The Rhythm Method


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"Oh gosh, Jack. I'm so sorry. It was just a bad dream. Forgive me, please. I didn't mean to startle anyone." Charlotte was beside herself at the look of concern on Jack's face. "I am truly fine. It was just a bad dream," she repeated, as if she were trying to convince herself and not him of the fact.

"I think maybe you should have let me take you home after lunch and...well...maybe I should take you home now," Ralph's deep baritone rumbled.

"I umm," she looked between the two men. "I really don't want to go back to my little apartment where I would be all alone," she admitted quietly. "I would much rather stay and keep my mind on other things, and I feel... safer here right now."

"Of course you do," Jack nodded. "It's not a good night be alone with all that... Well let's get you ready for dinner. Ralph was a bit concerned when you didn't show up on time for dinner this evening, so I wandered up here with him to check on you. Just as well," he said with a smile. She looked up at the big man who seemed to constantly be saving her lately.

"Now you get your dancing shoes on and Ralph and I will wait just outside the door until you're ready," he said, giving her a friendly smile. Jack and Ralph exited the room, closing the door softly behind them.

Not wanting to hold up the two men who waited patiently for her, Charlotte hastily slipped on a dress and a pair of boots, brushed out her hair quickly and did a fast repair job on her makeup. She finished up in less than ten minutes, taking the key to her room and nothing else. She walked out, hooking arms with each of them, allowing the two men escort her to the banquet room.

People were still milling about and chatting as they arrived, and Charlotte breathed an audible sigh of relief that they were not truly late after all. Once again, they sat at designated tables, and as they settled into place Charlotte could see that both Ralph and Jack were also at her table. She supposed that was how they had come to search for her together.

Sam had approached Ralph as he sat down and was talking quietly. "So far, we have counted five assistants who have been confirmed as being let go, and there are about the same amount of rats missing from the tables. The big surprise is the Cellar Masters. Seems all of Jimbo's cronies bit the dust along with him." He referred, of course, to Jim Whitehead, who had not taken his sacking lying down. "There's only about six of them left here, look around!"

"Maybe they were some of the ones who couldn't stay this weekend because of family commitments," Charlotte chimed in, butting into their conversation without thinking. Before anyone could answer her, Suzette patted the microphone fixed to the lectern to get their attention.

"You know more about these wines than anyone Ralph. You should apply for one of those available positions," Sam whispered before slipping off to his own assigned table.

"Welcome everybody, and congratulations. You have all made it through phase one of this little journey we have embarked upon together, "Suzette's voice rang out. "This weekend will be a lot of fun for those of you with the right attitude. Please enjoy your meal."

The people who sat at Charlotte's table were a friendly bunch, and they laughed and joked throughout most of the dinner. No one mentioned the earlier drama or questioned her about the day's events. Charlotte was so relaxed she had all but forgotten about the large bruises circling her upper arm, as well as the one that her fall against the desk had left on her hip. In a moment of hilarity, the man beside her punched her arm playfully and she squealed louder than she had meant to, placing her hand protectively over the area.

The man looked at her wide-eyed, apologizing profusely and making her feel awful about her reaction. Charlotte tried to laugh it off, but her glassy eyes had given her away. Even though he frowned at her, Ralph came to her rescue yet again. "I guess you don't know your own strength there, buddy. It seems you'll be up for the jelly wrestling challenge I heard Suzette has planned. Or was that just wishful thinking when I heard about the dance instructors?" He shrugged nonchalantly as the rest of the group laughed and groaned equally at him.

"I'm out of that one," a Cellar Master named Marie said as she rolled her eyes. "It's been a long time since I had a body anyone wanted to see in a bikini."

"You'd look a damn sight better in a bikini than him," Ralph said, laughing loudly and pointing at the man who had accidently hurt Charlotte.

The table erupted in more laughter as the man jovially offered to take the challenge, even though a blushing Marie declined.

Suzette took to the mic again and tapped it gently to gain everyone's attention. "I'd like to introduce some friends of mine," she smiled, indicating two men and two women who walked onto the small stage area to stand beside Suzette. "My friends are champions in country swing dancing. They have come tonight to help us with the first challenge of our weekend."

She stepped away from the mic as music blared into the room and the four dancers on the stage went into a demonstration of line dancing. It was an amazing show that combined elements of country swing and frightened many in the room watching, who knew they would be expected to learn how to do something similar during the evening.

Ralph leaned close to Charlotte, "Remember what I said about two left feet? Did I mention they were elephant feet? I can't do that shit."

"You're gonna have to," Charlotte laughed softly, "It's not like you can stand in the back and hide like I plan to do."

"Cheater," Ralph growled, but smiled good-naturedly, showing he was only teasing her.

"We all have our hidden talents. Hiding just happens to be one of mine," she said, resisting the urge to poke her tongue out at him in a juvenile display as they whispered quietly like school kids not wanting to be caught.

As they spoke, Suzette had instructed everyone to turn over their place cards, revealing a colored dot had been placed on the back of the card. The color of that dot would determine their teams for the evening. There would be four groups divided equally among the instructors. It was with more than a little disappointment that Charlotte and Ralph realized that they had been separated for the event, and they parted company to follow their instructors.

Charlotte found herself in a group with people she hardly knew, and she edged toward the back of the group, finding herself standing beside a tall, muscle bound cellar rat that she thought she knew. Racking her brain, she came up with the name Nick, recalling that she had met him in the cellar the first day of this challenge when Sam had teased her about falling on the stairs.

"Hi," she said looking up at him, "You're Sam and Ralph's friend aren't you?"

"Yeah," he smiled, "Nick."

"I'm Charlotte."

"Yeah," he said again as if that was pretty obvious, making her blush. "I swear if they make us dance to Achey Breaky Heart I might just barf." Nick gave her a pained look.

Charlotte began to giggle, "It could be worse, we could be doing the Boot-Scootin' Boogie."

It was then that Blurred Lines filled the room and they looked at each other in astonishment.

"I don't believe everything about group dancing has to be set in stone, so if you were expecting to learn a simple line dance from me you are very mistaken," the pretty young female instructor began. There were some murmurs and good natured chuckles from the mostly male group that made her roll her eyes. "We only have an hour to learn this routine so everyone pay attention."

The instructor patiently stepped them through half a dozen steps and combinations, making them repeat them over and over again as she walked through the group, correcting people's stance and pulling the two girls to the front of the lines.

"So much for hiding in the back," Charlotte thought as she went through the routine yet again. When the instructor finally called for a five minute break, she gulped down half a bottle of water, feeling like she had just done a Zumba work out.

"Alright people, twenty minutes to go, let's get back to it! We need to beat the pants off the other teams. My reputation is at stake here! Let's go from the top." They had barely made it back to their positions and started executing the smooth and sexy moves that now blended into each other when the instructor yelled out again, "Everyone keep going, I'm watching."

She went to the back and spoke to Nick as he danced and gave him instruction. "When I give you the signal, I want you to do the step move up through the line in front of you like this." She demonstrated for him as the move came up, and then went back to him and got him to move with her so that he stood directly behind Charlotte.

"Now, Charlotte, just keep doing the routine. It's Nick who will make all the moves," she said to the two of them, once again demonstrating and having Nick mimic her moves. Then she stood back to watch, sizing up what was happening. "Good. Do the routine three times in this way, then the grand finale. Everybody else take five, you two work with me."

* * * * *

Ralph was in dancing hell. If he could have made himself small enough to hide as Charlotte had planned to do he would have, but instead he bumbled about and crashed into the people around him before finally finding the rhythm. He was grateful that although it was it was a decent song they were dancing to, others in the group were prepared to take the lead, as it was taking all of his concentration not to continually mess up the simple steps of their rolling routine.

An elephant tiptoeing through daisies is exactly how he felt when they finally filed back into the banquet room to their tables. Ralph sat in his chair with an audible groan.

"Can't have been that bad," Charlotte smiled at him.

"Wanna bet?"

"I bet you don't have to do a solo," she said, accepting his challenge with a grimace.

"I'm looking forward to that then," Ralph chuckled. "Better you than me. I couldn't even get the steps right."

Ralph's team was first up and Charlotte watched eagerly, her eyes focused on Ralph more so than the whole group, and she grinned as she saw him try to blend into the background unsuccessfully.

"Liar," she accused as he sat back down, "You didn't mess up once."

"You weren't watching close enough," he grumbled.

They both cheered on Sam as his group took to the stage. As out-going as ever, he had a little solo in the middle where he popped and locked across the stage to the cheers of the audience. The crowd was getting into the spirit of the evening as the third group took to the stage and finished to rapturous applause and much laughter as April Barnet took three curtain calls, curtsying like a dainty lady despite her size and muscle.

"Well I'm up. Wish me luck," Charlotte said to the table as she stood and moved to the stage with her group.

Ralph was mesmerized as he watched the movement on stage, starting with the sexy moves to the equally sexy song. As the routine continued and Nick moved into place, his mood became dark and he frowned at the stage. The final minute of the song where Nick spun Charlotte out of the group line and they did a little dirty dance totally infuriated him. He knew it was irrational. He knew he had no claim over her. He knew it was just a dance, but in that moment he hated Nick and resented the intimacy they displayed, even if it wasn't real.

Ralph Watson had the realization that he was jealous, and that he could no longer deny that he was developing feelings for Charlotte. Great, he thought. This is going to be yet another in a long list of disappointments in my life. Well, at least she isn't terrified of me any longer. That's something, at least.

Charlotte's group left the stage to raucous applause, and she returned to the table with a big smile on her face. Despite his discontent caused by her dancing with Nick, seeing her smile after the events of the past couple of days made Ralph happy. He supposed she was right about not sitting home alone. She needed something like this.

"That was quite a performance," he said to her as she sat.

"I was so nervous that I was going to screw up, I almost peed myself," giggled Charlotte.

"Now that would have been classy," joked Ralph. "You really did a great job, Char." He felt his anger ebb away as he spoke to her.

"You think? I glanced over at you, and I thought you looked a little unhappy while I was dancing."

"I...I was just worried that Nick was going to...I don't know. You have those bruises and all. I didn't want him to touch you and..." That was it, he realized. He didn't want anyone touching her, especially in a dirty dancing style. "I didn't want you getting hurt," he finished lamely.

Charlotte smiled at the big man. "You really better be careful, Ralph. Pretty soon, people are going to find out that you're not such a big grouch after all. Who knows WHAT will happen then?"

"You really should moonlight in stand-up comedy," Ralph grumbled.

"I just might do that, now that you mention it," she said with a big grin.

Ralph excused himself to go to the men's room, and Charlotte watched him go. Goodness, she thought. If she didn't know better, she'd swear that she detected a bit of jealousy there. She rolled her eyes. Don't be silly. She was not the type of woman that attracted Ralph's attention, recalling once again the image of Tammy on her knees in the parking lot. Of course, that led to her recollection of the fantasy she'd had in the shower. Somewhere in the back of her mind, the thought of Ralph being jealous made her smile.

Ralph returned to the table and sat lost in his thoughts as the conversation went on around him. A short time later, Suzette rose and stepped up, taking the mic again. "Our judges have unanimously decided on a winner. Without a doubt, our final group, the Red Group led by the lovely Missy Saint George, were the winners of this competition. Everyone, please give our winners, as well as yourselves, a round of applause," she requested, holding her hands above her head and clapping for the teams.

Everyone in the room clapped and cheered, as Missy approached the lectern to receive a well-deserved hug from Suzette and applaud her team while a lot of good natured trash talk went on among the participants. Suzette watched them all with a smile on her face, satisfied that she was pulling this diverse group together into a single team.

"The formal part of the evening's festivities are over. We invite you all to join us in the bar to unwind with a few drinks. Great job, everyone. Thank you for participating."

They all shuffled out of the room and moved into the bar. Ralph found himself standing at the far end of the bar with Charlotte, Sam, Marie, Jack and Nick. They were laughing and joking about their performances.

"I can't believe we still have more of this to go," commented Ralph. "I'm just horrible at this."

"You think too much, Ralph," replied Sam.

"I have to. I don't know how to dance. How the hell am I supposed to remember the moves?"

"You're the best athlete I know, Ralph. Did you stop and think about everything on the football field? No. You reacted on instinct. Let your body take over."

"He's right," chimed in Marie. "Let your body just feel the music. It will do the rest."

Ralph shook his head unbelievingly. "Dancing isn't football, Sam."

"Of course," added Nick, "if you're dancing with someone as lovely as Charlotte, it just comes easily."

"Oh, stop," Charlotte said, playfully slapping Nick's arm.

Ralph gave him a disapproving look. "Well, maybe I can figure out a way to sprain my ankle or something. Then I could just be a judge or something," Ralph joked.

"No way, Ralph. You're in this with the rest of us," insisted Charlotte with a smile. "Or are you afraid of the possibility of dancing with me? I don't bite Ralph, I promise."

Ralph smiled, liking the thought of her in her arms. He sipped on his wine, and the group continued to chat and joke with each other. As the time moved on, Charlotte became somewhat withdrawn, recent events and the wine taking their toll on her. She had ended up drinking far too much wine and it seemed to hit her all at once, as she became a little unsteady on her feet.

"I think it's time we call it a night," Ralph said, noticing that Charlotte was having difficulty. "Why don't you help me escort the winner upstairs, Jack?" He knew from events earlier in the night that Jack's room was next to Charlotte's and it would not be much of a stretch for the man to help him.

"No thanks," joked Nick. "I can manage on my own. You might want to assist her though," he said, indicating Charlotte.

April, who had joined their group as the numbers in the bar dwindled, laughed. "Too bad you're not a woman, Nick. I might just go for you," she said as she nudged him in the ribs.

"Life is full of disappointments, April. I'm going to bed too. Goodnight all," Nick said as he headed for the exit.

Ralph put a hand lightly on Charlotte's back, guiding her out of the bar and over to the elevator. Jack followed behind, getting onto the elevator last.

"Can I have your key?" Ralph asked Charlotte. She reached down into her dress and fumbled within her cleavage, unable to grab hold of the key but pulling it up just enough so that it stuck up from beside her rounded breast. Ralph reached down and slipped it out, handing it to Jack. The wine was clearly hitting Charlotte hard, as she swayed while standing in the car. When they arrived on her floor, Ralph just scooped her up in his arms and carried her to her door. She threw her arms around his neck, burying her face in his shoulder.

"You're my hero, Ralph Watson," she slurred. "Thank you."

Jack opened the door, and Ralph carried Charlotte into the room, placing her onto the big bed. He removed her shoes, and she let out a sigh and rolled over onto her side, already falling asleep. Ralph pulled up the blanket and covered her. He had a strong urge to reach down and kiss her cheek, having to will himself not to brush his lips over hers.

He and Jack left the room, closing the door behind them.

"I think that woman likes you, Ralph," Jack said to him.

Charlotte woke early despite the amount she had drunk the night before. Feeling fuzzy headed, she lay there for a long time reviewing the events of yesterday. The incident with Jeff seemed so surreal now it was like a bad dream, but opening her eyes she inspected the deep bruises on her arm and knew it had really happened. The ache at the top of her hip from her fall against the desk told her of the bruise left there as well.

Climbing out of the big, comfortable bed Charlotte went to shower. The hot streaming water immediately made her feel better and began to clear her head. She decided that she needed a morning run, just as she did at home. Without her treadmill handy, she would have to run on the castle grounds. She considered it and had to admit, not knowing if Jeff had been released from custody after attempting her stab her, that she had no desire to put herself in a situation where she would have to face him alone again.

Remembering Jack was staying in the room beside hers and that he was a bit of a fitness advocate himself, she decided to see if he was awake and would go for a run with her. She dressed in a pair of comfortable training pants and a snug T shirt before opening her door and walking a few paces up the quiet hallway to knock on Jack's door. It was partially open and she could hear male voices inside. She considered walking away but having decided she need some exercise to clear her head knocked anyway.

"Come in," Jack called out and Charlotte pushed the door open wider, taking a step inside and freezing. Ralph lounged in an armchair sipping coffee. Her eyes were drawn to his bare chest and broad shoulders, and it took an effort for her to tear her gaze away to look at Jack.
