The Restoration Ch. 01


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"As for Steve, he's Katherine's husband. He's a good guy. He's quiet, kind of shy, but he grounds her well, and I like hanging around him, though we've never hung out one-on-one. The real friendship is between the two girls. They live in Ottawa now, so the ski trip is a great opportunity to catch up every year.

"The debauchery competition is just the two girls trying to outdo each other while we're all drinking heavily. Sometimes it's just that the conversation gets a little risqué. Sometimes Victoria and Katherine go topless in the hot tub for Steve and my benefit, trying to wind us up. But it's all pretty tame, really. When sex happens it's all still one-on-one and behind closed doors. It's not like we've ever wife-swapped or anything. It's just, I don't know, the kind of stuff you'd get up to in a particularly naughty college dorm. It's R-rated, not X-rated."

Ana nodded, listening. "That all sounds like fun," she finally said. "I was hoping I didn't sign up for an orgy or anything, but I'm good with a little bit of letting loose. I'm not looking for anything X-rated, but I'd have an R-rated night tonight with you two for sure. I could use one."

"I'm sure Victoria and I would be okay with that."

"I lived at home with my very conservative Catholic parents in my first year of university," Ana said wistfully. "I always felt like I'd missed out on a life experience I should have had."

"I lived in residence, and it was awful," I revealed. "I was way too uptight. I didn't drink back then. I was shy and insecure. There were a lot of parties and sex going on around me, and I didn't participate in anything. It doesn't bother me now, but back then I felt like I had really missed out." I shrugged. "The choices I've made in life have led me to where I am now, and I'm happy where I am now, so I can't really object in retrospect."

"That's a healthy attitude," Ana said. "I had no real regrets either. But God apparently had a different plan for me, and once I'm ready to put myself out there again, I think I'm probably going to slut it up a bit before settling down."

I laughed. "That sounds fantastic."

Ana shivered. "Doesn't it? I'm sure a fling would do me good, once I'm ready. Not that I have a clue how to have one, but I guess I'll learn."

"You'll figure it out. I believe in you."

Ana smiled. "Someday."

We sat cuddled together for a good twenty minutes, not talking, sipping our coffees, watching the snow fall through the window outside and enjoying each other's presence. Ana grasped my arm to her chest as I held her, and I enjoyed feeling the soft beating of her heart against my wrist.

Finally, I heard noise from our bedroom, and Victoria appeared, bedraggled, wearing a robe that clearly had nothing under it. Victoria usually slept nude, and her cleavage was dangerously close to being exposed. I could tell Ana noticed, peeking at Victoria's tits when she thought her gaze was elsewhere.

"Good morning," she said brightly as she poured herself a coffee. "It looks like a great day for skiing. Shall we get moving?"

After breakfast and showers, we hit the mountain. Mont-Tremblant was a skier's paradise, with over a hundred runs spread out over 600 acres. I spent the day skiing with Victoria and off and on with Ana, who was happy to stick with us for the morning, but who spent much of her afternoon alone in the snowboard park.

Late in the day, we met up again for a few more runs before calling it a day. Victoria's pale skin was red from the cold and exertion, and with her blonde hair peeking out beneath her tuque, I thought my wife had scarcely ever looked prettier. Ana, for her part, was giggling and shrieking with pleasure as she carved turns around us, and for the first time since meeting her, I saw the face of the woman in the picture she'd shown me the day we met. Her eyes were alive again, her face plastered with a smile, and she looked like she'd become five years younger over the course of the day. The stress lines that had been ever-present in her face since the day we'd met had vanished.

When the sun finally set and the air turned much colder, we broke for a late gourmet supper and good wine at a local restaurant, then headed back to the cabin.

"I'm still chilled to the bone!" Victoria announced as soon as we'd gotten back. "Who's joining me in the hot tub?"

"I'm in," I said cheerfully.

"Sounds amazing," Ana added.

Victoria and I headed for our bedroom as Ana headed to hers.

"Are you ready to see her in a swimsuit, tiger?" Victoria asked once the door was closed.

"I'm ready to see you in one, too," I deflected.

Victoria pulled her sweater and sports bra off.

"I bet her tits are super perky," she mused, cupping her breasts in her hands. "Once they start sagging, they never go back to what they once were. I miss being young and nubile."

"I still think you're beautiful," I reassured, leaning over and giving her a wet kiss her on her pale pink nipple.

Victoria giggled. "Later. Don't get me riled up just yet."

I dropped my ski pants at that point, and Victoria whistled as my cock flopped out, staring lustily at it.

"You're already riled up," I commented.

"I can wait..." she trailed off unconvincingly, biting her lower lip as she lowered her ski pants, her gaze unmoving. "But I'm definitely fucking your brains out later tonight."

"Promise?" I asked.

"I promise." Her fair skin was still flushed, though I couldn't tell if it was from the windburn or from arousal, or more likely, a combination of both. I snapshotted her image in my mind as she stood nude before me. She was a natural blonde from head to toe, freckled, icy blue eyes, the very picture of a Nordic beauty. She'd recently trimmed her pubes into a landing strip, and it took a great amount of willpower not to reach down and see if she was already as wet as I suspected she was. It was true that she'd put on some weight in her thirties -- we both had -- but I still loved how she looked. The extra pounds had filled out evenly on her figure, and she had far more of an hourglass shape than she'd had when we were in university.

She pulled on a dark blue bikini as I put my swim trunks on. We gathered our towels, then Victoria grabbed another bottle of wine and three plastic wine cups from the kitchen, while I took the cover off the hot tub, tested the water, and hopped in.

Momentarily, both women appeared. Ana had a string black and white bikini on that left little to the imagination. Her olive skin was flawless, and I noticed a small belly button stud glinting in the soft light. Her breasts were full without being huge, maybe a small C cup, but they filled out her bikini top spectacularly. She had muscular, powerful arms and legs and just a hint of six pack abs. She wasn't muscly enough to look like a bodybuilder, but she was clearly strong as an ox. I'd never had any issue with her helping me carry heavy material as we worked together, and I'd felt muscles beneath her clothes as I'd cuddled her in the past, but seeing how ripped she was in the flesh still surprised me.

"Damn, girl, you're hot!" Victoria approved.

Ana smiled sheepishly. "Thanks. You both are too."

Once the women were safely in the hot tub and we each had a glass of wine, I killed the house lights, leaving the tub spotlights as the only illumination. It was a spectacularly clear night in the mountains, with the Milky Way easily visible overhead through the tall pine trees.

Once we'd settled in, Ana proposed a toast.

"To you both. To all that you've done for me over the past year. To being friends and neighbours."

"Hear, hear."

We drank.

"I've never been in a hot tub in the winter before," Ana began, setting her wine glass down on the edge of the tub. "It's so strange how it can be so cold out, and my head is out of the water, but I don't feel cold."

"It's nice, eh?" I said. "Hot tubs in the summer are too hot, but in the winter, I could stay for hours."

"Sounds good to me."

We small talked for a while as we drank the wine, talking about the day's skiing as we relaxed. I could feel my sore leg muscles loosening, and I felt pure bliss.

After a while Ana leaned her head back, wetting her long jet-black hair, and momentarily floating on her back. "I can almost feel the tension leaving my body. These jets feel so good. I had no idea I was so wound up. I haven't felt this relaxed since before Graham died."

"I'm glad to hear that," I smiled.

"I have a suggestion that would do wonders for getting some of that tension out," Victoria added slyly.

"That sounds amazing. What is it?" Ana asked expectantly.

Victoria winked and made the universal sex gesture of an index finger moving in-and-out of a thumb and finger-hole.

"Oh, stop." Ana splashed her gently. "I'm in a far better place than I was eleven months ago, but I'm not ready to date someone else yet."

"I wasn't talking about dating," Victoria pressed. "I was talking about fucking."

I elbowed her under the bubbles. "Don't press the poor girl. She'll get herself out there when she's good and ready."

"It's okay. I trust both of you enough to talk about personal stuff, you know that." Ana sat back down looking lost in thought. "I just don't have any idea what being ready to put myself out there looks like. I've never been through this before, obviously. All I know is that I wasn't ready for a long time, and now I'm not so sure."

"What's changed?" I asked.

Ana took a big sip of her wine. "My libido has started coming back. I didn't think about sex for months after Graham died. My sex drive just completely dried up, gone, vanished. Just recently, in the past few weeks, I've started feeling it again. Not as much as it used to be, or as often. But I've caught myself checking out good-looking men again, and I'm feeling more sensual."

"I think that's a good sign," Victoria commented.

"Me too," I agreed. "I don't think you're going to get a clear and obvious moment when you're ready to get out there again. You're just eventually going to want to enough to act on it. Maybe it'll be the right decision then, and maybe it won't be. But once you've done it once, it'll be easier to do it the second and third times."

"I definitely don't want to date anyone," Ana reiterated. "That still feels like cheating on Graham, to some extent. I can't imagine letting anyone into my life like he was, getting married again, dreaming about children and growing old with another man. Those dreams were for us, and while I'm sure someday I'll get there, that still feels like a long way off.

"But the idea of a guy that I could call up to fuck my feelings away when I'm feeling lonely? That's started to sound appealing."

"It sounds appealing to me" Victoria interjected, "and I'm very satisfied with Patrick here." She lowered her voice to a stage whisper. "He's got a really nice cock."

"Victoria!" I scolded, embarrassed. Ana looked off into space.

"What? You do!" My wife was indignant.

"How much of that wine did you drink at dinner, again?" I asked rhetorically.

"Patrick, it's okay," Ana said softly. "Can I tell you both something about myself?"

We nodded.

"I was always the dirty-minded one in my group of friends," she said. "Back in high school and university, I was always cracking dirty jokes and innuendoes. I used to like making people, not uncomfortable, but pushing people's buttons, I guess. It was fun making people think about sex when they hadn't been before, and seeing them squirm, either from being slightly uncomfortable or from being slightly turned on. Maybe it's the sex-obsessed Catholic schoolgirl in me, or growing up in a conservative family, but being out there like that was a big part of my personality, even though I never turned that into acting slutty. And that dried up when Graham died, too. It dried up just like my pussy did."

I broke into a coughing fit as Victoria howled with laughter.

"You two have helped me find myself again, and this was part of me that I'm maybe finding again." She turned to face me. "Patrick, I'll state for the record, in front of your wife, that you have never been anything other than the perfect gentleman with me. You have never once pushed on my boundaries or been anything less than respectful. But the Ana you've gotten to know over the past year isn't really me. The girl in a bikini cracking pussy jokes is far more the real me than the sad, depressed shadow you've been hanging around with."

"I still want you to know that I've enjoyed hanging out with the sad, depressed shadow," I said sincerely.

"I appreciate it," she smiled. "I needed friends and support this past year, and you've been amazing, supportive friends. Both of you. But you both are going to get so see more of the real me going forward. I am healing. It's been slow, but it's happening."

She made her way across the hot tub and climbed into my lap, wrapping me in a wet hug. Victoria came in from the side, wrapping both of us in her arms, and we stayed like that for a moment as I tried hard to avoid getting a boner from four wet breasts pressed simultaneously into my torso.

Finally, Ana pulled back, returning to her side of the tub. Victoria stayed on my lap, and I wrapped my arms around her midsection.

"You guys are a really cute couple," Ana began. "I've noticed how much you guys are into each other from the very first time I met you both."

"Thanks!" There was a moment's pause.

"Graham and I had been together so long that some of the spark was gone," she suddenly blurted out.

I raised my eyebrow as Victoria spoke up. "I think that's normal. Every couple has ups and downs."

"That's what people say..." Ana shifted. "I don't want to speak ill of the dead. But in the last year we were together, I was starting to feel like he'd lost interest in me a little. Back when we were first together, it was usually him initiating sex. By the end, it was almost always me."

"Did you try and spice it up?" Victoria asked, pouring herself another glass of wine from the bottle.

"Sure," Ana said. "I tried lingerie, lube, toys, role-playing. He always enjoyed it when I came on to him, and it was rare that he'd turn me down when I was ready to go. But, like, there's a difference between being able to get it up for a soaking wet bitch throwing herself at you, and making your wife feel beautiful and desirable without her pushing for it.

"He just stopped, I don't know, pursuing me. He stopped trying. We were together for so long that I felt like he took me for granted. It really messed with my self-confidence when he stopped trying to fuck me. It might have been my Catholic school upbringing, but I'd always believed that men wanted sex more than women did. If he wasn't always after me, maybe there was something wrong with me."

"There's nothing wrong with you," Victoria countered. "For me, it depends on my cycle. Some weeks I'm the insatiable one, and Patrick works hard to keep up with me. To keep it up for me." She winked at me. "Some weeks it's more of an effort for me, satisfying his needs when I don't feel like it as much. But I like how it is with us. There's no real drama about who wants it more, because it ebbs and flows."

"That's awesome," Ana said, sighing, an edge of frustration in her voice. "I loved Graham. I never wanted any other man. But I enjoyed window-shopping every now and then, and in the last year we were together, sometimes I'd wonder what it was like sleeping with someone else. I never cheated, but there were times I was tempted. I've never told anyone that, but it's true. I never expected to get to find out what it's like, so it was fun to fantasize. Now that I'm going to get to experience sex with someone else someday, all I feel is guilt about it."

"It's normal to fantasize about other people," Victoria reassured. "We all do it. Cheating is an action, not a thought. And besides, you've said that he would have wanted you to move on eventually, when you were ready."

"I'm not planning to keep my pussy in storage forever, so no worries there," Ana smirked. "I have no intention of being celibate for the rest of my life. I'm sure I'll be ready soon. It feels like I'm getting there."

"I'm so happy to hear that," I smiled.

"So," Ana continued. "Victoria. Help a girl out. Patrick and I both have only been with one person, but I know you've had other experience. How do I get laid?"

"I haven't been with anyone else since I started dating Patrick, so my information is going to be outdated," Victoria smiled. "I don't have any experience with dating apps or modern hookup culture. But from back then, it's not hard finding cheap sex as a woman, as long as you don't have any standards."

Ana laughed. "Let's assume I have standards, you dirty bitch."

Victoria snickered. "I guess you should just download a hookup app and see where it gets you. Make your profile good, and you'll be drowning in dick pics."

"Ugh. I can see it now," Ana mused. "Horny, damaged widow seeks hung young man for meaningless sex. Candidate must be able to find a clitoris in the dark without assistance."

"That'd work!" Victoria said brightly. "To be honest, I don't know how much use I'd be for you. Most of my hookup experience was in a college dorm, and I don't think they'd let you in there at your age."

"I don't have any interest in boys that young, anyway," Ana said. "I guess I'll figure something out when we get home. It's too bad it's not socially acceptable for a woman to hire a gigolo. I really don't want feelings or romance or dates or any of that other nonsense yet. I just want to get laid, properly, by a man that knows how."

"Patrick knows how," Victoria volunteered.

I shot her a look. "Are you nominating me for the job?"

"She could interview you, if she wanted," Victoria offered.

"Maybe I'll find my own Patrick someday," Ana deflected, ignoring the implication.

"Maybe I can help you with that," Victoria said slyly.

"Any suggestions, feel free to share!" Ana said. "Lord knows I could use the help."

We sat for a moment, the whir of the hot tub the only noise, as Victoria refilled her wine glass.

"I asked Patrick this earlier, but Victoria, tell me about what kind of naughtiness you'd get up to with Steve and Katherine," Ana asked. "I want to hear about it from your side."

"It's not like we're swingers or anything like that..." Victoria trailed off, thinking. "The foreplay usually starts while we're together, and the walls in the cabin are thin. Some years it can get a little competitive."

"Katherine's a screamer," I added innnocently.

"God, that sounds like so much fun..." Ana mused. "I've never done anything like that. I've never even overheard anyone else having sex. Graham and I were pretty vanilla in bed. Or, rather, Graham was, and I went along with it."

"What's the most risqué thing you did with him in bed?" I asked.

"We had sex in a hotel room once with another couple asleep in the next bed," she remembered. "Jon and Radhika never woke up, but part of me has always wondered what would have happened if they had. That's one of the only times I ever convinced Graham's cock to overwhelm his better judgment. It was totally out of character for him, and it never happened again."

"That's hot," Victoria approved.

"It sure was," Ana agreed. "What about you two?"

I exchanged a look with Victoria. "It's gotta be the beach in Cuba, right?"

She nodded.

"Let's hear it." Ana leaned forward expectantly.

"We were staying at a resort in Holguín," Victoria began. "This was probably four or five years ago. It was after dark, and we were out walking on the beach. It was deserted, just the waves, the sand, and us. And I don't know about you, but I'd always had the fantasy of having sex on a beach."

"I've fantasized about it maybe once or twice, or a hundred times," Ana nodded.