The Ranch Ch. 08


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"You could say I changed my mind, or lied," George shrugged. "Whichever makes you feel better, Katie. If I want something, I take it." His eyelids lowered and he moved forward to kneel on the bed's edge. Katie quickly drew her legs back to kick him, and he seized her ankles in an iron grip.

"Now, now, Katie," George murmured suavely, her legs angrily pulling against his hold. "Don't insult your father-in-law." Tightening his fingers until his knuckles turned white, he watched Katie's features tense with discomfort, but she still glared daggers at him.

"Lovely, lovely breasts," he complimented her calmly, watching the rage in her eyes turn to pain as the circulation left her feet. "But I knew they would be," he continued, watching her chest strain toward the ceiling while she struggled, appreciating how her pink nipples stiffened from the exposure to air.

George's perverted mind wandered as he imagined piercing them, leading her about by a chain connecting to rose-gold diamond studs. Cruelly pulling the chain, watching her on hands and knees, her spiked, black stilettos desperately kicking against the ground while his dick hardened in her lush, pretty mouth...

"Let me go, please," Katie grimaced, raising wide eyes to the ceiling to cope with the pain.

"I have quite a grip," George agreed. Though he smiled, he intense black eyes gleamed with predatory, callous enjoyment. "Are you going to behave?" he inquired, easily maintaining his hold as she fought to pull her legs back.

"Yes...Yes!" she hurriedly uttered, as a dull ache repeatedly throbbed across her feet.

"Good girl, Katie," he replied. Just like that, her legs were free. George backed off the bed, chuckling as Katie cringed, stamping her feet along the mattress to lose the pins and needles sensation.

Casting a quick look at Dom, Katie realised he wasn't going to intervene. She could see he was upset, even worried. In all the time she'd known him, he had never been so visibly restrained. His dark eyes were wide with surprise and his tall frame shook with fury, but he was clearly under his father's thumb.

"I'm going to remove your pants, Katie," George said, unbuttoning his shirt and dropping it to the ground beside him. "Then...I'm going to take off your panties, and you're going to spread your lovely legs for me." He broke off with a laugh as Katie crossed them on instinct.

"Then, you will keep your legs open for me, and I will come inside you when I am ready. Oh..." George frowned thoughtfully at the ground. "It wouldn't do for you to be pregnant for a while, yet. That will interfere with our games. I'll see what else takes my fancy. I won't fuck your mouth, because you're not trustworthy. That will take time and training. But I know it'll be well-worth the wait. Any questions, darling?"

"Father!" Dom weakly interjected, pressing both palms against the wall to steady himself.

The calculating calm swept from George's face as he turned on his son. "Did I speak to you?" he snarled crushingly. Facing George's vicious glare, Dom opened his mouth, and closed it.

George turned back to Katie, pleasantly contained. "Katie?" he prompted politely.

"Please, don't, please!" Katie wept, shrinking against the headboard. Being assaulted by Dom was bad enough, but being raped by his father while he watched was doubly awful. It was backward, on so many levels.

"Now, that is not a question," George observed with mild curiosity, lightly rubbing his erection and pulling down his underwear.

"Oh, God," Katie squeezed her eyes shut and averted her face, but not quickly enough to avoid an eyeful of his erection jutting toward her. Hands cuffed to the headboard, she wanted to cover her ears and curl into a ball.

"Neither is that." George remarked with amusement, slowly kneeling onto the end of the bed. "Now, Katie, I must warn you not to give me trouble. If you do, I will hurt you. I don't want to Katie, but I will. I think you know that. Otherwise you should be relieved to know that I intend to be gentle this occasion."

Katie moaned pleadingly as she felt George's caressing hands pause at her hips, seize her jeans and tug down. Her breathing increased with her panic as he hooked his fingers around her panties, pulling them down her legs and off her feet, like he said he would.

"Spread, darling," George said sweetly, spitting on his hand a couple of times and spreading his saliva over his cock. The pained expression on Katie's face was deliciously arousing. The way she bit down on her full bottom lip with petrified anticipation only made her more desirable.

Keeping her eyes closed, Katie slowly spread her legs, hating herself for complying, but too afraid of the unknown to fight back. Even if George didn't plan to kill her, she knew it would be foolish to test his mercy.

"Good girl, Katie," George grinned widely, reading her thoughts, knowing her terror. Crawling above her trembling body, he positioned himself between her legs. Pausing, he gently kissed the trail of tears running along her cheek, then traced her ear with his tongue, feeling her shudder with disgust at the intimate gesture.

Practically hyperventilating, Katie tried to pretend it was Cory on top of her, but the tension that filled the room, the cold handcuffs, made it impossible to use her imagination. She could hear Dom breathing heavily from against the wall.

"Open your eyes, Katie," George brusquely instructed, watching them fly open as his cock poked around her entrance. "You must watch me. You must appreciate who is fucking you. I am your master now. That aside, I do adore your eyes." They certainly were a marvellous colour, strikingly green with her tears and fright.

Unable to drag his eyes from the two of them, Dom fiercely raked both hands over his head, fingers clawing at the stubble where his hair used to be. Feeling his agitation reach new heights, something moved behind him and he jerked around, discovering the wall was perfectly stationary. It was just his body, tremoring uncontrollably from head to toe, fighting to cope with this new torment. At this emotional peak, Dom dimly understood that his mind was fast approaching breaking point. He was being punished as thoroughly as his father could devise.

"Ahhh...tight." George breathed as he slowly pushed in an inch, pausing his entry when Katie shut her eyes in disgust. "Open your fucking eyes, Katie," he repeated thickly. "If you close them again, I will really punish you."

"Please, don't! Please...oh-" Katie begged, obeying.

As their gazes locked, George smiled. Slowly continuing to press forward, he carefully observed the emotions rapidly fluttering across her face whilst she squirmed awkwardly beneath him. Fully buried inside her, he gently whispered into her ear, brushing his lips along the smooth column of her neck as she shook beneath him.

"Good girl. Shhh. This isn't for you, darling," he murmured. "I must punish my son. Our journey will be different. A step-by-step initiation..."


George and Katie turned their heads in time to see the door swing shut. Dom had punched a hole in the wall and fled the room. George stared at the door for a long, poisonous moment.

"That boy, is in serious want of manners," he tutted breathlessly, lowering his face to Katie's neck, feeling her pussy twitch nervously around his cock as it rested inside her.

"So aggravating. The whole point was..." George sighed his disappointment, then remembered where he was. "I had best finish what I started," he smiled against her skin.

"Uh." Katie cringed as George began to slowly thrust. His hand moved between them and confidently squeezed her breasts, flicked her nipples, as though they made love. There was nothing she could do but lie there and wait for him to finish. It was somehow worse than the hard and fast rape Greg inflicted.

"Mmmmm," George moaned against her throat, slightly increasing pace, then slowing down again, sometimes leaving his length inside her for long, deliberate moments. "You should be honoured, Katie," he sneered huskily, feeling her breasts press against this chest as she futilely arched against him. "Very rarely am I gentle in sex."

Panting, Katie grit her teeth, hating being joined to him, especially despising the lingering seconds she was stuffed with his cock as he settled inside her, pacing himself to drag out the rape. She gasped in surprise as his hand crept up to her throat.

"A taste of what's to come, darling," he panted excitedly. More steadily fucking her, he loved the sound of her cuffs pulling against the bed-frame. Her body jerked with his movements, soft skin shining with perspiration, her shining dark hair splayed across the pillow, several strands adhering to the sweat on her neck and temples.

"Fucking you is just... You are exquisite. I'm going to teach you so many things... Soon, you will aspire to please me... You will crave my approval... I'm... going... to... Uhhh..." George drew a deep, shaky breath and closed his eyes, his brow furrowed as he approached climax. Opening them again, he roughly thrust into her balls-deep and paused. Raising slightly onto his forearms, he took Katie's nipples in a pinching hold. Carefully watching her face, he mercilessly twisted, and tugged.

Katie screamed, sending George over the edge.

"Mmmm...uhhhh..." he groaned, and quickly pulled out.

Raising to his knees he moved up her body, directing his cock at Katie's exposed breasts as she strained away. Tightly gripping his cock, he pumped out several thick streams of cum, shaking the last few drops along her collarbone. With his other hand, George rubbed her breasts, spreading his cum all over her chest, indulgently tweaking her sore nipples to keep them erect. She could feel his load dry on her skin, absorbing, marking her as his property.

"Beautifully responsive. Thank you, darling." George lazily smiled his satisfaction, moving from the bed to dress himself. Pausing by the door, he looked back at her. "That was nice, Katie. Unfortunately, I won't always be nice."

Still shaking, Katie followed his departure with wide, shocked eyes. Having never felt such a strong, concentrated hatred for another person, it took her breath away with astounding force. With a father like George, she could almost understand, could almost forgive Dom for being as he was.


"Jesus." Cory's jaw dropped as he gazed around Alex's apartment.

Mark walked in after Cory, carefully avoiding the blood on the floor. "You weren't kidding," he murmured.

"Nope," Alex smiled thinly. Closing the door, he moved past the other two men to collapse on the black sofa. "I'm pretty beat."

"Are you ok?" Cory asked, tentatively sitting on the other end. His light tawny eyes ran over Alex's bruised face.

Alex's eyes sharpened and he swiftly held up a hand for silence. Sitting up, he leaned forward to retrieve a gun from the back of his pants. Cory and Mark followed his gaze and saw the moving shadow beneath the door.

"Someone's outside," Alex mouthed, carefully standing.

Cory stood beside him, watching the door.

"Oh, for the love of-!" Mark angrily exclaimed, drawing startled looks from the others. Stalking to the door, he reached for the handle. "I told you she wouldn't stay put!" he snapped to Cory, wrenching the door open.

Caught eavesdropping, Rosa hovered, embarrassed.

"Enter!" Mark impatiently waved her in. "This is what you wanted to see? Blood and guts?"

Rosa's eyes widened at the sight of blood. There was a lot of it - pooled on the floor, sprayed across one wall.

"Wh-what happened?" she stammered, nervously glancing around. Catching sight of something on the ground, she curiously walked over to inspect it.

"Wait-" Alex began, rushing over.

Rosa screamed. It was a finger.

"Don't mind it," Alex said coolly. Brushing her aside, he quickly bent and retrieved the finger in a tissue.

Hysterical, Rosa burst into tears and ran to Cory. As she cried into his chest Cory awkwardly drew his arms about her. Panicking, he stood frozen, gingerly holding her as though she was made of glass. Over her head, he looked to the others for help. Alex grinned and Mark rolled his eyes.

"Rosa, this is why we asked you to wait outside," Cory said gently, glaring at Mark and Alex.

"I'm ok," she replied in a small voice, "I was just surprised."

"Ok..." Cory unsuccessfully tried to disengage himself. "Well... Well..."

"Cory will have to take you dancing later, Rosa. Do you mind?" Mark sarcastically intervened.

Furiously blushing, Rosa hurriedly released Cory.

"I'm Alex," Alex introduced himself in a timely manner, offering a box of tissues to Rosa. "This is my apartment, which doesn't always look like a war-zone." He ruefully glanced around his once-pristine home. "If you can behave yourself, I have no problem with you staying. But it's not up to me."

"Alex," Mark straightened, struck by a sudden idea. "Do you have anyone who can take Rosa home?"

"What?" Rosa exclaimed shrilly, dropping the tissues.

"Bert is away on business. Other than him, no one I'd trust with a young girl, no," Alex sighed.

"Seriously?" Mark persisted. "No one?"

"Don't talk about me, like I'm not here!" Rosa snarled, her hands curled into fists by her sides.

"Enough!" Cory angrily ended the debate. "We're not here to bicker." He turned to Alex. "What do you know?"

Frowning at the bloodied floor, Alex jerked his head to the couch. "Let's sit."

As Rosa moved, Mark opened his mouth to protest.

"She has a right to be here," Cory cut him off before he could speak. "I don't think it's a good idea either, but she has a right."

"How much more are we going to take from that family?" Mark softly queried. When Cory didn't answer, he didn't press his point. Shaking his head, he remained standing, arms crossed.

"So..." Alex formed a steeple with his fingers as he grappled with the details. "They know you're here, they knew the moment you left the ranch. They knew about our meeting, hence this mess. But I was the one being tailed. Probably easier to explain that surveillance given my line of work." He glanced around regretfully. "I did like this apartment."

"And Katie?" Mark prompted impatiently.

"Is that her name? There's a girl but I didn't get a name," Alex slowly answered. "Practically a family member. But that's just a rumour." He glanced at Cory from the corner of his eye. "My source said she was the prettiest thing he'd ever laid eyes on. But that was by the third finger-" he snorted, before recalling Rosa's presence.

"So, how do we get her back?" Cory asked, restlessly rubbing his thighs.

"The short answer is, we don't," Alex replied. "Or I should say, that's the smart answer."

"And if we feel compelled to ... exhibit extraordinary stupidity?" Mark probed, leaning against the wall. "Is it possible?"

Alex looked between Cory and Mark with astonishment. "Who would have thought?" he murmured, shaking his head.

"What?" Cory took the bait. Knowing the answer, Mark looked away.

"That the two confirmed bachelors would fall for the same girl." Alex's lips formed a smile that didn't reach his aquamarine eyes. "So... Say we pull it off and everyone goes home in one piece. Who gets this Katie?"

There was an uncomfortable silence. Alex grinned ruefully and slapped his thigh. "Sorry, it's not my business and I'm sure it'll out." His sarcastic tone belied the statement.

"Anyway, banter aside, there's a way." The humour left Alex's face. "We need to connect with George. Discreetly. We need to approach another avenue of his interest. Not drugs." He took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. "It's not ideal, for too many reasons. But I can get in, I'll just need product."

"Surely drug access isn't a problem for you?" Cory scoffed in disbelief.

"Pay attention, Cory. I said another avenue," Alex coldly replied. "Not drug trafficking. Human trafficking."

"Oh, yeah!" Mark exclaimed with false enthusiasm, glaring at Alex with disbelief. "Sure! That's the ticket. Aside from the obvious risks, from both the law and the industry, you want to abduct a group of strays and auction them off?"

"We don't need a group," Alex said tentatively, slowly shaking his head. "We need one convincing captive."

"And where the fuck..." Cory angrily started, but trailed off as horrified realisation dawned across his face.

Alex was looking at Rosa.

"No!" Cory and Mark shouted together.

"It's conceivable. And she's a good candidate. Young, attractive. It'd just be a ruse. Of course, I won't let anything go wrong."

"What could go wrong with a plan like that?" Cory snapped sarcastically, pushing off the couch and stalking to the window. "You're out of your mind."

"I'll do it," Rosa said, with quiet determination.

"No, you won't," Mark flatly replied. "No fucking way. I'm not having you on my conscience."

"What conscience?" she sneered.

"Girl, I'm this close to putting you over my knee!" he threatened, his hand forming a tiny gap between thumb and finger.

"I thought you didn't like little girls?" Rosa's dark eyes widened with mock innocence, but her tone dripped insultingly with sexual innuendo.

"That's it," Mark said savagely, and strode forward, seizing Rosa's arm as he passed. Seating himself on the couch, he tugged the shrieking girl across his lap.

Raising a hand to bring it down on her behind, Cory caught his wrist before he could deliver the blow.

"What the hell are you doing?" he hissed incredulously.

"I'm teaching this brat some manners!" Mark replied, angrily shaking his wrist free.

Rosa made use of the interruption and wriggled off Mark's lap. Opening her mouth to scream at Mark, she paused. The three of them turned to Alex, who'd slid from the couch to the ground, silently shaking with hysterical laughter.

"Don't mind me," he coughed, pulling himself together. "I just wish Sandy could see this." Remembering that she was out of his reach, he grew serious.

"If you really are willing to go ahead, man-handling is inevitable," he told Rosa, slowly getting to his feet. "You'll be fucking terrified. And you should be."

In the dark recesses of Alex's memories, unwelcome images surfaced. His breath caught in his chest as his mind's eye unwillingly skimmed through the vague, scattered faces of broken women, trapped in a vicious cycle, a repeating nightmare until mercy in death. His eyes hardened with remorse, recollecting the wretched things he had witnessed in the blackest points of his career.

"Men will insult you, threaten you. You will be nothing more than an expendable, reusable commodity. You can't refuse, argue, or be anything other than a frightened, submissive young girl. Because any attitude, even looking at someone defiantly, the expectation will be for you to be punished. Then it will be up to me to convince them, and we don't want that."

There was a long, depressing silence. Alex sighed. "At this stage, it's just an idea. It's not just a case of your consent, I need to be confident you won't screw it up by either giving the game away, or behaving so atrociously it'd be suspicious if you weren't given brutal consequences."

Pausing a moment, Alex tutted thoughtfully. "Rosa, are you a virgin?"

Rosa's cheeks immediately flushed with embarrassed colour. While Mark's eyes never wavered from her face, Cory looked away uncomfortably.

"Yes." she answered, cringing. Nothing like disclosing non-sexual experience in the presence of three male strangers, all fully grown men humming with testosterone. Frowning as a thought occurred to her, Alex answered her unspoken question.

"Yes, they might check. Hopefully we won't go that deep."

"Question," Cory raised a hand. "Where will this plan get us?"