The Power of Touch Ch. 12


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Shakily, Laurie released her husband's hands, and stood up.

Laurie turned to face me. Her hair was stuck to her face, and she brushed it aside. Laurie leaned in to kiss me. Her naked body pressed into me as she kissed me with passion. As she pulled away from me, she looked at me.

"You have ruined me Master." She said, her hand on my cheek.

"Ruined you?" I asked.

"Yes Master. You have ruined me for any other man." She said as she caressed my cheek.

"No man has ever made me feel this way."

I was speechless. I just leaned in and gave her another kiss.

"Well, you are welcome." Was all I could think to say.

"You may get dressed Laurie." I ordered.

"Yes Master. Thank you Sir."

I watched Laurie get dressed and made another decision. I could not let this woman get away from me. I had to have her.

"You may spend the rest of the evening with your husband, but starting tonight you are to be one of my permanent slaves."

Laurie's eyes lit up. She looked at Johnathon excitedly.

"Did you here that honey?" She asked the excitement evident in her voice.

"Yeah... I heard." He said dejectedly. "I suppose, if that's what Master wishes..."

Johnathon's voice trailed off.

Laurie didn't pay any heed to him. She felt as if she had won the lottery.

"Johnathon, when tonight is finished, you are to drop Laurie off at the Berwick Hotel. I have a room more or less permanently booked there for me."

"Yes Master." He replied.

"You are to drop her off, and that is it. I will permit you to give her a goodbye kiss."

"Yes Master. As you wish." He replies obediently.

After Laurie had got dressed, I turned and made my way to the bar. I needed a fucking drink. The DJ had started playing music again.

I ordered my rum and coke from the bar tender.

"Holy fuck Master. That was fucking hot." Was all the bartender could say.

I just looked at him.

"Tell me about it." I said as I took a sip.

As I stood there watching the crowd, I felt an arm slide around my waist. I looked over, and saw that it was Reese.

"Well, you certainly sure know how to make an evening memorable." She said playfully.

I chuckled.

"Well, I can assure you, I'll never forget it." I said laughing.

Reese chuckled.

"So, are you spending the night with her?" She asked.

"I don't think so, why?"

"Well... I was hoping, and I'm sorry if this is too forward, but I was hoping that you would sleep with me tonight." Reese said, her eyes staring dreamily into mine.

I leaned in and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"This is your night baby." I said. "Who am I to disappoint you?"

Reese chuckled and placed her hand on my chest.

"I was hoping you would say that."

"What about Danny?" I asked.

"Fuck him." Reese replied. "You are more than a man as he'll ever be."

Again, I kissed Reese's forehead.

"The way you made that woman's husband look so small was a real turn on. It proves to me just how powerful you really are."

The thought of Reese's naked body beside mine was intoxicating. Of course, I had every intention of sleeping with her in Danny's place tonight anyway. But to have her come to me and ask unsolicited was a major boost to my already inflated ego.

"You're right. Fuck your husband. I want you to spend the rest of the reception with me."

"Absolutely Sir." Reese chuckled.

"And tomorrow? Will you sit with me on the plane?"

"Of course." I replied.

Once again, I had every intention of sitting with her on the flight. Fuck, Danny could sit alone.

Reese ordered a drink from the bar and slid her arm under mine.

"Master, this truly has been the best night of my life young life."

"And it will only get better my little pet." I assured her.

Reese rested her head on my shoulder. I looked down and kissed the top of her head. My arm slid around her waist and I pulled her in closer. Reese nuzzled her head deeper into my shoulder as she sighed a sigh of pure contentment.

The DJ came over the speaker. "Alright everyone, we're going to slow things down for a bit here. Grab your partner."

Jeff Healey's "Angel Eyes" started to play, and I looked at Reese. She looked up at me and nodded. I shot back the remainder of my drink and guided Reese to the dance floor. There we danced slowly and closely. My hand was resting on the smooth skin of her lower back. Reese lay her head on my shoulder as we swayed to the soothing sounds of the music. I looked over at the couple beside us. It was an older couple, and the female smiled and gave me a wink. As her husband swayed around into my sight he also, gave me a smile.

Angel Eyes stopped playing, and Taylor Swifts "Lover" started to play.

"I love this song." Reese said quietly, as she started to sing along.

She had a beautiful singing voice. I listened to her sing quietly, and held her tighter. Her firm body pressing into me. I looked down at Reese, and she looked up at me dreamily. I kissed her gently on the lips as we swayed to the song. Reese and I kissed for the remainder of the song. As the song came to an end, Reese boke the kiss and looked up at me sleepily.

"Master, take me back to the hotel."

"Already?" I asked. I looked at the clock on the wall and saw that it was a quarter past eleven.

"Yes. Already."

Well, who was I to say no. She did look fairly tired, and to be honest after my first anal adventure (not mention my sexual escapades with Liana and Samantha) I was a little sleepy myself. The song came to an end and we made our way off the dance floor, hand in hand. Reese guided me to her parents table. We sat down across from Lynne and Fred.

"That was quite the show Master." Fred said.

"Fred!" Lynne said, slapping his arm playfully.

I chuckled.

"Fred, you have no idea." I said laughing. "You should give it a shot on Lynne tonight."

Fred looked at Lynne. Lynne looked apprehensive.

"I don't know..." She hesitated. "It just looks so... so dirty."

"That's what makes it so good Lynne. When you two get back to the hotel or back home tonight, I want you to engage in anal sex. You will thank me in the end. No pun intended." I laughed.

"Yes Master. As you wish." They both responded.

The thought of Lynne getting railed from behind by Fred was erotic. I imagined that they only engaged in vanilla sex, if at all. I could picture Lynne bent over and moaning uncontrollably.

"I think Master and I are going to take off and head back to the hotel." Reese said to her mom. "I'm pretty tired."

"You should dear. What time is your flight tomorrow?" Lynne asked.

"The plane leaves at 11:00 in the morning." Reese replied.

"Well, you get a good night sleep dear. You're going to need your energy for your honeymoon." Lynne chuckled, giving me a wink.

I winked back at her. This is why I had no problem letting Fred have sexual access to his wife. They genuinely seemed to be a good couple, and made great slaves. It seemed as Lynne and Fred had forgotten about Dan and were excited about Reese being with me. Reese stood up and walked over to her mom. Lynne stood up and gave Reese a kiss and a hug. Lynne turned her attention to me and gave me a hug and embraced me warmly. As we embraced, I reached down and grabbed her ass. I gave it a gentle squeeze. I kissed Lynne warmly on the lips.

"Have fun tonight." I said in Lynne's ear.

"I'm sure we will Master." Lynne said.

I separated from her and walked over to Fred. I shook Fred's hand.

"Thank you Master, have a safe trip." Fred said.

"Thanks Fred. Don't worry, your daughter is in good hands." I replied.

I leaned in and said quietly "Don't forget the lube tonight. You'll thank me later."

Fred just laughed.

Next was Fiona. Fiona stood and embraced me. I kissed her on the lips and squeezed her ass. Our kiss lingered a little longer, and I finally separated from her. She had a dreamy look in her eye.

Reese and I said our goodbyes and made our way to the entrance, walking hand in hand towards the door.

"What about Dan? Are you going to let him know you're leaving?" I asked.

"Nah. I just want to get out of here." Reese said.

Once we got out of the reception hall, the air felt good on our skin. The limo that I took with Reese's parents was sitting there waiting, so we approached it. The driver saw us coming and rushed to open the door. We slid in and relaxed. The driver got back in the drivers seat.

"The Berwick, Sir?" he asked.

I just nodded. The limo glided away from the reception hall and soon we were enveloped in darkness in the back seat. Reese lay her head on my shoulder.

"Well Master, I can honestly say that this was not how I thought my wedding night would end. But, I'm glad it did."

I kissed the top of her head. We rode in silence for the rest of the trip back to the hotel.

Once we arrived back at the hotel, the driver jumped out and quickly opened the rear door. We stepped out and I handed the driver a hundred dollar bill.

"Oh no Sir, I couldn't possibly accept this. This is too generous." He stammered.

"Take it as a token of my appreciation. By your wife something nice." I said.

"Well, thank you Sir. Have a great night." He said appreciatively.

We made our way into the lobby.

"Hold on Reese." I said as I made my way to the reception desk.

Reese came with me. I stepped up and spoke to the guest service agent behind the check-in desk.

"Yes Sir? How may I help you?" He asked genuinely.

"Hey, I'm Jeff Bartlett and I was wondering if I still had my room booked?"

"Let me see..." He said as he punched my name into the computer.

"Hmm. Yes sir, your room appears to be booked until the end of the month." He replied, raising his eyebrows.

"Ok, I'd like to extend it indefinitely, if I may." I said.

"Ok... Let me check with the night manager." He said as he picked up his phone.

After a few seconds, he looked at me and said, "Yes sir, you are good to go. Your credit with us is in good standing. Enjoy your stay."

"I will. But, there will be a Mrs. Carpenter coming in tonight and inquiring about my room. Will you please give her a room pass for me?"

"Absolutely Sir." He said.

"Thank you." I replied.

"You are welcome Sir."

Reese and I made our way to the elevator and ascended to her floor. We made our way to her room and she retrieved her key card from her small purse. We entered her room and were surprised to find a nice bottle of champagne chilling in an ice bucket. We made our way deeper into the room as I undid my tie, and started to unbutton my shirt.

"Master, allow me." Reese stated.

I stopped and allowed Reese to finish unbuttoning my shirt.

Reese's fingers opened my shirt buttons one by one. Once they were completely undone, Reese placed her hand on my bare chest. She caressed my chest quietly, not saying a thing. She traced my nipple with her finger, and leaned in to kiss my pec. Reese's hands made their way to my shoulders and gently pulled my shirt off. Once my chest was bare, she moved on to my belt. She had my belt undone in a matter of seconds, and was already working on the button and zipper. I kicked my shoes off and allowed her to pull my pants down below my hips. My pants fell to the ground and I stepped out of them. Now, I stood in front of her in just my socks and boxers. Reese sank to her knees and removed my socks. She went to pull my boxers down, but I stopped her. She looked up at me. Damn she looked good on her knees in front me in her wedding dress. I didn't want her to do anything to my penis as it had been in Laurie's ass.

Gently, I pulled her to her feet and turned her around. Her wedding dress was buttoned up, so I started to return the favour and unbutton her. Slowly and deliberately I undid her buttons one by one. Once they were all undone, I slipped her dress off her shoulders and down her arms. Her dress pooled around her waist. The lower part of her dress was done up with a zipper. I unzipped her dress and pushed her dress over her hips and to the floor. Now, Reese stepped out of her dress and stood there in her bra, panties, and white high heels. I unclasped her bra and slid it off her shoulders. I reached around and cupped her beautiful young breasts. They felt smooth and firm as I gently squeezed them. Reese's nipples hardened in my hands.

"Yes Master..." She moaned.

I turned her around by her shoulders and knelt down to kiss her chest. I started at the base of her throat and softly kissed a trail down her chest between her breasts. I felt her hands on the back of my head. I moved over to her right breast and kissed her. My mouth found her erect nipple and I sucked it into my mouth. My tongue played around her areola as well as across her nipple. Her skin tasted like her perfume. I sank to my knees and left a trail of soft kisses down her smooth, tight belly. Once I was on my knees, I pulled her panties off and assisted her in stepping out of them. I sniffed the small triangle of pubic hair and caressed her labia with my tongue.

"Oh Master. Yes..." She moaned.

I parted her labia with my tongue, and got a slight salty taste from her vagina. I loved it. I could go down on Reese all day and never tire of it. Her pussy was perfect in every way. Gently, I licked around the outside of her vagina just inside her thighs. I looked down at her feet. I unstrapped one of her high heels and took it off. Next I did the same with the other. I pushed her into a seated position on the bed, and took one of her feet in my hands. I massaged her small foot in a circular motion starting with her toe and gradually moving down to her heel. Her foot was smooth and un-calloused. When I was finished with her foot, I took the other into my hand and gently massaged it as well.

I stood up and took her by the hand. Reese silently stood up, allowing herself to be guided by her Master. I released her hand and removed my boxers. Once I too was nude, I took her by the hand again and led her into the bathroom.

"What are we doing Master?" Reese asked sweetly.

"I thought we would shower together." I said.

"That sounds wonderful." She replied.

I bent over and adjusted the water temperature. The shower was beautiful. It was a large sized shower that could easily fit two people. There were three shower heads. One on each side of the shower and a rainfall shower head in the middle. Water started to cascade down as steam started to rise. I stepped in first to make sure the water wasn't too hot. It was perfect. I reached out and took Reese by the hand. I pulled her in and picked up a bar of soap. Rubbing my hands together, I lathered up and started to wash my slave. I paid particular attention to her breasts and softly massaged the lather into her skin. I moved down her belly to her vagina. Her skin was wet and shiny. My cock was now fully erect. God I wanted to fuck her, but my cock was still unclean. I turned Reese around and started to wash her back. I started with her shoulders, and made my way down the small of her back. Next I washed both her ass cheeks and the inside of the crack of her ass. My cock was aching in anticipation. I knelt down so my face was eye level with her ass. Again I worked up a lather and washed her legs and feet. Reese was finished. I stood up and handed her the soap. Reese gave me an impish little smile as she lathered up.

She started with my chest and gently massaged the soap into my skin. She worked her way down to my belly. I pulled Reese towards me and kissed her deeply on the lips. Reese took my erect cock into her hand and gently washed it as we kissed. My cock stayed in her hand for what seemed to be an eternity. I think it was the cleanest part of my body. She broke our kiss and turned me around to wash my back and ass. Once she was finished, I felt her kiss my back as she sank to her knees. I jumped a little as I felt her finger run up and down the crack of my ass as she gave it a good cleaning. Yet another experience I have never had. Reese finished washing my ass and made quick work of my legs. Once that task was complete, she stood up again.

"Let's go to bed Master." She said sleepily.

"Alright Reese." I replied.

I shut off the shower, and we stepped out. I grabbed one of the oversized plush hotel towels and handed it to Reese. Then I took one for myself. We stood there, both of us slick with water as we gently took turns drying each other off. We walked into the bedroom and flopped down onto the bed.

"Jesus, what a night." Reese breathed heavily.

We both climbed under the sheets and Reese cuddled into me.

Reese laid he head on my chest and played with my chest hair.

"What's your real name, Master?" She asked.

"Um, it's Jeff. Jeff Bartlett."

"Thank you Master Jeff."

"I wish I could take your last name as mine." She said wistfully as her hand disappeared under the sheets. I felt her leg cross over mine.

"Oh?" I asked.

"Mrs. Reese Bartlett. Kinda has a nice ring to it don't you think?"

I smiled. Yes I suppose it does.

"Hmmm." She said as her hand grasped my cock.

"I sure wish it was you standing there with me up at the altar."

"I love you Jeff. I love you..."

Her hand started to stroke my cock. I could tell she was fading though. I kissed the top of her head.

"I love you too Reese."

Her hand continued to stroke my cock.

"God I love your cock, Master." She mumbled sleepily.

Her hand slowly stopped stroking me as her breathing got heavier. I was comforted by the feeling of her soft naked body against mine her head on my chest.

Reese drifted off to sleep. I cupped her ass in my hand and stroked it for a bit.

I too was drifting off to sleep.

I gave one final order before sleep overtook me.

Danny, there is no bed for you here. You may sleep on a couch if you wish.

This was not how I envisioned tonight, at all. I pictured Reese and I fucking with reckless abandon while Danny was forced to watch. I had planned to fuck Amy and Hannah too.

But these things don't always work out the way you want them to. Having Reese declare her love for me was more than enough.

We both drifted off to sleep. Reese with my cock in her hand, and I holding her ass.

Tomorrow was a big day, we had a plane to catch.

Neither of us heard Danny enter the room later that night. He made himself comfortable on the couch and obediently slept there for the evening. We didn't care, we fell asleep holding each other.

I dreamt of the honeymoon that was to come. I couldn't wait.

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Brandon11Brandon11about 3 years ago
The power of touch

Awesome story so far, once Jeff cums he needs to have the new groom eating his cum out of her ass and then give the groomsmen blowjobs showing the results on his tunge before he swallows.Please continue this series.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Best story/series in the genre. Please don't make us wait for more!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

it takes so long, hope for the next chp to come faster. but that might be only a dream.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Did not like how this one ended. Way to open.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Finally! I loved this series and read it quite a few times. Hopefully you don’t need another one and a half years to write the next installment. What I wish contentual: when Jeff touches parents of any kind it will be nice if he tells us also the number of offspring, besides Names, Ages, occupation. Second will it be nice, if Jeff uses the male slave more often for his „dirty work“, like clean up duties, eg letting Lauries Hubby eat the cum out of her ass. I am very curious about the Honeymoon, too: maybe Jeff gives Reese and Dan a little present in Reese‘ womb to grow…

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