The Perils of Rock n Roll Decadence


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Her boyfriend smiled as he turned around and took them from her.

"Aww, thank you, babe." He replied sweetly, then squeezed passed her to the en-suite for a drink, muttering as he went, "I wonder who she was?" Then, in a louder voice as the tap came on he asked her, "Do you think Marie and Johnnie knew her? Did you see him with any girl?"

"I only saw him with me." Mia replied without thinking as her mind was on what Marie and Johnnie may have heard and what they might say. Suddenly she realised what her words might mean but Ethan quickly put the worry out of her head as he came through muttering how he would have to ask Marie and Johnnie then if they knew who this girl was.

Feeling like she had just escaped by the skin of her teeth, Mia tried her best to change the subject, which wasn't easy when Ethan had a 'mystery' to solve. But finally the two of them were getting ready to head downstairs and were talking about how Ethan was feeling -- which turned out to be surprisingly much better after his rest -- as they headed toward the elevator.

As the loving pair headed down to the lobby Mia was wondering whether Theo would be there already, however as she rounded the corner and saw Marie and Johnnie waiting by the hotel's main doors she knew that Ethan's friend wasn't there yet. The look of being perpetually chased wasn't about Marie.

And so, heading over with a bright smile and trying to appear as natural as she could Mia reached out to hug Marie as Ethan clasped hands with Johnnie and the group said their hellos.

"Quite a night, ah?" Marie's boyfriend finally said as Ethan slipped his arm around Mia's waist once more and the couples stood waiting for their other two friends.

"For you guys, I hear." Ethan replied sounding more like his normal self, "Though Mia seems to have enjoyed herself from all I heard."

Smiling up at her boyfriend Mia heard more in what her boyfriend said than what was actually there. She knew that. But even so it still made her heart beat faster. He had heard her the night before from what he had said and he had definitely heard her just. So Mia couldn't help but interpret more than one meaning to his words even though if there had been Ethan definitely would not have been as affectionate as he was being. Unless he enjoyed the idea of her cheating on him, of course. Which Mia knew he wouldn't.

"It was an amazing night!" Marie exclaimed, sounding as excited as she had been after the show, "It was a shame you missed it, Eth. And it was a shame you missed the club, Mia! It was so much fun. You should have seen Migs!"

That last was more than enough for Mia as suddenly the excitement from the night before that wasn't connected to Theo fucking her brains out all came back and Mia's head immediately span for a different reason.

"You mean with the support band?" Mia asked excitedly and felt her stomach flutter all the more as her friend nodded just as enthusiastically.

Spilling the beans took a good while but Mia was engrossed and barely noticed the time passing as she listened with shock, glee, and amazement as her short friend let her in on all of the gossip she missed the night before. Apparently Migs had hit it off with the singer of the support band so well that he hadn't even come back to the hotel last night and had only sent a message to Johnnie about not waiting for him moments before Mia and Ethan had arrived!

To think their friend was a groupie...and not just any groupie, but one who was such a hit with the support band that he obviously spent the night with the singer! Holy fuck! But what hit Mia more was that Migs had said he had met Dark Desire after Marie and Johnnie had left and that he had a whole bunch of signed things for them! Mia jumped up and down excitedly with Marie at that, both girls on the verge of screaming in glee.

And that was just part of the adventure Mia's friends had gotten up to. From the sounds of it dancing, drinking, and hanging out with a rock band were the least of what they had done. Mia would have been jealous if she hadn't thought of just how amazing her night had been. She wouldn't have traded a night of the best sex of her life for anything. Though it did come close at parts.

Mia was just thinking about that last when Marie chimed in with a question so close that Mia almost worried her friend had seen something on her face.

"So what did you get up to last night after you left with Theo?" Marie asked, and oddly Mia wondered if she had misheard her friend's tone as too innocent as she stood looking up at her.

"Oh nothing much. Not like you guys. I checked on Ethan. Hung out a little with Theo. But it didn't take him long before he was busy with a girl." She answered as honestly and as vaguely as she could.

Mia hoped that they took that for a lack of excitement compared to what they had been doing rather than that she was trying to avoid the subject. She thought it worked, at least Johnnie and Ethan seemed to take it so, but Marie seemed to have a little glint in her eye and a small smile on her face. Or was that just Mia's 'guilty' imagination?

"No need to say more." Johnnie said with a smirk that Ethan shared.

"Yep. I swear he didn't want me to sleep last night." Ethan joked and Johnnie laughed.

Mia was about to make a comment when Marie chimed in.

"I know. We heard. For hours it went on. And they were both loud and emphatic!" Mia's short friend added, and Mia looked at her with as close to a blank expression on her face as she could muster. Was there something accusatory in Marie's expression? No. No, she was just imagining things because she was looking for them. "You believe us now, Mia?"

For a moment Mia couldn't say a word. She remembered everything they had said and everything she had said to Theo about what they had told her. And just how well he had proved them true throughout the whole night. And so she tried to make sure she picked her words carefully just in case she let too much on.

"Every word." Was all she said. And fuck was that true. She did believe every word they had said now. She knew it was all true from first hand experience.

The group laughed at that as if Mia's innocence about their friend had finally been shattered. Almost like she had lost her innocence virginity. How close that was to the truth Mia made sure she didn't let on.

She was about to try to change the subject when Marie did it for her. Albeit in a way that suddenly made Mia even more self-conscious.

"Did you do something extra with your self today, Mia? You have a...glow, about you?" She asked curiously, and Mia was sure she heard a little insinuation in her friend's voice, but she had no idea why until Johnnie suddenly chimed in with a slap on Ethan's arm.

"Probably an 'after-sex' glow, ah Eth?" Marie's boyfriend jibed and Ethan laughed good-naturedly, not letting on that they hadn't been able to have sex due to how ill he was.

"That's probably it." Marie said convinced with a glance at Mia that seemed significant. Unless Mia's mind really was working overtime. Which it probably was given how Ethan had said that Marie and Johnnie had probably heard her too.

A sudden thought then hit Mia and her stomach seemed to turn upside down. Was Marie acting strangely because she had heard something? Mia wracked her brain trying to think and was sure that she had called out Ethan's name more than once while having sex with Theo, and Theo had definitely used her name more than once. Had Marie heard? Feeling a knot form in her stomach Mia looked at her friend and read things in her face that could or could not have been there.

Were the comments about her having a glow just because she did have an after-sex glow after being fucked within an inch of her life by Theo just minutes before, or was it because Marie had heard her name while she was having sex and was hinting that she knew? Was that why she had asked if Mia believed them now? Mia suddenly felt her stomach churning, twisting the cum that filled it as she tried to appear as calm and innocent as she could.

If Marie had heard, then surely Johnnie had? But he was acting normal. And surely he wouldn't be ok with it even if Marie would be! And Marie wouldn't be ok if she had heard Mia cheating on Ethan with their big dicked friend. Would she? Mia felt her heart racing at the thought that she had been caught. There was only one thing she could do though. Act normal and see if she could figure it out. If Marie did know she hadn't let on other than through hints, and if she didn't then Mia didn't want to let her know. And Johnnie clearly didn't know. So maybe Marie didn't as well. Whatever it was there was only one way to deal with it. Be as calm and nonchalant as possible, as if Mia had nothing to hide and see if her friend let on any more.

"It's just because I'm so happy that Ethan's feeling better." She said finally as she stroked her boyfriend's arm. "And from how amazing it was last night. I just wish you could have been there babe."

Mia felt like she had made a master stroke of turning that one around from her as all eyes were suddenly on Ethan as he smiled lovingly down at her.

"I'm just glad you had a good time and got to see them." He replied warmly and Mia felt her heart swell at the honesty and caring way her boyfriend was.

"Yeah, though your throat doesn't seem to have done too well. You're all husky, Mia. Too much screaming last night?" Marie asked, once again perfectly innocently but for a moment Mia looked at her friend as if there were more insinuation behind her words before she finally smiled and nodded.

She hadn't noticed her voice before but now she suddenly did, especially as Ethan looked at her and added, "That's what I was trying to figure out. Do you need something for your throat, Mia?"

She had been screaming and singing at the top of her lungs at the show, and usually that did leave her voice wrecked for the day after. But Mia had left the show just fine so her voice sounding so husky could only have been because of one thing: Theo. She had been screaming and crying out for hours while having sex with Theo, and that was just last night. She had been screaming her head off only minutes before in passion too. And then there was the fact she had had her throat fucked for the first time ever last night. More than once as well. It was no wonder her throat was a little rough when she spoke. But of course Mia couldn't say any of that. But did Marie know? Was that what she was insinuating about?

"Too much singing and screaming at the show, I guess." Mia replied as calmly as she could, "I'll be fine with a little rest."

If Theo gave her voice and throat a rest in the next few days. Something told Mia that it wouldn't be that long before she was riding his dick again.

"You can never scream too much if you're enjoying yourself." Marie replied in that same innocent yet seemingly insinuating tone.

Mia tried to tell herself to shut up. She was just imagining things. Marie would not be ok with her cheating on Ethan, least of all with Theo. And she would have let on more than she had by now if she did know something. She would have pulled Mia aside or something to ask about it. At least, that's what Mia thought her friend would do. Maybe she just had suspicions. Unconfirmed and wondering. Or maybe Mia was just imagining things because she knew the truth and had no idea what Marie knew. Whatever the truth it wasn't doing Mia any good reading in to every little word and look her friend gave. She was going to slip up for sure if she kept going that way. The best thing she could do was to pretend Marie knew nothing unless her friend came out with something more concrete.

"You had a good night when you got back though?" Marie asked, going back to the subject that had started all of this off, "I was surprised that Theo didn't come back. I wonder where he found a girl. I didn't see him with anyone at the show."

"There were a lot of girls at the hotel when we got back." Mia replied, trying to remember if there were or not. She was sure there were. She hadn't really been thinking straight or in any state to concentrate on anything but her soaked clothes at that point. But she was sure there were. Theo would have known. At least, if he had had eyes for anyone but her at that point, anyway. "He probably just hit on the first girl he saw and got her. You know what he is like."

Now that was certainly all true. He had hit on the first girl he saw: her.

"That's true. Though from what I heard they both had a good time, so more power to them." Marie replied with a small, knowing smile and Mia felt her cheeks heating again as she thought of her friends hearing her have sex with Theo. Fuck it was hot, but also a little embarrassing to be caught out.

"Well, I think she had a boyfriend, so Theo was being a bad boy." Ethan responded with a boyish amusement that Johnnie seemed to share as he grinned too.

"I heard that too!" Marie chimed in, though she sounded anything but judgemental. If anything she was quite clearly amused and excited. Mia would have thought that odd, but Marie carried on speaking and she lost herself in her conspiratorial thoughts once more, "She was very emphatic about it. Though she didn't sound like she missed him at all. If anything she sounded very...impressed...with Theo!"

Mia's cheeks darkened to crimson and she tried her best to play it as that she was a little uncomfortable about the whole conversation, especially when Marie gave her a look that Mia was certain held more in it than just curiosity at what she thought! Damn it, did Marie know something? Was she insinuating she knew it was Mia who had been 'very impressed with Theo'? Fuck!

"I wonder who she was." Johnnie thought aloud

"I wonder..." Marie repeated before looking at Mia, "You were the last one who saw him. Did you not see him with any girl?"

"The last girl I saw him with was me." Mia replied honestly and then suddenly felt her heart jump as she once again realised what she had said and what it could tell the others.

Fortunately none of them seemed to catch on. At least, Ethan and Johnnie just seemed to continue to look curious and Marie did no more than nod. Mia felt as if her heart was going to pound out of her chest. Thankfully her perfect boyfriend came to her rescue, albeit unintentionally.

"Maybe it was that girl who bit your neck, Mia?" He asked and Mia could have kissed him and punched him at the same time.

While his question had given her the perfect way out -- after all, the 'girl' he was referring to had been right next to her and away from the others in the story she had come up with -- it also suddenly drew everyone's attention to the mark on her neck that Theo had left her with. Damn him!

For a moment the three of them made a fuss about Mia's neck and everyone took a look, of course. And so Mia had to regale them all with the story of 'what happened'. Thankfully everyone seemed to believe her. The concert had been packed and there had been many times when no one had been paying attention to the others, so it seemed plausible, but even so Marie still seemed to give her small, amused smile as she looked the mark over and laughed.

"I wonder who she is." Johnnie said aloud, before looking at Mia, "What was she like?"

The most successful lies were always the simplest and Mia knew that the more she added to this story the more chance she had of being caught out, so she just shrugged her shoulders.

"Just a girl." Was all she replied, hoping that she didn't sound like she was jealous of the girl with Theo. 'The girl', anyway.

Fortunately Mia didn't have to say any more as just as she spoke and Marie opened her mouth to say something Johnnie caught sight of Theo walking around the corner from the elevators and heading right towards them. Saved by the guy who had caused all of this in the first place! Mia wasn't lost to the irony.

"Hey guys!" The rockstar looking friend announced as he made his way over, "Hey Eth, looking good! Glad to see it." He added with a clap on Ethan's shoulder and a shake of his hand.

Mia couldn't help but feel a thrill rush through her as she watched Theo shake hands with Ethan. Those hands had been around his cock as he pumped his cum all over Mia's face and tits not longer before, and before that cinched around her waist as he fucked her hard from behind. And now they were grasping Ethan's hand in friendship as if Theo hadn't just fucked Ethan's girlfriend. The whole scene set Mia's pussy stirring and she had no idea why. She should feel bad for Ethan, he was so loving and sweet and didn't deserve any of this, but all Mia could feel was turned on. He would never know if she had her way.

"Hey Mia, looking good as always." Theo said to her as if nothing had happened, for which Mia was grateful. She had had images of him flaunting that he had had her in front of everyone in what he thought were 'subtle' ways. "You don't look like you've caught Ethan's bug. Must have been keeping warm, ah?"

Mia's heart skipped a beat at the subtle insinuation and the glint in Theo's eyes. Unlike with Marie, Mia knew that this was there as she looked at her boyfriend's friend. She knew it! She knew he wouldn't be able to resist. But at least he was being more subtle than she had expected.

"Yeah, it was a hot night." Mia replied and had no idea why she had said that.

Glancing between everyone else to see if they picked up on the obvious flirtation Mia was grateful that none seemed to have blinked an eye at her comment. And she had worried that he would be the unsubtle one!

"Yeah, I had the hottest night." Theo replied with a cheeky grin and a wink. Fortunately everyone seemed to take this just as Theo hinting at his night with 'the girl' rather than as a reply to her. Mia felt her heart race faster. There was something fun about insinuating about what had happened in front of everyone when they didn't know. Fun and scary. But that scariness only made it that much more intoxicatingly fun. Her head almost spun off as Theo added, "I've seen this bug. You've got to make sure you eat the right things and swallow your medication. You've been doing both though, right?"

Mia felt her stomach flutter at the obvious hint at her swallowing his cum more than once but once again none of the others picked up on the double entendre.

"I always eat the best things." She teased, a little more flirtily than she had anticipated but everyone only watched as Theo grinned then looked at Marie and Johnnie.

"Looking good you guys! Was the night good fun?" Theo asked as if he hadn't just been talking to Mia about her swallowing his sticky seed.

Mia's eyes glinted with naughty excitement and she gave Ethan a smile and cuddle against his arm as Johnnie and Marie began to catch Theo up on their night and what had happened with Migs. Both of which left Theo in rightful awe.

"Sounds like everyone had a great night! Except you, Eth." He said with a friendly slap in the stomach.

"Well, we all know you did. As usual." Johnnie chimed in with an amused roll of his eyes and Theo gave his best cheeky, mischievous, yet innocent look.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Theo replied with barely passable acting.

"Yeah you do. And so does the rest of the hotel. You kept us all up all night!" Marie's boyfriend jibed and Theo broke out into a wide grin after a moment of keeping the charade going.

"Fine, fine. You got me. But I didn't keep you all up last night. Mia, did I keep you up last night?" Theo replied, and then asked Mia as if he weren't playing with her exactly like his cheeky grin said he was.

Mia had to swallow hard and think of what to say before she spoke.