The Pilgrimage Ch. 02


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"All six women were successful in seducing their assigned targets. Everything was going fine until a contractor in Tampa noticed something odd and ordered an independent audit of his books. The organization covered their tracks somewhat by murdering their inside man and his whole family. However that didn't solve their problem with the contractor's books and the FBI is still investigating.

"The woman assigned to my father did a really good job of seducing him. She convinced him she was deeply in love with him and she desperately needed a job. He found some lame excuse to fire his administrative assistant Margo who had been working for him for over a decade and put his new lover in her job.

The only reason he never left my mother was because the company was owned solely by my grandmother and the house we lived in was owned exclusively by my mother. It was given to her by my grandfather just before her and my father were married with the provision that my father's name never go on the deed. The only things even partially in his name were a few company credit cards and a joint bank account with my mother. There are no martial assets and my father would have been left penniless in the event of a divorce.

"When my mother told my grandmother my father was having an affair, my grandmother ordered a secret independent audit of her company books. Somehow my father found out about it, and the rest as they say, is history."

Kelli looked at Banba with a frown. "Okay, I understand now why you did things the way you did. But nothing you've said is evidence. Are they gonna be able to prove any of it?"

"As far as my father and his bimbo goes, probably. My father has already started singing like a bird. He's said enough to implicate his girlfriend and she's already been arrested as well.

"The rest of it depends on whether or not his girlfriend decides to talk. She knows the names of all the other women and who their targets were. She also knows a few of the ringleaders as well. But she's really committed to the organization so I don't know whether she'll talk or not. There's also my father's safe. I'm not sure what's in it but if it was important enough for the goddess to insist I tell my uncle about it, I'm sure there's some valuable information there as well."

"Well it sounds like a few of them may get what's coming to them. So what do we do now? Do we just stay here and lay low until it all blows over?"

"I've got a feeling you're not gonna like the answer to that question Kelli. I understand you feeling it's your duty to protect all of us. But your primary responsibility is to my mother. I think you know I'm fully capable of protecting myself and Aileen. So yes, we're all gonna spend the rest of the weekend here. But Monday morning Aileen and I are going to Newgrange first then over to the Hill of Tara.

"Don't go worrying your sexy little ass off about it Kelli. I wouldn't even think of doing it if I wasn't absolutely sure the rest of you are perfectly safe here. This farm sits back more than a kilometer from the nearest paved road. Very few people even know of it's existence. It's almost impossible to find even during the day unless you know exactly where to look. On top of that, I'll know if something's gonna happen before it starts. I'll be here by your side long before anyone even gets close."

Kelli frowned. "You're right Lady Banba, I don't like it very much. But I've seen some of what you can do. I've got faith in your abilities and I trust you. So I guess I can live with it. Not that I have much choice in the matter."

Banba stood walking over to the sofa. She squatted down throwing her arms around Kelli's neck locking lips with her.

Kelli blushed beet red. She was both shocked and embarrassed. But as Banba swept her tongue across Kelli's soft lips, she opened her mouth and accepted Banba's tongue. Kelli couldn't help herself, she returned Banba's kiss with everything she had. As Banba's lips shifted to deepen the kiss, their tongues entwined in an ageless duel of passion that left them both breathless.

When Kelli caught her breath she giggled softly. "Lady Banba, your mother, your aunt..."

Banba interrupted Kelli. "Oh shush hot stuff. If you think they care we just stuffed our tongues down each others throats think again. In fact they won't even care if you, me, and Aileen have some fun together in that bed later on tonight.

Kelli shook her head giggling. "You really are a cocky little bitch aren't you Lady Banba?"

Banba grinned. "Yup! I get it from my mother. Don't I mom?"

Erin blushed while laughing. "You really have grown up a lot in the past few days M'lady." She grew serious. In fact you've matured so much that it's time I let you in on a few family secrets. Your description of your father as just a sperm donor was pretty close to the mark. The only reason I married him to begin with was because he was a pure blooded descendant of the Tuatha Dé Danann. We met during our first year at the university and struck a bargain. He would marry me and give me a daughter. In exchange, he would live a life of comfort he would never have been able to afford otherwise.

"It took him seven years to live up to his end of the bargain because he knew exactly when my fertile times were and and always avoided having sex with me during those times.

"When I finally threatened to throw his ass out and divorce him, he decided it was time to get me pregnant. Thank the goddess I had a girl the first time around. After you were born, I went on the pill and always made him wear a condom. I had my baby girl and that was all I wanted from him.

"Don't get me wrong, it's not that I didn't care about him. He was the father of my child so of course I cared about him. But I never loved him. Oh, I pretended to be in love with him. I did everything I could to keep him happy. Including spreading my legs for him whenever he wanted. The only thing I wouldn't do was give him another child.

"He held up his end of our arrangement by getting me pregnant with you. I would have held up my end for the rest of our lives if not for his current situation. "Grandma and Grandpa were both fully aware of the bargain I made with your father. In fact it was their idea. That's why they insisted that absolutely nothing go in Bill's name. He had his salary of course and he could've stashed some of that away somewhere. But from what you've just told us, he didn't even do that. I have no idea where all his money went. He certainly wasn't giving it to me. I got just enough to cover household expenses and a little more here and there for personal needs.

"He didn't even pay for your clothes. Thank the goddess Grandma slipped me a credit card right after you were born. Whenever either of us got new clothes, I told him your grandmother bought them for us. Which wasn't exactly a lie and he never questioned it. That's why I always brought Grandma with us whenever we went clothes shopping.

"The ten thousand dollars I gave you took me forever to save. A few dollars here and there. Even the loose change he left in his pants pocket went into my savings for your pilgrimage. I know I could've asked Grandma for the money and she would've gladly given you twice that much.

But I wanted to do it for you on my own. After letting all the family skeletons out of the closet, I don't want you to think your father didn't love you, because he did. At least as much as he was capable of loving someone other than himself."

"Banba shook her head. "Nice try mom. But we both know I was never 'daddy's little girl.' Though the goddess knows, I really tried to be. That's the reason I kept my grades up and why I joined the track team. I thought if I did really good, he'd notice me. I ran my heart out, winning races just to make him proud of me. I had scholarship offers from all the top universities in the country. Every one of them said I was Olympic material.

"You have no idea how hard it was for me to go on this pilgrimage. I almost didn't. I was gonna try one more time to make that son of a bitch proud of me. Then I realized that no matter what I did, he'd never be proud of me. I knew he resented me. I never understood why until just a few minutes ago when you told me everything.

"I was probably four or five when I first realized something was wrong, that he didn't treat me like other daddies treated their little girls. For a long time I thought I had done something bad to make him mad at me. As I got older, I thought maybe he was jealous because I was taking your time away from him.

"I realize how wrong I was now. All the bastard was worried about was me growing up and you throwing his stupid ass out. Some father he turned out to be. It's funny, if you had told me all this even a week ago, it would have shattered my whole world. But now, I could care less. All that matters is we're here together. You're safe and that's the most important thing to me right now.

Banba held up a finger tilting her head down to one side as if listening to someone. After a minute she looked at Brianna. "Aunt Brianna, can you turn on the television please? There's a news report I think we should all listen to."

Brianna turned on the television just as a reporter was saying, "again, two Cork city police officers have been killed and three other officers have been wounded in what police are are saying was an attempt by a group of fifteen AL-Qaeda linked terrorists to take over the Imperial hotel. Police sources are saying that all fifteen terrorists were killed in the ensuing gun battle with two Cork city Special Operations teams. However police sources will not comment on why the Special Operations teams were there to begin with, nor will they comment on unconfirmed reports that four women, including a Cork city policewoman are missing from the penthouse suite of the hotel."

Kelli watched the news reports with horror as the tears streamed down her cheeks. "Two dead, three wounded? FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! It's all my fault!" She put her head down sobbing.

Banba knelt in front of Kelli putting Kelli's head on her shoulder. "I know you're thinking if we had stayed, you would've been able to help them. But that's not what would've happened. If we had stayed, you'd be dead right now. So would Aileen. Maybe even me and my mother. Your assignment was to protect my mother. That was your only mission. If we had stayed, you would've failed that mission!

The two officers that died were the two traitors. They got a key to the penthouse from the night manager and stormed the suite about ten minutes after we left. They were carrying silenced mac tens with Teflon coated steel jacked rounds. Your vest would've been useless. When they realized we weren't there, they called their contact to let him know. He figured the plan had been discovered and sent that group of terrorists in to clean up the mess.

The leader of your airport team though it was better to meet us at the hotel. He and his team arrived just as the terrorists gunned down the traitors. The terrorists were caught between his team and the rest of the lobby team. They never had a chance in hell.

The three that were wounded were part of the airport team. One took a round in the right shoulder. The other two took rounds to their vests. Luckily the terrorists weren't as well armed as the traitors. The other two ended up with bruised ribs. All three are gonna be just fine."

Banba raised Kelli's head looking her in the eyes. "None of this is your fault, and I still need your help. Your only mission is to protect my mother, and I need to know if I can depend on you to do that."

Kelli took a deep shuddering breath as Brianna handed her a box of tissues. She blew her nose, wiped the tears from her eyes, then looked at Banba. "I'm sorry M'lady. I know you're right. If we tried to take on two heavily armed, well trained Special Operations officers, we probably wouldn't be here talking about it right now.

It's just that police officers are like a big family, when one of us gets hurt or killed, we all feel it. I let my emotions get the better of me. I won't let it happen again. You can absolutely depend on me to do my job and protect your mother." Kelli winked at Banba then continued, "but don't think for one second that you're fooling me M'lady. I know you don't REALLY need my help for that. In fact, I think the main reason you brought me along is because you didn't wanna leave me behind for those two assholes."

"That was one of the reasons. But it wasn't the only one. I have a pilgrimage to complete. I can't be here all the time. I know the goddess isn't gonna let anything happen. But I think my mother will feel safer with you here Kelli."

Banba held up her index finger cocking her head to the side closing her eyes. She gave a slight nod then opened her eyes. "We're all being summoned to Ashling's tomb."

"By who?" Brianna asked.

"By Ashling. She want's us all there. I don't know why though."

When they got to Ashling's tomb Banba said, "Ashling, child of Dearbhal and Cearul, Daughter of Erie, Blood of my blood, I summon thee!"

"Blessed be my daughter. Thank you for answering my call so quickly." Ashling looked at Erin. "Welcome home, daughter of Erie! Your life is no longer in any danger. The few that remained of your enemies in Erie have chosen to flee rather than risk capture." She looked at Kelli then back at Banba. "You have a Kellie? What am I thinking! Of course you do! The goddess wouldn't allow the chosen one to travel without an escort by one of her finest warriors!

"Forgive me my daughter. I'm a little excited right now. But we don't have a lot of time. So I'll try to explain as quickly as I can. You, Aileen, Kellie, and I all have to get to Newgrange as soon as possible. I've been given the honor of aiding you in your pilgrimage. The problem is I can't leave the area of this tomb without a host. Would you be willing to let my spirit merge with you until we get inside Newgrange?"

"You want me to carry you to Newgrange. I don't have a problem with that. I can also port us all there instantly. So that's not a problem either. But why the rush Ashling?"

"All I know for sure my daughter, is that things are happening quickly. I don't know what things or why. But the sooner we get to Newgrange the sooner we'll find out."

"I suppose you're right. Okay let's do this!"

Banba felt Ashling's spirit merge with hers. She took one of Aileen's hands then one of Kelli's, then had them take each others hands to complete the circle and ported them all to Newgrange.

Banba heard Ashling's voice in her head. "Push on the right side of the back wall about halfway up."

Banba, Aileen, and Kelli were shocked when a section of the wall opened exposing a portal.

Again Banba heard Ashling's voice. "Take their hands and step through the portal."

When they stepped through the portal, Banba, Aileen, and Kelli found themselves in the courtyard of what appeared to be a huge temple.

Just as Ashling's spirit left Banba's body, a woman appeared in the temple doorway. Banba, Aileen, and Kelli gasped in surprise. The woman in the doorway looked exactly like Banba except her body was far more feminine, with curves in all the right places.

The woman smiled at Banba. "Hello my chosen one. If you haven't guessed already, I'm your namesake, the one you call 'The Goddess.' Welcome to my temple. We have to hurry. Time has no meaning in this realm. When you return to your own realm, it will be as if a few weeks had passed. Come inside, sit, we have much to discuss and very little time to do it in."

Once they were all seated the goddess said, "we have to find something different to call you. We can't be calling each other Banba, that will be too confusing to the guests I have coming, and having you call me 'goddess' will be even more confusing. You've been chosen to be my great queen. The leader and absolute ruler of the 'People of Danu! You'll also rule over some of the Celts, Druids, and Wiccans. Some of them have already decided to ally themselves with you and I'm sure others will follow in the coming days. I'm gonna call you my Morrigan, because that's exactly what you are, my great warrior queen! Do you have any objections to that?"

"None whatsoever. What name should we call you by, my goddess?"

"I know it may be a bit awkward at first, but just call me 'Goddess Banba'. After all, I had the name first," she laughed.

"Goddess Banba huh? I guess that works," the newly named Morrigan giggled.

The Goddess Banba turned to Ashling. "You've done well daughter of Erie! As you, know there is a being in creation even more powerful than I. She's granted a petition to reward you for your service and loyalty, not just to me, but to her as well. I'm gonna give you three choices. Listen carefully, because once you choose, it can never be undone.

I can port you back to your tomb where you can continue to rest peacefully. You can stay here in this temple with me. You'll always have someone to talk to and you'll get to listen to the eternal discussions and bickering that goes on between all the gods and goddesses. Or the Maker of All Things can give you a body so that you can become an adviser and friend to Morrigan. If you make this choice, you'll be given eternal youth and beauty and become immortal just like they are."

Ashling smiled as she stood. "Well, I'm tired of resting, and no disrespect intended, but it seems I've already spent an eternity listening to the constant bickering that goes on here. I have a feeling there may be days I regret this, but I think I'd prefer having my body back. I'm sure I can find some way to make myself useful to Morrigan."

Ashling's spirit glowed brightly for a few seconds as she became a beautiful young woman again. Her hair was a fiery red hanging in gentle ringlets all the way down to the small of her back. She had gorgeous eyes, big and round, light green with golden streaks, and long thick 'fuck me' eyelashes. Her nose was straight and narrow. She had full luscious lips that just begged to be kissed.

Her tits were the size of large grapefruit halves. They were full, firm, and round, sitting high on her chest with silver dollar sized light tan areolae and big puffy pink nipples. She had a flat toned belly and a tiny twenty two inch waist that flared out to nicely rounded thirty four inch hips.

Her legs were long, slim, and shapely topped off by a perfect heart little shaped bubble that anyone, man, or woman, would just love to watch doing a lap dance for them and other than her head, there wasn't a bit of hair anywhere on her body.

Ashling looked down at her body. "Um...Goddess Banba... this isn't my body."

"I realize that, my child. But the Maker of All Things couldn't very well give you back your old body. That's just a bunch of bones lying in a tomb. She had to make this body up as She went along. Personally I think you look hotter than hell. But if you don't like It, I'd be happy to make any changes you want."

"No, that's okay. I actually love it. I was just a little shocked by how great she made me look. This body's a hell of a lot better than the one I had," she giggled.

The Goddess Banba waved her hand. A tube top, a pair of Daisy Dukes, and a pair of sandals appeared on Ashling's body. "It's a shame to cover up a body that delectable, but I can't send you back with Morrigan naked. You'd cause more than a few accidents."

T he Goddess Banba looked over at the new Morrigan and winked. "One down three to go. You're up next. Stand up and turn full circle for me child."

The new Morrigan stood doing a three sixty gasping as her clothes disappeared.

The Goddess Banba shook her head. "NO! NO! NO! This won't do at all! If you're gonna be a queen, you HAVE TO LOOK LIKE ONE! Your hair, your face, and your legs are great but you've got no tits, no hips and no ass! Let's see what we can do about that, shall we?"