The Restoration Ch. 01


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"So, I realized how quiet it was, and that we could maybe get away with it, and the thought just turned me on so much. I suggested it to Patrick, and he was down, so we stripped down and started going at it right on the shore, with the waves breaking around us."

"That's hot," Ana approved.

"We're not even at the hot part yet," I said knowingly.

Ana raised her eyebrow. "Go on..."

"So, we'd been fucking for a few minutes when suddenly I had the feeling like there was someone there. You know how sometimes you have a sixth sense you're not alone anymore?" I asked rhetorically.

"I looked over," Victoria continued, "and there was another couple watching us. They were older, probably in their mid-40's, and they were staring, and both jerking off. He had his cock out, and she had her fingers moving in her bathing suit bottom."

"Ordinarily I'm not much of an exhibitionist," I added, "but we were both too far gone to care. We just kept fucking as they stared at us, and Victoria and I were staring right back at them. Eventually all four of us came, one after another after another. As soon as we were done, the embarrassment came back, and we quickly retreated to our resort as they walked off, but in the moment? Insanely hot."

"Insanely hot is right," Ana breathed. "I'd never have gotten to do something like that with Graham. He was too private. But it's super erotic thinking about it." She licked her lips subconsciously.

I suddenly felt a hand sliding into my bathing suit bottom. I shot a look at Victoria, but she was studiously ignoring me as she fought to touch my cock. I tried to fight her off a little without raising Ana's suspicions, but she was firmly planted in my lap, and after a moment I gave up, letting her stroke me into a full erection. The hot tub's jets were still on full blast, so it was impossible to see anything. So, she's teasing me, I thought. I'll have to get revenge. I nonchalantly started fiddling with the clasp on her bikini top, and as she noticed, she started play-wrestling with me, giggling all the way.

"I love watching you guys flirting," Ana said happily. "It gives me hope that not all sex lives have to shrivel up like mine did."

"Thanks," Victoria said, playfully swatting my hands away from her breasts.

"I can always leave and give you some privacy," Ana offered. "I'd hate to keep you from having sex in a hot tub. That one's still on my bucket list."

"We've done that before, and I can wait."

"In this hot tub?" Ana pressed.

Victoria and I exchanged a glance, then nodded to her.

"Hot," Ana approved.

Victoria started idly fiddling with the straps of her bikini top.

"You can take it off if you want to," Ana suddenly blurted out, somewhat awkwardly.

Victoria looked at her. "Are you asking to see my tits, my dear?"

Ana blushed. "No, I..." she trailed off.

Victoria unclasped her bikini top, removing it under the water, and then tossed it to Ana. "All you had to do was ask."

"She still can't see anything under these bubbles," I pointed out.

"Quite right," Victoria said. "Do you want to see my tits?"

Ana sat for a moment, blinking, before she grinned. "Nice work. I mentioned earlier that I liked being the dirty-minded one, putting people on the spot and making them think about sex, and here you are using my tricks against me."

"Who, me?" Victoria asked innocently.

Ana responded by shimmying in her seat for a moment, and then tossing her bikini top back at Victoria. "Yes, you. Two can play at that game."

I widened my eyes, trying in vain to see through the bubbles as Ana stared defiantly at us. Victoria had thrown her a little, just for a moment, but Ana was firmly back in control.

Victoria shot me a knowing glance, then turned to Ana. "Ana, do you think it's fair that we're both sat here topless while Patrick has his whole swimsuit on?"

"I don't think it's fair at all," Ana agreed.

"I'm just as topless as you two," I countered.

"And yet, somehow, it's still grossly unfair, and that's two votes against one." Victoria looked smug.

"You and Katherine never had the votes to outnumber Steve and I in the past," I complained.

"Maybe we'll bring Ana with us again next year. That way it'll always be a 3-2 vote, and you men will have to do whatever we ask," Victoria pushed.

Ana laughed. "I'm down."

"There's only two bedrooms," I pointed out.

Victoria shrugged. "We'd make it work. Ana could sleep with us."

I turned to face Ana. "You really want my shorts off?" I asked.

She licked her lips. "As long as you and your wife are okay with it, sure!"

I reached down and quickly removed my bathing suit, holding it aloft out of the water as both women hooted and cheered. The whirlpool jets were still running full blast, so my erection was protected from view.

"Given the bubbles to protect our naughty bits, coupled with the fact that the situation is still woefully unfair here, I think that it's only right we all skinny-dip," I ventured.

Wordlessly, Victoria quickly shimmied out of her bikini bottom under the water, and then playfully tossed it at my face. I caught it, then set it down on the edge of the tub. We both turned to face Ana.

"Well, I'm not going to be the prude here," she said. She moved under the water, and momentarily, a second bikini bottom was sitting on the edge of the tub.

"This night is getting more and more interesting by the second," I observed.

We sat in silence for a moment, staring at each other, when out of nowhere, the whirlpool stopped. The absolute silence of a still night in the wilderness descended on us.

"What happened?" Ana asked. She moved to cover up under the water, covering her breasts with her hands and crossing her legs as the foam rapidly dissipated.

"There's an auto shut-off after a half-hour," I remembered.

"Clever boy, getting his women nude and then making someone get up to reset the timer," Victoria teased. "If you want to see your wife naked, all you have to do is ask."

I appreciated her taking one for the team, considering she was responsible for my indecorous state. She stood up in the tub, twirling in place and showing off her nude body as Ana and me both stared. Victoria was clearly drinking in the attention, getting off on four eyes boring into her, before the frigid night air started to get to her. She reached over to the timer and twisted the dial, and she submerged herself in the warm water as the whirlpool started up again.

I was pretty sure that Ana hadn't noticed my erection, given how focused she was on Victoria's nude body, and I was grateful that the bubbles soon had me protected from view again.

"It's friggin' cold out!" Victoria exclaimed, shivering.

She sat back into my lap, and I started running my hands over her body, touching her legs, her ass, her breasts, gently, not trying to fire her up too much, but just to continue stoking her arousal. I recognized the look in her eyes, I knew she was horny, and I knew she was enjoying showing off in front of Ana. Truthfully, I was too. Victoria was now ignoring my cock, which lay throbbing under the water.

Ana, for her part, was remaining still, though the lust in her eyes was equally apparent. If she was up to anything under the bubbles, I couldn't tell.

"This is kind of really fucking hot," Ana volunteered. "I've never skinny-dipped before."

"It's fun, isn't it?" I asked rhetorically.

Just then, the whirlpool stopped again. As the foam dissipated for a second time, I noticed Ana's eyes go wide when she noticed my erection. I also saw she had been sitting in the tub with her legs spread. A dark patch was easily visible between her legs. Ana quickly covered her breasts with her hands and crossed her legs under the water again.

"I must not have set it properly," Victoria remarked innocently.

"I'm sure it was a total accident," I said sarcastically.

"You want to turn it back on for us, babe?" Victoria asked.

"It might be hard for me to stand up right now and keep my modesty."

"Ana, do you mind if my husband shows off a little?" Victoria said sweetly.

"Hell no, I don't mind!" Ana's face lit up.

I shrugged and stood up, leaning over Victoria to switch the jets back on. Ana's eyes widened further as my erection broke the water's surface. The thirsty look she shot me gave me a little surge of self-confidence. Okay, I thought, this isn't too far. She likes it. As I leaned over Victoria to adjust the dial, my cock fell in Victoria's face, and she grabbed it, giving the head a little lick. I set the whirlpool only to another five minutes, knowing it would be Ana's turn to reset it next time. I so badly wanted to see her naked.

The freezing night air started to get to me within seconds, and once the jets were back on, I quickly plunged back into the inviting warmth of the hot tub.

"Damn, girl, you were right. He does have a nice cock," Ana said lustily.

I smiled. "You're only the second woman to ever see it in all its glory, so I appreciate independent confirmation of what Victoria's been telling me all these years."

"I wouldn't lie to you," Victoria laughed.

We sat silently in the tub for a moment, staring each other down. Ana's eyes were boring into me like I was a piece of meat, and it was getting increasingly difficult not to jerk off under the water.

"You know, these hot tub jets feel kind of nice if you put them in the right spot," Victoria volunteered helpfully.

"Don't put it past me," Ana responded. "I'm drunk and naked and haven't been laid in a year."

My wife turned around, facing one of the jets, put her legs up on the lip of the tub, and started straddling it. I could see the water jet start rushing between her legs. Her breasts poked through the surface of the water, and her nipples were hard enough to cut glass. I reached out and started massaging her right breast with one hand, and, unable to resist any further, started stroking myself under the water with the other hand.

I glanced at Ana, who looked conflicted, her eyes darting back and forth between the repetitive movement of my shoulder and the bubbles creating a foaming cauldron between Victoria's legs. She finally muttered "fuck it" and turned around as well, straddling a jet on her end of the tub. Her breasts broke the water's surface, and I finally allowed myself to stare unabashedly at her. Her dark hair floated around her face, and her chest was glowing with arousal. I saw the telltale bubbles between her legs as well as she started to sigh gently to herself. Her dark nipples were diamond hard.

Hard as I was, I wasn't trying to make myself cum in the water, but I wasn't so sure about my wife. After a few moments, Victoria had started to moan gently to herself, loudly enough to be heard over the whirr of the whirlpool. She was rocking her hips gently against the hot tub jet and biting her lower lip as she floated, eyes locked with Ana. I knew Victoria's signs well enough to know she was getting closer to an orgasm, and I was surprised to see she was this far gone in front of another person.

I looked back over at Ana, whose face was a picture of sexual pleasure. She had one hand massaging her breast and her eyes glued on our end of the tub, watching us. I saw her gaze flitting back and forth between the bubbles between Victoria's legs, her face, my face, and between my legs, as though she couldn't decide what she wanted to watch most. I could see her hips rocking against the water jet, and she was moaning under her breath, more quietly than Victoria, but still loud enough to be heard.

All our moments with Steve and Katherine over the years had never gotten this explicitly sexual, and I didn't know where Victoria was going to draw the line. Would she really cum in front of our neighbour?

Regretfully, I didn't get the chance to find out, as the jets suddenly stopped. I silently cursed my decision of five minutes previously as Victoria howled in frustration.

"No! I was so close!"

The whirlpool's sudden stop seemed to break everyone out of a trance, and suddenly Ana plunged herself back into the water, embarrassed. Victoria also climbed fully back in, glaring at me.

"Why did you do that?" she asked accusingly.

"It was going to be Ana's turn next," I offered lamely. "Fair's fair."

Ana shook her head. "I can get up and turn it back on. It's not like I have any modesty left around you two. Unless you'd rather go in the house."

"I need to get laid like right fucking now," Victoria responded, anxiously staring at me.

"I'm ready." The three of us exchanged knowing glances, then I stood up, fully aware that my erection was going to be on display again. I smugly enjoyed Ana's lusty stare as I moved to start putting the cover on the hot tub. "Okay, ladies, everyone out and in the house." The cold air was rapidly killing my boner.

Victoria and I both had eyes glued on Ana as she stood up, quickly wrapping herself in a towel. She grabbed her bikini in hand and quickly moved for the house. Victoria and I finished covering the tub up, gathered our wet bathing suits, and then we went in the house, when a nude Ana was leaning against a wall outside the doors to the two bedrooms, her towel lying on the floor at her feet.

It was my first time seeing her fully nude apart from the brief glance through the window months ago, and I drank in the sight. Her olive skin glistened with water droplets, and her long black hair hung soaking down her back. Her eyes were on fire with desire, staring at my cock. Her breasts were perky, with slightly upward-facing dark nipples, both poking a good half-inch out. Her intimate area was hidden by her pubes, which were trimmed along the bikini line but otherwise natural. Her complexion was flushed all over from the hot water and arousal.

"You're a sight for sore eyes," I commented, drinking in her body.

"I could say the same for you," she responded, biting her lower lip as she stared at me. Her thumb was idly stroking her nipple and the underside of her right breast.

In that moment, for the first time, marriage be damned, I wanted her, and my slightly reduced erection roared back with a vengeance. The force of my desire surprised me, and I almost started stroking it before catching myself. I immediately felt guilty. I was grateful for Victoria approaching me from behind in that moment, smacking me in the ass, and grabbing me by the hand.

"I need you to fuck me like a slut," she begged, pulling me towards the bedroom.

"God, I wish I could have that, too," Ana said wistfully.

We locked eyes with each other as time briefly stood still.

"I guess I'll see you guys in the morning," she said reluctantly.

Victoria pulled me into our room, and I kept my eyes on Ana as she turned into her room, admiring her round, shapely ass disappearing behind the door. I closed our own door and turned to my wife as she lay down on the bed, spread her legs, and started frantically frigging her clit.

"You can't even wait for me to get inside you?" I teased.

"I was so close in that hot tub," she confirmed breathlessly. "Another twenty seconds and I'd have cum."


"It's okay... I'm gonna cum now instead!"

She started to moan at top volume and came like an erupting volcano. I watched, slightly awestruck, as she screamed and moaned her way through an epic, convulsing orgasm. I was turned on to all hell myself, but I didn't think I could remember a time she'd ever been so out of control that she'd cum before I could even get inside her.

"God, that was hot out there," I said, starting to rapidly stroke myself.

"Oh, my God," she agreed. She hadn't slowed down the circles on her clit. "Get in me, Patrick!"

I reached down and touched her opening, and I was again surprised -- in nearly fifteen years together I couldn't remember a time when her vagina had been as wet as it was right now, and not just from the hot tub. She was absolutely dripping, and her cunt was boiling hot.

"What's gotten into you?" I asked, smirking.

"Shut up and fuck me!" she exclaimed, loud enough that I was sure she was trying to be heard.

I dropped my bathing suit to the floor and plunged inside her as she groaned. I started ploughing her with everything I had, the bed creaking with exertion and Victoria moaning like a banshee. She was so wet I could barely get any friction on my cock, but I was so turned on by her passion that it scarcely mattered. I took her tits in my hand, playing with her nipples as I fucked her.

Out of nowhere, Victoria came again, suddenly, squeezing her legs around me to hold me in as she blew her top for the second time. She pulled me down on top of her, hanging on, riding out what appeared to be one of the biggest orgasms I could remember her having. She was making loudly incoherent noises and her body was quaking violently.

As she came down, still holding me motionless inside her, the room fell silent for a moment.

"Listen," she suddenly whispered.

It took a moment, but I heard it -- there was a faint buzzing noise coming from the next bedroom, and a gentle, rhythmic creak of the bedsprings.

"That sounds like a vibrator. I think she's masturbating," I whispered the obvious.

Victoria nodded. "That's so fucking hot. Let's keep giving her something to masturbate to."

I started to pound my wife again as she resumed her ministrations on her clit. We were both trying hard to stay silent, getting off on the faint buzzing through the wall.

"Would you fuck her?" Victoria suddenly whispered.

I was so taken aback that I stopped. "What?"

"Would you fuck her?" Victoria repeated.

"No! I'm married to you!" I stared at her, confused.

"Don't stop, Patrick," she whined, grinding her hips to get me to resume.

"Why are you asking me that?" I asked.

"Let me ride you if you're not going to fuck me." She ignored the question and pushed me out of her, then stood up, shoved me roughly to the bed, and then climbed on top, straddling me, and sliding me back inside her. She began riding me in the way she knew I liked. "It's just a question."

Victoria's pussy was overwhelming my confusion as I stared up at her. "Fuck, you're so good at this..."

"You wanted to fuck her, didn't you," she whispered as she rode me.

"I wanted you." It was true, just not the whole truth.

"I saw the look in your eyes, Patrick Cullen," she countered as she sank me deeper inside of her. "I saw you watching letting that jacuzzi jet massage her poor, needy clit. I saw the way you were looking at each other. I saw how she was looking at your cock. It's okay if you want to fuck her."

"Do you want to fuck her?" I asked, turning the tables back. I heard a soft, stifled moan from the next room.

"I'm straight," Victoria responded. "She's gorgeous, and that was crazy hot just now, but I'm fine to play catch and release. That said, I'm still going to try to make her cum."

My wife started moaning, loudly, the way she normally would for Steve and Katherine. I could tell it was for Ana's benefit as much as mine. The noises I could make out from the next room still felt more private than public. Katherine and Steve's noises each year always felt like a performance, but Ana's felt completely natural, as though she was trying hard to be quiet but unable to hold it all in. It felt incredibly erotic being a part of such a private moment with her.

Victoria stopped moving suddenly. "Fuck me from behind," she ordered, louder than she needed to. I could hear the pitch of the buzzing change pitch next door, as though Ana had switched her vibrator up a speed.

We changed positions, with her kneeling on the bed and me standing on the floor. I grasped her ass and slid back into her sopping, waiting hole, then started to pound her as fast and hard as I could.