The Perils of Rock n Roll Decadence


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That thought set another lance of pleasure burning into Mia's pussy. She was going to have to stand next to Ethan, and kiss him, while his friend's cum coated her lips and face and covered her tits like rubbed in lotion. Mia's eyes fluttered as the pleasure of the thought rushed through her intoxicatingly.

For a moment all the hot girlfriend could do was kneel there feeling the wet liquid coating her and hornily contemplate what she was going to do when her eyes fell on Theo's gently softening cock and rose to his gorgeous, cocky face. Mia had known when they were having sex that she would let him fuck her again. She had had no doubts that she wouldn't resist this time. And looking up at her boyfriend's friend now as he sat splayed out in front of her, his chest heaving from exertion as sweat covered his body, Mia could only feel excited about the next time they would screw. Excited about how Theo would own her even though she was Ethan's. Excited about how and where he would fuck her and where Ethan would be. It was like a drug and Mia could feel everything in her pulsing in time with the heady beat. Her pussy most of all.

And that was when Mia knew what she was going to do. And so letting her lips curve sensually in a sexy smile, Mia ran her hands up onto Theo's legs, caressing him softly before arching her back, pushing her tits towards him, and staring longingly into his eyes, her mouth clamped shut. Theo smiled down at her, watching, as the sun weakly broke through the rain clouds long enough to glint off the cum covering her body, then Mia pressed one of her fingers to her lips. It took a moment for Theo to click on to what she was implying silently, but when he did a wide grin broke out on his face that sent a thrill through Mia. As the recognition dawned Mia lifted her other hand to mime wiping herself and smiled again as Theo reached for a towel for her.

Mia only smiled more as she didn't take the towel and instead began rubbing his cum into her face and lips, then massaged the rest into her chest, coating her tits and erect nipples. Theo watched intently as Mia's hands moved slowly, deliberately, and sexily, circling her nipples, pinching them, cupping her tits and weighing them in her hands, teasing her fingers around her lips and running them over the soft flesh, and gently rubbing his cum into her skin like moisturizer. Finally Mia knelt before her boyfriend's friend coated in his cum but none remained to be seen. That was, until Theo pointed to his hair and Mia remembered. Taking the towel she gently ran the soft cloth over her hair and looked up at Theo to make sure she had gotten it all before she tossed the thing aside and once more smiled up at him. Cum still filling her mouth, coating her tongue and teeth.

"Fuck you're hot!" Was all Theo could say at the end of her show and Mia's lips curved just a little more naughtily before she stood up and leaned back against the connecting door, naked.

Holding out her hands she pointed toward her underwear and waited with a playful smile for Theo to pick it up and hand it to her.

Toying with the thin material, Mia watched her boyfriend's friend before she elegantly lifted one leg to slide the strap over and then switched sexily to her other leg. Then, bending over with her bare ass pressed against the door, her cum-filled pussy red and just-fucked so close to Ethan, Mia pulled her underwear up and let the straps slap her hips as she let them go.

Crooking her finger at her bra Mia's smile deepened as she slipped the straps over her arms and pushed her tits out as she reached behind her to snap the bra together. Theo's eyes were avidly locked to her chest as her tits jiggled lustfully then pushed against their new confines almost desperate to be freed again.

Stretching and taking a hold of the door above her, Mia stood sexily waiting, silent and playful, until Theo picked up her dress and walked over to her with desire burning in his eyes. Holding it out to her by the shoulder straps Theo's hands shook from the lust coursing through him as he watched Mia sexily slip the dress back on and then turn around, pressing her tits against the door Ethan was behind, her hands flat and her cum-filled mouth touching the wood with her lips, waiting for him to zip her up. Theo played along perfectly, breathing heavier and cinching her waist as he spun her around, pressing her hard against the door almost like he was about to take her again. But Mia pressed her finger against his lips and smiled as her eyes twinkled.

Running her finger from his mouth down...down...down his chest towards his twitching dick Mia almost lost the cum in her mouth as she tried to bite her bottom lip excitedly. Keeping her eyes locked on his though the hot girlfriend held back and leaned against the door. Fuck! There was so much she wanted to say to him, so much she wanted to flirt and promise...but this...this was too hot. And both of them knew it. And there was plenty of time for the rest of it later on. They had the rest of their lives to fuck like rabbits and tease each other about it. There would never be another perfect moment...a first this again.

And so Mia kept her mouth closed and swirled her tongue in Theo's cum as she gently pushed her boyfriend's friend back and finished getting herself ready.

There was only so much she could do about her hair. It wasn't a complete mess but it was definitely not as perfect as it had been. It screamed 'sex' when she looked at it but hopefully Ethan wouldn't notice too much. When she was finally ready Mia stood in the middle of Theo's room with her boyfriend's friend resting his hands on her hips as he still stood naked. Mia's hand trailed over his hard body with a mix of excited anticipation and reluctance to move...until her fingers trailed down to rest on his impressive dick. Then her eyes lit up.

"It's a shame you can't stay longer." Theo said insinuatingly and Mia breathed heavily through her nose as her heartbeat sped up. Fuck, but she wished she could. "I would love you to tell me how much fun you had just. How you aren't going to resist me any more. How much you want me to fuck you again!"

Mia felt her pussy burning at every word and desperately wanted to open her mouth. Partly because what he was said was true. And partly because she didn't want him thinking she was a total slut for his cock. Even if she was. Holding her mouth closed was one of the hardest things she had ever done. And Theo just grinned at her as he knew it.

"But I get it." He continued as he ran his fingers over her cum-coated lips. A naughty gleam entering his eyes. "I wish I could be there to watch you swallow my cum right in front of Ethan." He added softly, almost caressingly, and Mia felt her legs tremble. She was actually going to do it! And fuck, did it feel hot! "I'll just have to fuck you hard as you tell me about it next time."

Mia's smile was tremulous with excitement and desire and she gently brushed her face against his finger before she looked up into his eyes once more, her expression saying more than words as she looked at him with complete open desire. She was his, and she was happy to be his. And she had loved every second of it.

Finally, after the longest few seconds of her life, Mia broke eye contact and stepping away from Theo reached for the door handle...of the connecting door. It was only when she had taken it in her hand and begun to turn it that her heart suddenly jumped and she realized what she was doing. Spinning around with red cheeks she let go of the handle and almost burst out laughing as Theo stared at her confusedly for a moment before he did break out in a soft laugh.

"Well that was close." He said amused and Mia felt her heart leaping around in her chest.

Close was not the word! She had been so focused on what she was doing, Theo, and how she was feeling that she hadn't thought about the connecting door. It had just been the way she had gone through to her and Ethan's room the night before! But close? If she had walked through that door after Ethan had heard all the sex there would be no hiding that it had been her at all! Unless by some miracle her boyfriend wasn't sitting in the room just as she came through from the room he had heard a woman screaming in passion from moments earlier!

"Looks like more than your knees are a little dazed from me." Theo added smugly and Mia slapped his chest before making her way towards the door towards the corridor, her heart running at about a million miles per hour.

Reaching for the door handle the hot girlfriend peeked through the peephole and felt a little relief as she saw no one in the corridor. Turning to smile and wave at Theo she was surprised when her boyfriend's friend was behind her and leaned down to gently kiss the cheek he hadn't cum on.

"I can't wait to see you again." He whispered with honesty and desire, and Mia felt her stomach flip as she wanted to repeat the words to him.

Instead all she did was touch his cheek and smile with eyes that blazed hotly and begged him to fuck her against that door, before she turned and slowly opened the door. Half-peeking out of the room, Mia made sure no one would see her leave Theo's room before she slipped out and with one last wave backed away from his room.

Walking sideways as she cutely waved at her boyfriend's friend who, uncaringly, stood naked in his own doorway looking almost like a lost puppy, Mia turned and tried to put Theo and his enormous cock out of her mind. She had to lest she say something or do something that let Ethan know what she had been doing. And so as she reached her and Ethan's door Mia took a moment to come to herself. She checked her hair, her clothes, smiled to herself as if Ethan were there, and checked to make sure she still had the pills she had gone to get. When she was finally done she took a deep breath and made sure she didn't look suspicious or like she had a mouthful of anything, and then pushed the key card into the door and stepped inside. Her stomach and pussy fluttering like wildfire.

The room was silent and tidy after Theo's room and Mia walked in closing the door behind her wondering where Ethan was. And then she saw his legs on the bed. Making her way in, her stomach fluttering and her mind whirling as she felt Theo's hot cum filling her mouth, Mia walked over to the en-suite door and leaned against it, looking over at her sweet boyfriend.

Ethan lay on the bed looking pale but stronger than he had the night before. He had his earphones in and was obviously listening to music, whether out of boredom or to quiet what he had heard coming from Theo's room Mia didn't know. Likely both. But he looked gorgeous as always. And Mia felt her heart going out to him the moment she saw him. Fuck but she loved him so much. How that squared with what she had just done, what she fully intended to do in the future, and that she was currently standing not far from him with his friend's cum in her mouth, Mia didn't know nor understand. But it was true. And oddly she didn't feel any guilt over what had just happened or what she was doing. Nor did she feel for one second that she wasn't going to let Theo get her on her back again. Whatever she had with Theo it was fun and addictive. But she loved Ethan. And that wouldn't change.

It took her boyfriend a little while to notice that Mia was standing there, and it wasn't exactly like Mia was in any position to announce herself, so she just made it look like she was happily staring at him in love. Which she was.

When Ethan finally noticed her his eyes lit up and then...then he noticed what she was wearing and they lit up again. Staring at her with love and desire her boyfriend swung his legs from the bed and pushed himself up, only then realising that he had his earphones in and pulling them out, dropping his iPod on the bed as he stood staring at her open mouthed.

"Wow!" Was all he said as his eyes travelled up and down her before once more settling on her face.

Mia just smiled and stared at him, trembling as she felt his friend's cum in her mouth and struggled to keep herself steady from how her head swam with horny lust.

"You look incredible!" Ethan added, making Mia's lips curve even further, before he walked a little closer to her. His legs still seemed to shake and wobble a little as he moved but the fact he could hold himself up was a huge improvement over how he had been the night before.

Mia wanted to reply but with her mouth full of cum it was not easy. So she glanced down at herself and then looked up into Ethan's eyes as he came wrap his arms around her.

"But then you always look beautiful." He said as his hands found her waist. Then gave her one of his patented 'in love' looks. "God, I love you!"

Feeling her heart swell at his words and how she felt the same Mia felt her pussy tingle hotter at hearing him say those words while she held Theo's cum in her mouth.

Letting her tongue swirl around in the thick, potent seed Mia stared up lovingly into Ethan's eyes and swallowed. Feeling the slimy cum ooze down her throat and leave a coating all over the inside of her mouth Mia felt her pussy pulse like a drum being beaten heavily, her stomach fluttering as her head spun at just how naughty she was being, before she opened her mouth and spoke.

"I love you too." She said honestly as cum coated the inside of her mouth and lips and she finally felt Theo's thick seed slide into her belly. The cum in her pussy only felt hotter and wetter as those four words left her mouth.

Fuck but her head swam with lust at what she had just done and how! It was so naughty and hot! She almost wanted to run back through to Theo and jump on him!

"I see I missed you getting dressed." Ethan replied warmly and disappointedly as he looked her over.

"Well the shower did you good, and the rest. And there's plenty of time for you to see me getting dressed in the future." She told him kindly but with a little pleased smirk

"Still, I would have loved to see you getting into this..." He began, then trailed off as he ran his finger under the strap of the dress.

Mia's face lit up a little more and she took hold of his hand before he could slip the strap off her shoulder.

"You're still not well enough for that, mister." She warned him lovingly, then added with a conspiratorial smirk, "Besides, we don't have enough time."

The fact that she said that sent a lance of heat through Mia. Ethan couldn't have her. They didn't have time even if he was well enough. But his friend got to fuck her. And that was why they didn't have time.

Ethan's eyes sparkled playfully as he fingered the strap before finally taking hold of her hand.

"You'd be surprised how well I am." He replied teasingly, "And I think we have enough time. Theo certainly did, so I doubt he's ready yet."

Mia felt a flutter rush through her stomach at the mention of Theo and fought to keep her face straight. Though whether from playfulness or concern Mia didn't know.

"Theo did what?" Mia asked trying to sound nonchalant and like she had no idea what her boyfriend was talking about.

"Theo and the girl he had yesterday were at it again while you were out. They only stopped a little before you got back, so at least you missed that fun show." Ethan answered amusedly, shaking his head before carrying on, "They were so loud I had to put my headphones on, and even then I could still hear her. It sounded like she was having a great time. Never heard anyone that loud before. But I didn't want to listen. She was saying a whole lot of crazy stuff. If you thought what we told you Naomi was like was bad you'll be glad you missed this. She was loud and having fun! And they've only just stopped. So I doubt Theo is in any position to leave just yet."

Mia felt her cheeks going red as her boyfriend described more of what 'the girl' was like and some of the things he had heard her say. Fuck! Her pussy pulsed hotter and her whole body tingled all over at just how much her boyfriend had heard -- practically everything until he had put his earphones in and then he had heard bits amongst the muffled screams! Another heavy pulse of heat lanced through Mia's horny young body at that. It had been one thing thinking of Ethan hearing her while she was having sex with his friend, it was another to know that he actually had heard so much! Fuck! She had to squeeze her thighs together and hold tighter to Ethan's hand not to go running back to Theo for round three.

"Well as long as you weren't bothered by it." Mia replied huskily, her voice thick with the horniness she felt right then.

"Bothered? It's what you expect being next to Theo." Ethan joked as he squeezed her waist and let his other hand slip down to join in, "Though I've never heard anyone as vocal as she was. She must really have enjoyed herself!"

"I'm sure she did." Mia replied with a weak smile that was faint due to the horniness pounding through her rather than anything else.

Fuck! Ethan had heard her having sex with his friend! He had listened! He had heard all that she had said, heard her moans and screams...fuck! Mia's pussy burned so hot she almost collapsed on the floor in a melted heap!

"I'd say. 'oh Theo, your dick is so big, fuck me! I love your big cock! Fuck me like your slut!'" Ethan laughed as he put on his only female voice once more.

Without thinking Mia slapped him. She had not sounded like that! And then realised what she had done as he looked down at her with a playful grin.

"I'm sure she didn't sound anything like that!" Mia quickly said to defend herself and Ethan looked at her a moment before laughing.

"Trust me, she did. Only a lot more emphatic." Her boyfriend replied adamantly, and Mia did her best not to slap him again. She hadn't sounded anything like that at all. Well, maybe a little...but still!

"Well at least she was enjoying herself." Mia defended herself again without her boyfriend knowing.

"I think the whole hotel knows that." Ethan laughed, and then suddenly became a lot more serious and conspiratorial, "I think she also had a boyfriend. I'm sure that's what she said a few times." He added as he shook his head. "Bad boy, Theo. Bad boy."

Mia's cheeks heated again at that and the playful way her boyfriend told his friend off.

"Well, you know what Theo is like." Mia replied before thinking that she knew exactly what Theo was like. It was a good thing she believed when he had told her that she was more than just another notch on his bed!

"Well, I feel sorry for whoever her boyfriend is because she was very loud and clear about what she thought of Theo." Ethan responded as he clasped her waist once more before turning around, "Just be glad you weren't here. You would've thought she was some kind of slut. I'm sure Marie and Johnnie will have. She was loud enough to easily be heard by them as well."

Mia suddenly felt her heart race. She had forgotten all about Marie and Johnnie being on the other side of Theo's room! If Ethan had heard then they would have as well! How much had they heard? Had they heard when she said Ethan's name or when Theo had said hers? Obviously Ethan hadn't but had they? Fuck! Why was that so hot as well as so worrying?

Clearing her throat Mia suddenly became aware of her cheeks going red and tried to think of anything other than Theo to calm down.

"She sounds like a slut." Mia agreed, and felt a burning hot lance stab into her pussy hornily as she agreed for more reasons than her boyfriend knew. Quickly though Mia took the pills out and flipped them over in her hands as she tried to change the subject. Fuck she was getting flustered. What had she been thinking?? "I got you these." She added as she held them out to Ethan.