statement. After his brain shut down in shock and a little abject horror at what he was mixed up in, he turned to the nearly comatose figure of Dick. “Are you okay?”

“Is that you Pope John Wayne?”

Harry stared blankly for a few seconds. “Well at least you’re conscious. That’s the important thing.”

“Where the fuck art thou, blowjob slut?”

“Hmmm,” Tom remarked coming back slightly less red-eyed from the staff and slave bathroom. “Good, he’s in this stage of the events. I can proceed to enjoy him.” Sliding into a feminine voice he sing-songily replied, “here I am Dicky.”

Harry blinked twice. “Um…”

“Don’t worry,” Tom replied. “I’ve been doing this almost every time. I think he secretly likes it. How about you fill the audience in on Minsue and the Floor Exercise while I test my blowjob skills.”

“Uh, sure,” Harry muttered turning back to his microphone. He shut out the sounds of slurps and moans behind him and tapped into the last vestiges of his dying professionalism. “The Floor Exercise is one of the most difficult events in the Bondage Gymnastics. The contestant places herself at the full discretion of the Mistress and is led on seven bizarre tasks to demonstrate their obedience to embarrassing as well as painful commands. Also, extras are key to this event and the style points just don’t come without them. Overall, we’ll see some insane shit no matter how well the contestant performs.”

“Mmmhmm, nngh ut out insues amces,” Tom murmured as he continued his task.

“Well, Minsue is not one to take losing lightly. Besides she knows what the Gosling will do to her if she doesn’t perform to her very best. Furthermore…” He watched Minsue begin the waddle over to the Floor Exercise mat where Colleen waited with a large collection of random dungeon materials. “I don’t believe it. She’s water bondaging!”

“He inging oo unch atah ing?”

“Yes, look at her stomach. It’s practically bulging. And on top of that she’s sporting a pure array of safety pins on her breasts, nipple rings, a clit ring, a Big Boy twelve-inch vibrator in her pussy and her goose-feather dildo in her ass. I have never seen such an all out blitz on extras before in all my years following this event. Minsue must be desperate for the gold medal which she can only win with a perfect 10 on this event.”

Minsue looked pitiful as she arrived at the mat. Her stomach was distended the regulatory amount for a water torture and among the judges were flashes of surprise and intrigue.

Over by the judge’s table the gimp raised his hand to mark the beginning of the event and Colleen reached down and turned on Minuse’s Big Boy vibrator. Minsue’s legs buckled for a minute and then glancing at the stare of the Gosling, recovered perfectly.

Colleen paced for a second recalling a particularly virulent anti-history article she had read in order to get herself in the right mind frame. An evil grin spread across her face as she approached Minsue and grabbed her tail. “Oh a goose are we,” she mocked. “With this tail you’re more like a dog to me. Why don’t you bark for me doggie?” With this she gave the goose tail a hard push and twist deep into Minsue’s ass. Minsue jerked forward and gave a loud false bark.

“I didn’t hear you,” Colleen said pulling the dildo most of the way out and thrusting it back in. Minsue barked much louder this time and started to pant. “Much better. But a doggie should have more doggie talents. Let’s see you beg.”

“That was the first task. An introductory task to set the mood. With doggie humiliation now set as the theme, we’ll probably be seeing an emphasis on humiliation on actual torture, but that does not mean we won’t be seeing torture.”

Minsue raised herself onto hunched legs and held her arms out slightly in front of her in mimicry of paws. She whined softly and cocked her head to one side. “And what are you begging for my little bitch? What is it you want?”

Minsue barked. Colleen continued. “You want to taste something? You want your mistress’s attention?”

Minsue barked and swayed her ass to make the goose dildo sway like a bad impersonation of a tail. Colleen smiled. “Of course you do. How about you taste my whip?”

She pulled out her favored whip and snapped it harshly across Minsue’s breasts dislodging a few safety pins onto the mat. Minsue took it plainly and gave a hurt look before fading right back into her panting. Colleen nodded slightly in impression and then let the whip strike twice on Minsue’s pussy lips. Again there was the same doggie “thank you ma’am may I have another reaction.

“Okay, doggie, you enjoy your mistress’s gift?” Minsue barked in assent. “Very well, how about if we aim it to your stomach?” The whip lashed hard against Minsue’s very taut stomach slapping it back dangerously forwardly. Across Minsue’s eyes flashed worry and a desperate movement to control any undue urination. However, she refused to show any real non-doggie actions or express any genuine pain. In fact she seemed to be slightly getting off the whippings.

Colleen nodded in approval and moved behind her. “On your paws, doggie,” she yelled snapping her whip twice across each of Minsue’s ass cheeks. Minsue quickly dropped to all fours and barked.

“And that was the second task,” Harry mentioned. “And well played. Minsue is maintaining form very well.”

Colleen walked to the other end of the mat and filled up a dog bowl with a choice can of dog food and walked back to the waiting Minsue. “All right my little bird-dog,” she ordered. “I’ve got some nice food for you, but I am tired of walking. I want you to carry me over to the food. No-don’t get up; stay on all fours. I’ll take a nice seat and I’d better not fall on the way or else you’ll be a sore doggie.”

Colleen sat demurely making sure she was comfortable on the small of Minsue’s back. She then stretched her legs out and made sure the balance was right. Once she was ready she slapped Minsue on the ass to tell her it was time to go.

Minsue moved carefully. The vibrator and the dildo kept sliding around with each step of the hips and the effect this was having on her already taxed bladder was uncomfortable to say the least. Still with awkward lurching steps, she crawled across the large mat. She paused to stop every couple of yards in order to get control of her bodily functions as well as too make sure Colleen was still well positioned on top of her. Every time she did this, Colleen slapped her hard across the ass cheeks to get her to continue moving. It took about four full minutes, but she made it sweating and a bit too turned on.

Colleen let her feet fall to the floor and stood up. “Good little Minsue. Now, you get your treat. Yummy food all for you.”

Minsue looked at it and disgust lingered on the back of her throat and cautiously she took a bite of the rancid concoction. “No, no, no,” Colleen lamented, “You should be munching all the way in there.” With that Colleen grabbed Minsue’s head and shoved it into the dog food bowl and swirled her around until she could hear the audible slurps and chews of a dog.

After a bit, Colleen yanked on her hair. Minsue came up with a face covered in the dog food, soiled to be technical. “Good,” Colleen said. “Now lick the bowl all the way clean.”

With that she shoved Minsue back into the bowl and she licked along it shining it with her tongue. She even scraped most of the dog food off her face and ate that as well. Her stomach rumbled in displeasure, which threatened to force her to a piss out, but she remained strong.

“And an amazing style to the third and fourth tasks. Walking like that under water bondage is one of the hardest actions and well nothing spells embarrassment and pure submission like being forced to eat dog food. Colleen has been making some very good choices as far as events so far and Minsue seems to be taking to them like a woman possessed,” Harry stated as he watched and tried not to think about the increasing moans and noises behind him.

Meanwhile, back on the mat, Colleen was inspecting Minsue as she finished her bowl. “Good girl,” she said patting Minsue’s head. “Ooh, your face is a right dirty mess and I bet you’re thirsty too. Well, since Mistress Colleen is a nice lady, I’ll help you with both problems.”

With that she spread her legs near Minsue and spread her labia with her fingers. Her face bunched up in concentration as a golden trickle began to flow over Minsue’s face. “All right, that’s enough cleaning. Now it’s time to quench your thirst.”

Minsue’s mouth, which until now had been clamped shut in disgust opened as wide as it could. Colleen took careful aim and the golden arc began to flow to the back of he throat. Minsue couldn’t help but swallow some, but most of it she let fill her mouth and then pushed out onto her face and down her chest. The golden trickles shone on her body under the Dungeon lights.

Colleen stopped her pissing for a moment. “Now swallow,” she said authoritatively. Minsue, with full mouth, closed quietly and took a big gulp of the salty urine. Her face involuntarily grimaced at the taste but she made no action to spit it out. “Good girl,” Colleen said letting a final stream go into Minsue’s hair, dampening it and cleaning off the last few bits of dog food that still lingered.

“Minsue seems to be handling these derogatory tortures like a pro. I don’t want to even imagine what that Gosling has been doing to her in training to make her accept both the dog food and golden shower as normal.”

“Now, I believe it’s time to take my good little bitch for a walkie,” Colleen said amicably while pulling out her three-point chain leash. She hooked the long end to Minsue’s clit ring and clipped the other two to her nipple rings. She then gave a light tug on the end of the leash and watched as Minsue jumped forward.

Taking a stance of a professional dog walker, she began to slowly move around the perimeter of the mat, taking care to tug on the chain when Minsue fell behind. Minsue crawled quite quickly behind on all fours as the vibrator and dildo rubbed around turning her more and more on. Minsue gritted her teeth and tried to keep the jolts of pain from the tugs on the chain from forcing an involuntary urine release.

This continued for a few minutes as Minsue moved without ceasing and gritting her teeth tighter and tighter. Finally, having completed a full circuit, she was brought to a full stop. Minsue’s knees buckled for a second and she began to spread out on the mat, but she steadied herself and looked defiantly up at Colleen as if urging her to bring out the final task and be done with it.

Colleen smiled and walked over to the opposite corner of the mats and rolled out a large iron ball with a chain attached to it. She then walked back over to Minsue and undid the leash from all her rings. “Now we will play a game, Minsue. I want you to fetch that ball and then I want you to clip it to yourself down there and then bring it back. And since you’ve been such a good doggie, I’ll let you do it standing up.”

Minsue nodded. She knew well that with the length of the chain, she would be walking painfully bow-legged back to the Mistress. Nevertheless, she walked briskly across the mat, not daring to break into a run with the Big Boy inside of her. She reached the ball without incident though extremely turned on. Behind her there was a trail of drippings that pointed the way to Colleen.

With great care she grabbed the end of the chain on the iron ball and clipped it to her clit ring. She began to walk bow-legged back to Colleen. She moved slowly, waiting for the moment that the chain would begin to painfully pull.

She felt the pain shooting up through her and for a second she felt she would piss herself and be disqualified, but the pain too quickly passed out of threshold and she couldn’t feel it. She knew inside that this meant that she would be in dire straits tomorrow, but as long as she could hold out right now, what did that matter?

She tugged the iron ball along. It wasn’t all that heavy in actuality, as too much weight would only serve to rip the ring off that delicate area. As it stood though, it held enough weight to be significantly uncomfortable. Even Minsue, who had been thoroughly trained to convert pain into pleasure, was unable to fully transform the emotion. Still it was serving to get her very hot. She began to lurch, feeling her bladder get even tighter from the pure force of keeping it in. She gritted her teeth and concentrated on Colleen and pushed forward step by delightfully agonizing step.

As she slowly marched across the mat, dragging the ball behind her, the audience began to gently fuck to her steps. Even Tom began to slow his movement to them. It was like a magical force that swept through everyone. Through it, the strokes punctuated the silent moments between. All eyes were transfixed on Minsue and whether or not she’d be able to make it to Colleen before the pain became too much for her involuntary responses to handle.

Mouths became dry as Minsue came closer. 10 feet. Then slowly 8. With a slight stumble 6. With a determined grunt 4. With her teeth grinding like saw blades 2. And with a cry of orgasm and urine she arrived at Colleen. Everyone held still. Had she made it?

Colleen raised her hand. The landing had been stuck. The pissing had occurred after the event and thus was not a piss out and in fact counted towards the stuck landing. Minsue smiled wide and toppled forward happily. Colleen quickly unclipped the ball and waited for Minsue to fully relieve herself on the special mats. After she was done, Colleen gently lifted her up and took her to a dry section of mat and began to earnestly and tenderly minister to her abused cunt and clit. She drank down the mix of cum and piss and did so with surprising relish. She was a bit more of a kinky girl than she let on.

Behind Harry, Dick came in Tom’s mouth. Harry didn’t notice, his eyes still transfixed on Minsue. “Simply incredible,” he muttered. “Simply a mythic end to these games. If there ever was a performance that could earn a perfect 10 from this panel of judges, it was this one.”

“Really,” Tom asked sitting back in his chair and delicately cleaning his face with his sleeve. “Well, we’ll have to see if that’s the case. It looks like the gimp is already ready with the scores. The judges certainly didn’t take long to deliberate no matter what their scores are.”

“From oggbashan perfect 10. From Carl East perfect 10. From raphy perfect 10. From Liar perfect 10. From cantdog perfect 10.” There was a big pause. “And from Lucifer_Carroll a perfect 10. Total Rings score: perfect 10. Total score for Tatelou 9.61, first place.”

The roar was deafening. Minsue, in Colleen’s arms, began to weep with joy and on the sidelines, the Gosling put down his cigar and nodded in approval. The judges appeared to even be smiling along and on the end Lucifer_Carroll flashed a quick thumb’s up in Minsue’s direction. All that was missing was the confetti to punctuate. Minsue had done it. She had gotten the events only perfect 10 and that had given her the gold medal.

The gimp continued. “And here is the final ranking. Gold medal winner: Minsue with a total score of 9.61. Silver Medal goes to vella_ms with a total score of 9.60. The Bronze goes to Tatelou with a total score of 9.55. Fourth place is Black Tulip with a total score of 9.54. Fifth place goes to lucky-E-leven with a total score of 9.19. Congratulations to all of our bondage gymnasts. We will begin the medal ceremony in just one second.

The jovial atmosphere was intensified. Among the faces of the three medal winners a sense of joy and accomplishment began to take permanent residence. There was a knowledge that these particular bits of medal were earned. Earned with sweat and pain and cum and tears.

“Looks like she did it,” Tom said naturally. “Quite impressive.”

“Impressive doesn’t even begin to cover it. What she went through and how she went through it is simply unbelievable. Minsue earned this gold medal out of sheer focus and determination. I for one am ecstatic to see that her poor Balance Beam performance didn’t screw her over.”

“Yes, and hers was only one of a many great performances,” Tom said surprisingly humanly. “It looks like they’re beginning the medal ceremony already so let’s turn our attention over there.”

The medal platform was bright under heavy candlelight and featured two giant American flags next to one British one. Minsue was sort of leaning on the top spot, her energy completely drained on the final event. vella waved to the crowd, her cunt dripping in self-conscious celebration. And Tatelou stood straight and beamed blowing a few kisses to the crowd while the Jimi Hendrix version of the “Star Spangled Banner” blasted overhead. The crowd was eating it up and many of them were racing to their last orgasms of the night. The rest were just cheering and whistling and shouting out rude requests. It was a magic moment.

“And I believe that ends these games. And may I just say what a privilege it has been to work with both of you men,” Tom said happily turning aside his microphone. He reached into his bag and brought out a stack of folders. “Here’s all the stuff that I personally have on you, but the OC has a bit more so you may want to start preparing for the commentating job in 2008.” He smiled and handed it over. He walked over and threw the quasi-unconscious Dick Gently over his shoulder smiling. “Now, me and the drug queen here are going to spend some quality time at the nearest motel. God I love these Games.”

Harry watched the figure of Tom depart. He was happy in a way. His task was over and he’d got back most of the blackmail material. However, at the same time he knew that the OC still owned his soul and would exploit it to the best of their abilities. He sighed pitifully.

“Hey Harry,” a voice rang out over the desk. It was raphy, decked out in his open cowboy vest and coolness. “Colly is having a little after hours celebration with the contestants and wants me to work the camera. So we’ll meet up for drinks tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow evening I’ll show you a copy of the tape, all right man?”

“What,” Harry asked absent-mindedly. “Oh, yes. Sounds good. Will Colly be joining us?”

“If she’s not all worn out, I expect so.”

“Awesome, well I’ll see you later.”

The dungeon was slowly emptying. All the contestants were slowly trailing Colleen out the door and the audience was peeling out the doors in groups ranging from 2 to 12. Over in the judge’s area, there was a confident shuffle away and Harry noticed among them quite a few tented pants. Carl East was talking to Black Tulip to try and talk her out of the celebration with Colleen and was shot down, though he did receive a piece of paper that brightened his spirits somewhat. Then Harry noticed that one of the judges wasn’t leaving and was in fact staring right at him.