The Ranch Ch. 08


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Alex shrugged. "I'm supposedly dead. Even though there are tabs on you two, they would never anticipate you'd pursue a criminal avenue. To find your girl, we need access. Getting close to the head of the snake is the only way. I did mention the limited wisdom of this pursuit," he reminded them. After a moment, he shrugged.

"George is behind everything, but not directly engaged - he can't afford the connection. The sorts who work in human trade are sub-human, I mean it. They make drug dealers look like good Samaritans. We don't like them, they don't like us. The chance of recognition is almost nil. Almost."

Alex smiled grimly. "George doesn't take drugs himself. His vice is young women. Dom used to be the same, but that dropped off more than a year ago, now. Before that, he was always in trouble."

"Then he met Katie," Mark murmured.

Alex reached back to tighten his ponytail, genuinely baffled. "Is she really so exceptional?" he asked disbelievingly. "Can she crush walnuts with her pussy, or something? Does she-? Sorry," he broke off, nodding apologetically to Rosa.

"What about the ones who were here?" Cory asked. "If they don't return..."

"I still have some friends I can trust," Alex replied dryly. "We're going to leave the place as is, wipe any evidence you two were here. Then, my visitors will be in an unfortunate car accident."

"Riddled with bullets?" Cory retorted.

"It's the best I can do," Alex snapped, "they won't be in the best condition for an autopsy."

Rosa paled.

"Who's your contact?" Mark inquired. "And who are we supposed to be?"

"Never mind who my contact is," Alex murmured. "And Cory stays behind."

"What?!" Cory twisted on the couch to glare up at Alex. "What-"

"I know you well enough, to know you won't be able to handle it," Alex retorted. "If you can't agree to that, forget it. We'd fail before we start."

"This is f-" Cory half-shouted, trying to keep his voice civil for Rosa's sake. "I have to be there!"

"You'd blow us out of the water in five minutes. Mark has less scruples. He can pull it off. No offence," he glanced at Mark.

"None taken," Mark nodded, not entirely sure Alex was right.

"We won't go deep," Alex clarified. "I just need a foot in the door."

"It's too difficult," Cory murmured. "Too much risk. There has to be another way."

"It's the only way."

"Wait. It won't work," Mark sided with Cory. "We'd need to be sure we're not followed and exposed. Using Rosa is too big a risk. I'm also not keen on a criminal record. I doubt Cory and I could dodge that bullet a second time." He looked at Alex. "We need to come up with something else."

Alex shrugged. "You said you wanted stupidity, there it is. You got a better idea, you just let me know."

"Do they know about me?" Rosa piped in.

Alex contemplated her for a short moment. "Doubtful. I was the one being followed." He turned to Mark. "They're tracing you electronically. Until then, deal in cash. I can help with that. When we decide what next, maybe book tickets home to throw them off."

"Wait," Mark held up a hand. "I admit I considered it to start, but I don't want Rosa involved."

"Excus-" Rose angrily began, but stopped at the fierce look on Mark's handsome face.

'"Do you understand what you're getting involved in?" he thundered. "Don't you know that your father is dead, and he's not coming back?"

Cory cleared his throat loudly and stepped between them, facing Mark. "A word in private?"

Alex pointed toward a door near the kitchen. "That's a study. I prefer we all stay downstairs."

Cory nodded his thanks and Mark followed him into the small room, closing the door behind them.

"What now?"

"What's your problem?" Cory asked quietly. "And don't tell me 'nothing'."

Mark crossed his arms. "What do you want me to say?"

"The truth. It's like you can't control your temper around her, and that's not like you. And what you said just now was ... confronting."

Mark met his eyes for a moment, then looked away. "I know what it means to lose a parent. She still has her mother, yet she's putting it all on the line, for what?" He exhaled angrily and clapped his hands together. "You want the truth? I think she's an ungrateful brat. And on an unrelated point, I never took to babysitting. I don't want the responsibility. We have enough on our hands."

"I get it, Mark," Cory replied quietly. "But I can't do this alone. I need you to get back on your game."

"Done." Mark straightened. "I'll rein it in."

"Thankyou." Cory opened his arms. "Hug?"

"What?" Mark laughed disbelievingly. "What the hell, Cory?"

"You look like you need one."

'Well, I don't," Mark lied, and reached for the door. "Let's resume."

They joined Alex and Rosa, who were sitting together in awkward silence.

Cory pulled up a chair to sit opposite Alex. "So, this trafficking contact of yours, can we speak to him?" he asked.

Alex grimaced. "My contact owes me a favour. But he's not the errm...charitable kind."

"What if we don't go in at all?"

Alex frowned. "What? What do you mean?"

Cory thoughtfully stared at the ground before meeting his cousin's bemused stare. "What if we just meet your contact? Rosa can still be the bait. A private sale."

Alex laughed darkly. "Set up my contact?! I don't have enough dangerous enemies?"

"It doesn't have to be a set up," Mark said, catching onto Cory's idea. "Deals don't always go ahead, do they? There's discussion and negotiation. We can set up a meeting. Dangle Rosa like a carrot, in a controlled environment and try to get what we need. If an agreement can't be reached, the deal won't go ahead. Everyone walks away."

Alex didn't respond, but by the frown in his eyes it was obvious he was considering. And fretting. Mark followed his thoughts.

"Stop worrying about your contact. Look around you," he said softly. "You're done in this city. Do this for us, and we'll help you pick up the pieces."


Curled up on the couch, Sandy's brown eyes were glazed as she aimlessly flicked through tv channels. Repeatedly hitting the 'next' button, she didn't register any of the brightly flashing content.

The suite was luxurious, but only made her feel lonelier with no-one to enjoy it with. The bed was too large for one, and the spa-bath sized perfectly for two people, or more. The next morning, she would be well out of the city, at one of Alex's properties. Sighing, she turned the TV off.

Undressing, she stepped into the shower and turned the water full-strength, letting the cascade of warmth soothe her stress. Aimlessly rubbing soapy gel across her rounded breasts, she gave her head a little shake, trying not to think of Alex, what he was doing, if he was ok. Switching the water off, she suddenly froze in the large stall, hearing a noise outside.

With everything that was going on, and not entirely recovered from the violent home invasion, she chastised herself for being such a wimp. Heart thumping, she quickly drew a towel about herself and gingerly opened the wide glass shower door. Tiptoeing toward the doorway, she paused, listening. There was only silence.

"Ahh, fuck..." she breathed her relief out loud, irritated by the fear still trickling down her spine. Things were more uncertain than ever, and she resented the stifling effect it had on her normal confidence.

Bypassing the slippers and padding barefoot into the lounge room, she looked around. No one was there, but something was wrong. Rounding the couch, she immediately sighted the black gym bag by the door, starkly visible against the plush beige carpet. As panic flashed through her, a strong arm circled her waist from behind and jerked her back against a man's body. Simultaneously, a hand clapped over her mouth as she drew breath to scream.

"Hello, hello..." a deep voice breathed into her ear, the hand left her mouth to stroke down her collarbone and encircle her breast beneath the towel, her skin still damp from the shower.

Twirling in Alex's arms to face him, Sandy didn't know whether to cover him in kisses, or punch him for terrifying her.

"Sorry, baby," he grinned, noting she was genuinely startled. "I couldn't resist."

"How did you get in?" she asked breathlessly, trying to recover from the adrenaline pumping through her body.

"I booked the room, didn't I?" he peered down at her with a raised eyebrow, then swiftly bent to kiss her cheek. "I organised an extra key in advance."

"But it wasn't-!" she began, but paused as the obvious struck her. Of course, he didn't use his real name. "Well, you scared the shit outta me!" she snapped, concealing her excitement and running her palms across her head to flick back unruly strands of wet, blonde hair. If there was anything in the world she could have wished for, it would be for him to magically appear.

"Are you going to pretend you're not happy to see me?" he murmured, smugly tugging her forward into a hug, resting his chin on the top of her head.

"No," she mumbled into his chest, savouring his arms about her. Breathing in his cologne, she nuzzled the front of his pale blue business shirt. She peeked up at him. "Why are you in a suit?"

"I had some things to take care of," he replied dismissively, but his easy tone put Sandy on alert.

"What things?"

Alex reached within his blazer and pulled out an envelope. "This is for you."

"What is it?" Sandy eyed the envelope suspiciously, not moving to take it.

"Don't look so worried. It's for the property you're headed. I'm signing it over to you, among other things, and I need your pretty autograph."

"What?" Sandy backed away. "No. I don't want it."

"If it's in your name it'll be harder to trace and it'll be... clean," Alex explained, playfully dangling the envelope at her.

"No," Sandy trembled. "Alex, what are you doing?"

"Shush," Alex ignored her question and pulled her close again. "You're the only woman I've ever cared about," he said softly against her temple. "I need to know that if something goes wrong..."

"No!" Sandy tried to pull away, and failed. "I don't want it! Let me go!"

"Baby," Alex's voice turned severe as he tightened his hold. "Stop arguing. Calm yourself."

Sandy sulkily relented and again rested her cheek against his chest, feeling some of the tension leave his body as she cooperated.

"That's my girl," he breathed against her hair. "Now listen, carefully. You will accept this because it will please me, understood?"

"Mmm..." she sullenly responded through pursed lips, still enjoying the feel of him against her.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Good girl." Alex raked a hand through her hair, his fingers coming to rest on the warm nape of her neck, and exhaled heavily. "Jesus. I fucking hate being away from you."

Pausing reflectively, his fingertips pressed harder against her skin as he recalled all the frustrated moments since their separation, all the times he wanted to order Sandy to bare her ass for a spanking. Demand kisses from her pouting, little mouth. Her large, curved breasts out of his reach. "A kink is a strong urge," he muttered, more to himself.

"You should wear a suit more often, you look gorgeous," Sandy said shyly.

Alex looked down and indulgently pulled the towel free from her body. Tossing it aside, his eyes gleamed as they ran over her body. "And you should always be naked."

For a moment, they watched each other. Alex's eyes seemed to burn, the golden flecks highlighted against the turquoise as he gazed into Sandy's face. She returned his stare a little uncertainly, never knowing what was coming. But that was what she loved about him, that he could make her nervous with anticipation, even a little frightened. And despite all that, she knew he cherished her, and she could trust him implicitly.

"Now I have gone to some effort to give you a gift," Alex began, his mouth curved at one end in a wry smile. "And I haven't received so much as a simple 'thank you'. How do you think I should address that?"

Sandy dropped her gaze and petulantly shrugged a bare shoulder. Alex whistled his amusement.

"I see I have my work cut out for me," he smiled thinly, his heart racing as he looked her over. She was gorgeous, naked, and in need of a firm hand. And he was the only man for the job.

"Get on your knees," he demanded, stepping back to watch as she immediately complied. "Who do you belong to?"

"You, Sir."

"Uh huh." Alex raised his chin whilst considering her. "Spread your legs."

Sandy slowly moved her knees apart and sat back on her heels.

"Good girl. You're wet," Alex remarked, tilting his head at her. "I can see from all the way up here. Put two fingers inside yourself."

Sandy's cheeks reddened as she slowly complied.

"Suck your fingers clean. Who are you dripping for?"

"You, Sir," she murmured quietly as she withdrew her hand, eyes downcast as she wrapped her lips about her fingers and slid them in and out of her mouth, just the way he liked.

"Girl, you're a hot mess. Look at me."

Sandy raised her eyes to watch him dolefully, still sucking on her fingers.

"Who are you dripping for?"

"You, Sir." Sandy's voice was somewhat garbled as she spoke coyly through her fingers.

Alex took a deep breath to calm the excitement coursing through him as he watched her. "I can't decide whether to use you first, or punish you. What a fucking predicament. Crawl to me."

Alex backed up and sat on the couch facing the television and watched Sandy approach on hands and knees. Leaning forward, he reached out and tilted her face to his with one finger.

"Thank you," he said softly, briefly brushing his lips across her pink mouth before moving back with a sigh.

"Come on, over my lap," he brusquely ordered.

When Sandy settled across his knees, he gently stroked her bare ass before pinching one buttock. "How many times did you say 'no' to me tonight?"

"I didn't count, Sir," she answered, squirming as his hand wandered lower, bypassing her pussy and trailing along her upper thigh. "I'm sorry, Sir, I didn't mean to," she added, in a rush.

"I didn't count either," he chuckled, indulgently caressing her bare skin. "And I'm sure you meant to. You know what's coming."

Sandy took a deep breath and slowly moved her hands to grip Alex's thigh for support. Waiting was the hardest part. But the anticipation was thrilling. Her breath left her in a huff and she jumped as Alex brought his hand down on her ass, sharply spanking her cheeks left and right rhythmically.

The blows stung, but Sandy knew better than to protest. The heat of his palm beating down on her ass seemed to stimulate her pussy without contact, and her inner thighs slickened with moist arousal.

Both of them panted from excitement and exertion -- the effort of delivering punishment and enduring it. The act was as exciting as each other's response. Alex watched Sandy's smooth legs part, saw the wetness between, knowing her pussy ached for his touch. Sandy felt Alex's hard cock rubbing against her side, his hips tensing to push harder against her.

"Owwww..." she quietly whined as a particularly stinging hit landed across both cheeks.

"What do you have to say for yourself?"

"I'm sorry, Sir," Sandy exhaled.

"What for?"

"For saying 'no', Sir," she said, on an impatient sigh.

"You don't sound repentant at all. How will you show me you're sorry, girl?"

"I' what you like..." she answered sheepishly.

Alex laughed roughly. "And what do I like, slut?"

"You like having your cock sucked, Sir," she mumbled quietly, narrowing her eyes at the wall ahead.


"You like having your cock sucked, Sir," she repeated, more audibly.

"Wrong. I don't like just anyone sucking my cock."

"No, Sir."

"So, what do I like? Show me, girl. Be quick about it."

Sandy raised to face Alex, and he gripped her small waist. He positioned her over his cock, which desperately pressed against the confining material of his suit pants. Before she could kneel on the floor before him, Alex unexpectedly lifted her forward into his lap so she straddled him, knees by his sides, his face close below hers.

"I wonder if you know what you mean to me," he said slowly, intently looking into her eyes as she blushed with pleasure, unsure how to answer.

It was a precious moment for him, feeling the warmth of her naked body through his clothes. Already excited after the maintenance spanking, it was a moment he'd never forget it. But it was bittersweet knowing it could be the last.

Sandy watched the spark fade from his eyes, replaced by a sombre bleakness. She knew what he was thinking, what was at stake. If only he would change his mind and run with her.

"It's not too late-" she began, but Alex quickly pressed his finger against her lips.

"None of that," he said, his own mouth compressed in a tight smile. "You know once my mind is made up, it's as good as done."

"But-" Sandy insisted, and Alex's finger quickly left her mouth to firmly pressed under her chin, forcing her to meet his eyes.

"I said 'none of that'', he warned huskily, before kissing her. Beneath the force of his kiss Sandy's lips parted, and Alex's tongue took immediate advantage of the gap, sliding past her teeth to merge with hers.

"Mmmm," Sandy moaned against him, forgetting everything except the heat of his body through the suit, the soft material against her bare skin, the inviting warmth of his mouth.

Alex was respectably presented, his ash-brown hair neatly tied back. Fully dressed, from the black tie about his neck to his leather dress shoes. Sandy was completely naked, wet in more sense than one, her blonde bob which normally styled in a neat curve was sexily ruffled, framing her small face with blonde, shower-wet tendrils. Entwined together, they presented a supremely erotic image.

Alex didn't give a fuck about his expensive suit creasing, getting wet or irreparably damaged. On the contrary, he seemed inclined to make a completely passionate of mess of it. Like the pricy champagne, which would be worth every dollar when he poured it over Sandy. He couldn't wait to lick and suck it off her skin, fasten his lips around one nipple, seize one with his teeth and....

"Touch me, girl, quickly," he panted against her lips before urgently resuming the kiss, moving his mouth over hers suffocatingly. Her small hands blindly fumbled at the belt of his trousers, unzipping him, sliding over his cock still trapped in his underwear, slipping further down to grip his throbbing length. Squeezing, then pulling, moving up and down at a tortuously slow pace.

"Oh, god," he groaned, leaning back to stroke her breasts as she worked on him. "You like that, slut? You like feeling what you do to me?"

"Yes, Sir," Sandy breathed, her eyes wide with excitement and longing as she pumped his cock.

"Continue, and suck me," Alex said, his hands reluctantly releasing her breasts as she knelt on the ground between his legs. "Uhh," he frowned slightly as her wet mouth fastened about the head of his cock, her little tongue massaging as she sucked and continued to pump him with her hand.

Alex looked down his suit, over his cock slightly disappearing in and out of Sandy's mouth, most of his length exposed as she ran both hands up and down the shaft. His eyes left her face to roam her naked body, bent to his will.

"Enough," he said hoarsely. It had been too long, and he wasn't going to last. "Stand up and turn around. Bend over, hands on your ankles. Hold position."

Sandy gave his cock a last slow suck before getting to her feet. She turned and bent over, feeling his eyes boring into her. Blushing, she knew he was admiring her reddened buttocks, her dripping wet pussy, fluid running down her thighs. Finally, she heard the couch shift against the material of his suit as he slowly rose. Then there was complete silence for a full minute before he spoke.