The Popular Crowd Pt. 03: Rachel


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Jake grunted, unable to hold himself back from her tight milking walls around him. He grabbed her ass tightly and squeezed her down on top of him, forcing himself deep. Rachel let out a delightful squeal, as Jake's shaft jerked deep within her.

The first blast of his nut against her womb cut off all sound from Rachel's mouth. Her eyes went wide, her mouth open wide as if screaming but no sound came out. Her mind shattered with the pleasure of feeling his shaft spurting inside of her. His thick rod was like a cannon inside of her, each pulse of his semen into her body.

"Oh God I can feel it. You're giving me so much....shit!" She moaned collapsing onto him, her face burying itself in his shoulder. Her body shook with pleasure on top of him as Jake's body remained tense. He pulsed and pulsed into her, until he could feel her overflow and his juices began to drip down his balls.

Finally he relaxed, his load delivered deep and complete into Rachel's incredibly tight little body. He ran his arms around her back, hugging her against him while they both fought to catch their breath. After a minute like this Rachel bagan to laugh softly.

She rose up on him, still keeping him semi-hard and trapped within her. "So? Since Kyle is a piece of shit, maybe I should make you my boyfriend." She drapped her arms around his neck, "What say you to that big guy."

Jake chuckled, "As much as I would like that, I've kinda been falling into a different girl every night lately and I don't think you'd like that." He sighed, "It's weird Rachel, I grew up getting picked on and bullied and all that crap dorks like me deal with. Now it's like I have the pick of the litter and I have a lot of catching up to do."

"Hey I get it." She said, gently lifting off of him and climbing to her feet. His cock flopped wetly against his waistband which he quickly tucked away. He watched Rachel reach between her legs to catch a large glob of his nut falling out of her. "I wasn't being super serious anyway, though...." She licked the cream off her palm and smirked at him. "I'd be lying if i said I wouldn't want to go for another ride some other time."

Jake smiled and nodded, "Alright that i can do."

Rachel leaned over to kiss him softly, "Thanks for helping me get back at Kyle. And I am breaking up with him. But before i do that I might just go show him my delicious little creampie." She giggled and bounced away.

Jake sat there for a while again, finding himself not knowing what to do now. He looked around, there were less people dancing now and more people seemed to have moved either out front or out back for fresh air. Looking towards the front door he spotted Alexis heading outside. He scrambled to his feet, pausing just a moment to adjust himself and make sure he was zipped up before chasing after her.

He caught up to her as she was just stepping off the stoop. "Alexis wait." He called out to her.

She turned and Jake froze. Alexis had straightened her hair and pulled it all down to one side over a single shoulder. She wore a incredible black dress that cross covered over her breasts, but had no stomach covering leaving her unbelievably flat tummy exposed for all to see. The dress had a slit up one side that almost reached hip level and it looked like an outfit that would be very easy to get out of should the need arise to remove it quickly.

"Wow." He said breathlessly. "You look stunning."

She smiled softly, "Thanks Jake." Her voice was a weak almost glum sounding.

Jake frowned and stepped towards her. "Alexis I just want to apologize for earlier. I reacted badly and I really shouldn't have."

Alexis shook her head and cleared her throat. "No you don't have to, really I don't blame you. You didnt ask for this and it was selfish of me to force it on you. Just because it feels good doesn't make it right, I mean hell Jake it was basically rape. I raped you." She frowned, her eyes watering.

"Alexis no....come on. No that's not, I mean I don't see it that way." He told her, "Look you saw what I am, who I was a fucking week ago. If you hadn't done that, I'd still be a virgin for a long LONG time to come." He insisted. "Honestly this has been the best week of my life, and I reacted badly to it because....I guess I was hoping that someone as drop dead gorgeous as you would actually be into me."

Alexis looked down at her hands, nervously playing with her fingers together. "I was."

"What?" Jake's eyes widened.

She looked up at the stars, fighting back tears. "I mean I wouldn't have been if I hadn't been forced to, you know, get that picture. You're right sadly. But.....Jake I had a lot of fun with you and I realized that you are a great guy. I wish I could have given you a chance under different circumstances because I can't remember the last time I had that much fun. I mean who knew those nerdy games were so fun right?" She gave him a shy smile.

Jake nodded, "I can open you to new horizons that's for sure."

She laughed lightly, before frowning again. She put a hand on his shoulder and pouted, "I'm sorry Jake I really am."

Jake grabbed her hand, "Can we at least be friends still? This doesn't have to stop that does it?"

Alexis nodded, "I'd like that."

There was a loud blast of feedback as the music stopped, and a voice came through the speakers inside the house. "Good evening everyone," Came Niece's voice. "I'd like to thank you all once again for another amazing GGK party, did everyone have a good time?" Her voice got more and more excited as she reached the end of her question. People cheered from everywhere, a loud roar of noise that could probably be heard across campus. "Alright awesome. But I have some bad news." This was met with a chorus of 'aww's'. "Yes yes I know but remember we have bi-weekly parties so you'll be back, I know you'll all be back. But at this time, if you are not part of the VIP party, I must ask you to get the fuck out of here."

To Jake's surprise people began to filter out of the house at a pretty rapid rate, pushing past him and Alexis at the bottom of the porch. Jake looked at her and shrugged, "I guess that's my queue to call it a night."

Alexis gave him a worried look, "Why? You're my VIP. You get to stay for the rest of the party." She paused, "I mean if you want."

Jake blinked, "I am?"

She smiled weakly, "Yeah every pledge or full member gets to bring in one VIP guest. I felt it only right to make you mine." She explained. "So you are more than welcome to stay if you'd like." She sounded hopeful.

"Well I don't party much to be honest, but yeah I'll hang out some more I don't see why not."

Alexis seemed to let out a visible sigh of relief at that. "Oh good."

Niece appeared in the doorway behind them, "Hey you two, get inside we're starting soon." She called out and then disappeared.

A few more people trickled out of the house, spreading out to differenet directions across the campus. Jake asked, "Starting what?"

Alexis bit her lower lip nervously, "I have one more test to go through before I become a full member."

Jake brightened, "Okay well that's good right?" Then he remembered what Rachel has said. That many pledges pass the first test, but very few pass the second test. "Wait, that is good right?"

Alexis shook her head, "I don't know what it is, but I've heard that not many go through with it."

Jake thought about it for a second but he couldn't think of anything that could possibly be more extreme that what Alexis' first test had been. She had been told the equivalent of "go suck a random dude's dick", which was pretty far out there by any idea Jake could think of. Rachel had told him that most girls pass that first mark most of the time, but there was a second test that many did not.

Alexis moved up the steps towards the door, "We better get inside." She said, "Jake thank you for staying." She told him.

Jake followed her, "Of course, a special party with GGK, you didn't have to twist my arm that hard." He teased with a smile.

As they entered the house, it was immediately noticable in the different set up that they changed very quickly. The futons were pushed back as far against the wall as possible, except one futon's matress was missing and instead sat in the middle of what was the dancing area. The GGK girls were all standing against the far wall on the DJ side of the room, lined up and waiting for the show to start.

"Alexis! Good, alright come here and stand by me." Niece said from the DJ stand, the microphone in her hand. She pointed at Jake, "Alright Jake, stand over there with the other guys."

Jake turned to see a line of guys standing on the opposite side of the room from the girls. Among the guys left behind for the VIP portion of the party was, Kyle, Victor, Chad (probably to Niece's annoyance), and several other people that Jake didn't know. Most of the guys looked like sports players of some demonination. There were a couple of very tall black dudes that either had to be on the basketball team or the football team. A couple of cornbread looking blonde hair blue-eyed laccross players. All told there were about fourteen guys in the line.

Then as Jake moved to a spot at the end of the line, he would bring the total to fifteen. He felt so incredibly out of place. Every guy in this line was what the ladies would likely call, a stud. Then there was Jake who was shorter than most of them, much less muscular than all of them, and certainly didn't have the looks any of them had. That insecure demon began to eat at his mind.

The bouncer came into the room from the kitchen and gave Niece a thumbs up. "Alright Niece everyone is gone." He told her.

Niece waved, "Alright thank you, have a great night."

The bouncer moved through the room, passing a glance over all the girls as if taking mental pictures for use later. Then he opened the front door and was gone. A GGK girl who'd been waiting by the door, clicked the deadbolt and then quickly got in line with the other girls.

Jake looked over the lineup and felt a pit in his throat about what this was about to be. He saw Capri, Rachel, Clare, Brit, as well as several others that he did not know specifically. Niece and Alexis stood by the DJ set off to the side of the rest of the group.

"Alright everyone, I'm pleased to announce that tonight we have a brand new pledge for GGK!" Niece cried happily. Everyone cheered and clapped for Alexis who stood rubbing her hands together nervously. "As you girls know, we have two tests for all our pledges as a proof of commitment. Once you pass you become a lifelong sister and that's an important bond. Plus you get to go to all the best parties for the rest of your time on campus." She said, moving to stand with her GGK girls.

Niece turned to Alexis, standing as the current head of GGK. "Alexis are you ready for your final test?"

Alexis took a deep breath and nodded, "Alright yes. I'm ready."

Niece turned over to the guys, "What do you guys think? Is Alexis beautiful? Hot enough for the GGK?"

The guys all nodded and clapped their approval. Jake felt a pit grow in his stomach. Were they about to gangbang her? That wasn't really a thing was it?

Neice grinned, "Well a little birdy told me that our lovely, beautiful Alexis here isn't on birth control. Can you guys imagine that?" Niece bragged. "Look at this amazing girl? Who would ever want to wear a nasty uncomfortable little rubber bag with a girl like this?"

Again the guys shook their heads and booed.

Niece smirked evilly, "So Alexis, your final test for full sisterhood to GGK is very simple."

Alexis swallowed hard, and Jake felt like his guts were in knots.

"Pick from our prestigious line-up of studs." Niece gestured to the row of guys, which Jake made a face at being called a stud. "Bring them to the mattress we have laid out here for you." Niece pointed to the futon matress on the floor.

Alexis bit her lip. "And?"

Niece approached Alexis, "And...." She moved around Alexis and wrapped her hands around to caress Alexis' prefect bare tummy, "Get your stud to put a baby in here." She said in a sultry tone.

Jake's eyes went wide, he didn't know what was worse. The gangbang or....what would this even be, forced breeding? Impregnation party? What the fuck kind of club was this? He looked at Rachel standing in line and made a face at her, to which she nodded and shrugged, then mouthed 'test' at him.

Test...this was a test. Okay maybe they wouldn't make her go all the way through it. Maybe once Niece and the girls were sure that Alexis would commit to it, they would stop it and everything would be okay. That had to be it, it wasn't like all these girls were already mommies, and there certainly wasn't a bunch of toddlers running about unless you counted Kyle maybe. So there was no way this would be real.

Alexis jerked away from Niece and spun towards her. "You can't be serious."

Niece nodded and motioned to the girls. "Are we serious girls?"

The girls all pulled out little sticks from their bras or their pockets if they had them. It took Jake a minute to realize that they were all holding pregnancy tests, and if he was a betting man, they would all be positives.

Alexis looked around in shock, then turned back to Niece who was holding up her own stick. "We've all done it Alexis. All you have to do is pick a guy and commit." She told her. "You've already come so far, you are free to stop now if you can't handle it. Nobody will fault you for it."

Alexis hung her head, her chest heaved and her body appeared to be shaking. Jake wanted nothing more than to hug her tightly against him and let her cry out all her anger and frustrations. He noticed that she had balled her fists tightly and even her hands trembled.

"What's it going to be Alexis, we don't have all night." Niece demanded.

Alexis took a deep breath and relaxed her fists. She flicked her head back, causing her hair to flip back. "Oh is that all Niece?" She suddenly said with a surprising confidence. "The way you all were acting I thought you had a challenge for me. But if that's all I have to do to prove myself to ya'll then pffft." She scoffed. "Watch me fuck someone's brains out."

She turned towards the men with a sexy smile, her hand rubbing on her tummy, fingers teasing at the prize that remained hidden under her dress. "You boys wanna fill me with your seed?" She asked mockingly.

The guys nodded, crying words of encouragement for Alexis to pick them. She seemed to watch them all with a seductive delight, the smirk on her lips only offered promises. Jake didn't join in, he was too stunned by what this whole thing seemed to be about. It was crazy, but at the same time he couldn't believe it was true. There was a trick here, but he didn't know what it could be.

Alexis stepped towards the line-up on the other end from Jake. She glanced at Niece, "I get to pick anyone I want? What about Rachel's boyfriend? Or Monica's?" She turned to the girls trying to judge reactions.

"I broke up with Kyle, fuck him. I don't care." Rachel said.

Jake's eyes went wide and there was clear hostility in her voice. Kyle stepped forward, "Alexis please pick me, help me get back at her. She broke up with me because of that fucking guy." Kyle accused pointing a finger at Jake.

Jake looked at him, "Me? What the fuck did I do? I was just sitting there."

"With your dick out!"

"Well Capri was..."

"NOT IMPORTANT!" Niece belowed. "Kyle shut the fuck up before I revoke your VIP status."

"Revoke it anyway, fuck him." Rachel spat.

Kyle shut up and backed into line. "Sorry."

Alexis rolled her eyes and began to walk her way down the line. "Well let me get back to it then. Who should I pick?" She stopped in front of one of the black guys that Jake figured was a part of the basketball team, dude stood well over six foot tall and was very lean. Alexis looked up at him, "Should I pick you, tall, dark and handsome?"

He leaned forward a little, "I'll give you the best you'll ever have baby." His voice was like a booming deep bass.

Alexis moaned softly, "Hmmm, maybe." She teased and slipped away from him to move further down the line.

Alexis moved slowly through all the guys teasing a couple by slapping their shoulders as if testing their strength, though she did noticably completely ignore Kyle which made Rachel grin from her spot in line. Then finally Alexis reached Jake and her attitude changed completely, she seemed to breath a sigh of relief when she got to him and her body relaxed. She gazed up into his eyes and licked her lips lightly.

Jake leaned forward gently and whispered, "I don't think it'll be real. I heard it was a test so they can't possibly mean for you to actually get pregnant." He told her quickly.

Alexis nodded lightly. "If it was real..." She said softly. "I..." She looked up at him. "I'd still pick you." Her words warmed Jake's heart.

He gave her a tight lipped smile and nodded, "I'd do my best."

She looked up at him, "Oh yeah?"

Jake smiled, "Of course."

"Prove it." She backed away from him and smiled brightly. "Alright I made my choice!" She annouced. The rest of the guys stood up straighter waiting for their name to be called. "My baby daddy, is going to be..." She came forward and grabbed Jake's hand and pulled him towards the matress. "This charming boy right here."

The girls clapped and cheered while the rest of the guys clapped in confusion. "Really?" One said. "But isn't he that dweeb tutor?" Another asked.

Kyle gave him a look, "Bro another one!?" he clenched his lips as if he wanted badly to say something else.

"Alright that's it fellas. Our pledge has made her choice." Niece announced. "The rest of you get the fuck out. You don't have to go home but you aint staying here." She stepped forward and ushered the guys out of the house.

They made comments and confused statments, but Kyle specifically looked very upset about the whole thing. Maybe it hurt him more than most to see Jake picked over him for some reason. Once the house was clear the GGK girls moved from the wall to surround the ring of the futon.

"Now with that mess out of the way," Niece said with a sigh, she came up to the mattress and gestured for Alexis and Jake to get on the mattress. "Come on let's get going I have class in the morning. Get to it you two." She instructed.

Alexis and Jake looked at each other, then looked at Niece. "What?"

Niece rolled her eyes and nodded, "Would you hurry up and cum inside her so we can go to bed please?"

Jake couldn't reply, and he just looked at Alexis. She gave him a worried look, but nodded. The GGK girls came up to both of them, two girls grabbed at Jake's shirt and before he knew it they had yanked it over his head. Another pair of girls were working Alexis' dress to the floor. Hands kept working at Jake, opening his fly and jerking his pants down quickly. Exposed a few girls who had not yet seen him gave out a little whistle.

"Wow lucky girl." Someone said.

Once they were stripped the girls stepped back to form the ring around the matress and watched. Jake and Alexis stood nude in front of each other, Jake's eyes couldn't help but roam over her body. She was perfect, stunning, incredible, it blew Jake's mind that someone like her could even exist. Alexis let her eyes drop to his hog before looking up at him.

"It's bigger than I remember." She told him.

Jake laughed, "I doubt that."

She closed the distance between them and wrapped her arms around him. Jake smiled and kissed her slowly slipping his arms around her waist and pulling her body against his. She moaned into his mouth, her breasts mashing tightly against his chest as she squeezed him back. Her tongue pushed into his mouth, together their mouths worked against each other. Jake's shaft began to rise between them but they were holding each other so tightly that the only place to rise was to slip directly between her legs.