The Perils of Rock n Roll Decadence


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"Yeah, you did. But I didn't mind. At least now I know everything these guys said about you is true." She replied with just a hint of flirtation at the end.

Theo only grinned amusedly at how beautifully Mia had said two things at once. One to him and another to the others.

"Oh, and what did these guys say?" He asked smugly, knowing full well after she told him. Fortunately Johnnie came to her rescue. Unbeknownst to him, of course.

"That you're a dick who keeps everyone awake when you have sex." Marie's boyfriend joked and Theo looked at him with mock astonishment and outrage.

"I do not!" Theo replied in the most unconvincing tone ever. As everyone stared at him blank faced he finally gave in...with a huge grin, "Can't help being a stud, Johnnie. I'll give you some tips for Marie sometime."

Mia's short friend once more smiled that coy little smile she had been giving all day yesterday at that and for a moment Mia forgot all about wondering if Marie knew anything about her and Theo and wondered once more what that smile was about.

"I didn't keep you up, did we, Ethan?" Theo asked, sounding genuinely curious and concerned even as he flashed Mia a roguish grin.

"Well let's just say it was a good job I wasn't feeling so great. At least I got some sleep." Mia's boyfriend answered and Johnnie and Marie broke out in soft laughter. "Though how you managed to find the loudest girl in the world I'll never know. Trust you."

Mia felt her stomach flip at those words and almost slapped Ethan until she realised that he had no idea he was talking about her and caught herself. She hadn't been that loud. Had she?

"Well, when a girl really enjoys herself she can't keep it in." Theo replied with a playful smirk as he gave Mia a hooded glance and this time Mia felt like slapping Theo, only she couldn't do that without everyone wondering why. She would save that for later. "And I could always give you tips for Mia as well. I know what she would like" Her boyfriend's friend barely missed saying the word 'now' but Mia could still hear it in his voice as he trailed off with a cheeky smirk. Ethan had only a moment to get as defensive as Johnnie had when Theo added, "But what can I say? She said I was the best sex she had ever had. How could she not be vocal about it?"

The others only groaned at Theo's posturing but Mia almost goggled at what he came out with. Saying that in front of her boyfriend! Telling Ethan that she had said Theo was better than Ethan was!! Of course, Ethan had no idea it was her Theo was talking about but still. What was he going to do next, tell them she had gagged on his cock as she deep-throated him for the first time ever??

"Yeah, I think we all heard her scream that last night and this morning." Ethan replied with an amused smirk as he shook his head.

"As well as hearing that she had a boyfriend." Johnnie chimed in and then everyone looked at Theo whose face suddenly reddened a little. Though Mia had no doubt it had nothing to do with embarrassment.

"And how do you know he wasn't into it?" Theo asked suavely, "I can tell you that he could hear everything she did and said and he wasn't far away, and he never said a word."

Mia's stomach twisted and turned with every word and she felt butterflies the size of her fists inside her at that. Every word was true. But Theo had made it sound like 'the girl's' boyfriend was in on the whole thing rather than what he was actually saying. Suddenly she wanted to jump on him all over again. Fuck this was so risky and yet so fucking hot. It was difficult just keeping herself standing still her pussy almost hummed with desire.

"We know because we know what you're like." Johnnie replied unconvinced, "You're a bad boy, Theo Carter."

"Well, what can I do if she is gagging for it?" Theo replied and this time Mia couldn't hold herself back.

Squeaking a response everyone turned to look at her and Mia quickly covered up by coughing and pretending that it was her throat being sore from the night before's singing and screaming. Her cheeks heated however and this time it wasn't from embarrassment. Oh yes, Theo was going to pay for that one. Gagging for it?

"I doubt she was 'gagging for it'. Probably just curious or bored." Mia said dismissively as a joke and was grateful when the others just laughed. Even Theo.

"Oh she was definitely gagging...literally at times." Theo replied with a playful wink, and none of them needed any further clarification as to what he was referring to. Everyone just groaned and said his name as Mia blushed. He went there! "When she wasn't screaming at the top of her lungs. She was definitely the loudest girl I've ever been with. And the best."

Mia felt her playful outrage at him melt into even more desire at that last. He almost sounded...affectionate.

"Sounds like Theo may be in love." Johnnie joked, voicing Mia's thought.

"Love? Nah. Very much in lust, yeah." Theo replied honestly, "She's not like anyone I've ever been with. You know what I mean, right, Eth? I hope I'll get to see her again."

Mia felt her whole body swirl and tingle. She was flattered that he not only felt that way but that he would honestly say it to all his friends. She knew she had been good, and she knew he had told her that she had been the best he had ever had. But to hear him say it to his friends? Fuck! That was something else.

Ok, maybe he wouldn't have to pay later. Now he just needed to fuck the life out of her. And oh fuck but she was going to ride the life out of him too.

"You'll see her again." Mia said without thinking again, and when everyone turned to look at her she added, "It's Theo. Of course he will."

That seemed to satisfy everyone. But Ethan's tall friend knew exactly what Mia had meant. He would see her again.

"You still haven't told us who she is?" Marie suddenly asked curiously, "You left with Mia last night and no one saw you until now."

"I doubt he'll tell us given that she's got a boyfriend." Johnnie spoke up before Theo could answer. "Theo loves to be the 'mysterious' one, even when he can't keep a secret to save his life."

Mia was grateful for that. She had no idea how Theo was going to get out of that one without a blatant lie. All Theo did was just grin and look at everyone in turn.

"All I'll say is that you should be able to see her from here." Ethan's friend finally said, which left everyone looking around at the packed lobby.

That none thought of looking at Mia or even Marie spoke volumns about how people see what they expect. Mia shared a playful smile with Theo as the other three glanced around trying to figure out who it was.

It didn't take long after that before the five of them were heading back to the car with their bags. They would have been heading back minus Migs at that point however Mia suddenly had a thought and told the others to wait while she would be back in a few minutes. The others of course wanted to know what was going on and so Mia, trying to be honest, told them she had to pop to a store to grab some pills. She wanted some for Ethan for later after all, seeing how he seemed to be doing a little better since he took the last load, and so soon the stunning girlfriend headed around the corner onto one of Shorehaven's many commercial streets.

It didn't take long to find a drug store, though it did take a little longer than she had expected to receive the Morning After pill. Taking it as she walked out of the door with Ethan's pills in her other hand Mia thought that she was going to have to actually start taking the pill regularly now that she was having sex with Theo. There was no way she wanted him to wear a condom...fuck, she wanted him to cum inside she had to do something if she didn't want to get pregnant. And that was just with Theo. When she started letting more of Ethan's friend's fuck her she would definitely need it!

That she actually meant to let more guys have sex with her than her boyfriend, and without condoms and his friends at that!, should have come as a surprise to Mia. Even just as a sudden realisation. But the hot girlfriend suddenly knew that she really had meant everything she had said to Theo last night and this morning. And what was more, she was excited about it. The thrill of cheating on Ethan was like no drug she had ever had before. It was thrilling and intoxicating and all-consuming. That she was cheating with one of his good friends only made it that much hotter. And that she was doing so in a risky way...fuck.

She had never cum so many times as last night, and never as hard. But the idea of letting lots of guys fuck her, sometimes together, and all of them friends of her boyfriend...holy fuck, Mia's legs almost gave way as she was walking back to the car that was so hot! But she would definitely need to be on the pill for that! So it looked like she would have to see her doctor soon. Very soon, given that she had no doubt she would be on Theo's cock again as soon as she could be.

That she would be on the pill sent a shudder through Mia's pussy. It was so illicit and hot. All these guys fucking her without a condom and cumming inside her when her boyfriend had done neither. And knowing that even when she went on the pill and had sex with all these other guys, she was still not going to let Ethan fuck her without a condom, that just made her stomach flutter and her pussy churn ever harder. Fuck she was bad. But oh fuck did it feel so good to be bad!

Finally she made her way back to the car and climbed in next to Ethan, pushing play on her iPod travel playlist so that the speakers blared out Aerosmith's Love in an Elevator as the car began its long journey back to the dorms.

The ride was pretty uneventful yet full of the usual bantering between everyone. The only thing missing other than Migs was that Theo never once hit on Marie, something Mia noticed the smaller woman had picked up on she looked so surprised. Though she did cuddle in to Johnnie a little more and the small, amused smile seemed to disappear. Mia had to figure out what that had been but she had no idea right then, and with others in the car and the possibility Marie may have an idea of what had happened with her and Theo Mia didn't want to bring it up just yet.

Though Mia did feel a swell of pride at how Theo's behaviour had changed. She knew it was because of her, and she knew it was because she really had been the best he had ever had. This knockout guy who could have any woman and had had every woman -- including her now! -- he had ever wanted, he thought she was the best he had ever had. There was something hot and poetic about that, especially after everything. But it was mostly just something that made Mia smug. He had been so cocky and flirty before he had had her. So cocksure. Now he had she had him in the palm of her hand. He would do anything for her, just like she knew she would do anything for his dick.

She had no illusions that either of them loved each other. She loved Ethan wholly and truly. But there was nothing she wouldn't give Theo, and she knew now that there was nothing he wouldn't do for her. And so Mia smiled proudly to herself and lovingly to her boyfriend as they drove on home, winking and smirking insinuatingly in the rearview mirror whenever Theo caught her eye or whenever she looked back to join in with the conversation.

But it was more than Mia that had a good sense of humour and a perfect feeling toward the day as they drove back. It seemed that the gods did as well. At least, from the choice of music that was played randomly from the playlist. Not only did Love in an Elevator play -- reminding Mia of being pressed up against Theo earlier and how she wished now that she had sank to her knees and sucked his cock right then, even with all the people coming in -- but as they travelled back the next track blasted out Motley Crue's Girls, Girls, Girls, reminding Mia of how her long legs had been around Theo the night before and today, and just how much he had made them rock and raise hell.

More songs played and more thoughts entered the dark-haired girlfriend's mind so that she flashed her eyes or gave Theo a look, sometimes even a glance at her cleavage as she half-turned to 'join in with the conversation'...or to flirt with him with another kind of flash. Bon Jovi's Bad Medicine played, with Mia touching her lips whenever 'on your knees' was said, and running her fingers up her legs at the line 'you're an all night generator wrapped in stockings and a dress' came on. Rebel Yell played, flashing in Mia's mind when she had cried out to Theo for 'more, more, more'. You Shook Me All Night Long, Custard Pie, and more blasted out sending more thoughts through the hot girlfriend's mind. More memories. Until even songs that weren't specifically about sex became an innuendo to her. Like the Beatles' Come Together and Faith No More's Epic. After all, what had been in her face she had grabbed, and the two of them had cum together more than once. And would again.

The songs only fuelled the flirting between Mia and Theo and the subtle innuendos and hints at what they had done...and would do. At one point Theo even began playing the video he had took of Mia sucking his dick the night before, and even flashed a quick look at Johnnie when his friend told him to put it away, asking if anyone else would like to watch. That they could see who 'the girl' was. Albeit with his dick in her mouth. Although no one took him up on the offer Mia felt her pussy blaze to life and her stomach rampage with butterflies at the brazen and risky way that Theo was behaving. Part of her deseperately wanted to tell him to stop, knowing how close Ethan was to finding out. And part of her rabidly wanted to climb into the back seat and ride his dick to hell and back. Fuck!

But that wasn't all. Theo even fished out Mia's purple bra that he had kept and showed the others, even Ethan, saying it was from the girl he had 'nailed' the night before. Everyone was mixed between disgusted and intrigued as he held it in front of him while he talked and Marie and Johnnie played guessing games about who the girl could be. All the while Mia felt hotter and hotter at the barefaced, blatant way that Theo was showing off it was Mia to everyone. Mia even worried that Ethan would notice that the bra was hers. He had so desperately wanted to see her in it the day before. But much to Mia's pussy's delight her boyfriend had no clue, and so looked on at his girlfriend's bra in his friend's hands, the proof that Theo had fucked Ethan's girlfriend so blatant and obvious for all to see, and joked with the others about it and Theo. And all the while Mia felt hornier and sluttier. Her head swimming deliriously.

Finally after hours of driving Mia waved goodbye to Theo, Marie, and Johnnie as the three of them got out of the car at the café that they had picked Theo up at the day before. With a wink and a 'I'll see you soon' to Mia that was so double entendre that Mia was surprised no one else picked up on it, Theo waved goodbye and soon Mia and Ethan were pulling the car up in front of Ethan's dorm room once more.

"Time to get your mass of bags out of the back." Ethan said jokingly as he pulled on the handbrake then let out a sigh.

Mia noticed the soft out let of air as much as she had seen the ever growing dark circles around Ethan's eyes forming as he drove. And the way he slowly became quieter and less eager in his responses to everyone else.

"I'll get it. You're still not feeling too great are you?" She asked caringly as she reached for the door handle.

For a moment she thought that Ethan was going to deny it but finally he nodded.

"I feel better. Just a little exhausted. Guess it'll take longer than a night to wear off, right?" He answered honestly, and then added as he noticed her concerned look, "I'm much better than I was! If I am as much better tomorrow I'll be back to normal."

Watching him for a moment Mia wondered just how ill he was actually feeling if he was being this honest about it. But the spritely way he opened the door soon took away the worry she felt. Maybe some more rest would just be the thing for him.

Jumping out of the car herself Mia made her way to the back and took out her bag before Ethan could do more than open the trunk. Smiling at him playfully she took hold of his hand and led him into his dorm, only giving him time to lock the car as they walked away.

"You can rest for the rest of the day." She said to him as he unlocked his front door and the two of them walked in. "And if you do and are feeling better tomorrow, I may have a little celebration for you."

The sudden intense smile that bloomed on Ethan's face at that made Mia laugh. He really was predictable and cute.

"In that case I had better sleep the rest of the day away!" He said animatedly and Mia laughed softly again as he shut the door behind them. "But what are you going to do?"

"I'm sure I can find something." She answered honestly before walking passed him and heading towards his room. "No one in?"

"Doesn't look like it." Ethan answered as she dropped her things off in his room then came to meet him as he headed towards the lounge. "Guess they must all be out for the day. Shame it's not tomorrow."

Mia laughed again softly before gently nudging her boyfriend so that he fell back onto the sofa and then she curled up beside him, tucking her booted feet beneath her.

"I'm sure we'll make do tomorrow. It's not like we're as loud as Theo and his girl were." She teased and felt her pussy hum at saying that to her boyfriend.

"That's true. I'm not sure the guys would cope with having Theo around." Ethan replied as he leaned his head back and yawned.

"Come on you, let's get you to sleep." Mia said finally as she took his arm and tried to pull him up again. "You'll sleep better in your room than on this sofa."

"I'll sleep better anywhere with you." He replied romantically and Mia couldn't help but smile even as she pulled at him again.

"I'm not going anywhere, but your room is only a few feet away and your bed is much comfier than this sofa. You don't want to wake up with a cricked neck, do you?" She asked and cried out laughingly as Ethan pulled her close to him and placed his arm around her.

"This sofa feels like heaven right now." He told her as he adjusted himself so that he was slouching a little further down the seat and resting his head on the back pillow more comfortably. "Tell you what, we'll just sit here for a minute and then we'll go and have a sleep. Ok?"

Mia eyed him a moment. Seeing the paleness of his face and knowing that he was probably too exhausted to get up himself she relented. The bed would be better for him but the sofa wasn't that uncomfortable and she doubted she could move him by herself even if she tried. Besides, a small rest may help him get the strength to head to bed, and as she was wide awake she would rather be in the lounge where she could watch television than in Ethan's bedroom when she wasn't tired.

And so Mia let Ethan rest as she sat next to him, moving only to reach for the television remote and cuddling back up to him before he fell asleep. And falling asleep didn't take long at all.

"You really did need to rest, didn't you, baby?" Mia asked as she gently stroked his cheek as Ethan dozed off.

Smiling lovingly the beautiful dark-haired girlfriend turned her attention back to the television and only after watching for a while did she even think about how loud it was. When she did Mia started and picked up the remote to turn it down however all she did was replace the remote beside her. If Ethan hadn't woken up from the noise already then he was well gone for a while. And so Mia turned her attention back to the television and what she was watching.