The Party


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I took Trisha by the hand and led her to the bed. That night we fucked for just the second time in our marriage. It was the fuck of a lifetime and Trisha made good on her request of the night before and made me cum in her mouth and then after she had me hard again, she had let me fuck her ass. Our session lasted until the early hours of the morning and we were both sweaty and exhausted when we both finally fell asleep in each other's arms.

Friday morning Trisha got up before me and hurried out the door to work before I could even talk to her. My only glimpse of her showed swollen blood shot eyes that had obviously been crying. I tried to catch her, but she pulled away.

"I'll see you tonight. Don't worry I will have it all together by then. I love you." And then she was gone.

Friday night came and true to her word Trisha was smiling and happy. She took extra time getting ready for the party. She always prepared for her parties with a bath and dressing nice, but this time she went beyond the usual. She took extra time with her silky deep brown hair, brushing it out until it shined and cascaded down her back to just below her shoulders. She put on makeup, not too much, but enough to highlight her already beautiful cheek bones and her dreamy brown eyes. She dressed like she usually did in a fairly conservative white button front blouse and a black skirt that came to just above her knee. Beneath the skirt she wore dark brown stockings that accented her long slim legs. She finished it off with a pair of three inch heels that really made her round ass look good. I was getting hard just looking at her.

As we left the house she stopped me. "Mark, tonight will change our lives. Please promise me that no matter what you won't freak out or blow up or do anything that will ruin the night. Tomorrow if you want a divorce I won't fight it. I'll understand, but please give me one night. You will see the real me tonight. If you hate me, I'll understand. I tried to be what you wanted for two years but I can't live a lie for the rest of my life. I need you to know who I am and if you can love me, the real me, then we have a chance."

That was the strangest thing my wife had ever said to me and it set off my spidey-sense full tilt. "Trisha, what is going to happen tonight?"

She looked at me in all seriousness. "I know you aren't happy with our sex life. Well at least not until this week." Ha, that was the understatement of the year. "I have known for some time that we needed to do something to get out of our rut. I've been trying and I now I realize that if it is going to work between us, we have to do that something together, not apart. "

I agreed with everything she said but my gut was still telling me there was more to this. "And..."

"And tonight may be how we break the ice and get back in sync with each other. Come on, promise me you will not freak out and then we will go."

I figured that whatever happened it would, at the very least, answer the question of whether or not I needed the slimy divorce lawyer. I nodded. "I promise Trisha."

She looked me in the eyes for a few more seconds and then nodded. "Okay, let's go."

We arrived at Mona and Bill's house a little after eight. There was only one car in the driveway so I knew we weren't the last ones to arrive. At the door Mona met us with her usual flamboyant style. I wasn't even surprised when during the long tongue kiss she gave me she also grabbed my ass and gave it a squeeze. Bill came up just as Mona broke away from me and introduced himself and then shook my hand. He gave Trisha a tight hug and I was a little surprised when his hand patted her bottom and even more surprised that she just giggled a little and gave him a peck on the cheek.

They led us into the house. It was a nice place with a beautiful entry hall that opened out into a large living room. The furnishings in the living room were nice. A large fifty inch television dominated one wall and a big fireplace filled out another. Two very plush leather couches and two matching loveseats were situated around the television and fireplace. A large leather recliner rounded out the ensemble.

Stacy, a tall woman with golden blonde hair, a broad forehead, prominent nose, high cheeks, full lips, and startlingly blue eyes was sitting on one of the loveseats with her husband Larry. I had known Larry for a long time, he was the one who had introduced me to Trisha. As I entered I said high to both. Stacy stood up and came to give me a hug. Larry went to Trisha. While Mona was full bodied with very large breasts, wide hips and a large ass, Stacy was a classic Viking woman. Tall and strong but not fat in the least. She had wide hips but an athletic build that made her look like a warrior princess. Stacy took me in her arms and kissed me full on the lips. That was a first. She had never before kissed me like that. By the time we broke our kiss, Larry and Trisha had parted and I missed seeing if she had kissed him or if he had taken any liberties like Bill had.

Bill asked everyone if they wanted something to drink and I took a Tom Collins. I had a suspicion that I might need it before the night was over. Trisha accepted a wine cooler. We all sat in the living room and talked. Debbie and her date, a young man named Jack arrived next. Debbie is the consummate cougar and Jack seemed nervous and intimidated by the whole scene, but Trisha gave him a long hug and a warm kiss and welcomed him to the party. Stacy followed Trisha and also have him a more than friendly kiss.

Debbie was wearing a sheer black blouse that dipped down almost to her navel in the front and down almost to the top of her ass in the back. Her breasts were small, especially in comparison to Mona and Stacy, but her nipples were at full attention and holding the silk material of her blouse out in a wonderfully enticing way. She was a pretty woman with attractive green eyes and full red lips. Her raven black hair was probably dyed, but was still pretty and was cut into a short pixie cut that accented her face well. Her waist was thin and although her hips had filled in over the years they were still shapely. She wore a black skirt that was loose and reached her ankles, but the material was so thin that any light behind it made it almost transparent and as she stood in the entry way I realized that she was not wearing any panties under the skirt.

Debbie walked straight up to me and took me in her arms, pressing her lips to my mouth and letting her tongue wind its way between my lips. I savored the intense sensation and marveled that I had now been kissed more times, more passionately than I had in three months excluding the last two nights.

"I'm so glad Trisha talked you into coming tonight, Mark. I'm looking forward to this party so much more now that you are here." She gave me a wink and as she turned away she let her hand brush over my crotch. I didn't completely understand what was happening, but I had an idea and thought I liked it.

We were all standing around talking and Larry edged up close to me. "You know what is going on?"

"Not really but the girls all seem warmed up."

Larry laughed, but it was a nervous laugh. "Stacy threatened to cut my nuts off and shove them up my ass if I made a scene tonight."

"Were you planning on making a scene?"

"Nah, Stacy just thinks I'm a asshole."

"Well, you are an asshole." I gave Larry a grin. "Trisha pretty much made me promise not to make a scene too. So I guess I'm an asshole too."

This time Larry grinned. "Yeah, you have been since I've known you. So Debbie nearly took my tonsils out when she greeted me tonight."

"Dang, I thought it was just me."

Larry laughed. "You ain't all that, man. She is one hot lady."

"Old enough to be her date's mom though."

"She likes to get em young and train them right. I hear her husband finds em for her."

"So Trisha tells me. She says his only thing is she can't keep them long enough to grow attached."

"I don't get that. I could never be that understanding."

"Even if you had that coming home to you at the end?"

"Stacy is enough for me." Larry gave me a grin. "I have to say that to keep my balls hanging straight."

"So you're saying that if Mona offered to let you play with those big titties, you'd turn her down?"

"Hell no. I'm not saying that. I'm an asshole, but I'm not a liar. I'm just saying if all I ever had was Stacy, I'd still die a happy man."

"I'm with you on that. I think I could be happy with Trisha too." I realized my answer was not as affirmative as his, but I let it slide.

Just then the last couple arrived. Anna and Adam Loya. Anna was a classic Hispanic woman with big brown eyes, black hair and that beautiful Hispanic skin tone. She was a full figured woman with a little too much padding everywhere but when she smiled the whole room lit up and when she laughed it was infectious. Adam was tall and muscular. He was Hispanic as well and I guess he would be considered handsome. As soon as they walked into the room Trisha practically ran to him, threw her arms around him and gave him a long kiss. Anna watched it with an amused look on her face and then she looked around the room. She gave me a smile and then walked over to Bill and gave him a hug. I wasn't surprised when I saw Bill give her ass a good squeeze. Next she introduced herself to Jack with a warm hug. Larry got a long hug and a deep kiss from her and then she was in front of me. Trisha was still holding Adam's arm and talking to him quietly.

"Don't mind your wife." Anna said to me quietly. "I'll make sure you are taken care of properly." She reached up and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me down to kiss me deeply. My God that woman could kiss. I felt my cock stirring and I know she felt it as well. When she finally broke the kiss she stayed in my arms for a moment looking into my eyes. "I know you don't know what is going to happen tonight, but I assure you that if you just let it happen and don't over think anything we will all have fun and you and your beautiful wife will go home together happily married and still in love."

The theory I already had was getting a hell of a lot of supporting evidence. I took in her words and while I'm not a philosopher by any stretch I know wisdom when I hear it. I resolved that whatever happened I would resist reacting until I at least had a chance to think it through. Anna pulled away from me and I realized I'd had my arms around her waist. She may have been a little chubby but she was one hell of a sexy woman.

A few minutes later Mona banged a spoon on a pan and got everyone's attention. "Everyone! Everyone! Okay, I think everyone except Larry and Mark knows what tonight is about, so everyone find your partner and we'll get started."

Larry and I looked at each other but then Trisha was by my side and Stacy took Larry's arm and we joined the circle in the living room. Without me noticing, the living room furniture had been moved back and thick padded mats were covering the solid wood floor. We all sat down on the mats in a circle and then Mona looked around at each of us.

"Okay, so we are going to play some party games to break the ice."

Larry, sitting between Trisha and Stacy to my left, spoke up. "Since Mark and I are the only ones in the dark will someone tell us what is going on?"

I was really glad Larry spoke up but it looked like I was the only one. Finally after a long pause, Mona said. "Okay Larry, I will explain. I'd hoped to break the ice first but I guess it might be better to get it out in the open.

"Bill and I are swingers. Adam and Anna are as well, and Debbie, well Debbie is Debbie." Debbie took a mock bow from the sitting position, leaning over deeply and I swear I caught a glimpse of a nipple as she did. Mona continued. "Stacy joined our group about nine months ago. Trisha joined about six months ago. Neither one felt comfortable without their husbands involved but they also did not know how to tell you. Two weeks ago they came to me and said they wanted to get you guys involved. I suggested this party. Okay it was a little more than that, we talked at length before we came up with this, but that is it in a nutshell."

Stacy turned to Larry. "Larry, I love you, but you know, you have to have known for a long time, I need more than you give me sexually. I can't go back to once-a-week love making in the missionary position. I don't want to lose you, but I need this."

Trisha then turned to me. "I have hidden the real me from you from the first time we met. You were such a good man and I fell head over heels in love with you when we first met, but I mistook your goodness for, well, for stodginess. I truly believed that if you knew I liked sex you would hate me."

I shook my head and started to speak but Trisha put a finger to my lips.

"No, don't speak yet. Please let me finish. Wednesday night I finally let go and let you see a little bit of who I really am. You did not react the way I thought you would. Your acceptance gave me hope. Thursday was for me, in case tonight goes bad. Tonight I'm going to take the biggest risk of my life and open up all the way. You told me I had to make a decision. Well after tonight you will have to make a decision too." She leaned forward and kissed me.

Mona cleared her throat. "So, Larry, if you haven't guessed by now, this is a sex party, and I for one am ready to get it started. Since that is out in the open I think we will skip some of the games we had thought out and go right into one of the sexy games."

A sex party. I knew what they were. I'd had more than my share during my single years. I'd seen the way that Trisha acted around Adam and jealousy flared in my chest. I'd been right. Trisha had been having an affair. And worse she had been denying me sex while she was having her fun. She had lied to me. She had deceived me. I almost stood up and left but then I took a deep breath. I realized that if I left now I would be leaving without Trisha and I would be throwing my marriage away. I had lied to Trisha too. I looked at her sitting there. Her eyes were locked on me and she was holding my hand. She was beautiful and she wanted me involved. She'd made mistakes, but so had I. I wasn't sure I could do this. I wasn't sure I could watch my wife have sex with Adam. But for my wife I had to try. I looked over at Larry. He looked physically ill.

"Okay, I have two bowls. The blue bowl has tokens with each man's name on it. The pink bowl has tokens with each woman's name on it. I'm going to pass them around. Men take a token from the pink bowl. Women take a token from the blue bowl. Don't show them to anyone yet."

The bowls were passed around and I the token I pulled had Debbie's name on it. Once the bowls had both been passed back around to Mona she said, "Okay men keep your token and don't show it to anyone. You will need it in a few minutes but right now I need you all to stand up."

Once we were all standing she continued, "Now ladies, go kneel in front of the man whose token you drew."

The ladies all moved and Stacy knelt in front of me. Trisha knelt in front of Jack. Anna knelt in front of Larry. Mona knelt in front of Adam and finally Debbie knelt in front of Bill.

Mona spoke up once the girls were all in place. "Now as most of you know," she looked pointedly at Larry, "we always have door prizes for the games. This time is no different. So ladies we will be giving blow jobs to our men. The first woman to make her man cum will win the door prize. Men you have to put your hands behind your back and keep them there. You can't help her get your pants undone or in any other way and please be fair and hold back as best you can. If you cum, put your hands up."

I looked at Stacy and then over at Larry. I swear he was shaking and pointedly not looking at Stacy or me. I looked over at Trisha and she stole a quick look at me and then looked back at Jack. I had a feeling that Trisha was going to win the door prize. After all, the blowjobs she had given me the last two nights were mind blowing and she was working with the youngest man in the group.

Mona said "Go!" and Stacy attacked my pants. She yanked my belt open and then quickly got my slacks unsnapped and down. Without ceremony she jerked my boxers down and my cock was free. She did not take any time to admire my manhood. She just grabbed it and sucked it into her mouth. As fast as she was Trisha had been faster and I watched as she swallowed every inch of Jack's hard cock. I wondered if Debbie had been teasing him all night since he was already as stiff as a steel rod before Trisha ever got his pants down.

As Stacy worked my cock I was trying not to freak out. I focused on what Stacy was doing and willed myself to just enjoy it. It was a very erotic situation and I found that I was erect very quickly in Stacy's mouth. She had an unusual technique that consisted mainly of holding the head of my cock in her mouth while using one hand to jack my shaft and the other to squeeze my balls. I had only received two blowjobs in nearly four years but Trisha's blew Stacy's away by a mile. Still I found myself approaching orgasm quickly and to keep myself from cumming too quickly I looked over at Larry and Anna. Anna was having a hard time, or rather Larry was. I watched as Anna slipped him from her mouth and Larry was not erect at all.

Anna looked up at him and smiled. "It's okay Larry, just relax and enjoy what is happening. I assure you that Stacy loves you and will still love you tomorrow." Her words seemed to help but he did not immediately get a hard on even though she went back to work on him and the blow job she was giving him looked a lot better than the one I was receiving.

I looked over at Trisha and I thought the game was about over. Jack's face was tight and strained but then I realized that Trisha had her fingers wrapped around the base of his cock and was intentionally holding off his orgasm for him. She probably didn't want to embarrass him. To my surprise, I realized that I wasn't jealous. I didn't know why but I'd never had a problem with insecurity and maybe that helped. I think that if Trisha and I had not talked and fucked like we did the last two nights and if this party had really been a surprise I would have already been out the door, but as it was I was secure that Trisha loved me. I was just learning who she was and I admired that she had the grace to help the young man out and not embarrass him. I actually felt proud of my wife and that confused the hell out of me. It also helped me hold back.

Suddenly Bill groaned and put his hands up. Debbie had won the door prize. I looked over at Trisha just as she released Jack's cock and he immediately groaned and put his hands up as well. Both Debbie and Trisha swallowed all the cum their partner gave them and then the game was over and Stacy pulled off of me.

She smiled up and me and said, "I'll get you next time."

"You almost had me this time. Thanks."

"My pleasure." She stood up and gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

I saw all the other women do the same and then Trisha came back over to me. I started to pull my pants up, but Trisha stopped me.

"Anything that comes off in this party stays off until the end. It's a rule."

I nodded to her and just stepped out of my pants and boxers. I took off my shoes and socks as well and set all of it back out of the way. I looked around and realized all the men had done the same.

Trisha took me in her arms and kissed me deeply. I thought I could taste Jack's cum on her lips but I forced myself to not pull back. I was afraid Trisha would take it the wrong way. When our kiss ended, Trisha smiled up at me. "Thank you."

I gave her a smile. "We have a lot to talk about. You know?"

Her smile faded. "I know."