The Neighbors


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"It hasn't always been, no," I said. "I don't know when it started. I've got mixed feelings about it. Sometimes you can tell it's sort of degrading to the girl, but other girls look like they're really into it. I guess all facets of sex are sort of like that. Anyway, it was just an idea. We'll only do it if you want to."

"We?" she said, looking adorably flirtatious, her voice quietly soft and sexy. "Do you want to cum on my face, Evan?" Her eyes sparkled and her mouth was a faint smile. She said, "It might make our threeway scene extra special, don't you think?"

I was speechless.

"Go easy, Hun," Rob said, noticing the stupefied look on my face. "You don't understand your powers."

I smiled, thinking of Super Woman, with her super powers and her big tits just like Lori's. Leave it to a geek to think of a comic book at a moment like that. Lori smiled, too; happy with those new powers of hers, I think.

"So," I said, trying to gather my spinning thoughts, "Let's do some oral. It'll look really good with Rob hard. Lori, let's start with you on hands and knees and Rob's face in your ass. Rob, don't be noticeable about it, but if you think of it try and keep your cock in the shot."

Lori gasped a nervous giggle. "You say all that so easily now. I know I make fun of you being a dirty boy, really are a dirty boy."

"That's what happens to a guy when girls aren't interested."

"Yeah, and what did I tell you about that?" she said. "You just get it in your head that you think they're not, and that ruins it. Look what happened with your reporter friend. You were open and honest and..."

"Best looking girl on the news," Rob said.

"Rob's right, even though he's much too old for her," Lori said, throwing him a sly look. "Anyway, stop being so hard on yourself."

My super sexy 'other mother' spoke the truth, as usual, but I was dying to see her on her hands and knees again, or even better, shoulders and knees. I placed her how I wanted her, feeling the warmth of her soft flesh again, and she stayed there, alone on the bed while I repositioned two of the cameras. She looked content and quietly happy to be on display like that, ass-up naked. I think it was because she was appletini mellow.

"Rob," I said, "when your face is in there, make her cum if you can."

Lori purred, "I don't think that'll be a problem."

"And open up her cheeks for the camera," I said. "I've got a good angle, I think. I wanna see your tongue in there. But like I said, don't be too blatant about it. Just spread her once in a while, and then just go nuts on her the way you want to."

Lori closed her eyes and moaned at the thought of it, with her head down comfortably on the bed and her beautiful round ass in the air. Did she know it was me who wanted to go nuts on her? I think she probably did.

I called "action" and Rob spread her cheeks and licked, his tongue moving slowly upward through Lori's slippery pussy lips and onward to her little asshole, the lingering lick continuing through the entirety of her opened up ass crack. She moaned as it happened, an earthy, guttural moan that made the hairs on my arms stand up. Rob's mouth went back to her pussy and she breathed out some quiet words..."Ohhh yesss...I like this...I like everything about this."

Lori was beautifully into it, so I let the scene play out for a while as Rob's tongue took her higher. Happy expressions tumbled from her mouth, floating on whispery laughter. Rob was having fun, too, on his knees with his face buried between the warm cheeks of her awesome ass. His long, hard cock hung under him, nicely visible. I'd forgotten to tell Lori I wanted to see her tits at some point — I'd left a camera in position for them — so I waited for her to look at me the way she seemed to like to do, and when she did I held my hands at my chest like they were holding big tits and I pointed at the camera. She was deep in the throes of things and she giggled under her breathlessness, and then she was up on hands and knees and her big tits started swinging like the pendulum of a clock, with the rhythm of her writhing hips. Her back had a lovely downward arch and the curve of her ass was startlingly erotic. I wondered if Rob wanted to start fucking her. I sure as hell wanted to.

I watched in awe as Lori fired her orgasmic rockets again. She climbed to the edge of that cliff and jumped off so freely, with such expression on her face. It was clear that she'd become surprisingly comfortable with the cameras, and with me. I hated to call "Cut!" when it was over, but her orgasm had been a deep, lingering one, and she looked like she needed a breather.

"Wow!" she said, back down on knees and shoulders, with her juiced-up pussy and ass still proudly on display. Her head was sideways on the bed, looking at me. "These orgasms are wild! "

I wanted to ask her what she meant. Better than they used to be? Better than ever? Was it the cameras? Was it me?

"I'll say they are!" Rob said, his face smiling and glistening. "You're positively dripping."

Lori looked embarrassed when she heard it, like it was unnatural. "I didn't pee," she said, looking at me while she sat up. "Some women just...get that way."

"It's good," I said. "It's totally good. The light picks up the shine. It's kind of awesome."

"You have a good bedside manner," she said, smirking. "I'm telling you, you're really good at this. You know how to make people comfortable."

Rob wiped his mouth and chin with a tissue and handed Lori the box. I probably shouldn't have, but I stood there and watched her as she cleaned herself up, wiping the wetness from her inner thighs and her pussy. She kept glancing at me, with that sexy little smirk on her face. "I told Rob, the other night when we were watching porn girls, I want to trim some more." She was wiping the wetness out of her pubic hair. "I guess waxing is an option. Do you like that look?"

"Yeah, sure," I said. "Sometimes it looks a little too girlish, but I think you'd look good."

"Why, because I'm old?" she said, tossing the used tissues on the floor on the other side of the bed.


"Why, then?" she asked, smiling mischievously. "Tell me."

"It's your...the shape of you," I said, suddenly blushing and shy.

"Explain, young man," she pressed, sounding like a teacher I had in elementary school.

"Your pussy, it'," I stammered. "It's the...lips. They sort of look like they want to show off."

Lori's eyes sparkled. She looked quietly thrilled that she had me on the ropes again. "It's not ugly?" she asked, looking like she knew my answer.

"It's beautiful."

Rob was silent. He'd become used to things and I could tell he enjoyed watching the way Lori was blossoming; enjoyed watching her tease me.

She smiled, so softly and so beautifully, and asked me, "Are we done, or do you want more?"

"One more scene," I said. "and then we'll take a break and set things up outside."

She nodded, still smiling. "How do you want me this time?"

"Let's do the opposite of last week," I said. "Rob'll be on his back, with his head hanging off the side of the bed, and you'll be on your knees on some cushions on the floor, fucking his face. You'll be able to lean over him and play with his cock some, but don't make him cum; we want to save that for the big cum-shot out at the pool. Mostly I want you upright, with good posture."

"Cripes!" Lori said. "You're like an encyclopedia of positions! When we're done with all this maybe you can...keep us informed...when you're over here on Fridays."

She winked at me and it hit me with a jolt. Had they talked about that, I wondered? Some kind of a continuation?

I set up two cameras in positions across the bed from her, envisioning dissolving from one shot to the other, probably a number of times when I pieced things together in post production. Rob stretched out on his back, looking remarkably muscular and virile in that position. I planted myself right between the two cameras, with a full frontal view of Lori that was the best seat in the house. She was already in position, already making happy noises as Rob's mouth got a feel for things. "Ooo, I like this one, too," she said.

"Are we ready? Action. And don't look at me this time," I scolded.

"Hey!" Rob said, down between her thighs. "Have you been breaking Evan's rules?"

"I can't seem to help it," Lori said embarrassedly. "I had no idea I was such a show-off."

"None of us are disliking it," Rob said, playfully biting her pussy.

He moaned as his mouth got back to work in earnest. It turned out to be a really good position; the cameras had a fantastic view of his tongue on Lori's clit because of the way his mouth was sort of upside down on her. Rob's oral skills took over, and Lori let her mind drift away from reality again. It thrilled me to see her hands go to her tits, pleasuring herself in a way that I hadn't seen before. The gentle and not so gentle fondling and squeezing made the glorious things look huge and incredibly delicious. That's the best word I can think of to describe her nipply tits. Delicious.

Rob moaned into Lori's crotch as he feasted on her pussy. Her hips force-fed him, grinding her electrified clit against his mouth and tongue. She held her tits in her hands, just cupped there, like she enjoyed the warm, weighty feeling of them, and she threw her head back, huffing hot breath toward the ceiling. I could tell an orgasm was coming; I'd learned to read all her signals, but her quick, huffing breaths made it as clear as day. She slowed the movement of her hips and let Rob's happily hard-working tongue take her there, to that beautiful place where she wanted to be. She went there freely, maybe more freely than ever before. Her hips moved differently — jerking, almost trembly — and her hands squeezed her big tits so hard the soft flesh of them bulged between her fingers. Her head was still tipped back and I couldn't see her eyes very well; they may have been closed, or maybe they were rolling back, under dark-mascara lashes and fluttering eyelids. I wished I could have seen them, her beautiful eyes, but I had plenty to look at. Her body was on full and glorious display, muscles spasming and tightening and trembling, a stunning spectacle of sumptuous tits, silken pussy, and tan-lined, sun-browned skin. Facing me, fully head-on as she was, I was hit hard with a feeling that the blatant display was all for me, a gift to me of the new sexuality that I'd, through some magical twist of fate, helped her find. The mighty orgasm consumed her as I watched, and a groaning moan lifted from her open mouth, aimed at the ceiling. The beautiful sound was a drug, a transfusion through my ears, and the hair on my arms stood up again. I felt a shudder all through me and almost made another cum-soaked mess of my bathing suit, this time without a single touch of my hand.

Lori's happy mind came back to earth. With her tits still cupped in her hands, she slowly lifted her head upright, and her eyes searched for reality. She found it, first in my unblinking eyes and then in Rob's cock, big and hard and moving with twitching life on his belly; she lowered herself to it, slowly, like it was the most important thing in the world. His mouth was still on her pussy and his hands held her hips. She moaned softly when her hand guided the big cock to her mouth, and she took it in and she mouthed it and tongued it like it was ever so special, and then moaning breath came out of her nose and within a moment she was wild on the big thing, sucking and playfully biting and taking it deep. So deep. All the way down in her moaning, gurgling throat.

My hand went to my crotch but I needed more, so I pushed my bathing suit down, just enough, and my hot cock was out in my warm hand and I stroked it. Lori, an unapologetic cock sucker at that point in time, kept her sparkling eyes on me while her throat engulfed the full length of Rob's powerfully hard shaft, over and over again. I stroked myself steadily, moving my hips to her rhythms, and she stopped the blowjob and watched me, breathlessly, with her hand on Rob's wet cock, matching my movements, as if she was hand-jobbing me instead of her husband. Rob was lost in the wet feast of her pussy, taking her with his nibbles and his tongue the way he does, and Lori orgasmed again, with her wild eyes on me, and her mouth happily crying, and I spurted my cum, and I spurted my cum, and I spurted my cum, all over the rumpled sheets on their bed.

I had just enough presence of mind to know I wanted a quiet ending to Rob and Lori's scene, so I stood there silently with my cock in my hand, cum dripping from it, and after a few moments I said, "Cut."

And then I said, "I'm sorry," and the blood rushed back to my brain, where I wished it had been all the time, and I pulled up my bathing suit and stuffed my cock into it. "I shouldn't have. I'm so sorry."

"No, Honey!" Lori said, with loving kindness in her voice. "We don't mind. Really."

She let Rob's head out from between her thighs and he sat up, red-faced from having his head upside-down for so long. He looked a little dizzy.

"Evan helped me again," she said to him, like it was something they'd talked about. "The sheets are a little messy."

"Oh!" Rob said. "Yeah, no need to be sorry, Ev. I know she's just too hot to take sometimes. That's one of the reasons why I married her."

Embarrassed, I reached for the tissue box, wiping up all the cum that I could see. It was soaking in, making dark spots on the sheets. "But...I really shouldn't have," I said. "She didn't...ask me this time."

"You didn't see my eyes, Honey?" Lori said. "I was asking."

"Really, Evan, it's cool," Rob said. "We're all cool about everything, right?"

The bed was littered with five wadded up tissues that were wet with my cum. I collected them and got them out of sight, on the floor next to one of my gear bags.

"That was rough," Rob said. "I thought for sure I was gonna pop. I kept thinking about garbage."

"Eww!" Lori said.

"You didn't cum?" I said. I was amazed at his fortitude. I would have cum three times if I was the one in Lori's throat.

"So, this face cum thing we're doing later," Lori said. "I have a feeling it's going to be messy." She started giggling and she shook her head, blushing and looking shy again. "I can't believe I said that," she said. "I can't believe...any of this."

"It's pretty crazy, that's for sure," Rob said. "I can't wait to see the movie."

Lori giggled again, and then we all did.


Back in our bathing suits again, out by the pool, I marveled at how warm and heavy the nighttime air felt, so muggy that I wondered if cigarette smoke blown into it would just hang there and not go away, like it does in the old movies. Rob poured appletinis that glowed green from the light of the pool. They looked muggy, too, in a liquid sort of way.

"Do you like my new bikini?" Lori asked. "It's cheekier than my others. Rob says it's good to show my ass more, but...I don't know."

"He's a wise and intelligent man," I said. "I'm in absolute agreement with him."

Lori smiled. "Sometimes you sound like that Spock guy, from Star Trek."

"Hmmm," I said. "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

"It's cute. Are you a Treker? Is that what they call it?"

"A Trekkie. I am, and it doesn't make me a chick magnet."

Lori smiled. "Well, I like it. Say something Spock-like."

"Change is the essential process of all existence."

"Ha!" she laughed. "Are you saying I should start flaunting more of my ass on the beach?"

"It's not me, it's Spock," I said, smiling. "I'm pretty sure he'd think so. Leonard Nemoy, the guy who played him, one of his hobbies was photographing nude women."


"Yeah, he was a real artist. Nice black-and-white photos."

"Models, you mean?"

"Yeah, some of them, but a lot of them are just regular people."

"Huh," Lori said, pondering the thought. "You learn something new every day."

"He did some of mothers and their daughters that are kind of awesome," I said.

"Oh, wow," Lori said. "Nudes?"

"Yeah, just sort of standing there, the way they would if they had clothes on, but they don't."

Lori squinted at me. "Don't get any ideas, mister. I know how your dirty mind works. My daughter is not doing this."

"Ha!" Rob laughed. "Me thinks you're jumping to conclusions, hun."

"Yeah," I said. "I would never..."

"I saw you looking at the pictures of her in the living room," Lori said. "She wears bikinis that are... Oh, God, she'll be here visiting in a couple weeks. Evan, you need to be really good about this. You can't act funny or say anything about what we've been doing. Okay? Will you promise me?"

"Of course! I'll stay completely away if you want."

"No. You're our friend. I've already told her how nice you are and that we've been having drinks. She's really happy that the asshole moved out of your house. I'm sure she'll want to meet you."

"Don't worry, honey," Rob said to her. "Everything will be fine."

The conversation veered off in other directions and we drank some more and got giggly. Midnight suck up on us. I'd been awake since the wee hours of the morning, but adrenaline kicked in when we started bringing tripods, cameras and microphones down to the pool patio. It was probably crazy; it was a warm night and the neighbors without air-conditioning almost certainly had their windows wide open, but we weren't thinking that way. We were three half-drunk horny people, zeroed in on a hot blowjob and a facial.

"Lori, you need to fix your hair. Make it look like you haven't been swimming. Maybe slightly messed up because you're coming over in your sleeping clothes."

"Oh, right," she said. "Okay, I'll fix my hair and put on the t-shirt and panties."

While she was inside I went home, nearly tripping over the shrubs, and came back with my handheld microphone boom. I wired it up, using gaffers tape to secure the cable, and I checked my camera's view to see how close I could hold a mic over the top of the action. I wanted all the blowjob sounds to be nice and audible, but it was going to be a challenge. I decided to lay two microphones on the concrete right at the pools edge, on either side of where Rob would end up sitting. It would be extra work to digitally edit them out in post-production, but it would be worth it — they would disappear and Lori's beautiful blowjob noises would be crystal clear.

Rob and I heard a car pull in at a neighboring house. The heavy night air was quiet, and sounds seemed louder than usual. I looked at him and he shrugged. I assumed that meant 'Don't tell Lori.' She rejoined us a few minutes later, looking ever so titty and awesome in her braless t-shirt and her little white cotton panties. We all spoke quietly...

"Let's keep our voices down," I said, "but when we're rolling you'll need to speak in a normal volume so the mics pick you up. I'll have a boom mic over your heads for some of it."

Lori looked surprised. "Oh my God. Really?"

She looked around at all the gear and then she looked out through the dark trees, probably wondering which neighbors could see what. Rob spoke up to get her mind on business. "Can we run through it? Like a dry run?"

I guided them, Lori in the bushes, walking out, Lori to the pool's edge, the dialog about husbands and wives. I didn't want her wet yet, so I just explained the rest, the way she goes into the pool and then fully underwater to get soaked, and then the rest of it. I showed her the mics where Rob had to sit, and I told her to be nice and vocal during the sexy action; it would set the tone for everything that followed in the bedroom scenes. I wanted to relax her, so I said...

"There's no pressure to be perfect. If something doesn't look good I'll probably be able to edit around it, or we can set up again another night and try it again. No big deal."