The Rarest Treasure


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"The old-fash... you mean..."

"... in my ass, Larry." For all his embarrassment, Lawrence still heard Zooey's sigh of relief when she lowered herself back on her feet.

"Let's go to your room, then."

"Good decision, lover of mine." And they walked silently, arm-in-arm.

They were alone in the elevator and Zooey noticed how nervous Lawrence had become. "Larry, are you OK? We don't have to do this if it makes you uncomfortable."

Lawrence tried, in vain, to smile in reassurance. "Thank you Zooey... and I'll be find... it's just... it's another new world for me. I guess I'm afraid to disappoint... you're always so amazing..."

The rest of the elevator trip was in lip-locked silence. Zooey ended the kiss when the door opened. "There is no way someone who loves me with so much emotion can disappoint me, Larry... I think you're about to ravage me raw and you don't even know it yet." Lawrence nervously looked around in the corridor, to make sure they were not being heard.

Zooey's beautiful face was now an intoxicating mixture of lust and want. She opened her door. "After you, Larry..." he entered the room in silence and took in, once more, the view at night from her suite.

This triggered something in Zooey. "Larry, you are absolutely right! I have always taken this view from granted; and it is jaw-dropping!" She bent over, raised her dress, moved her g-string beside her anus and leaned on the window. "Baby, if you don't want to have a visit from today's meal, I suggest you get to it right now..." she was wetting her whistle and her eyes were devouring him where he stood.

Lawrence was fumbling so much, trying to remove his ensemble with both excitement and care, that Zooey laughed in delight. He finally decided that he was sufficiently undressed; he still had his polo and his socks on. But his hard-on was in Zooey's plain sight and she moaned in expectation.

"Larry... the lube is in my purse... and please relax... you're going to be amazing."

Lawrence had lost the ability to speak. He nervously found the tube of lubricant; some part of his analytical brain recorded that it was water-based and perfume free. He coated Zooey's anus with a copious amount of it, barely daring to push a finger through her sphincter. He then rubbed his glans all over her perfectly firm derriere and he caressed it with his free hand as well. Zooey was already excited to no end: he was being caring and erotic at the same time. She felt his hardness and saw his silent indecision.

"Push it in, Larry... I'm ready." Lawrence had never heard Zooey in such a low, lewd tone.

He pushed, and was instantly baffled by the resistance from her rectum. Also by Zooey's loud, sustained, moan.

Feeling his hesitation, she spurred him on. "Huuuuhhh! Come on, Larry... mmmh! Keep on pushing... get that beautiful thing in me... don't worry, I can take it... come on, big boy... get in there!"

Saying this somehow relaxed Zooey and Lawrence's next push was more successful. Feeling confident from his new achievement, he pushed again and, this time, he put some strength into it; the lubricant did the rest.

Zooey felt the heat from his shaft, while it slowly plowed her prostate, and soon after the soft pressure of his balls on her buns. She screamed in pleasure and also willed herself to be coherent for the sake of her lover.

"HoooooWOOOW! STOP! D... Don't move! Just... keep it in there... oHHHH Larry! You feel so GGGOOODDD!!" She turned her head to look at him and asked, with a mixture of hope and ecstasy. "And youHOUUU... do you... like this?"

Lawrence had a bursting heart and was overloaded with excitement he could not dissipate. "Zooey... oh, Zooey! This is... wow! I've never... you... were right... it's amazing! MMmrrrgh!" He was caressing her exposed back with one hand and her tushy with the other and did not dare twitch another muscle. "Am I... hurting... youHouu!?!"

"Ohhh NOOOO!!! I can take this! Now, stud... it's time... mmmrgh... today, we did the loving, we did the passion... no I want to feel you in heat!!! Fuck me, Larry! Skewer me! Ride me HARD!" Zooey braced herself against the suite's window and readied herself to have her wish granted.

And Lawrence, after two hesitant back-and-forth motions, did just that. He stopped caressing her, placed his hands on her shoulders for support and began systematically pounding her derriere. Zooey felt, with pure bliss, her insides being ravaged by her lover's battering ram, just as she had predicted; and she relished every second of it.

She tried to spur Lawrence on, but the words would not come out; only feral grunts. And Lawrence was no better. Without a care as to whether or not someone was watching them from outside, Lawrence and Zooey were one in this savage ride.

Suddenly, Zooey's grunts rose in pitch by two octaves and Lawrence felt her twitches, her spasms, even the window reverberate. He did not slow down in the least; if anything, he slammed his piston into her with more power while she was cumming. And she could not recover. Her moan, almost a howl, was now nonstop.

Lawrence steadied her with his arms, but to no avail; he stopped before she went limp. Regaining some of her wits, Zooey gingerly walked to the bed, dragging Lawrence along with her, and when she reached it, she dropped on her back, spread her legs and begged him to continue with her eyes.

It took a second or two, and some discipline, for Lawrence to realign his stained monolith. When he gloriously felt his shaft pass once again the threshold of her sphincter, Lawrence dove on his beloved: his hands were running wild in her hair and his tongue was deep in her mouth while her prostate was being systematically raked again.

He felt Zooey's second orgasm by her hoarse scream inside their kiss and by her nails raking his back through his polo shirt, but Lawrence was relentless in his onslaught.

Such was the pressure in her rectum that both of them felt the throbbing pulses announcing Lawrence's impending climax. Zooey clamped her legs around his powerful bottom and tried pressing his spurting member even deeper inside her. Lawrence kept on his pressure until his spent penis began to subside, at which point he lazily pulled out and tumbled on the bed beside her, on his back, and fought hard to catch his breath. He was covered in sweat and looked like the victim of some comic book form of life drain.

Zooey was the first to regain some cohesion. "Larry... baby... that... was... heat. Wow! You... were... you ARE... amazing."

"Again... thanks... to you... you... beautiful... talented... and... ultimate... sex machine... never had... so good."

Zooey chuckled in wonder. "Did you just call me an ultimate sex machine, Lawrence Linney?"

Lawrence had a lecherous and elated smile. "Hell yeaaa... don't bother denying it... I mean... wow!"

This quip somehow rejuvenated Zooey and she pounced on her incapacitated lover, covering him with smooches. "Larry... I love you... I love you... I love you... this day is just so perfect... no matter what..."

Lawrence took her at her word. "No matter what?"

Zooey wanted to keep this for herself and she quickly found an alternate path to the conversation. "Well, for one thing, we need to get this beautiful member of yours cleaned up... the next time we plan for anal sex, I promise there will be proper hygiene beforehand. Let's get you in the shower before we chill in the Jacuzzi."



"I love you." Lawrence had said the words before, but he had just said them with such an even-toned earnestness that Zooey was moved beyond words. She walked away in silence to fill up the Jacuzzi and start the shower.

After some quick soaping and scrubbing, both lovers were enjoying life, side by side, in the suds and bubbles. Neither felt the need to say anything for quite some time, until eventually Zooey asked, with a low voice that was barely above a whisper.



"You really love me?"

Lawrence fought to urge to react strongly and responded with the same softness. "Yes, Zooey... and you?"

"Yes, of course, I keep saying it... and I do feel it... but there is love, and love, and love... you know? There's the crush, there's the passion and infatuation, but... you say it like someone ready to talk about forever..."

"Maybe I am..."

"How? How can you be such an old soul? You're not even twenty-five yet... and you were already engaged once... how can you do that?"

Lawrence was a little taken aback by such a straightforward approach to his ideal of love. He softly giggled. "Zooey, if I knew the answer to that question, I wouldn't need to study geology for a living... I don't know what makes me tick. I only know I'm no romantic fool: when I asked... her... to marry me, I wasn't thinking about and-they-lived-happily-ever-after-and-had-many-children..."

"What were you thinking about, then?"

"Mmmm... partnership, complicity, growing old, trust, friendship, kids, grandkids, Christmases, ski holidays, fixing up the house during week-ends... and... huh... keeping the promise."

Zooey left Lawrence's shoulder to look at him straight in the eyes. She looked guilt-ridden. "I envy you, then... because... I have a problem with forever... is that... bad?"

"Considering what you have lived through, I would be worried if you didn't, Zooey..."

"So... we're OK?"

Lawrence's smile was beaming so much that it must have been visible in the room's half-light. "Zooey, looking at you, feeling your softness on me, hearing your beautiful voice... from my perspective, we're a lot more than OK... we're in heaven."

She leaned back on his shoulder. Her sigh of relief was such that Lawrence seemingly felt her lighter. "Lawrence Linney, you are my savior."

There followed another long and peaceful quiet between them. And then, out of the blue: "Larry?"


"I love you."

3. - This dream is for you...

At dawn's first light, it was already obvious that their Saturday would be spent in a drastically different fashion, as Zooey woke up with intense pain in her lower abdomen.

"Larryyy... WHAT on Earth are you doing?" He had his hand on her forehead.

"Well, your breathing is obviously strong and steady, and now I feel no fever, so we're not talking about a recurrence of PE or an infection, which is cool, because I don't have to drag your ass to the hospital, kicking and screaming."

Zooey gasped; her reply was in a much lower, and calmer, tone. "You weren't kidding... weren't you?"

He answered, tit for tat. "Nope. Now, my next guess is that you're paying a price for yesterday's frivolities... any opinion about that?"

"Yeaaa, that's pretty much how it feels. All my lower muscles are tight as steel and on fire."

"Do you have medication for that in your purse?"

"Not in my purse, no... they did give me prescriptions for codeine and a muscle relaxant... but I never got around purchasing them at the pharmacy."

Lawrence chastised her in a very paternal tone. "Zo-oey!"

She winced in guilt and caressed his face. "I had better things to doooo..."

Lawrence had an annoyed smile. "Nice... and dum. But the lecture will have to wait. I got something in the car, in my travel gear. Just wait for me, I'll be right back. And try to make yourself comfortable, because you're staying in bed all day, all right?"

"Yes, dear..." Lawrence had heard that defeated tone once before.

Lawrence left the room, came back with his travel bag and, without a word, extracted a small first aid kit. He handed Zooey two large round tablets.

"What are those, Larry?"

"Generic Robaxacet, extra-strength. That should relieve you enough until opening hours. What pharmacy has your medication file? Jean Coutu? Uniprix?" Lawrence was all business.


"Good, there's one close to my place; I'll go get your medication. Plus some stuff for today." Lawrence actually scanned the room while mentally confirming his plan of action. He then watched Zooey and his eyes softened. "How do you like your coffee?"

Zooey was flabbergasted by the transformation. "Coffee? huh... black, two Splendas..."

"Would you like one now? I know it's still early..."

"Yes, please... and thank you."

Lawrence briskly set about his new task. He did not utter one syllable until he returned with two hot coffees. "There you go, Zooey... that should be drinkable... here, let me help you with those pillows." Lawrence gently propped her on the bed, using all of their pillows.

"Thanks..." she tasted and visibly took comfort from her morning coffee. She then took a deep breath. "OK, Larry, let me have it..."

Lawrence was clueless. "Have what?"

Zooey smiled for the first time since waking up. "The lecture!"

Lawrence sighed in regret. "I don't want to..."

"Come on... out with it... I can see you're mad at me..."

"I'm not mad, Zooey... for me to be mad would mean that I regret the choices we made yesterday... and yesterday was..." Lawrence let the thought hang and became briefly starry-eyed. "But... dammit! Zooey... charite bien ordonnee commence par soi-meme!" Zooey tried not to laugh - it would hurt - but Lawrence looked as if the stars in his eyes had gone nova.

"What does that mean, Larry?"

"You don't speak French at all?" The question had been asked in a factual manner, not a judgmental one.

"Un tout petit peu."

"OK... sorry; I don't know why, but the proverbs all sound better in French. Before being so generous with others, including me, couldn't you try to be generous with yourself?"

"But then yesterday wouldn't have been so perfect." Lawrence was now sitting down on the bed so Zooey could now lean on his shoulder. It felt good to talk with him.

"Aaah... so that's why you push yourself so much? Un tiens vaut mieux que deux tu l'auras?"


"It's better to enjoy something you have right away than to wait for maybe two later... you got to admit that it sounds better and deeper than YOLO..."

"You have me there..."

"Zooey... I'm not going anywhere and I care about you... so, please, try to better look after yourself..."

She kissed him somewhere on the cheek where it didn't hurt her to reach. "I'll try."

Lawrence quickly peeked at his watch. "Anything else you want to talk about before I journey for food, drugs and recreation? It's still early..."

Zooey did not ponder that question for long. "You know what? I want to know about wakefieldite..."

"You're serious?"

"Yes... my mother made me feel like a dumb blonde, the other day at the hospital... and I would much rather hear about it from you than read some stuffy articles."

The next three hours were a revelation for Lawrence, who improvised a Rare Earth Mineralization And Economic Geology For Dummies lesson. He knew his strength at dissertation, but he had never tried popularization and he hugely enjoyed it. Zooey was no less captivated and did not move nor lost focus until a loud stomach growl reminded them both of the passing time.

Lawrence laughed in embarrassment. "Oh Dear! Zooey, I'm sorry... I guess I got carried away! I'll call for breakfast and go right after, OK?"

Zooey signaled Lawrence to come closer, into kissing range, and after a soft kiss on the lips, reassured her lover. "It's OK, baby... and thank you for this... you will be a superb teacher; your students will be lucky to have you."


Zooey feared that Lawrence had left her forever; in fact, he was gone just shy of one hour, just as he had predicted.

And, without warning, Lawrence walked into her room, looking like a supercharged bundle of joy. "Honeyyyy! I'm hooooome!"

Zooey had a pained expression that hid just how happy she was to see him again. "Hello, sweetheart... see, I've been good... I stayed in bed..."

Lawrence was in a taunting mood and did not believe her for a second. "It hurt too much to get up?"

"Yeaaaa..." Zooey cringed with a guilty smile.

"What am I going to do with you?"

Zooey was puzzled. "A lot, apparently... what's all this?" Lawrence was setting up a bed tray over Zooey's legs. He also had a bottle of spring water, two pill bottles, a laptop, two portable speakers and several DVDs.

Lawrence undressed, got into his pajamas and carefully cuddled beside Zooey. "YOU are about to take some Codeine for the pain and a muscle relaxant... I was told it's pretty strong stuff, so no getting out of bed, OK? Then, WE are binge-watching James Bond movies... how does that sound?"

Her heart answered before her brain. "Heavenly, sweetie..."

Lawrence was readying his laptop while Zooey took her medication. "I was thinking we should watch the movies according to the books' chronology..." she did not have time to offer an opinion "... so, which book is the first one?"

Zooey was won over by his enthusiasm. "Casino Royale."

"OK... I have that one. So, do you feel like watching Daniel Craig and the body that makes your mother swoon?"

She chuckled with some pain. "Yes... ouch! That's going to be great..." Lawrence slid the DVD into his laptop. Zooey was fast asleep by the time Bond bankrupted Le Chiffre with a straight flush.

Lawrence did not move an inch and just caressed her hair while he finished the movie. He sighed in worry, knowing today was their last day together. "Zooey... what am I going to do without you?" A peaceful snore was his sole reply.

When Zooey stirred awake, thankful that she felt nothing more than a slight discomfort from her abdomen muscles, she first saw Lawrence snoozing beside her, still in his pajamas and with her hands in his. She moved her head to look for the bed tray and that was all it took to wake up Lawrence with a worried whimper.

"Mmmrrllmm... are you all right, Zooey?"

"Yes, Larry... I'm feeling better. Mind you, I'm won't be doing any Pilates next week because... you know... some guy I know wants me to better look after myself... but I have just slept like a log."

"I'm glad to hear that... has anyone told you how angelic you look when you sleep?"

"Besides mom, nobody. Thank you... I also greatly enjoyed waking up beside you, sweetie."

Lawrence was still in his playful mood. "Of course you did... you hogged the blankets!"

"I did no... oh my God, I did! Hi, hi! No apologies... what time is it, baby?"

He glanced at his watch. "A little before 3h PM."

Zooey groaned and mumbled to herself. "Arrrgh... all right, let's get that out of the way."

"What's that, dear?"

"Nothing, baby... could you just get me my box of dilators, please... I'm late for my morning set."

Lawrence fell deep inside his thoughts while he searched and quickly found the box that started it all.

"There you go, honey... how often must you do this, now?"

Zooey was amused that such a subject of conversation could be so casual between them. "Twice a day... I expected progress to be swifter, to be honest with you..."

"Does it matter? I mean, considering you will be doing dilations for the rest of your life... maybe you should just go with the flow..."

"Easy for you to say... you don't have to stuff and stretch your vagina..."

Lawrence blushed. "Well... euh... according to you, I did..."

Zooey guffawed and coughed in discomfort. "Ouch! See what you just did!?! Don't make me laugh and let me do this!"

While trading quips with Lawrence, Zooey had selected the dilator she wished to use; she had handed it to Lawrence, who rinsed it thoroughly and returned it to her; only then did it dawn on her that their teamwork had all been performed without the need for any requests, instructions or explanations. However, both became a little self-conscious when Zooey disrobed, removed her panties and began her dilation.

She looked at Lawrence, slightly embarrassed. "Sorry if it's not very romantic, darling..." she pushed the dilator gingerly; today, owing to her muscle pain, the exercise was particularly unpleasant.
