The Pampered Pussy Ch. 01


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Eugene considered this for a few minutes. Nothing in his agreement with Desiree precluded him from working naked, so why not, he thought. After all, Chloe was naked and it was only skin anyway.

"Sure," he replied and quickly slipped out of his clothing.

He began as usual trimming the hair to a uniform length but before even this step was finished he felt Chloe's hand grip his half-hard cock then begin to slowly jack it up and down, causing it to harden rapidly.

"Do you like that?" asked Chloe, "I like what you're doing to me."

"Yes, I like it, but really you shouldn't do it you know. My girlfriend, Desiree, wouldn't like you doing it at all."

"Well, she's not here to know now, is she? So unless you tell her she'll never know," said Chloe, her actions continuing unabated.

He moved away and then returned to begin trimming the spaces between the trident prongs. She gripped him again and then closed her eyes as the vibrations and warmth of the clippers worked their magic once again. After a few minutes more she writhed as much as she was able as her panting told Eugene that she had just cum.

"Did you like that?" he asked.

"Oh yes, now I want you to cum too."

He continued with his trimming and then shaved between the prongs as Chloe increased her stimulation of his cock. Once he had finished he stepped away out of reach and then released her from the chair.

"Please let me make you cum for me," said Chloe.

Eugene thought for a few moments. Desiree had not said anything about not allowing his clients to make him cum, and Chloe wasn't really a client anyway, and who'd know?

"Yes, you may make me cum if you wish."

Chloe sat up and Eugene stood in front of her. She grasped his cock with both hands, one held him tightly around the base, pushing his balls up into their sockets against his pubic bone, while the other held him loosely. She released that one and spread his precum over the head of his cock, then began sliding his loose skin up and down as her hand stimulated his lubricated cock head. After a few minutes she stopped and ran her hand between her legs, collecting some of her lube to use on his cock. Eugene closed his eyes as she resumed the stimulation, feeling sensations radiating through his body.

Chloe was aware of the effect she was having on Eugene and watched him as he closed his eyes and really felt the erotic sensations. She noticed him begin a rhythmic back and forth movement of his hips and adjusted her speed to synchronize with that movement. In a few minutes he was panting and only a few seconds after that he gave a cry and spurted his love juice from his cock high into the air. She slowed down, continuing her stimulation, milking every last globule of sperm from him, then, as he opened his eyes, she bent forward and took the end of his cock in her mouth, licking and sucking the last few drops.

"Oh, Chloe, that was fantastic," he said as he stepped forward and hugged her tightly. She reached up and kissed his cheek, then he turned his head and converted it to a full-on loving lovers' kiss. They parted, breathless, then he stepped away, wiped his cock and they both dressed, slightly self-consciously now the moment was over.

That evening Desiree asked how the day had gone.

"It was a good day, considering it was our first. We had a few clients but generally it was quiet, as would expected for a first day." He paused, uncertain about whether to mention shaving Chloe. Desiree would undoubtedly find out, he decided, so he'd best mention it otherwise she'd be suspicious once she did find out. "At the end of the day Chloe wanted a shave as well. She decided to have a trident shaved into her hair."

"Good, it's always a good idea for the staff to experience what the business offers, that way they can discuss the matter more knowledgeably with potential clients. So I'm guessing you fucked her too?"

Eugene blushed scarlet at her intuition, yet then denied it totally. "No, I did not. I never laid a finger on her." He blushed again as he remembered them both naked as he shaved her and then them both cumming separately. He reassured himself that he hadn't fucked her so technically he hadn't stepped outside the bounds of their agreement -- yet. "I think she would have let me had I asked and I was horny, but I strictly adhered to our agreement."

"Oh that's wonderful, darling, thank you so much. So you must be really horny for me now, babe. Take me to bed and make love with me, cherie."

Desiree nuzzled up to Eugene, pressing her breasts into his chest as she began undoing his buttons, feeling his cock rising to the occasion against her thigh. Eugene responded and as he began removing her clothing they made their way to the bedroom leaving a trail of discarded clothes down the hallway.

Once in bed and naked they hugged and kissed then Desiree began kissing her way down Eugene's body until she reached his rampant cock. There, as she kissed and licked, she discovered something she had expected to find but hoped she wouldn't. Once certain of her discovery, she kissed her way up to his mouth again and as they exchanged kisses, with Eugene's tongue exploring the inside of her mouth, she bit down, hard.

Eugene recoiled instantly, pulling away from her as he extricated his tongue from between her teeth.

"What wath that for?" he lisped, still in agony from the bite to his tongue.

"You told me you hadn't fucked with Chloe but I can clearly smell and taste cum on your cock, and it's not just precum either. What did you do with her? I want the truth now or the next thing I bite won't be your tongue."

Oh, hell, thought Eugene, well, time to tell the truth. He'd never been a good liar and now was not the time to practice. He told her exactly what had happened between him and Chloe a few hours earlier while Desiree lay next to him with her head propped on an elbow, looking for signs of him lying while gently stroking his cock.

"So you think that you obeyed the words of our agreement," she said after he'd finished, "But you certainly didn't obey the spirit of it. Both being naked, both cumming, her from your shaving I can excuse but you from her masturbation I cannot. It seems to me you took advantage of the poor young woman. How old is she; 17 or so I guess?"

"She's 19," replied Eugene, "And quite old enough to make up her own mind about things and to manipulate men, just as you do."

"Oh, so now you're the victim of this beautiful young temptress, are you?"

"No, I think victim is too strong a word. Maybe unwilling and coerced partner would be about right."

"Yeah, unwilling as hell! You willingly wanted her naked, willing stripped for her, willingly caused her to cum and willingly allowed her to make you cum. Unwilling? Coerced? I think not. Time for punishment."

Eugene had no idea what Desiree had in mind. He hadn't known her for long and didn't know of the devious desires her twisted mind could dream up. All he knew of her was her hot willing body against him in bed. Desiree opened her drawer and pulled out a small box then opened this to reveal a wire device the like of which Eugene had never seen but which he guessed must be a male chastity device.

"I hope you like this," said Desiree, "Because this is your first offence I'm going to fasten this to your cock and it will stay there for one day. It allows you to pee but does not allow you to become erect. Therefore it cannot be fitted to you while you are erect so we need to find a way to calm your erection without giving you the pleasure of cumming. Any ideas?"

Eugene had none. All he wanted to do was to make love with Desiree, but fairly obviously that wasn't going to happen tonight. She left the room and returned a few minutes later with a basin of water with ice cubes floating in it and a washcloth. She dipped the cloth in the frigid water and wrapped it around his cock. Eugene felt it immediately begin to deflate as the cold water closed off the blood vessels. Desiree maintained the cold compress to his cock for nearly 15 minutes after which it was tiny and shrivelled. She then followed the instructions and applied the cock cage, locking it in place with a tiny padlock that came with the unit. She took a small metal box from the drawer, placed the key in it, closed it and locked it closed with a timer lock set for 24 hours.

"That should keep him under control," she said with a smile at Eugene as she saw how the cage kept his cock pointing downwards between his legs, effectively preventing it from becoming erect while still allowing him to urinate. "No more playing with Chloe or anyone else tomorrow, darling."

Eugene and Desiree climbed into bed together and cuddled for a few minutes before Desiree announced: "You know, all this sexy stuff and fitting your cock cage has made me really horny, darling. I need to cum before I sleep. You are most welcome to watch if you wish."

She opened her drawer and brought out her trusty vibrator.

"Open your mouth, honey." Eugene did and she placed the vibrator in his mouth. "Lick it well," she told him, "It's going places you can only dream about tonight."

Once it was thoroughly wet she spread her legs widely and eased it into her love tunnel, then turned it onto a medium speed.

"If you want, darling, you can rub my clit, or I can do it myself."

Eugene licked his finger and began rubbing her clit gently, feeling his cock hardening inside its cage, unable to straighten, unable to lengthen and causing pain as it swelled. He tried to control it, tried to think of something else, anything else, but with his darling Desiree masturbating with her vibrator right in front of him as he stroked her clit, that was impossible.

"Here, honey, you can hold the vibrator too while I massage my tits."

Obediently he took control of her vibrator, using two hands on her as one held the toy and the other massaged her clit. He watched her squeezing her breasts, pinching and rolling her nipples between her fingers and felt her body responding, her hips beginning to thrust up and down as she neared her climax. He moved her vibrator in and out slightly, then increased the speed.

"Oh, yes, darling, yes, like that, oooohhhh, I'm soooo close, YES, YES, AAAARRRRGGGHHH!! I'M CUMMMMMINGGGGGG!!"

Eugene continued to move the vibrator and massage her clit as she came hard, then he continued still more as she relaxed and he awaited further instructions. After a short time she opened her eyes and looked at him lovingly.

"Thank you, honey, that was fabulous, but I want more. Please keep going."

So Eugene continued what he was doing, watching his darling Desiree gradually approach her second orgasm as she massaged her tits, squeezed her nipples and humped his hand and her vibrator. He turned it up to maximum and a few seconds later she let out a long high-pitched shriek as her body tensed and she came again, thrashing about on the bed as he struggled to keep the vibe inside her. Then it was over. She collapsed onto the bed and pushed his hands away, removing the vibrator, switching it off and lying there, panting, covered in a sheen of perspiration from her exertions.

"Ooohhh, sweetheart, that was soooo good. Nearly as good as it is with you. Now, sleep time." She felt down to his trapped cock, pressing against its wire cage. "How's your poor wee cock, honey? It feels very tight in there. I'll bet it's hurting like hell and you're as horny as hell. Well, sorry, honey, you'll just have to wait," she turned and looked at the display on the box, "Another 23 hours 14 minutes." She chuckled, kissed him lovingly, turned off the light and snuggled up to him. She was asleep in a few minutes, leaving him a long time to allow his cock to relax so the pain could cease so he could also sleep.

Tuesday morning was normal except that Eugene and Desiree only cuddled and kissed in bed, they didn't make love. They arose, dressed, Eugene feeling strange as he pulled his undershorts and trousers over his trapped cock, then ate breakfast and Eugene left for work. He felt self-conscious walking, feeling consciously aware of his cock and expecting everyone to be able to see it through his clothes. Nobody paid any attention and he arrived at work to be greeted by Chloe, who had arrived a few minutes earlier to open up. Today this greeting took the form of a hug and kiss as she pressed her body against him, a first, probably due to their intimate familiarity the previous afternoon. As she pressed against him she felt the wire cage.

"Hello, what's this down here?" she asked curiously.

"Come out to the work room and I'll show you," replied Eugene.

He stripped off his trousers and undershorts and she knelt down to see his trapped cock.

"Wow, did you tell Desiree?"

"No, she smelt cum on me and asked a few questions and this is the result."

"Oh you poor darling. How long for?"

"Because it's a first offence it's for one day. I guess next time it'll be for two, and so on."

"So I'm guessing you're off limits for me from now on."

"Definitely not. We just have to work a few things out. I think you want me to make love with you as much as I want to, so we'll see what we can do about that."

"Oh goody," replied Chloe, kissing Eugene's cock through the cage.

Eugene redressed and then they discussed business. Apparently the reputation of the place and knowledge of its presence was increasing because a few minutes later the phone rang and a client made an appointment for an hour later. This was followed by several more calls for appointments and then another from the local radio station for an interview.

Eugene worked with several clients then made himself ready for the 11am radio interview. Two women arrived from the local station, one with her reporter's pad, the other with an audio recorder. To begin with they sat in the reception area and talked about why the business began and the types of work Eugene did. After that the talk became more intimate, with the reporter wanting to know what it felt like and other subjective things for which there was only one answer -- experience it yourself.

So the three of them went through to the workroom where Eugene showed them the equipment he used and then invited one or both of them to have a free pubic hair style. The reporter was keen, but the recording operator declined. The reporter, Diane, quickly removed her trousers and panties then positioned herself in the chair. Up till then she had appeared quite unselfconscious but when Eugene spread the legs of the chair she seemed quite embarrassed as the full extent of her dark hairy mound came into plain view. She commented that she was pleased she worked for a radio station not a television network.

Diane decided on a simple heart shape and Eugene quickly trimmed her hair using the number four comb then trimmed the outside hair to the shape of the heart. He took the straight razor and lathered her up, reassuring her that a straight razor was perfectly safe in his hands, and began trimming the stubble until it was baby-bottom smooth. All the time Diane was speaking into the microphone, saying how she felt and how it felt being shorn and shaved.

Once it was finished and Diane checked herself in the mirror, she noticed how sexy she felt and the dew of her arousal on her bare lips.

"Is it always like that?" she asked.

"Usually," replied Eugene.

"That must be fun," she commented, "Do all these women want to make love with you before they leave?"

Eugene felt a jolt in his cock as it tried still harder to straighten and swell in its confinement. "Sometimes, but to do so would be very unprofessional."

"Hmmm, right now I wouldn't mind a bit of unprofessional. Do I need to do anything to look after this now?"

"You can simply let it grow out if you wish, but to maintain it I recommend that you make a weekly appointment for a trim. Chloe can do that for you as you leave if you like."

"Ok, I'll do that thanks. Perhaps next time I'll make sure that it's outside my working hours so I don't need to be professional," she said, giving Eugene a wink as she pulled on her panties and trousers

In the early afternoon Chloe listened to the radio comments and some selected audio from the morning. After that she noted an upsurge of telephone calls, most wanting more information but many wishing to book an appointment. The afternoon was very busy and the appointment book for the rest of the week filled rapidly.

That evening Eugene related to Desiree all that had happened during the day and Desiree made certain that the lock on his cage hadn't been tampered with. They ate dinner and then, after the alarm on the box rang indicating it had opened, she unlocked Eugene's cock and removed the cage. She massaged his cock for several minutes as she watched the lines from the wire slowly disappear as it enlarged.

"The poor little thing seems to be happy to see me," Desiree commented, "Do you think he needs some exercise?"

Eugene hugged her. "Yes, darling, it's what I've been waiting for all day."

Desiree kissed him then continued to remove his clothing while he also stripped her. By the time they were both naked, Eugene's cock was standing to attention. He guided Desiree to bend over and touch her toes, then when she was in that position he coaxed her feet apart while running his fingers through her now sopping trench. Then standing behind her he clasped her hips with his hands and eased his cock head into her vaginal entrance before slowly and steadily pushing it fully home inside her. As he bottomed out inside her she gave an involuntary grunt and pushed back against him.

He let her hips go and reached around her waist to grasp her breasts, using them as levers to commence a slow and sensuous in and out movement. After several minutes of this Desiree was moaning and had her hand in her crotch stroking her clit. Gradually Eugene's movements increased in speed as Desiree's moans and frantic clit rubbing also increased. Eugene could feel his orgasm building, building, each thrust, each withdrawal pushing him closer to his climax. Desiree also was almost there, her moans now continuous as sensations radiated from her vagina and clit to force her towards the edge. It was as though they were racing each other to the finish line, knowing that whoever reached it first would also push the other over the line.

Desiree reached the line first, partially straightening and grasping both her breasts as she grunted and panted, writhing in orgasm on Eugene's cock. The sensations of Desiree's writhing and her rhythmically pulsating vagina around his cock pushed him over the edge, causing him to thrust deeper, hold her hips, lean his upper body away from her and with a heart-rending moan he squirted his cum deep into her vagina. The pulsating of his cock further extended Desiree's climax, pushing her to even greater heights.

They came down from their peaks slowly and lovingly, Eugene holding Desiree and caressing her body as his cock slowly shrank and oozed its way out of her. Desiree turned inside the circle of his arms and pressed herself against him, kissing him, hugging him, loving him. They remained together like that for many minutes until they gradually parted.

"Darling, that was exceptional," said Desiree, "Well worth the wait. I can see we'll have to practise orgasm control with you in future."

"Well, only if you have to. In my work it is quite painful having a cock that really wants to harden and lengthen and is unable to do so. It may have been fun for you, but it was very unpleasant for me all day."

"I'm sorry, darling, but you really did ask for it, letting Chloe make you cum like that."

"Well, Chloe happens to be very good at what she does at work and I would like to bring her home for dinner on Friday night to meet you. Then you two ladies can have a heart to heart talk and just maybe you'll find some common ground so I won't have to be the scapegoat all the time."