The Pilgrimage Ch. 02


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"Most of them are pretty nervous right now. They don't know you from Eve. Yet they gave up their homes, their jobs, and everything else they held dear to follow you into what they see as an uncertain future. Show them the self-assured confident young woman that stood in Aunt Brianna's living room three weeks ago. If they think you're not worried about anything, then they won't worry either."

"Mom, you have no idea..."

Erin interrupted Morrigan. "Yes I do sweetie, and we WILL talk about it later. But now's not the time. Right now your people need you to be courageous. The cameras are rolling. Go, walk around the room, mingle, talk to people, have a good time. Maybe even dance a little."

Ashling spoke. "She's right Morrigan. Come on, let's go see if we can find a couple of cute guys to dance with. Maybe we can both get lucky and get our cherries popped tonight."

Morrigan's eyes widened with shock as they walked around the room. "You're a virgin too?"

Ashling giggled. "Well my spirit sure isn't a virgin, but this new body doesn't know that. I also have the same problem you do. I can't access some of my magic until I give someone my virginity."

"Wow! I didn't realize that!"

After Morrigan and Ashling had been talking, dancing, and flirting for about an hour, the Goddess Banba tapped them on the shoulder. "I need to talk to you two in your quarters."

When they got to their quarters, Morrigan and Ashling were surprised to see Aileen and Kelli already there talking to two other women. Both women were extremely beautiful, just under six feet tall and weighing about a hundred forty pounds each.

One had a light tan complexion with long curly auburn locks down past her magnificent ass. She had big brown eyes with long thick 'fuck me' eyelashes set in an flawless oval face with a cute button nose and full pouty lips. She was wearing a white toga with gold trim that hung off one shoulder to about mid thigh and hugging every curve of her scrumptious body like a second skin. She had full, firm, round C cup tits, a tiny waist, wide hips, and long shapely legs. Her dainty feet were encased in hand crafted leather sandals.

The other woman was pale skinned with long golden tresses that came to the small of her back. Her eyes were a beautiful turquoise blue with long lashes that curled at the ends. She had a round face with a nose that was straight and narrow and full lips that just begged to be kissed. Like her companion, she was also wearing a toga that highlighted every curve of her luscious body. Her succulent tits were a large D cup, firm full, and round sitting high on her chest without the slightest hint of sagging. She had a slim waist, nicely rounded wide hips, long shapely legs, and a scrumptious bubble butt that was to die for.

Brigit walked in a few seconds later. "Ah, good, I see everyone's here. Morrigan, this is Aphrodite," she said pointing to the auburn haired woman. "And this blonde bombshell over here is the Venus."

Venus laughed at the shocked look on Morrigan's face. "Don't believe everything you've been taught Morrigan. Every culture has their own gods and goddesses. It's only human arrogance that says Aphrodite and I are one and the same. Why is it so hard for humans to understand that two goddesses having the same function in different societies would do many of the same things? Don't worry Morrigan. That was just a rhetorical question, I don't really expect you to have an answer.

We were both pleased and surprised by your offer to provide space on your Arc for those who worship us. We'd love to accept it. However, there is one question we'd like an answer to. Will you allow those who worship us to continue to do so unmolested?"

"I wouldn't just allow it, I'd insist on it! Everyone who joins us on this Arc is free to worship whatever gods and goddesses they choose without any harassment or hindrance. Anybody who violates that principle will answer to me personally. That would also include your followers. Please make sure they're all aware of that."

Aphrodite spoke up. "That goes without saying. We can promise you they will accept you as their queen. They will follow you and obey your laws without question. Time is of the essence. With your permission, we'd like to get them on board immediately."

"That's fine. But just out of curiosity, how many people are we talking about?"

"Between all of us, just over a million."

Morrigan looked at the Goddess Banba. "That still leaves us room for about a million more people. Is this really all we can salvage?"

"We understand how you feel Morrigan. But this is the best we can do. We're only allowed to take those who still worship the ancient gods and goddesses along with their families. Your display of compassion when you offered me your life to stop the bloodshed and reunite Erie impressed all of us. It was at that moment you decided your destiny and became the chosen one.

Just as your actions decided your fate, the actions of those left behind will decide theirs. They still have time to avoid the coming disaster. They only need to find the courage and wisdom to do it."

"Okay, I get all that. But you keep talking about some kind of disaster. Can you tell me what's gonna happen?"

"I'm sorry Morrigan. I can't. At least not yet. But given the fact that we're all here, I think it's a foregone conclusion. I can't risk you getting involved and changing the timeline. I promise I'll let you know everything at the appropriate time. We'll be leaving orbit in a few minutes. The four of you should be in the command center when we do. It might be a good idea to let your people know too."

They stepped in to the command center and again someone yelled, "ATTENION ON DECK! MORRIGAN'S IN THE COMMAND CENTER!"

Morrigan smiled. "As you were people."

She looked at Pete. "Tie me in ship wide please Uncle Pete."

"You're tied in to all decks Morrigan."

Morrigan nodded. "Okay everyone. This is it. We're leaving. It's gonna be a long ride. Sit back and enjoy yourselves."

Several hours later they were just crossing the moons orbital plane when Brigit whispered something in Morrigan's ear. She looked at Pete again. "Uncle Pete. Can you bring the Earth up on the view screen? Use maximum magnification and pipe it to all decks for me please."

"You're all set Morrigan."

"Attention all decks. Please keep your eyes on your viewers for the next few minutes. I'm not sure what's gonna happen. But we're about to find out why we had to leave in such a hurry." A few minutes later, everyone watched in horror as thousands of missile trails lit up the sky. Morrigan whispered a soft, "oh my gods no!"

They continued to watch as the whole Earth lit up from the force of thousands of nuclear warheads exploding. Then the unthinkable happened. The heat being generated by all those nuclear explosions caused Earth's atmosphere to ignite turning the whole planet in to one giant wildfire.

Morrigan looked at Pete, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Turn that fucking thing off," she snapped. She stormed off the command deck back to her quarters flopping down on a sofa her hands over her face as her body wracked with sobs.

The Goddess Banba sat on one side of Morrigan while Brigit sat on the other side. The Goddess Banba put a hand on Morrigan's shoulder. "Pull yourself together Morrigan. Your people need you now more than ever."

It took a few minutes, but Morrigan was finally able to pull herself together enough to speak. "Was that the disaster you were expecting?"

"Yes, I'm afraid it was," the Goddess Banba replied.

Morrigan took a deep shuddering breath. "Seven billion people gone in an instant! Could I have stopped it?"

"Not really Morrigan. It's not that you don't have the power. The four of you could have easily prevented that from happening. But as I told you earlier, their fate was in their own hands. We weren't allowed to interfere anymore than you were. At least this way, the human race is being given a second chance. Believe me when I say you won't get a third one. You need to go back out to the command center and make some kind of statement to your people. Show them your strength and your courage. Give them something to hope for, a reason to go on. You're their queen. If you can't handle what's happened, how do you think they feel?"

"I know you're right. just don't know what to say to them."

"Just speak from the heart. Trust me, you'll do fine."

They stepped in to the command center and again someone yelled, "ATTENION ON DECK! MORRIGAN'S IN THE COMMAND CENTER!"

Morrigan smiled sadly. "At ease people." She looked at Pete. "Tie me in ship wide again please Uncle Pete."

"You're tied in to all decks Morrigan."

"I know you're all shocked and horrified by what we saw happen to Earth. Let that image be seared into your brains as a reminder of what happens when prejudice and hatred become dominating factors. Earlier I said you represent humanity's best hope. I was wrong. You represent humanity's ONLY hope. We've been given a second chance. If we all work together, we can get it right this time.

"A month from now we'll arrive at our new home. It's a planet that looks identical to Earth on the far edge of the galaxy. I've decided to call the star system 'Danu and the planet Erie. From now on each one of you will be a daughter or son of Erie. That will be the force that binds us all together. I haven't decided where we'll set down just yet, but wherever it is will be named 'Hope's Landing. Stand tall! Stand proud! You're all children of Erie! May your god or goddess watch over you! May they guide and protect you!"

Even after Pete cut the link, you could hear people cheering all over the ship.

Pete turned to Morrigan. "Can I talk to you privately for a minute?"

They moved to a quiet corner of the command center. "All right Uncle Pete. What's up?"

"Cheer up Morrigan. You did great! We're all still scared shitless, but at least we have some hope now.

I saw your face when you came into the command center. I know how hard Earth's destruction hit you. But you can't let it show. You have over four million people depending on you to keep a clear head. You're a natural leader Morrigan, but you still have a few things to learn. You're our queen. When you're upset or scared and people see that, they act accordingly. The best advice I can give you right now is to try to keep your emotions out of the command center. Scream, yell, rant and rave all you want in your quarters. They're soundproofed, no one's gonna hear you. I'm not telling you what to do Morrigan, just offering you some advice based on my own experience."

"Thanks Uncle Pete. I can use all the advice I can get. I really appreciate your help. Between you and me, I have no fucking clue what I'm doing. I'm just winging it as best I can, hoping I get it right."

"Don't worry Morrigan. You're doing great. You've got a small army ready and willing to help you whenever you need it. Including a boatload of gods and goddesses."

"Thanks Uncle Pete. You always know how to cheer me up. But does my presence HAVE to be announced EVERY time I step in the command center?" Morrigan asked rolling her eyes giggling.

"No it's not absolutely necessary. But it IS protocol and it's also a sign of respect. Everyone in this command center's hand picked by me. They're all ex-military and totally devoted to your service. Announcing your presence gets everyone's attention and lets them get ready to receive any orders you may have. But if you want, I can tell them to tone it down and just pass the word quietly."

"Would you please do that? I mean no disrespect to you or the command crew Uncle Pete. But I'm having a hard time getting used to it. You've all had three weeks to prepare yourselves, but to me, it's only been less than a day."

"I understand Morrigan. I'll take care of it for you."

"Thanks Uncle Pete. I guess it's time to get back to the grind. "

"Nah, we're all set out here unless you've got some orders for us."

"Nope. Not that I can think of anyway."

"Then why don't you go relax while you can. You've got a lot of work to do starting tomorrow."

"Yeah, Mom told me the same thing. But I have no idea what you two are talking about."

"Think about Morrigan. You've got a ton of planning to do and only a month to get it done."

Morrigan ran her fingers through her hair and sighed. "Okay I get the point. I'll go relax while I still can. See you later Uncle Pete."

When she got to her quarters, Morrigan was surprised to see that Aphrodite and Venus had returned.

Aphrodite spoke up. "Look Morrigan, we know the next month's gonna be a little tough on you. Every god and goddess that has people on this Arc is willing to help you in any way we can. But we can only do so much. Most of it's gonna fall on you. You're gonna need to be able to draw on every bit of power and knowledge that's been given to you and some of that's still virginity locked.

We realize a girl's first time should be with someone she really loves. Unfortunately you don't have time for that. Venus and I are willing to lend you and Ashling one of our priests for the night. That way you both can get your cherries popped and unlock everything without any emotional ties getting in the way. Both of our priests are experienced, well trained lovers and we can promise that you'll have the best sex you'll ever have. It's totally up to you. If you're interested, just say the word and they'll be here."

"I'm not really sure how to respond to that Aphrodite. I know you're right. Time is short and I am gonna need access to every bit of power and knowledge I can get my hands on. The truth is I've never even kissed a guy. I don't have the slightest clue as to what to do and that thought alone is enough to scare the living shit out of me."

"Your purity of heart is precisely the reason you were chosen Morrigan. Tell you what. I'd be willing to give you all my sexual knowledge and lovemaking skills if you think that would help you feel more confident."

"I don't know if that would help or not, but it damn sure couldn't hurt. At least I'd have some idea of what I was doing. I'd really appreciate whatever help you can give me. That, along with a couple of glasses of Zinfandel might be just enough to push me over the edge," Morrigan laughed.

Aphrodite and Venus both gave Morrigan every bit of sexual knowledge they had along with all their lovemaking skills and every trick they knew.

Morrigan's eyes widened with surprise. "Holy shit! You two really piled it on, didn't you? I feel like I could out fuck any man alive. I can drive any man up the wall, wear him out, have him begging for mercy and I'd still be ready to go," Morrigan giggled. "Bring em on along with a couple of bottles of my favorite red wine. Send priests for Aileen and Kelli too. That way we can have a real party and see where it goes."

"Okay, we'll take care of Aileen and Kelli too. Just remember, we need the priests back tomorrow with everything still functioning. So please don't wear them out too much" Venus laughed.

"We'll try not to wear them out TOO much, but no promises," Morrigan giggled.

The four priests appeared along with two bottles of Zinfandel, four glasses and two trays of snacks.

Aphrodite grinned and said, "have a great time girls. We'll see you sometime tomorrow." All the goddesses disappeared and the party started.

The four priests paired off with each one of the girls. Everyone sat talking, laughing, sipping red wine, and snacking for a few hours. Then one by one, the couples drifted off to their separate bedrooms.

T he priest with Morrigan appeared to be in his early twenties. Although, he told Morrigan he was more than six thousand years old. He had long black hair that hung halfway down his back which he wore in a simple pony tail. He stood about six foot six inches tall and weighed about two hundred forty five pounds. He had broad shoulders and narrow hips. Every inch of him was lean muscle. There wasn't an ounce of fat anywhere on his body. His complexion was a light tan and his eyes were a startling blue with little golden specs that sparkled in the light. When Morrigan asked him his name, he said Aphrodite called him Marcus though he was sure that wasn't his original name. But after six thousand years, he no longer knew or cared what his original name was.

Morrigan had polished off three glasses of Zinfandel. She was literately a bitch in heat. The handsome priest lying next to her kissing her softly as his hands gently roamed her sumptuous body ignited a fire within her the likes of which she'd never felt before. It wasn't until he removed his toga and she saw his magnificent cock that the fear began to return. His monstrous cock was about nine inches long and almost as big around as a can of cola.

"My gods Marcus! You're hung like a horse. You really expect that monster to fit inside me?"

"Oh it'll fit all right Morrigan. We're just gonna have to take things slow and easy. Especially the first time around. Why don't you take the top and ride me. That way you're in full control of everything. You set the pace and I'll just follow your lead. Okay?"

Morrigan took a deep, shaky breath. "Okay Marcus, I'll give it a try. I hope you're right."

As Morrigan squatted over him rubbing his huge plum colored head along her outer lips coating it thoroughly with her abundant juices, Marcus sensed her fear. "Hold up a second Morrigan. I think I know a way to make things easier for you." He closed his eyes for a few seconds. When he opened them, a small bottle of fragrant oil appeared in his hand. He handed the bottle to Morrigan. "Aphrodite says to coat my cock thoroughly with this, especially the head. Then do the same to your tight pussy opening. It'll lubricate us both and make things a lot easier and less painful for you."

Morrigan giggled nervously. "Gods, I hope she's right. I really wanna feel that monster of yours inside me. If we can get it to fit." She poured a generous amount of oil over Marcus's cock then smeared it all over the huge head making Marcus groan with pleasure. "Ooh, somebody likes that I see," she giggled.

"Gods yeah! That feels fantastic," Marcus moaned.

Morrigan handed the bottle back to Marcus. "Here, you do me, "she grinned.

"With pleasure M'lady!" Marcus coated two fingers and his thumb with a lavish amount of the oil. He slowly worked his fingers in to Morrigan's tight virgin cunt up to the first knuckle making Morrigan moan softly. She gasped when Marcus swept his oil coated thumb in little circles around her swollen clit. He pulled his fingers out of Morrigan's soaked little cunt and did the same thing a second and third time. By the time he finished, Morrigan was panting like a greyhound that had just won a race.

"Gods Marcus! That feels sooo good! Now I just HAVE to feel you inside me!" Morrigan placed the huge head of Marcus's enormous cock against the opening to her tight virgin pussy slowly lowering herself. She was surprised by how easily the huge head popped in to her well lubricated cunt. Although she felt stretched to the max, it didn't really hurt all that much. She continued to work his huge shaft in to her tight cunt, moaning and whimpering until she felt the mushroomed press against her hymen.

Morrigan stooped there rocking her hips side to side and back and forth until her soaked virgin pussy adjusted to the massive cock invading it.

"Okay Marcus, it's now or never." She placed her hands on his chest, lifting herself up a little then slamming herself down as hard as she could driving his enormous cock balls deep in her tight, little cunt ripping her hymen to shreds as she gasped out her pain with a whoosh.