The Rhythm Method


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"I'm sorry to interrupt, but..." she looked between the half-dressed men. For a middle aged man, Jack was in good shape but Ralph's massive body, Charlotte realized, was filled with muscles that rippled with his every movement. "But I just thought, if you were up early too that you might come for a run with me?" Once again she looked between the men who hadn't said anything. "It's just that I don't really want to go out on my own after... well."

"Sure," Jack and Ralph said simultaneously.

"A run the morning after always does well to clear the head," Jack enthused. "Just give me two minutes to change. I'll knock on your door when I'm ready."

Ten minutes later they were standing down in front of the winery doing some stretches and chatting. It seemed that most people were given twin rooms for the weekend and shared with another person. The women were given the single rooms for the most part, but all the men shared. Jack's roommate had originally been going to be Jeff, and Ralph joked that the winemaker's assistants had better rooms so he offered to keep Jack company. The truth was he had wanted to be closer to Charlotte after the day she had endured and her nightmare of the previous afternoon. Jack had understood, and even though he teased him about taking his hero duties too seriously, he had let him move his gear into the room for the weekend. He could easily see the chemistry developing between the two young people.

For her part, Charlotte liked the idea of Ralph being close by. It made her feel safer. She hadn't realized as she stretched that the snug shirt she had put on rode up, displaying the large purple bruise on her hip. Having warmed, up she took off the lightweight hoodie she wore, planning on leaving it behind for the run.

It was only when she heard the soft growl and looked up to see the frown on Ralph's face that she realized the bruises were visible to everyone.

"They look worse than they feel," she laughed, pulling her shirt back into place and crossing her arms in an attempt to hide some of it. "Let's get going or we'll miss breakfast," she said, then began to jog off, letting the men catch up to her.

Jack had the smooth stride of a man used to running. Charlotte looked over at Ralph as he caught up to them, surprised that Sam was right. He was a natural athlete, and his sized belied his grace and ability. Looking at his arms and remembering his shirtless torso, she realized just how strong he truly was. All the heavy work in the cellars must be like working out all day, every day, she thought to herself.

The castle sat midway up a small hill, and they jogged down through the rows of vines before turning to cut across the landscape and up to where a decorative pergola sat near a small pond. The well-manicured lawns and gardens around it made it a pretty venue for outdoor weddings and ceremonies. As they neared the green edges of the area they saw two other people approaching from the opposite side at a brisk walk. The runners slowed their pace as the track they followed was too narrow for so many to pass unless they were in single file.

"See darling, there are people to run with you here. There was no need to drag me out this early in the morning," Frank Price said, smiling indulgently at his young wife.

"Oh hush, walking is good for you. You know what the doctor said," she replied with equal parts love and concern in her voice.

"Ralph," he appealed, recognizing the big man. "Save me from having to defend my high cholesterol and walk with me so Suzette can have her morning run and get all those lovely endorphins she is addicted to."

"I dunno. This one has a habit of running headlong into trouble," he said, waving his hand at Charlotte.

"I wouldn't worry. Suzette is some sort of ninja in her spare time, or at least that's what her martial arts trainer tells me when he sends me the bill."

"Hooowaah." Suzette gave him a mock karate chop to his arm. "She'll be fine and I would love a run." Suzette smiled, knowing her husband had plans for the big man. "Plus we have an escort," she said, smiling at Jack.

Without giving him time for another excuse, Suzette linked arms with Charlotte and Jack, leaving Ralph and Frank on the hill as they jogged off. Charlotte was surprised by the familiarity Frank and Suzette had used when speaking with them. She had expected them to be far more aloof. They were, after all, the owners of the winery and all the land surrounding it for several miles. They looped back around and made their way back to the winery with Suzette setting a fast pace.

"Thanks for the run guys," Suzette panted as she walked around the courtyard outside the entrance. "I'll see you both in the cafeteria for breakfast in a few." She waved and jogged back inside the castle.

As Charlotte, Suzette, and Jack were chasing endorphins, Frank was picking Ralph's brain about horses. The two men walked together as Frank peppered Ralph with questions.

"What about your horse, Ralph? Would you be willing to put him to work?"

"Chuck is an old thoroughbred, Frank. He isn't a good choice for pulling a carriage full of noisy people."

"What would you recommend?"

"Your best bet would be some kind of draft horse," replied Ralph. "Maybe a Percheron or a Spotted Draft. Maybe a Draft Cross, depending upon the look you want. Some people favor Shires, but that's an awful lot of horse. They're usually a lot bigger than other draft horses, and you don't really need that size and strength."

Frank nodded thoughtfully. Being the owner of several racehorses himself, Frank already knew quite a bit about horses. It was his intention to test the knowledge of the big man, and Ralph was proving himself to Frank as they spoke.

"Depending upon how often you'd want to run the rides, you'd need at least a couple of teams," Ralph continued.

"Of course. That makes sense."

"I'd start with thinking about how much demand you'll get and how big you'd like the wagon or carriage to be. Then you can best figure out the number and size of the horses you'll need."

"I'd need to build a barn too. And I guess provide some grazing land as well."

"Open land would be ideal for horses," Ralph added. "There really is no substitute for that."

They were approaching the castle at this point, and Ralph was anxious to get inside and shower. Frank clapped the big man on the shoulder.

"I'm glad I ran into you this morning, Ralph. You know a hell of a lot about these animals."

"I've been around them most of my life, Mr. Price."

"Frank. Call me Frank, Ralph."

"Okay. Frank. It's almost time for breakfast. I'd better get inside and get cleaned up. I don't want your wife scolding me for being late," Ralph joked.

"Or scolding me for making you late," Frank chuckled.

Ralph entered the castle and took the elevator up to his room, walking by Charlotte's door on the way to his, and resisting the urge to knock. He stood outside his room, thinking about the way her t-shirt and jogging pants had clung to her body, revealing her feminine curves. He let his mind wander, picturing her standing there with her hair in a ponytail, revealing her neck, soft and vulnerable. He thought about kissing her there, nipping at her lightly with his teeth. He could almost imagine the sounds she'd make as he kissed her and ran his hand down her body, cupping an ass cheek in one of his big hands and pulling her close to him.

Ralph could feel stirring inside his shorts, but his reverie was cut short by the opening of the elevator and the sound of voices. He turned to see a smiling Charlotte walking down the hall, accompanied by Jack. Ralph very badly wanted to touch her at that moment, but he settled for a verbal greeting instead.

"How was the run?" he asked, his eyes locking onto Charlotte's.

"Fast, but I needed that. I feel much better now," she replied.

"These two women made me feel my age," Jack chimed in. "It was all I could do to keep up with them."

Charlotte nodded knowingly. "He says that, but I'm not so sure. I mean, he spent the entire run staring at the backsides of two young women," she teased. "It's hard to believe he suffered all that much."

"Damn that Frank," joked Ralph. "I feel short changed."

In a bold moment quite uncharacteristic of her, Charlotte turned around, pushing her butt back and dramatically smacking it with one hand. "There you go, Ralph. Are you happy now?" she asked with a playful grin.

Jack chuckled as he opened the door to the room. "You mind if I shower first, Ralph? I have something downstairs I'd like to check on before breakfast."

"Sure," the big man answered.

Ralph turned to Charlotte as the door closed behind Jack. There was some tension in the air as they stood looking at each other, each not sure what to say. Charlotte finally broke the silence.

"I really don't remember how I got into my room last night."

"Jack and I brought you up. I...well...I may have carried you from the elevator into your room."

"Ah. I was wondering. I woke up with my clothes on and didn't really recall what had happened."

"Oh, you made all sorts of confessions, Charlotte. Don't you remember?"

She was momentarily disarmed, wondering if she did, in fact, say anything that she might not have wanted to. Ralph winked at her, giving her a smile. She stepped over to him and punched the big man in the chest, once again aware of the layers of muscle he was wrapped in.

"Very funny, mister," she said, looking up at him. She stood there a moment too long, then finally backed away, walking to her door.

"I'd better go get showered. I don't want to miss breakfast. We're going to need energy for whatever Suzette has planned for today." She flashed him a grin.

"Don't remind me," Ralph grumbled.

Charlotte laughed, then bit her lip and walked into her room, leaving Ralph alone in the hallway. He watched her door close, then took a deep breath and walked into his room to get ready.

Once inside, Charlotte pressed her back up against the door as her heart raced. She was aroused, and found herself wishing that he had leaned over and kissed her. The thought lingered with her as she showered and got ready. She argued with herself the entire time, thinking that it was only because he had come to her aid, and that she was rebounding from her foul relationship with Jeff. The more she thought about it, the more foolish the arguments felt. She sat at the dressing table, a hand to her mouth as she looked at herself in the mirror, the realization hitting her that she was falling for Ralph Watson.

She showered and changed quickly, thinking she would head downstairs and find Lincoln. She had barely seen him since everything that had happened the day before. Finding him would give her an excuse to put a little distance between Ralph and herself, and maybe try to untangle the feelings she had whenever she was with the big man. It had not escaped her that she barely gave a second's thought to Jeff, aside of wondering if he would return to threaten her again. Gone were any feelings of affection she had toward him, and she hoped fervently that he was still in custody. Of course, she doubted his father would have allowed him to stay in jail overnight. Slipping out of her room, she used the door knob hanger to leave a message that she had headed down to breakfast and headed for the elevator.

Entering the cafeteria, she found many of the staff had already arrived and were sitting in small groups chatting amiably among themselves. Spotting Lincoln and waving to him, she grabbed a tray and piled it high with food before joining him at his table. He raised his eyebrow at the tray and she shrugged. "I think it's the fresh air. I went running this morning out in the vineyards, and now I'm starving."

"How are you doing after yesterday?" Lincoln asked quietly.

"I feel like it all happened to someone else," she said with a crooked smile. "Jeff and I had not really been as close as we once were," she said thoughtfully. "I am kinda surprised at his reaction to the break-up. I wouldn't have thought he cared so much."

"That wasn't a man who cared about anything but himself," Lincoln said, putting his arm about her shoulder and pulling her close in a friendly hug. "Any time you need to talk this weekend just come find me. You know no one would blame you if you didn't stay."

"I don't really want to be home alone, you know. Do you think we can find out what happened to him after yesterday? Make sure he isn't hanging around somewhere?"

"Sure," Lincoln said giving her shoulder an extra squeeze as understanding dawned on him about why she was reticent to leave. "How about I go call the sheriff's office and see what I can find out?"

"Do you think they'd tell us?" she asked nervously.

"Maybe I should get Stuart to call. We both know he wouldn't take no for an answer," Lincoln chuckled. "But I'll see what I can do first. Wait right here I'll make a quick call."

Lincoln got up and left the table. It was only then that she saw Ralph had entered the cafeteria and stood staring at her from across the room with his brooding face in place. She tried to smile and wave but he turned away to the line in order to get some food. Jack came to sit beside her, taking Lincoln's seat.

"You got down here fast. We were worried when you didn't answer your door. It took us a minute to see the note you left," he chuckled softly. "I thought Ralph was gonna break down your door and you were down here getting all cozy with Lincoln the whole time."

"It's not..." Charlotte began to defend herself. "It was about yesterday. I was just..."

"I understand. I gathered as much. I am not so sure he does though," Jack said, pointing at Ralph. "He is taking his role as your protector very seriously. It's why he's sharing my room."

Charlotte considered that perhaps coming to Lincoln had not been the wisest choice, but he was her closest friend here. They shared an office and he had witnessed everything yesterday. He had also known her and Jeff as a couple, and could sympathize with her on all levels. The reality was that she hardly knew Ralph, and despite her growing feelings for him, or rather because of them, she just felt she couldn't talk to him about Jeff.

"I can't talk to him about Jeff. It's just, I feel so stupid for staying with him as long as I did. It was humiliating finding I found him. That...and Ralph was there," she said with tears stinging her eyes. She didn't know why she felt angry, but the tears continued to flow. "Shit, look at me. I'm a basket case," she said, wiping the tears from her cheeks. "Linc is ringing the sheriff to find out where Jeff is for me. I was worried..." A sob caught in her throat as she finally broke down and admitted she was scared, and Jack wrapped a protective arm around her.

Ralph watched her from a distance, having sat with Sam and Nick instead of approaching her table as Jack had. Lincoln reappeared with Stuart Gresham at his side and together they approached Charlotte. She nodded and got up, leaving the cafeteria with the pair. Ralph brooded and looked down at the breakfast that he had been pushing around his plate, wishing he felt he could follow them and look after her. She looked so vulnerable and sad. Every part of him just wanted to protect her and make her smile again.

Charlotte followed Lincoln and Stuart outside, and they stood under a cloudy sky that threatened rain. Stuart put a hand on her shoulder, giving her a kind smile.

"You don't need to worry about Jeff," he assured her. "His father tried to pull some strings, but to no avail. Attempted murder tends to be frowned upon, even if you're an affluent ass."

Charlotte nodded and smiled. "I really was scared he'd come back."

"He's not going anywhere," replied Stuart. "In fact, he actually had a bit of a breakdown. They're holding him on suicide watch in the psychiatric ward at the jail."

Charlotte was momentarily speechless. "I just feel so humiliated."

"You shouldn't. You didn't do anything," Lincoln added.

"Yes. Yes I did," replied Charlotte. "I allowed my upbringing to cloud my judgment. I ignored things I never should have ignored. I was unhappy, and what did it all get me anyway? I've wasted years of my life on a spoiled brat."

Stuart gave her a kind smile. "Have you learned anything by all this, Charlotte?"

She faced Stuart, nodding slowly. "Yes. I certainly have."

"Then I'd say you haven't wasted anything, my dear."

"Listen to the wise, old owl," chuckled Lincoln. "He doesn't say much, but when he does, it's best to listen."

Charlotte nodded and smiled. "That's something I learned a long time ago, Linc."

"Charlotte, you really can go home. You've already passed any imagined test this weekend with flying colors," offered Stuart.

"Not a chance, Stuart. I'm going to finish what I started," she replied. Her mind drifted to Ralph at that moment, and she blushed.

"Okay, then. Let's get you young folks inside for the next exercise."

With breakfast finished, the employees headed to one of the event rooms upstairs. Suzette was waiting as they filed into the room and took seats. Once again, she had several dance instructors on hand, ready to transform them into light footed dancers. Once everyone was settled, Suzette took the microphone and addressed them.

"Welcome and good morning to everyone. As we did yesterday, we will be separating you into four teams. Each team will spend the morning with an instructor who will work with you on traditional square dances. Since there are many more men than women, the instructors will watch closely as you dance, and will eventually assemble two pairs of dancers from each team. During the afternoon, those pairs will work together on a dance routine, which will be presented to the other team members during the evening session. Those individuals who are not paired up will work on a team building exercise outside in the rain. I expect that will be enough motivation for you all to give it your best effort," Suzette said with a grin.

"After watching the pairs perform tonight, the team members will decide which pair they would like to represent their team during the finale tomorrow. In order to make this interesting, each member of the winning team will receive a one thousand dollar bonus and a day off."

Suzette handed the microphone to Emily and took her seat. The young blonde cleared her throat, then began to read the names of each team member, instructing them to move into their respective corners of the room. One by one she read the names, assigning Charlotte to team two. Ralph nervously waited to hear his name, and was relieved that he was called as the last member of that same team.

Jack had told him what was going on with her and Lincoln during breakfast and why she had come down early. Once again, he berated himself for feeling jealous of a girl who felt she couldn't talk to him about what worried her. He wanted the opportunity to show her he could be trusted and depended on. He locked eyes with Charlotte, and they smiled at each other as he joined the team.

Once all the names had been called, each team was assigned an instructor and sent off to their own rooms. Ralph wormed his way through the throng to walk beside Charlotte.

"Are you okay?" he asked her.

She glanced up at the big man walking next to her. "Actually Ralph, I'm more okay than I've been in a very long time," she answered. "Are you ready to win this contest?"

He looked at her and grinned. "I'm as ready as I'll ever be," he said, hooking an arm around hers as they walked to the room together.

* * * * *

After a morning of mixed-up hilarity led by Sam and their instructor Brian, Charlotte's sides ached from laughing. The new instructor seemed to take nothing seriously. In stark contrast to her instructor the night before, who was the most competitive person she had ever met, Brian believed that dancing should be fun and set about making their routine a mocking parody of what it should be.
