The Sultanah Ch. 01


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"Father, I have no opinion," she continued, "I am yours to give as you please."

"I have consented," my father said, nodding at my sister's submissiveness, "But I have decided to consult you in this matter. What say you to Lider of Dusman, heir to the throne?" Once again, my sister hazarded a glance at the Prince.

"Father, I can think of no better match and would like, to the best of my poor abilities, to be his wife and helpmate," my sister replied.

"Then it shall be done!" my father proclaimed and a great cheer went up from the crowd. I remained silent, brooding at this stolen moment. As the crowd roared louder, my father took my sister's hand and then placed it in Lider's. When the noise faded my father spoke.

"Under the traditions of the Empire, a princess betrothed has seven days to spend with her family. We will need this time to bid her good-bye and to prepare her for the wedding. King Sican, Prince Lider, I ask that you grant us this time and return in one week, prepared for marriage."

"We..." Lider began, but now his father cut him off. This time, it was not staged. The King was protecting his prerogatives.

"The Traditions of Dusman require the mother of the heir to be present for his marriage. My wife is absent. We shall return to our country and prepare her for this wedding, over which she will be most pleased. We will likely return in seven days. If this interim happens to coincide with an ancient tradition then this is a happy coincidence, but Dusman tradition dictates," King Sican said. This was another humiliation. Sican could not recognize any Ülke traditions. They had resolved on this wording in the ceremony as a compromise, though it sounded like a victory for Dusman.

"Then I will see you both in seven days, at the wedding," my father said, not acknowledging their word. Sican nodded and Lider bowed slightly. Lider released my sister's hand and then the two men turned and walked out of the throne room. Once they passed through the doors, the room erupted into cheers once more. My father hugged my sister closely; both because he loved her and because his diplomatic strategy was, at long last, vindicated.

Over the sound of the crowd, I heard the door open once more. I turned and saw that my father's personal advisor, Cin, had entered the door. Cin was dressed as usual, in a long-sleeved red dress with a plunging neckline (nearly exposing her small, pert breasts), tight waist, and flowing skirt. Her hair was the same bright red color of her clothing, the color of strawberries, as were her lips.

Cin was the Grand-Priestess of Gunes, also known as the Sun Priestess. While Ülke had officially converted to the New Religion long ago, many still followed the traditional religion of the Empire. The Grand-Priestess was the highest official in the religion and, by tradition, held the role of advisor. Unlike many Sultans over the last few centuries, my father actually listened to the Sun Priestess, despite the fact that he was ostensibly a follower of the New Religion. I hoped that he listened to Cin (his only female advisor) because she was extremely intelligent and wise, but I suspected that my father did so because she was undeniably beautiful. She was extremely tall, perhaps the tallest woman in the Empire, and exceptionally thin. It gave her kind of sexual majesty that added to her authority as well.

Whatever the reason, I knew as I saw Cin enter that my father would certainly listen to anything she said. She hastened up the carpet toward the front of the room. I thought for a moment that she glanced at me as she walked by (I had always liked and admired Cin and she took special interest in me). Eventually, she stood directly next to my father. At first he did not notice her, then he smiled and turned to her.

"Oh Cin, I did not realize you were present," he said, "My daughter is betrothed!" Of course Cin knew. And I had heard from gossip within the palace that she had fought against the marriage and lost. But she played the part well, smiling.

"Excellent news your grace," she replied, "Congratulations Nislani."

"Thank you Cin," my sister replied, acidly. She was clearly aware that Cin had tried to prevent the wedding.

"Did you predict this outcome, did you come to celebrate?" My father asked, hinting at Cin's well-known power of foresight and teasing her about it gently.

"No," Cin replied quickly, then catching herself, "though perhaps I will later. My lord, an emissary from Temsilci has arrived and wishes an audience." My father looked down towards the door. Usually, he would not conduct business unless he knew precisely what would occur, but he was still flush with excitement and so he quickly relented.

"Yes, of course. We have already had good tidings from old friends, let us have more. Cin, please allow him in," my father decreed, "Go sit Nislani." My sister retreated to her old seat, still smiling like a fool. My father climbed up the stairs and sat in his throne. The crowd grew quiet so that my father could conduct his business. Cin walked down the carpet and opened the door. She spoke briefly with the emissary and then they walked together back up the carpet towards the dais. My father sat impassively, but seemed to find some difficulty in preventing a smile. Finally, the emissary reached the area directly in front of the throne and dropped to his knees, placing his head on the floor. Cin continued to walk, climbing up on the dais and standing next to my father's throne.

"Rise," My father commanded, "What news do you bring from Temsilci? How fares King Köylü?"

"Excellently your grace, few years have matched this one in either success at arms or the fertility of our fields," the emissary said, giving the traditional Temsilci response to my father's question. Temsilci was a minor nation, though rich from trade on the Akdeniz Sea. Its capital and port had once been a minor part of the Empire.

"Glad to hear it," my father said, still so tickled that he sounded like he actually meant it, "How might I add to the King's bounty? What do you request?" My father asked. The emissary nodded quickly.

"Your grace, my liege King Köylü wishes to ask a favor of you. It would be a great honor to my King and further, to all of the men of Temsilci," the emissary said. I shook my head. All of this diplomatic nonsense was so...unnecessary. If he wanted something, he should just come out and ask it. I made a raspberry sound unintentionally and got another poke from Arkadas.

"Ask of it and, if it be reasonable, it shall be granted," my father said. That was a qualification he had not added with King Sican. This request needed to be reasonable.

"As you are no doubt aware, King Köylü has been blessed with a great bounty of children. His wife has borne him 6 sons and 8 daughters," the emissary noted.

"Every child is a gift from Tanri," My father said. I saw Cin's lip quiver, but she did not speak. I knew of her hatred for the New Religion. But she was smart enough to keep quiet in public.

"Yes your grace," the emissary continued, "But they can also produce many burdens."

"Is King Köylü asking me to take one of his children off his hands?" My father joked. The crowd laughed as though the joke were funny.

"No your grace," the emissary said good-naturedly, "In fact, it is the opposite. King Köylü would like to take one of your children off of your hands." The laughing slowly ceased.

"What do you mean?" My father asked, leaning forward and sounding more serious now. My father was always sharp when someone needed something from him. I was barely paying attention at this point, staring at my shoes on the red carpet.

"The King's fifth son, Prince Tezek has recently earned his spurs as a knight," The emissary explained, "And the King seeks a wife for his son," the emissary explained. A murmur went around the room. My ears suddenly perked up and I looked to the front of the room. This was certainly interesting. As I looked, I could hear my father laughing.

"My friend, I apologize most heartily for any confusion," my father stated, "But unfortunately I cannot fulfill the King's request."

"Your Grace..." The emissary began.

"Not that I intend any disrespect to the King. I would never dream of such an insult. I wish only to say that I have no more daughters to give. Only two of my daughters are unmarried. My eldest, a widow, is still in her traditional mourning year and cannot marry. Besides, she might be too...mature for a young prince, in any case. Further, my youngest daughter was just betrothed just moments before you arrived. My beautiful Nislani will, in the distant future I hope, be Queen of Dusman. And my grandchildren will sit on the throne of that great Kingdom." My father was so caught up in his fantasy about the future, that he probably didn't even stop to think about...

"Your Grace, I had heard the rumors about the beautiful Nislani and her impending marriage," the emissary continued, "But I did not come to inquire about her. Prince Tezek has heard that the most beautiful of all of your daughters has yet to marry and is not yet betrothed. The King has asked me request the hand of the lovely Varis, your second youngest daughter." Suddenly I felt all eyes shift to me.

I was absolutely dumbfounded. The most beautiful? I had always been told that, more so than any of my sisters, I took after my mother, Adil. But I had never heard anyone call me beautiful! Of course, no one dared say anything about the appearance of the Sultan's daughter. I was taller than my younger sister, 5'4 at the time around 125lbs. We both had exceptionally long, midnight black hair that was braided down my back. I had my family's olive complexion, though it was lighter than Nislani's. I had large brown eyes that were set slightly widely apart, a small nose and wide lips. My features were even and delicate. My teeth were small, and very white. I had high set, small tear-shaped breasts, a flat stomach, a very narrow waist and hips wider (though not too much wider) than my breasts. I had a high firm bottom and thin, well-muscled legs. I suppose I was somewhat attractive. I felt more so now, having someone else say it.

But before I could linger too long on the compliment, I considered the match that had been proffered. An eighth son wasn't particularly high on the pecking order, but I had heard once that Prince Tezek was handsome and kind. I didn't care if he wasn't. My heart fluttered. Someone had proposed to marry me. Whatever humiliation a 21 year old spinster felt at the betrothal of her younger sister instantly faded. I felt my heart welling with love for just the idea of someone who would love me and make me his wife. I allowed myself to briefly be swept into the dream, even if I knew that the dream was impossible. My father's face had become stony at the emissary's words. His lips pursed and he looked down the throne room towards me.

"That must be her," the emissary stated carefully as he looked directly at me, "She is absolutely stunning." I felt myself blush.

"The God, Tanri..." My father said loudly. The emissary turned back and looked at my father, "The God Tanri requires that all men give a tithe. They must give one part of every ten to the God as a thank you for his justice." My father stated. I felt my stomach knot, though I was not quite sure why.

"Your Grace..."

"My greatest wealth lies in my children. Nothing I own is more highly valued than my sons...and daughters. Therefore I have resolved to give one of my ten children to Tanri. Varis is not available for marriage, she is already betrothed to God," I felt a stab of pain directly through my heart. I knew that my father liked me least of all of his children. He'd never shown me the warmth he'd lavished on Nislani and the others. This seemed to confirm some sort of hatred my father felt towards me. I knew the reason for his hatred, even if no one else ever could. That did not make it easier to bear.

"Your grace wishes your daughter to become a Tanril Virgin?" The emissary stated.

"The proper forms have already been produced. She will begin her initiation in two weeks," my father stated. I could hardly believe my ears. In two weeks I was to enter the Nunnery? They would shave my head and give me only water for a week, until I had a vision on Tanri. Then I would be married to the God, and spend my life serving him by serving Tanri's priests! I did not even particularly believe in Tanri. Nor did my father. Any punishment beyond this would have been preferable.

I wanted at that moment to stand up. To run at my father and yell into his face. To demand that he explain himself to all of these people. To cease pretending that he cared for Tanri and to admit that he hated me. To admit that I embarrassed him as a daughter and that he would be glad to be rid of me forever. But I didn't dare it. That was not the place for a woman at court. I felt myself trembling and my eyes began to water. My entire life had just been announced, it totally opposed all of my wishes, and there was nothing I could do about it. I might make snide comments that Nislani would be afraid to utter. But I said them quietly in the back of the room. I couldn't actually say anything. I was just as submissive as my sister, if more resentful of my subjugation. I felt a sudden warmth on my shoulder and saw that my "mature" sister Kardes had wrapped her arm over my shoulder.

"Perhaps he will change his mind," she whispered tightly into my ear. I looked over at Arkadas, my best friend who I would leave forever in two weeks. Her eyes were glassy and she dared not look at me, perhaps because she knew we'd both cry.

"Sultan?" A voice called out, a familiar, feminine voice.

"Cin, do you have something to add?" My father asked. If any other woman had ever spoken up, my father would have lost his composure. But Cin was different.

"My Lord, I agree with you that a marriage to Tezek of Temsicli would not be in your best interests," she noted, "Though I mean your lord no disrespect." She said as she turned towards the emissary. I felt myself crumble. I thought that Cin had liked me, but here she was piling on.

"Good, then it is agreed," My father replied and the emissary nodded his understanding.

"But Princess Varis should not marry any False God either." Cin said acidly. There was a great murmur in the hall and the emissary looked shocked. These sorts of words were not usually spoken about the New Religion. I didn't care, I felt myself heartened. Cin was speaking for me.

"Cin, I am surprised at you!" My father said. And it was true that her words were out of character. No adherent to the New Religion, Cin had at least learned to accept that the Sun God was no longer dominant and usually kept her views about Tanri silent. At least in public.

"My Lord, on the night of Varis' birth I saw two shooting starts in the heavens above your palace. As she was born, these two stars crossed one another directly over her birthing room. A shooting star is the Sun God's emissary. Two are unheard of. Varis was marked by the Sun God for great things. You cannot allow this to occur," Cin spoke quickly. I was shocked I have never heard of Cin's prophecy at my birth. What did it mean?

"Cin, you are out of line," My father said firmly.

"Your Grace..."

"Varis will wed Tanri in two weeks. Nothing will change that. I apologize for the length of your journey and the fact that it must come to nothing, but now the emissary from Temsilci is invited to leave. I am through with discussion," My father said, and it was unclear if he was talking to Cin or to the emissary. He clearly did not want to have any more of this conversation. The more he talked the angrier he became. He actually stood up to leave the throne room. He did not like to be surprised when he conducted business and Cin's actions had embarrassed him in front of an official emissary. What was more, this was clearly not the first they'd spoken of this issue and he was uncomfortable with it. My mouth hung open.

"Gunes will not permit his prerogatives to be appropriated. There will be a reckoning..."

"Cin We have talked about this at length in private and I did not want to hear it then. I cannot imagine why you speak of this in public. You are embarrassing yourself," My father said, his face red. At his words, Cin slowly turned so that she was no longer looking at my father. Suddenly, I felt that she was looking at me. I turned towards her and our eyes met. For just a second, Cin stared deeply into me. Then she looked away.

"As you wish your grace," Cin said, completely submissive now. Had Cin been trying to tell me something? Why? I didn't have time to consider it. My father was already out of the throne room so fast the Herald did not have time to repeat the earlier lies. But his exit gave those of us in attendance the cue to leave.

Chapter 1: Dynastic Crisis

"Oh just eat something, you are going to waste away," Arkadas prodded me. It was six days after my father had betrothed me to Tanri and I was at a final banquet being held to wish my sister a fond farewell. We were in the dining room in my father's court. Only the most important functions were held there. The room was decorated brightly with banners and tapestries. Hundreds of torches were lit, illuminated the late evening dinner as though it were midday. Several hundred of the most distinguished people in the sultanate were present for the celebration. They were milling around, drinking and talking happily. Some were even dancing. A band played the most popular songs with great skill. The room was littered with large round tables and they were all covered with the most delectable foods. My father had spared no expense; it was going to be the party of the century. But I did not feel like I was at a party.

"Husbands want broad hips and generous breasts," I replied acidly, "Tanri only cares about an empty mind. That's easier on an empty stomach." Arkadas flinched. She turned on the bench at our table, and looked at me with real pain.

"You promised that we were going to go to this party tonight and have fun. We both said we wouldn't talk about the future, but just be as we were when we were girls," Arkadas prodded. She gave me the warm smile she'd always given me since childhood. The one that induced me to act in my own best interests, even when I couldn't see my best interests myself.

"You are right, I promised that," I mumbled.

"Well follow through!" Arkadas said, "Let's have fun!" Arkadas actually giggled as she spoke and I felt the normal contagious nature of her buoyant personality.

"Oh it is easy for you to have fun," I teased, "All the men are staring at you, just waiting for me to leave you alone so they can ask you to dance. Even if they wanted to ask me they are too afraid of my father and too aroused by you!" Arkadas blushed deeply, but it wasn't just from the compliment. I noticed a flicker in her eye.

"Don't say that," she said, more sadly than playfully. I tried to double down on my joke.

"Maybe you're right, my father isn't that intimidating. It must JUST be these that have fixated their attention!" I said and leaned forward quickly and pinched Arkadas breast. She squealed, blushed more deeply, and then slapped my fingers away. She looked around nervously, hoping not one saw.

I may have been teasing her, but Arkadas was just as beautiful as I had intimated. It was not in jest that I suggested the men were staring at her. My father had bought Arkadas from a slave trader who traveled the whole known world. She did not look like any other woman I had ever seen. She was slightly shorter than I, around 5'3 and voluptuous, with very large, perky breasts, a narrow waist, and a firm bottom. But what made her so special was her hair and skin. The hair was long and braided like mine, but a deep yellow color. Her skin was very pale, almost white in color and burned red any time she was out in the midday sun. She had a beautiful, inviting face with stunning, icy blue eyes. She claimed that all the people from the North looked like her, but I didn't believe her.
