The Rarest Treasure


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But Lawrence was now surveying the operation with clinical interest. "You're cheating, Zooey... you're not supposed to just leave it in, you're supposed to rotate it and slightly move it."

Zooey was sideswiped. "I beg your pardon?"

Lawrence shrugged and smiled good-naturedly. "When everything else fails... read the instructions..."

"Is that sooo? Well, it just so happens that today, I'm too uncomfortable to dilate my vagina by the book..."

"Do you want me to help you?"

"Ouch!" Zooey had guffawed and felt another sting of pain. To her, this conversation was surreal. "YOU... want to help me with my dilation exercises?"

"Well... yea, sure... today and... any other day you want, really... does that make me weird?"

"I don't know what that makes you... but YOU have just made ME verrry horny... so, just remember: YOU ASKED FOR IT!" Back was her lewd, predatory stare; Zooey was devouring Lawrence where he stood.

"Wh... what do you mean?"

"Mister wonderful Linney, your offer of assistance is accepted: WE shall dilate TOGETHER. Now, strip!" She had removed her dilator and was waiting impatiently.

Lawrence was both stumped and extremely excited; he was naked in no time flat. "How... do you want me?"

Zooey signaled him close to her with a very suggestive index finger. Her voice was low and feline. "You take my dilator and properly use it... I will take your dilator and VERY properly use it. Now, since you read the instructions so well, how long will this exercise last, Mister Linney?"

"T...twenty minutes... give or take..."

"Ooooh, you are about to give... because, not to brag but... I know my way around a penis. Keep your watch close and... no cheating, OK?" Lawrence had positioned himself as ordered and was slightly terrified. "We start together... ready... now."

From the very first instant, Lawrence was overwhelmed by emotions, jolts and influxes. He had to remain calm and steadfast while entering the dilator, while Zooey had no qualms whatsoever about engulfing his whole shaft in her mouth and expertly using her lips, tongue and even teeth to flood it with loving sensations. From her very first foray along his shaft, Zooey easily reached its base with her lips and Lawrence was now quite aware that his cock was already rock-hard and also that his beloved had not boasted in vain.

While Lawrence was now gently rotating and moving the vaginal dilator in a smooth back-and-forth motion, under loving torture, Zooey was deep-throating Lawrence's gorged dick with a talent that bordered premonition. The glans was smothered between her lips at the right time, or it was the base of his shaft that was wrapped along her tongue while the glans made its way past her throat, or it was a gentle prick with her teeth to wake up any part of his member that was sedated by her love. No matter what, Lawrence was performing minutia while Zooey bombarded him with bliss to saturation. He was powerless to resist her love and soon gave up any attempt at self-control. From that moment on, he spurred her on non-stop.

"Zoooooey! Ohhhhhh! Zoooooey! Yessss! Ha! Haaaaa! Cummmmm!"

Lawrence felt the vibrations of Zooey's giggle all along her throat while his cock erupted with volcanic force inside her mouth. He felt her tongue scooping all of his erotic lava flow while her lips sealed his shaft; Zooey swallowed all his seed without hesitation and with obvious glee.

"OhGod! OhmygodZooey! That was... that was... ahhaaaa! sensiti...stop! HOuhouuuu! Stop! Omy... ohno! Yournotgonnastop! Houuu!"

It was then that Lawrence, in excited fright, peeked at his watch: they had barely begun. If anything, at that moment Zooey's giggle was louder, while her mouth was battling with his shaft to restore its rigor, and Lawrence used the little wits he had left to correctly perform her vaginal dilation; he was reduced to barely more than savage grunts and cacophonic moans.

On it went; and Zooey's oral talents, to Lawrence's amazement, extended well beyond orgasmic titillation: her tongue caressed and cuddled his sensitive rod with slavish devotion, avoiding the most sensitive nerves and prodding his glans back in action.

"Ohwoooowww! Ouaaaahh! GODDDD! YeaAAAAH! ZOOO! EEYYYY!!!"

Lawrence was past the point of torture and once again beside himself with bliss. His basalt monolith had stiffened and Zooey, sensing this and his ecstasy, resumed a smooth, steady, deepthroat fellation that exactly matched the cadence of the attentive dilation she felt inside her.

Lawrence screamed and used all his resolve not to buckle from his pleasure. Zooey was now also cooing, sharing this pleasure with her mouth quite full. And on it went. Lawrence knew, by now, that he could dictate the cadence of their bizarre 69 with the dilator; he had to remind himself that the goal was to cater to her needs, not his.

And on it went. For the first time, Lawrence had to stop his dilation exercise, in order to hold himself steady for his second orgasm. And Zooey did the same, keeping her lips still and milking his volcano dry.

Lawrence looked at his watch: they still had about four minutes to go. Now quite afraid of the implications, he gently resumed his rotation of the dilator and began a new rocking motion. Zooey faithfully followed suit, now quite careful herself around his hypersensitive flesh.

At the twenty minutes mark, Lawrence practically leaped away from her mouth and cuddled into a ball, laughing hysterically on the bed. Zooey patiently waited him out, the dilator still lodged in her vagina, with a wicked smile. When he finally began to catch his breath he gingerly crawled towards the dilator, removed it with infinite care, and went about the business of cleaning and storing it, while also attempting in vain to express with words his wonder and gratitude.

Zooey remained in bed and bit her lip: she did not feel any pain, only love gushing out of her heart.

When Lawrence was all done with his duties, he crawled into bed beside her and what he could not express with words, he did with a kiss of scorching passion; his tongue literally thanked hers for all its hard work.

Finally, they spoke. "Thank you, Larry... if THAT is what you call going with the flow, I will gladly do so for the rest of my days."

And Lawrence was all hope and joy. "You're very welcome, love. Should I infer that you are considering some form of forever?"

Zooey was surprised by his conclusion and by the fact that it was correct. "I believe you should... so, is there anything else that your ultimate sex machine can do for you today?" Her smile was lecherous.

"NoOOO!" Lawrence had a booming laughter. "Well... not yet, anyway... what about you? It's getting late... are you hungry?"

Zooey's smile faltered somewhat; as the endorphin receded, the discomfort was making itself felt again. "For food? Not yet. If it is time, though, I would take another dose of medication... then we could watch another movie."

Lawrence checked his watch. "Mmmm... close enough. I'll set us up. What's the second book?"

"Live and Let Die."

"You don't say? It's one of the few with Roger Moore that I have."

"I hated the Bond movies with Roger Moore..."

"If you love your James Bond in the fifties, I'm not surprised. I consider the first three with Roger Moore guilty pleasures."

"Ha! You just want to see Jane Seymour..."

"Not true; for me, it's Baron Samedi, the bayou chase and the music by Wings that carry this movie."

"All right, then... put it on and we'll discuss this as we watch."

This time, Zooey did not hold back or change her mind: she constantly commented the movie with her James Bond novel lore or movie trivia. And, as he had promised, Lawrence was elated to listen and take it all in. Afterwards, they mutually agreed to skip Moonraker and watched both Diamonds are Forever and From Russia With Love. Throughout their movie binge, Zooey remained nestled in Lawrence's arms and felt nothing but peace and love. They both ate from the Eat Right menu and shared another long Jacuzzi before bedtime. They sheepishly kissed themselves goodnight like an old married couple; still medicated, Zooey slept very deeply.

Sunday morning, both agreed to leave the room and have their breakfast at the Hotel restaurant. The tension was palpable, for their precious last hours together.

"Are you sure you're well enough to travel, Zooey?"

"Yes, yes, baby... don't worry. Yesterday's rest and your tender loving care did me a world of good."

"What about the medication?"

"I took another codeine tablet to be on the safe side. I will try to do without the muscle relaxant, but I promise I will take a full dose if I feel any returning stiffness, OK?"

Lawrence acquiesced in silence. They were drinking their second coffee and Zooey had just signed the meal to her hotel tab.

"Is there something wrong, honey?"

Lawrence chuckled in irony. "We're right back where we started. Zooey... I don't want you to go..."

"And I want you to come with me... we've been over this, baby: it sucks that we have to put our relationship through a long-distance runaround, but we'll just have to tough it out and make it work..."

"I know, I know... and whining about it won't help..."

"Are you kidding me? Larry, do you have any idea what it means for me to be so cared for? So NEEDED? Be clingy all you like, ego can take it!"

"You're sweet... and you're amazing."

"And you're one in a million, stud..." the alarm on Zooey's cell phone rang and both of them slumped in their chair in despair. Zooey took a deep breath. "The twelve strokes of midnight... will you please escort me to the front desk and kiss me goodbye?"


Their first period apart was not unbearable. For one thing, it was short: eight days. For another, both, in their respective surroundings, were busy dealing with the repercussions of their week-end getaway.

Zooey experienced it first, on Monday morning, after she woke up from a long night of medication-assisted rest. She went down to greet her mother in the kitchen and Ailin replied with a sly grin. "Well... your hospital stay in Gatineau certainly seemed to have concluded on a positive note, mmmh?"

"As a matter of fact, it did... but how do you know about that?"

Ailin chuckled. "A mother ALWAYS knows, ha!" Seeing that her daughter was not taking her bait, she picked up her tablet and showed her a follow-up article in the morning's Arts section, complete with pictures of the new couple walking arm-in-arm in the Lac Leamy Casino.

Zooey immediately frowned in worry. "Oh no! Mom, what time is it?"

"Almost noon... why?"

"Good! He's not at work yet... I'll be right back, mom... I gotta call him!"

"You know, the article is very positive..."

"Still... he's not used to this!" Zooey dashed, as fast as she could in her condition, back to her room.

She made the call and he answered, cheerfully, on the first ring. "Zooeyyy!!! Hello!"

Her voice was contrite. "Hi, baby..."

"Something wrong, honey? Are you still in pain?"

"Nooo... that's pretty much all gone..." and she briefly issued her warning.

It felt so good to hear his booming laughter on the phone, Zooey wished he could be near her; she would have hugged him.

"I appreciate the sentiment, sweetie... thank you. But I already got the third degree by phone from mom, this morning."

"Oh dear... what did you say?"

"Not much... I was on the receiving end of a wordy, loud and clear reminder that I don't call her often enough. The poor woman had to learn from the papers all about last week's events, including the fact that I now have a girlfriend... and a famous one to boot!"

Zooey kept replaying the word girlfriend in her mind. "Hellooo? Ground control to Zooey?"

"Larry... am I really your girlfriend?"

"What!?! Of course you are!!! I spent half the night changing my Facebook status and then reading whatever work of yours I could download from the Internet. We'll figure out how much I owe you in copyrights later. So, just to be clear, in case your pain medication caused a loss of grasp on reality: I am in a relationship with Zooey Nummi and I miss her like crazy!"

Zooey felt a tear trickle down her cheek; she now also heard public background noise on the phone. "And I am in a relationship with Lawrence Linney and I miss him dearly too. I love you baby..."

"I love you, Zooey."

"Are you already in the mall?"

"Yeaaa. I overslept and didn't feel like cooking, so I'm at the food court for a brunch before my shift. I didn't realize that it was the noon rush hour though... I'm waiting in line right now... and a little disappointed."

"How come?"

"Haven't you read the papers, miss Nummi? I'm the boy-toy of Zooey Zephyr... my autograph is now worth a fortune... or so I thought..."

Lawrence's heart melted in place when he heard her musical laughter on the phone. "Larry... do you want me to hang up?"

"Zooey... I'm torn..."

"HA! You!?! Torn? Between what and what, Mr. Boy-toy?"

"My head tells me that you should eat with your mother... my heart wants to stay connected with you every possible second... even if it means you get to hear me speak with my mouth full..."

Zooey's own heart skipped a beat. "What are you having?"

"I'm about to order a pork sukiyaki with mushrooms and green onions..."

"Well... today, Larry, I say we listen to our hearts..."

"And I say thank you."


(1462... 1466... ah! 1470, there it is... and there she is... oh Good Lord!!!)

Zooey was standing in front of her condominium's parking garage and was mockingly hitchhiking for a ride in Lawrence's Subaru, clad in a minimalist red summer dress that was both strikingly revealing and wholly inappropriate for this mid-April overcast weather.

"Zooey!!! Are you crazy? You'll freeze to death! Hop in!" Lawrence cranked up the heating in the car and quickly rose the passenger window as Zooey did as ordered and hopped inside. "What..."

The only sounds that followed were the moans caged in a kiss charged by eight days of want. Zooey was not content to taste his lips and caress his tongue; her hands were busy opening Lawrence's windbreaker so she could have a better feel on his chest, which she then mauled with total abandon. Lawrence, with a fastened seat belt and both hands on the steering wheel, was completely at her mercy. He briefly tried to figure if the Subaru had sufficiently cleared the street and gave up, overwhelmed by the downpour of Zooey's passion: he returned the kiss as best he could and giggled in joy.

When Zooey finally paused her amorous assault just long enough to open the garage door, Lawrence heard her breathing hard like she had made an all-out sprint.

"God, I missed you Zooey!" His voice was without tone, something in between a purr and a rumble.

She stared at him with a blazing stare so full of lust that Lawrence was a little intimidated. She lowered the neckline of her dress, for all practical purposes exposing her breasts in the process, and replied with her own rumble "You're my boy-toy..."

"... and you're my ultimate sex machine..."

"... don't you ever forget it... now park, please... number three is for visitors."

Lawrence did so, with considerable difficulty as, during the entire maneuver, Zooey kept on nibbling his right ear or licking his neck and, also, running her hands all over his chest and crotch area. She stopped at the same time as the engine.

At that moment, Zooey's agenda changed altogether: she unbuckled his seat belt, and then untied his other belt. Lawrence, his hands still on the steering wheel, chuckled in amazement. By the time Zooey had begun smothering his glans with lips of gorged and velvety softness, Lawrence had set aside the seat belt and was running his fingers all along her loose hair.

This reunion was both erotic and silent, the only sounds being barely audible suctions, deep breaths and soft whispered moans. Lawrence had the presence of mind to check for passersby in the garage and, relieved that they had a tiny universe of their own, surrendered himself to a flash flood of bliss. Zooey was comfortable, flexible and was once again deep-throating his granite-hard pillar. She used one hand for support and the other to massage his balls with ecstatic expertise.

Lawrence was only able to warn her of his approaching climax by an almost musical staccato of quick breaths and Zooey was only too happy to quench a torrent of erupting cum deep past her throat. Her own pleasure was expressed through long and deep nasal breaths on top of a soft moan.

When Lawrence's stream was finally dry, he realized, to his astonishment, that their meeting was not adjourned yet. Without a word, Zooey grabbed Lawrence's head by the hair and gently placed it between her exposed nipples, and then she took his hand in hers, lifted her dress and placed his fingers on top of her bare clit.

Lawrence kept his eyes closed and became a man possessed by his sense of touch. He used his tongue to lick, nibble, even lash, every surface of her cleavage; he also frequently left this foray to seemingly refuel on her nipples, connecting with his lips and teeth and at one point succeeding in milking her, to their mutual joy. His fingers, after quickly confirming that she wore no panties, traded excitement and passion for precision and softness: he caressed with infinite care her vulva and constantly doted on her clitoris with a constant cadence that caused a harmonic buildup of ecstasy in Zooey.

And Zooey's mouth, in all this, was not idle: she was careless and carefree, loudly coaching her lover and spurring him on to outperform himself.

"Oh yea baby! OH YEAAA! higher... higheeeeer yessss! Right THERE!!! A little harderrr... little harDERR OHHH YESSSS! Push PUSSSHHH!!! INNNN!" On that last cue, Lawrence dutifully spread apart her small lips with a finger and lovingly probed inside her. Zooey seemingly burst out in bliss. "YYYYYYEEEEEESSSSS!!! OOOTHATSAMAZZZIIINGGG!!! AAAHHHHH!"

And then followed the unstoppable crescendo heralding the buildup of her orgasm. "Cum... CUM CUM! CUM CUM CUM!!! CUMMIIINNGG!" Zooey buckled all over her seat, howled in pleasure and also crushed and rubbed Lawrence's head all over her boobs.

Zooey only set Lawrence free out of the necessity for her to catch her breath. They both did so in peaceful unison for quite some time. When Zooey reached out to kiss Lawrence's cheek, however, she caught a glimpse of his crotch and shrieked in sheer delight. "Oh, my God! You're hard again, baby!"

Lawrence never got a chance to retort or even react. His rejuvenated cock was once again deep inside Zooey's mouth, and this time she was commenting her fellatio with playful moans. Lawrence now realized that he was, literally, a sexual instrument for Zooey to play with, and she did so with virtuoso. She pressed all the right notes, produced all the right chords, and Lawrence was on the verge of another climax in no time. This time he could not resist his urge and he possessively grabbed her head and pushed it down on his shaft; Zooey approved and drooled all over his balls as a reward for his wantonness.

Lawrence thrust his cock upward and pressed her head down with force as he felt himself shooting burst after burst of cum down her throat. Zooey was loudly moaning and breathing very hard through her nose. Lawrence let go of her head, slapped his hands loudly on the car seat and finally slumped down, completely spent.

Lawrence could see that Zooey was perplexed, but he was still catching his breath. She spoke first.

"Baby... you taste different..." it was evident she was referring to his semen.

Lawrence blushed deep red. "Well... huh... when we last discussed... this... you mentioned sweets... so... huh... well, I ate strawberries in sugar before leaving... chocolates on the way..."
