The Pilgrimage Ch. 02


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"I don't plan on trying to seduce Kelli either Lady Banba. But if you want, I'll move my stuff to the other bedroom for tonight."

"Why would I want you to do that Aileen? I'm not the least bit embarrassed or ashamed of our making love to each other or our sleeping in the same bed. Are you?"

"No! Of course not! I just didn't know if you wanted Kelli to know that's all."

"Aileen honey, I don't care if Kelli knows. I don't care if my mother knows. I don't care if the whole world knows. I'm happy, you're happy, so why should we care what the rest of the world thinks?"

Aileen took Banba's hands in hers . "Thank you for saying that. I don't give a damn what anyone else thinks either! I just didn't know how YOU felt about it. I guess I needed to know you're okay with us."

"Of course I'm okay with us and with things being the way they are between us. But Aileen honey, you have to understand, I have no idea where this pilgrimage of mine is headed, or even what it all means anymore. No matter what happens though, I'll always be there for you."

Aileen gave Banba a gentle kiss. "I understand all that. I know the goddess wants your hymen intact for a reason. I don't know what all this means, or what's gonna happen anymore than you do right now. But I promise no matter what happens, I'll always be there for you as well."

Just then there was a knock on the door. Aileen opened it letting Kelli in. Kelli saw the bottle of Bacardi sitting on the table. She shook her head laughing. "Rum and cola huh? Okay I'll have a couple of drinks with you. But no more than two. I need to be sharp for tomorrow. I'd like to shower and change for bed first though. Where do you want me to put my stuff?"

Banba pointed to the spare bedroom. "You can use that room. Aileen and I already have our stuff in the other one."

Kelli came back about ten minutes later wearing a pair of pajamas with long sleeves and long leggings. The pajamas may have been modest but they hugged Kelli's luscious curves almost like a second skin leaving very little to the imagination.

Banba ran her eyes over Kelli's scrumptious body. "My god Kelli! Even in that outfit you look amazing! Your boyfriend must be one very happy man!"

"Nah. I don't have a boyfriend anymore. I caught him monkeying with another monkey's monkey a few months ago. I threw his cheating ass out. Yeah it gets lonely sometimes. But I'd rather be lonely and alone then put up with an asshole screwing another woman in my bed. Thanks for the compliment though. It really boosts my ego to know another woman thinks I'm hot."

Aileen grinned. "Smoking is more accurate. Men, ya turn em upside down, they're all alike. Always thinking with their 'little head' instead of the one on their shoulders. Grab a seat Kelli, I'll fix us all a drink."

"Thanks Aileen, and thanks for the compliment too. You two are definitely not shy," she laughed.

Aileen handed Kelli a drink. "We're all friends here Kelli. There's no reason for any of us to be shy around each other."

Kelli sipped her drink. "Ooh that's good! Lady Banba, I'm not sure what's happening back home with your father. I flagged both your mother's and your name at the station. If anyone calls asking about either of you, I'll be notified instantly. No information regarding the whereabouts of either of you will be released unless it's cleared with me first. I've already talked to both your uncle and my boss. They both agree it's a good idea. At least until we know more about what's really going on over there."

"I agree. Thank you Kelli. Nobody's got a clue as to what's going on right now. Until we do, I'd rather be safe than sorry. My only question is what kind of danger does that put YOU in? I think under the circumstances, you should ask to be assigned to my mother full time until we know what we're up against."

"Your uncle thought the same thing. After he talked to my boss, your mother became a protected witness. I've been assigned to guard her for the next month. It's funny, when all this first started I thought it was just a domestic disturbance that had the potential to get out of hand. That's why I suggested you call somebody. But then when you asked me to escort your mother, I don't know why but I got really concerned. One of the reasons I left was because I wanted to find out why. So I tracked down your uncle's phone number and gave him a call. It seems there may be a lot more going on than I first thought. There was a case similar to this a few months ago. A married man with a family working for a private defense contractor was murdered along with his whole family when the FBI began an investigation into secret information being passed to foreign governments. Along with some possible money laundering. Just like in your fathers case, the whole investigation began when the company owner ordered an independent audit of the company books. Your uncle doesn't believe in coincidences any more than I do. He's moved your father to a secure location and notified both the FBI and Homeland Security. The good news is that it's the weekend. It'll be a couple of days before shit hits the fan. We have time to get you and your mother secured and beef up your security."

"THAT'S not gonna happen Kelli! I'm not letting anyone else near my mother. It'll just draw attention to us and get her killed. I'm sorry Kelli but I'm not sure you should even be involved in this anymore."

"No, I'm sorry Lady Banba. I've been assigned to guard you and your mother for the next thirty days and that's exactly what I intend to do.

I've already got a team down in the lobby and there will be another team meeting us at the airport in the morning."

Banba gave Kelli a hard stare. "Okay Kelli. Why don't you be a good girl and go to sleep for me."

She caught Kelli's head before it hit the table. "Aileen come help me get her into bed."

The two of them carried Kelli to the spare bedroom laying her down gently on the bed. Banba looked at the sleeping policewoman. "I'm sorry Kelli but it's better this way."

She sat back at the table. "Aileen pack up all our stuff except our cell phones. We'll leave them here."

"How are we gonna get past the team in the lobby?"

"With a little help from the goddess of course. Now go get our stuff packed while I get my mother."

Aileen knew better than ask anymore questions and went to pack their suitcases.

Banba's body took on a bright golden glow for several long seconds. Suddenly Erin appeared sitting in the chair across from Banba. "Hi mom, welcome home, daughter of Erie!"

Erin was stunned. "Banba? What the... how in the world?"

"Shh, it's okay mom I'll explain later. Right now we have to get moving."

Aileen came out of the bedroom a suitcase in each hand. "All set Lady Banba."

"Take them to Kelli's room. Get all her stuff together too. Just leave her cell phone and her radio. Tie all three bags together with something I can loop around my neck."

Banba took Erin's hand. "come on mom it's time we got out of here."

Aileen tied the bags together using the sleeve of one of her dresses. She tied the other sleeve in a loop that Banba could slide over her head. "Ready when you are Lady Banba."

"Good. Mom, you take one of Kelli's hands. Aileen you take Kelli's other hand."

Banba squatted over Kelli sliding the loop from the three bags over her head. She took Erin's other hand then grabbed Aileen's other one completing the circle. Her body began to glow again and a few seconds later they were all in Aunt Brianna's living room.

Aileen gasped in shock. "Holy shit Lady Banba! That was amazing!"

"Yeah it was quite a ride wasn't it?"

Aunt Brianna came in from the kitchen carrying a tray with five cups of coffee "I guess things started popping sooner than I expected Lady Banba. I see you had to put one of them to sleep. Huh?"

"Yeah. Her name's Kelli. She's a policewoman. We'll take care of her afterwards. I wanna take care of mom first. I've had to keep her in a semi-conscious state to keep her mind from overloading."

Aunt Brianna smiled. "I can understand that. It's not everyday you're snatched from an airplane in mid air. I think it would even freak me out a bit. Let's get your mom on the sofa then you can start bring her around. But do it slowly. Okay?"

After they had Erin seated on the sofa, Banba slowly brought her mother back to full consciousness. Erin's eyes fluttered then opened wide. "Banba! Sweetie! It is you! I...I thought it was just a dream!"

"No mom it's not a dream. I'm sorry I had to do things this way, but Kelli didn't give me any other choice. Are you okay?"

"I'm a little disoriented but other than that I'm fine. You wanna tell me what the hell's going on?"

Banba took a cup of coffee off the tray handing it to Erin. "Here mom, sip this. It'll help clear your head. I'll tell you everything in a minute. I wanna wake Kelli up first. That way I don't have to repeat everything."

Kelli woke up to Banba sitting on the floor next to her. She looked around her in confusion then looked back at Banba. "Where are we? What's going on Lady Banba?"

"Sit on the sofa and sip some coffee. It'll help clear your mind." Once Kelli was seated Banba continued, "that's my mom you're sitting next to. Her name's Erin. That amazing woman sitting on the other side of her is my Aunt Brianna. We're at her house. How we got here and why is gonna take some explaining. I know that you and my mom both have a shitload of questions. But I'd appreciate it if you both saved them until I'm finished.

Banba sat on the floor in front of the sofa. She grabbed a cup of coffee sipping it as she gathered her thoughts. "My father is involved with some very dangerous people. They funnel money, arms, equipment, and other supplies to various terrorist organizations around the world. Two members of the team Kelli had in the hotel lobby have been compromised by this same group. They had orders to kill me and my mother at all costs.

"The goddess wasn't gonna allow that to happen. She told me everything I'm telling you now and with her help I snatched my mother off the plane and ported us all here to safety. Nobody on that plane remembers my mother being there and there's no record of her ever being on that flight. All the records now show she entered the country several hours earlier using my grandmothers corporate jet. Even her passport has the correct stamp.

"When Kelli's boss wakes up in a few hours, he's gonna find a voicemail on his private cellphone from Kelli telling him to look at a specific file in his desk. It contains enough information for him to arrest the two members of her team that were ordered to kill us. It also contains a letter from Kelli explaining that she discovered the plot when she overheard one of them talking on their cell phone. The letter goes on to state under the circumstances she's not sure who she can trust besides him. She gathered what evidence she could, moved us to a secure location, and will contact him as soon as it's safe to do so.

"I know it's a lot for you both to take in and I haven't even begun to cover all the little details. There's a million questions swirling around in your heads right now. I don't have all the answers yet myself. So I probably won't be able to answer them all. But I'll do my best to answer the ones that I can. Mom, let's start with you."

Erin shook her head with a deep sigh. "I don't know where to start. In fact I don't even know whether to laugh or cry. In the space of a few short days, my little girl disappeared and in her place I see an amazing young woman. The changes are so profound that I hardly recognize you anymore." She smiled softly. "Where on earth did you come from, and what in the hell happened to my precious baby girl?"

Banba stood, winked at Erin and said, "I love you too mom. I think the best way to answer that question is to show you." She held out her right hand.

Erin watched in awe as the Sword of light appeared in Banba's hand, it's scabbard hanging at her side from a chain belt around her waist. "OH...MY...GOD! The Claiomh Solais! That can only be wielded by...Oh my You're the chosen one? I expected a lot of different things, but THAT was definitely NOT one of them! It certainly does explain a lot though. Baby, I don't know what to say. Right now, I'm so proud of you, it feels like my heart is gonna burst right out of my chest."

Banba sheathed her sword smiling as it disappeared. Then sat back down. "Thanks mom, but don't get too excited just yet. I'm still not sure what it all means and I don't have a clue as to what it is that I've been chosen for."

Erin chuckled softly. "Don't worry M'lady, the goddess will tell you when the time's right. Which reminds me, what effect does all this mess have on your pilgrimage?"

"Don't tell me you're gonna start calling me M'lady and Lady Banba too mom. This mess as you call it isn't gonna have any effect on my pilgrimage at all. In fact, getting you and Kelli to safety before the shit hits the fan was actually part of my pilgrimage. Which reminds me, I need a few minutes to let Grandma and Uncle Pete know we're safe before it does hit the fan so that they don't worry."

Banba closed her eyes seeking her grandmother's mind. "Grandma it's Banba. Can you hear me?"

Gael was startled by Banba's presence in her mind. "Yes I can hear you sweetie. Is something wrong?"

"I'll explain everything when I have a little more time. Right now, I just wanna tell you that everything's okay. Mom and I are both safe at Aunt Brianna's."

"Thank the goddess for that! Have you told your uncle yet?"

"No, not yet. I wanted to tell you first."

"Thank you for telling me Banba. At least now I don't have to worry so much. It's okay to tell Peter that you and your mother are safe. But don't tell him where you are. He doesn't know about Brianna's farm. In fact only a few of the faithful know it exists. You and Erin will be perfectly safe there."

"I know that Gram. But you might wanna go to Uncle Pete's. That way I won't have to worry about YOU"

"Sweetie, there's something you're not telling me isn't there?"

"Yeah Gram. But I don't have time to go into it all right now. Besides you'll find out soon enough. Just do me a favor and get to Uncle Pete's. I have to go now Gram."

"Okay sweetie, I'll pack a bag and get to Peter's house."

Banba reached out to her uncle's mind. "Uncle Pete, its' Banba can you hear me?"

Pete was siting at his kitchen table sipping coffee before heading to work at the police station. He was so shocked by Banba's presence in his mind, the coffee cup slipped from his hand smashing on the floor spilling coffee everywhere. Years of military and police training kicked in and Pete quickly recovered from his shock. "Banba honey, I love you to death sweetie, but don't ever do that again! You scared the shit out of me baby girl!"

Banba sent Pete a mental giggle. "I'm sorry Uncle Pete. I didn't mean to scare you like that. I just wanted to let you know mom and I are okay. Kelli has us stashed in a secure location. I don't have time to explain everything. But shit's gonna hit the fan over here very shortly. You'll find out about it all in a few hours anyway.

I talked Grandma into coming to your house, she should be there any minute now. I would suggest you get her, Aunt Sally, and the twins to a secure location as soon as possible."

"Banba sweetie, you need to tell me just what in the hell's going on and you need to tell me now!"

"I don't have time to give you all the details Uncle Pete. Short version is, my father was working for a group supplying terrorist organizations. At least two members of Kelli's team were comprised. Kelli found out and slipped us away to safety before they could react. As soon as they realize they can't get to me and mom, they're gonna come after Gram and your family so get them somewhere safe fast. One more thing, my father has an office at home. Check the closet floor. There's a safe under it. The combination is 86L 61R 19L."

"Okay Banba. I'm guessing this is a goddess thing so I'm not gonna ask you any more questions. Normally I'd ask where you were so I could send Kelli some back up. I don't know why, but I have the strangest feeling you're all the back up she needs. Thanks for the tip about the floor safe. I'll check it out as soon as I get everyone to a secure location."

"All right Uncle Pete. I gotta go now. I'll be in touch. Love you!"

Banba rolled her head in a circle working out a kink in her neck. "Gram and Uncle Pete know we're safe and Uncle Pete's moving everyone to a safe place too so we won't have to worry about them."

Aunt Brianna smiled. "We know Lady Banba. It's obvious you're not used to using your telepathic skills just yet. You were using your voice as well as your mind. I'll have to teach you how to separate the two of them."

"You mean you can...?"

Brianna interrupted Banba. "Of course I can. So can your mother and your grandmother. We're all telepathic. It's one of the many gifts the goddess gives the faithful. I'm pretty sure even Aileen has the gift."

Aileen giggled. "Aunt Brianna, don't go telling all my little secrets. I do have some telepathic abilities. But they're nowhere near as powerful as Lady Banba's. I have to have someone in my line of sight first. Even then I have to really concentrate."

"Yeah well Lady Banba's telepathic abilities are always gonna be more powerful than any of ours because of who she is. But you can make yours a lot stronger than they are now simply by using them more often. They're no different than anything else, the more you use them the stronger they'll get."

Kelli finally spoke up. "Even though it's a little hard for me to grasp, I understand you all have some sort of psionic powers to varying degrees and I'm okay with that. But right now I'm like a little girl lost in the wilderness. I have no clue as to what's going on or which way to turn."

She looked down at her pajamas and giggled. "Also could someone please tell me where my clothes and my gear are?"

Banba pointed to Kelli's bag. "All your clothes and gear except for your cell phone and radio are in your bag. I left your radio and all our cell phones back in the hotel room. They're too easy to track. You can put your stuff in that last bedroom on the right. When you're done changing, I'll try to explain things a little better for you."

A few minutes later Kelli returned dressed in her uniform and wearing all her gear. She sat on the sofa nodding at Banba.

Banba nodded back then looked at Erin. "I'm sorry mom. I know hearing some of this is gonna hurt a lot and it's probably gonna make you angry as well. But I think you need to hear it too. So try to bear with me. Okay?"

Erin smiled sadly. "I know you're right; I do need to hear it. But don't worry I'll be okay. I've all ready prepared myself for the worst. Go ahead, tell us what you know M'lady."

Banba rolled her eyes laughing softly. "Again my own mother with the M'lady stuff." She took a deep breath letting it out slowly. "About fifteen years ago, a bunch of very rich and very powerful Muslims from different countries held a secret meeting in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. They formed a secret organization to support terrorism. Using their power and prestige along with some very clever ruses, they've been able to keep various terrorist groups supplied with money, arms, equipment, supplies, and even computer software.

"About four years ago, they came up with a really ambitious plan. They got their hooks into a half dozen American women who were desperate for money. They cleaned the women up and spent the next two years training them. Then they placed the women in locations where they could meet and seduce high level executives at various private defense contractors.