The Neighbors


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"My friend saw you before I did. He's pretty crude about girls and women. He liked you."

"Oh my god, you guys were all looking?"

"Yup. If he ever comes by and sees you topless he's gonna beg to move in with me."

Lori's didn't say anything but I could see her mind working, happily, it seemed. That's when Rob and Christy walked out of the house. Christy had a very full wine glass in her hand, and she wore a little bikini that she must have had in her purse; she looked svelte and leggy, and standing next to Rob's handsome bathing-suit-clad maturity, she looked very, very young.

"I love your house," she said to Lori. "Rob showed me the downstairs. It's all so nice. I love houses that look like they're lived in, with books and nice things all around. And pictures. I've got pictures on my walls, too. My friend helped me frame them and hang them. They'll be a pain to move some day, but I like them. Your kids look really nice. Your son's handsome like his dad."

Christy and Rob sat down with us at the poolside table. Daylight was fading. The underwater lights were on and the pool was starting to glow the way it does at night. Lori's face gave away some emotion, but I couldn't quite read it. I think the mention of her kids had triggered it, and I wondered if it was because Christy was younger than both of them, younger than Rob's own daughter.

Christy looked at me and said, "Rob said I can't swim 'till after, because my hair needs to be dry? Is that right, Mr. Director?"

"Oh. Yeah, that's...good." I tried to get a grip on what was happening, but my mind was fumbling. It was crazy to think we were almost ready to fuck each other, upstairs on the big bed. "Do you want to finish your wine before we...?"

"Yeah!" Christy said. "This and some more! You guys are all loose already and used to...everything."

"Let's all just relax for a while," Lori said.

We talked about the news business and the architecture business. Rob kept the wine flowing. We talked about the movie and how unexpected it was, and Christy relaxed more and more, happy to hear about all the nervousness we'd all gone through to get the movie as far along as it was. She was fascinated by the description of the blowjob scene.

"You did it right outside here?" she said, her eyes wide. "At night, with the lights on?"

Lori nodded sheepishly. "I've gotten very used to things. I don't know why."

"No, I mean...I think it's great," Christy said. "I'd love like that."

"She's topless out here during the day sometimes now," Rob said. "That's all new." He looked proud, with a twinkle in his eye.

"Wow, really?" Christy looked around at the filtered view of the neighbors, and up at the clear view of my bedroom window.

"I tell myself the others can't see much," Lori said. "Those big trees, you can only see through them a little this time of year."

"I told her I don't think anyone will squawk much," Rob said. "I suppose a wife or a boy's mother might, but...nothing so far, so I think we're good."

"There's no kids close by anymore," Lori said, defending her actions. "I wouldn't do it if there was."

"Yeah, no, I think it's awesome," Christy said. "That's something you can't do at a condo pool."

"You're more than welcome to join me anytime," Lori said. "I just sit here and read, mostly, but it's nice to be able to jump in the water and cool off."

"Oh, wow, that's so nice of you!" Christy said. "Yeah, I'd love to! I went to Europe one summer, when I was in college. That's the only time I've been topless in the sun. It felt so good. I kinda loved it."

"France?" Rob asked. "Lori and I are going next spring. We've been before, but Lori wasn't brave enough to go topless. The local girls and women seem really relaxed about it. Maybe this time, hun?"

"Maybe," Lori said, with a smirk and a twinkle that complimented Rob's.

"I definitely would if I were you," Christy said. "God, if I had your body I'd want to show it off all the time. You'll have French guys following you around. There's worse things, trust me."

"Did you have a romance when you were there?" Rob asked.

"Yup. It was like fate, or destiny, or whatever you want to call it," Christy said. "I mean, us girls, we're basically naked on the beach, right? Just a little thong thing on. And the guys are super handsome, and they're French! With that accent! It's totally a recipe for being horny all the time. I went a little wild."

Rob asked for details and Christy downed another glass of wine as she told us about giving a blowjob on the beach, and all-out fucking another guy on another beach while her friend took on a guy standing up in the water. "It's the closest I've ever come to orgy sex," she said, with a flirtatious smile and a sparkle in her eyes. "It was so fun."

That's when we all knew we were ready. The four of us went upstairs and Christy giggled when she saw all the gear set up in the bedroom. "Oh my God, this is hilarious! You're not messing around, Evan."

"I think living amongst all this has altered my brain chemistry," Lori kidded. "Before this I was happy with once a week, or less. Now I wanna screw all the time."

"Really? Wow," Christy said. "The journalist in me wants to do a story about that."

"Do it!" Rob said. "Would you put it on at six, or eleven?"

He smiled and Christy chuckled. "Definitely eleven," she said.

"Christy, did you wear panties today?" I asked.

Her nervous smile loosened a little. It was bright and lovely, closer to her natural self. "I beg your pardon! " she said. "Is that a question you ask your co-worker?"

"Well, sorta. Today it is. Did you?"

"I did."

"As much as I love seeing you in that bikini," I said, "I need you to put on the panties, and the t-shirt you had on when you got here. It'll look like you're in your sleeping clothes, and I'll be in my underwear. We want it to look like we were sleeping when we heard my father with the neighbor woman. We'll confront them and then..."

Christy smiled. It was a soft smile, with some devil in it. "And then...?"

"I...uh...I'll say something like, 'Dad! What are you doing!' and Rob'll say, 'Oh shit! Don't tell your mother.' "


Christy had gotten to the heart of the matter. Her eyes were wide and darkly intense, but still twinkling with a childlike innocence. I could tell she was horny, in a way I'd seen a few times before.

I said, "He'll say something like, 'Come and join us. It'll be our little secret. No one needs to know.' We shouldn't need any more dialog after that."

For a few moments, silence overtook the four of us. What we were about to do was becoming real. Our little secret, indeed.

"My clothes are downstairs," Christy said. "I'll be right back."

When she left, my nervous energy carried me to my equipment. I switched on microphones and moved tripods so my cameras could see the entire bed and its surroundings. I planned on doing some camera movements during the action, as best I could.

Rob and Lori were just standing there, unsure of what to do. I said, "You guys should get just a little dampness in your hair and towel it nearly dry."

"One of the last things we did was the footsie scene, right?" Rob asked. "Is that going to work into this somehow?"

"Oh, right," I said. A strong hit of embarrassment blushed my face when I remembered it all. "No, that doesn't really fit in. I guess I could add it at the end, like the porn DVDs do it, like an extra."

"Don't cut anything out," Lori said, a little sheepishly. "Especially not that."

I nodded, happy that she'd liked it as much as I did. "So," I said, "what would the action be when the son sees you guys?"

"It should be serious," Rob said, "like doggy style or something like that, where we're both up and can be seen."

"Okay, yeah, that's good," I said. "We haven't done doggy with Lori upright yet, sort of standing on her knees, with you behind her, fucking her, with your hands on her tits maybe."

"Wow, sounds dirty," Christy said, quietly entering the bedroom from the hallway. "I guess I came to the right place. I messed up my hair, Evan, like it'd be if I was sleeping. Is it okay?"

"If I was the director I'd say you look perfect," Rob said, letting his eyes roam freely over her panty and t-shirt clad body. Her little nipples poked at the shrunken shirt, attracting his gaze like a shiny lure attracts a hungry fish.

"Evan, can you show us?" Lori said. "I don't understand the position."

Lori and Rob got on the bed, still in their bathing suits, and I had them simulate doggy style. "You'll take your time and get nicely into it, and then at some point Rob will pull at your arms from behind and lift you."

"I think I get it," Rob said, "but why don't you jump in here and demonstrate."

Rob moved off the bed quickly, leaving Lori there on her hands and knees, with her bikini top barely supporting the weight of her huge hanging breasts. Her back was arched downward, accentuating the carnal curve of her ass the way she knew I liked it, and her shy, sparkling eyes hit me like a drug.

I climbed onto the bed on my knees and positioned myself behind her, and I lost all my breath when the hard lump of my bathing suit-covered cock pressed up against her ass. Her cheeky bikini left acres of her beautiful butt cheeks bare, and my lump pressed right in between them. Lori's breath went out of her the same way mine did.

"So," I said, "'ll be fucking, like this, and Lori, you'll be all hot and into it, and then Rob will reach for your arms, and..."

Her shoulders dropped to the bed and she let me take her arms. She moaned, and I realized my hips were moving, dry humping her. I glanced at Rob and Christy, both of them watching closely, and I felt the heat of another blush on my face. I spoke, but my voice was breathier, giving away the feelings inside me. "Yeah, that's good, down like that, but then..."

I pulled on her arms and her upper body rose, and her ass pressed even harder against me, moving like she was fucking. Her voice was a sigh when she said, "Oh wow!"

Christy and Rob looked a little like children who'd caught Santa Claus, their eyes wide with wonder. There was a new energy in the room and I seized it; without too much thought, my hands moved to Lori's soft, warm sides, feeling the structure of her body for the first time, her ribcage and the swell of her suddenly heavy-breathing lungs. And then my hands were where they longed to be, on her tits, with the smoothness of the bikini's fabric letting them glide there, as if it was meant to be.

Lori tipped her head back next to mine and moaned next to my ear, and her whole body dry humped me, her ass grinding hard against my throbbing erection. "I like this," she said, breathy and quiet near my ear. "You know all the good positions, don't you."

Rob's voice brought me back to earth. "So, we'll be like that when you and Christy appear at the door. Yeah, that's perfect. There's no denying what's going on with Lori looking like that."

"Your tits are amazing." Christy said, looking a little awestruck.

"Take off her top, Evan," Rob said, with a hint of a smile and a twinkle in his eye. "Let's see how it's really going to look."

I didn't need to be asked twice. There was a thought in my head that I shouldn't take advantage of the situation and put my hands on Lori's bare tits, but it evaporated when I untied her bikini. Lori helped me, ridding herself of the aqua-colored covering like she was eager. She tipped her head back again, her soft hair on my shoulder, her ass moving firmly against my hard lump. My hands went to the biggest, softest, firmest tits I've ever felt, so warm and weighty and womanly. Lori was moaning. I'm pretty sure her eyes were closed. I moved my fingers across her hardened nipples. The two of us could have been lost there for a while if I'd closed my eyes, and I'm certain I would have had to rinse out my bathing suit again, but Rob's calm voice brought us back to earth once more.

"I can't wait to see this movie."

Christy giggled. I could tell she was nervous.

Lori was breathing hard. "Wow!" she said quietly as my hands left her and we parted. "I'm all worked up now."

"So's our director," Christy said, looking at my tented bathing suit. I saw her glance at Rob's lump, too, but she did it quickly, without him noticing.

"You guys should do your hair," I said. "I'll get one of the cameras angled at the doorway for the son and girlfriend's entry.

"Right," Rob said. "Time to get naked in front of our favorite newsgirl." He ducked into the bathroom and Lori followed. I couldn't help but wonder what was going on in their heads.

Christy watched me work. "This is quite the set-up," she said, trying to corral her nervous energy. "Want some help?"

"There's just that one cable there that's in the shot. Can you unplug that mic and reroute it under the bed?"

A couple minutes later, Rob emerged from the bathroom, naked, with every bit of his middle-aged handsomeness on display. His big cock was half hard and hanging low, but it grew even more and started an upward trajectory when he saw Christy down on the floor, on her hands and knees, with her adorable little ass pointed at him. A nice hint of her pussy showed through the thin fabric of her plain-looking panties.

"Wow," he said when he saw her. "Oh, shit, now I'm in trouble. Oh well, you're gonna see it eventually."

Lori walked out of the bathroom, equally naked. "You dog," she said when she saw his cock rising. "I told you we should wear robes."

Christy, mostly done with the cable rerouting, still down on hands and knees, turned so she could see Rob. She wasn't shy about looking at him, and judging by her face she was happy about what she was seeing. She'd watched him in the videos on my computer, of course, but in person his cock is pretty impressive, the kind that gives me penis envy every once in a while. And as far as the 'old guy' angle goes, I have no idea what was going on in her head. He may look just like her dad or her uncle for all I know.

I went into the bathroom and put on the boxer-briefs I'd brought with me for the 'son confronts father' scene, and we were ready.

"Are we all cool?" I asked. "Does everybody still want to be doing this?"

"Let's fire this thing up, porn boy," Christy said. "You know you've got a new nickname now, right?"

"Oh, great. Not at work, please."

She smiled and winked at me. I could tell she was nervous and wanted to let her mouth run to compensate, but she held her tongue and let her dark, expressive eyes tell the story. Lori's eyes were talking, too, big and excited looking, with a smoldering something that was new.

"Let's do it," Rob said, sounding a little nervous himself. "I can't wait to see this movie."

I switched the equipment on, did a quick mic check, and called "action." Christy and I stood back in the shadows and I felt her hand on mine; she squeezed it tight when Rob's cock entered Lori and he started fucking her doggy style. It was beautiful from the get-go, husband and wife making sexy noises, breathy and moaning. A lovely energy filled the room, making me tingle. I wanted to look at Christy and say, 'See? I told you this was real!'

I got so caught up in the fucking and the handholding, I just stood there, watching, so Christy ended up directing me. She tugged at my hand and gestured toward the door, and she led me, silently, out into the hallway. We watched from the new angle, a front view. Lori's weighty tits swung pendulously under her, and Rob's blissfully happy face glanced at us, or more likely, at Christy.

Christy whispered in my ear, "This is crazy. I love it."

"Oh shit!" Lori exclaimed. She looked as if she was discovering a new reality, a naked, fucked-in-front-of-a-newsgirl intoxication that really ticked all the boxes. "That feels...amazing! God you fuck good!"

"Be quiet!" Rob said, breathlessly improvising as he fucked her, his cock thrusting smoothly and deeply. "You'll wake my son!"

"Your son is here? You should have told me!"

Christy squeezed my hand again. She looked excited.

And then it was happening. Rob reached for Lori's arms and she went down at first, from hands and knees to shoulders and knees, her back arched downward, her ass up, taking the steadily rhythmic thrusts of Rob's smooth fucking. He pulled at her arms and lifted her up and she rose like a goddess, big tits moving with the rhythm, and then his hands were there, on them, and I heard Christy's breathing, heavy and uneven, and her hand squeezed mine tightly. For some reason I was calm. Zen. Almost Vulcan. I whispered in her ear, "You'll follow me, sort of by my side so the camera can see you."

Lori was cumming when we stepped forward to the doorway. I said, "Oh my God! Dad! What are you doing? "

It was a stunning moment, as perfect as can be. Lori was deep in the throes of an unexpected orgasm, embarrassed for real, I think, which made the scene work beautifully.

"Oh, shit," Rob said, pulling his red-hot cock out of his orgasming 'neighbor'. "Don't tell your mother, son! Please!"

"Oh...God!" Lori said. She collapsed back to all-fours and rolled onto her back, looking like she was delirious.

"Oh, you're both there," Rob said, noticing Christy. "Shit."

"It's okay," Christy said, surprising me with her improvisation. "We don't have to tell, do we?"

"No, you don't," Rob said to me. "Have you met our new neighbor? She's horny enough for us both, son. Almost too horny to satisfy, but you can help me with that. Your mother doesn't need to know."

Christy held my hand tightly when we walked to the bed, and then it was an all-out tit orgy, the two of us and Rob going wild on Lori's magnificent breasts as she lay writhing on her back. It was incredibly hot seeing Christy go at Lori's tits with the same enthusiasm we men had, and Lori seemed amazed and wonderfully overwhelmed by it all.

I'm happy to say my mouth loved Lori's amazing nipples, and her nipples seemed to truly love my mouth. Our eyes connected often when I was there, loving them, licking them, teasing their tender firmness with my gentle teeth. I could have kept my mouth on those big, glorious tits forever, but I let Christy and Rob have them and I moved down between Lori's legs, licking her wet pussy and tasting her freshly fucked juices. With my arms wrapped around her beautiful thighs and my mouth firmly on her warm wetness, she moaned so deeply I could feel her whole body vibrate. She had her second orgasm almost immediately, crying out as the three of us gave her a full body assault. Her raw sexuality stunned me. It was better than anything I'd dreamt. I stayed right where I was, eating her pussy more and more, licking her asshole, making her go wild. With my mouth and tongue moving eagerly against her clit, another orgasm came to her, a deep one that rocked her to her core. The waking dream I was in the middle of was so very real, Lori's flavor sublime on my tongue, her luscious wetness nearly dripping from my face and chin.

Christy and Rob melted into each other, just a moment later. It was a suddenly passionate kiss, and I knew the camera would love it — the young, partially dressed girl kissing the handsome, naked older man. Rob tugged at Christy's shirt and pulled it off over her head, tousling her already messy hair, and then I watched her suck Rob's cock. A real man's cock. I knew her technique because she'd sucked my cock more than once, but seeing her with Rob's big one in her mouth was amazing. Thrilling. Christy Gethlowe, News Channel Ten, every bit as sexy as all us guys from the newsroom dreamed she'd be.

Lori saw me watching them and she watched, too, seeing her husband with another woman for the first time. I could tell it was a big moment for her. I worried that it would shock her and she'd yell, "Stop," but she didn't. Happily, for me anyway, it fueled her lust.