The Taking of Lena Ch. 09

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A wealthy lord finds his innocent chambermaid.
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Part 9 of the 11 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 02/14/2011
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Lena was curled up on a small mat in her cell. Food had been deposited about an hour or two before, but it remained untouched. She'd been refusing to eat anything. And because of that, her body was very weak.

She'd only been there for four days, but Lena had quickly learned the business of the other Wolfenbarger. He was in the business of selling flesh, and she was his newest whore.

Lena hadn't seen any of the other women, for they were all kept cloistered in tiny cells identical to hers, each prostitute locked in her own solitude. The individual cells were all lined up next to each other in a larger, equally desolate room. The cell Lena occupied had no furniture, with the exception of a thin mat for sleeping and a small woolen blanket. The walls were stone, and there were no windows. Lena assumed that meant that she was being kept underground. Thick wooden doors covered each cell, with only a small opening for the nightly delivery of food.

Lena only knew that there were other women based on the noises she heard. Mostly she heard the lustful sounds of grunting and moaning men. Sometimes she heard men yelling harshly. Oftentimes, she heard sounds of screaming women, and those sounds chilled her the most.

The room felt especially drafty, and Lena curled up even tighter as her body began to shiver. Her clothes had been removed immediately after her first meeting with Aleksandr Rikhard, and replaced with a crude shift that was heavily frayed and torn. It left her arms, chest, back, and legs bare, and offered her very little protection.

Her wrists, ankles, and neck still remained bound by iron cuffs, controlled by long iron chains that were released only when she was given her daily dousing of cold, hard water. Her movement was severely restricted by the bounds, which barely even allowed her to crawl. While waiting in the cell, where she spent the majority of her day, the chains were locked on iron hooks attached to the furthest wall, preventing her from moving very far.

Lena had fallen into a level of despair so deep that she no longer felt any sadness. It was nearly that same, safe place she'd kept herself in after her banishment from Sterling Manor. But this time, she was far more aware of everything that was going on around her. Lena knew, however, that it would take only one more act of cruelty or extreme pain for her mind to descend into that comfortable abyss. And in some ways, she was desperate for that to happen.

Her weak body was beginning to crave sleep when the door to her cell suddenly opened.

"Get up, whore," she heard Felix say.

Lena turned her back towards Felix, attempting to ignore him.

She heard the door close, and could feel Felix approaching her. She wheezed sharply when he suddenly yanked the chain attached to the iron collar around her neck, and dragged her forward on her knees.

His black eyes bore into hers menacingly, and Lena felt a familiar panic begin to boil in her chest. Before it could fully develop, Lena swallowed hard, and suppressed the feeling, converting it into only mild alarm.

"Your first job is coming," Felix said.

Lena lowered her eyes. She'd prepared herself for this. She knew it was imminent. She fought hard to keep the panic at bay, determined to force her mind to enter that cloudy, dream-like state that protected her from harm.

She was vaguely aware of Felix as he continued to speak.

"He is going to fuck you in any way he pleases. Here is the only sheath you'll ever be given. It is your responsibility to care for it. If you damage it, there will be no others," he said.

Lena looked down at the thick, sallow sleeve that resembled a deflated serpent. Her stomach turned uncomfortably at the idea of numerous men wearing that same sheath inside of her.

"If you please him, Alek may consider providing you with more...comfortable accommodations. But if you will suffer grave consequences. Do you understand?" Felix explained.

Lena nodded slowly. She already knew what she needed to do.

"Good girl," Felix said. He grinned at her wickedly, and Lena turned her head away in growing anguish.

He left her alone then, and Lena closed her eyes and took several deep, calming breaths as she prepared herself for what would come.

The door opened again several minutes later, and Lena heard slow, almost strained footsteps approaching her. She slightly shifted, knees scraping uncomfortably against the cold ground.

"You have an hour with her. Nothing that leaves permanent marks. No blood. And nothing that cannot be...easily cleaned off. Otherwise, you can do whatever you want with her. Enjoy," she heard Felix say.

The door closed, and Lena opened her eyes, taking in her first look of her first job.

He was a well-dressed man, and appeared to be in his late fifties or early sixties. He had thinning white hair, and he supported his movements with a shiny black cane with what looked like a silver owl with ruby eyes on the handle. He had a large golden knuckle ring that had a similar design. The man gazed at her lecherously, and Lena fought hard to keep from becoming sick.

"You are...very fair. What is your name?" he asked.

"Lena, sir," she replied softly. Lena felt her heartrate increase as he slowly came closer. His entire body was slightly trembling, and his breathing was heavy. Lena grimaced when he dabbed his sweating forehead with a handkerchief several times.

"How old are you, whore?" he asked. Lena frowned and lowered her head, refusing to allow that epithet to hurt her. She kept her gaze fixed on the ground, and when she spoke, her voice was quiet, but strong.

"Eighteen, sir," she answered. The man released a lustful groan.

"Very nice...very young. I like that. I am going to enjoy having you very much," he said.

Lena clenched her fists tightly as the man kneeled down next to her where she sat on the floor. He brought his hands to her legs first, and Lena bit her lip to keep her emotions under control. His wrinkled hands stroked her cold, goose-pimpled skin lewdly, and Lena became increasingly nauseous.

But she fought the feeling. She knew what was coming. She knew what she had to do to survive. She'd spent four days mentally preparing herself for it.

"Open your mouth," she heard him say.

Lena closed her eyes and swallowed to quell the urge to heave, and parted her lips. She felt his mouth on hers, and Lena frowned, completely disgusted. She felt his slippery tongue enter her mouth, and with a deep breath, Lena bit down on his tongue as hard as she possibly could.

"Scheiße!" the man shouted. He stumbled back from her, and Lena spat onto the floor, desperately trying to rid her mouth of the taste of him.

She looked up at him with a small amount of pride in her heart. His tongue was bleeding rapidly, and he was cupping his wound with a trembling hand.

"You are never going to have me," Lena said firmly. She knew she was treading dangerous ground, but she couldn't back away. Certainly accepting this man, and any others, would have been the easiest alternative. But Lena was determined to not allow any other man to violate her.

The man became even angrier, and he struck her swiftly and hard across the face. The force was powerful enough to cause her head to crack against the stone wall, and Lena felt like her eye was on fire.

She balled her fists and bit her inner cheek, silencing her urge to scream in pain. She could already feel warm trickles of blood rapidly streaming down the side of her face, and she began feeling lightheaded. As painful as it was, however, this was what she wanted.

Felix had warned the man against leaving permanent marks. And Lena knew as soon as she'd heard those words that this was her key to escaping forced penetration. She'd resolved to fight any man that tried to take her the moment she'd first found out she'd been brought to a brothel. But until hearing Felix's instructions, Lena wasn't quite sure how she'd do it. But with this man, Lena now realized that keeping him angry and violent would help her avoid molestation.

"I had a feeling you were...impotent. I could barely feel that at all. How old are you, sir? Eighty? Ninety?" Lena provoked. Her voice was shaky, but her words had the desired effect. The man scowled harshly, clearly offended by her remarks on his age.

"You dare speak to me this way you filthy slattern?" the man screamed. He hit her again much harder, and the owl decal on his large gold ring sliced the skin of her cheek. Lena felt involuntary hot tears begin to spill from her eyes, stinging sharply where they met her broken skin.

Lena tensed her entire body as the man prepared to hit her again. His eyes were dangerous and furious, and Lena reminded herself that she preferred this to other forms of violation.

Before he hit her, the door to the cell opened, and Felix stormed in.

"What did I say about leaving marks?" Felix demanded. The man unclenched his fist, but he stared angrily at Felix.

"This whore of yours...she bit me and insulted me. I'm too old for this nonsense. To hell with her," he said, storming past Felix.

Lena lowered her head, and despite her aching wounds, she couldn't help but smile to herself. She was injured, but she had triumphed.

"You must be awfully proud of yourself," Felix muttered. He strolled towards her and lowered himself to her level, balancing his weight on the balls of his feet.

Lena slightly shrank away from him nervously. For although his tone was pleasant, his expression was grave.

"He left marks," Lena said eventually, for it was the only thing she could think of to say.

Felix glanced at her face, and nodded. He released a disappointed sigh.

"I see that he has. I also see that you provoked them. I really wish you hadn't done that," Felix muttered. He spoke to her as if he were chastising an animal. It made her feel especially wary.

"Why is that?" Lena asked, fear beginning to rise again. Felix stood up and began unhooking her chains, gripping them tightly in his large, veined hands. With a sudden, harsh tug, he yanked Lena forward onto her hands and knees, and dragged her out of her cell.

"I'll let Aleksandr explain that to you," Felix said.

Lena squirmed against the chains and cuffs, desperate to find a more comfortable position, for her skin was scraping against the unpolished stone of the floor. She tried to crawl as quickly as Felix walked, but his strides were simply too long and fast.

Seemingly dissatisfied with her slow pace, Felix violently jerked the chain attached to the cuff around her neck. Her neck constricted, but it only made Lena faintly cough. Four days of wearing the cuff had made her bruised neck and airways far more used to the tightness.

He dragged her to Aleksandr's office, and once he was given the invitation to enter, he placed his foot on Lena's lower stomach and kicked her inside. Lena tumbled onto the spaded carpet, and quickly became tangled in the chains.

"Is all of that really necessary, you brute? She's just a girl," Aleksandr purred, slightly amused. Lena attempted to catch her breath as she slowly untangled herself on the floor. She was about to sit up, but Felix put his heavy boot on her back, and pushed her forward, knocking away her air supply once more.

"This one needs more work. She bit and insulted Herr Meisner," Felix explained.

Aleksandr's calm expression became one of surprise and distant excitement. He looked down at Lena, dark blond eyebrows arched. His smile was almost giddy, frighteningly so, and Lena began wondering just how much danger she was really in.

"Is this true, Lena? Are you using that pretty mouth of yours improperly?" he asked.

Felix slightly removed some of his weight from her back so she could speak. Lena pushed herself up on weak arms, and noticed, with great embarrassment, that several drops of her blood had landed on the carpet.

"I am not a whore," Lena said quietly. Aleksandr burst into hard laughter then, and Lena shivered when she noticed just how much he resembled his elder brother when he laughed.

But the more he laughed, however, Lena realized, with a great deal of odd comfort, that the two Wolfenbarger men really were distinct. Certainly, their mouths curved in the same way. They had the same straight, white teeth. They had the same faint creases around their gray eyes.

But where Renz's laughter had playfulness, Aleksandr's, or Ludovic's, held nothing but coldness and cruelty. Renz had the laughter of a man joyful. Aleksandr had the laughter of a man sadistic.

"Why don't you leave us for a few moments, Felix...I'll see if I can remedy this situation," Aleksandr suggested.

"I'll be outside if you need any assistance," Felix replied. She heard Felix leave the room, and then she was alone with Aleksandr.

Lena tried to steady her breathing as Aleksandr strolled towards her with a lazy, prolonged gait. She had a feeling he meant to intimidate her, and Lena avoided looking at him.

He surprised her when he sat down on the floor next to her.

"Come here, Lena...let me see what Herr Meisner did to you," Aleksandr said softly. His sudden subdued tone shocked her, and Lena was unable to react when he gently pulled her to her feet by hooking his hands under her shoulders. Lena nearly fell over once she was standing, but Aleksandr held onto her as he sat down in a large armchair. He snaked his arm around her waist, and Lena was trapped on his lap.

She tried to jerk away when she felt his hand on her chin, but Aleksandr gave her a condescending tut. She blinked very hard to keep from crying as she felt his hand on her face, tenderly wiping away the drying blood and tears. She winced in pain when he touched an especially painful spot just beneath her eye, and she dug her fingernails into her palms to keep from crying out.

"Now this is just a real shame. I may have no future dealings with Herr Meisner because of you. We have very strict rules against permanent marks. But for him to strike your face...that's just unforgivable. This one may even scar," Aleksandr remarked, noting the sharp cut she had from Herr Meisner's ring.

His words disturbed her, and Lena began feeling very angry.

"Had I not bled, it would have been acceptable? Just what kind of brothel is this?" Lena demanded.

The hand that had been tenderly stroking her face suddenly pressed very hard against her swelling eye. His knuckles bored into the tender flesh, and Lena shrieked and wriggled in his arms, desperate to escape the pain. It shot through her entire face, and felt completely unbearable.

Suddenly, however, he stopped, and continued his gentle caresses of her face. If it wasn't for the lingering sharp pain that was powerful enough to make her entire body shake, Lena would have been certain she'd imagined his brief change in touch. When he spoke again, his voice was still even and pleasant, frighteningly so.

"Be careful with your tone, Lena. If you try asking again nicely, I will tell you whatever you wish...on the condition that you answer a few questions for me as well," Aleksandr said.

Lena sighed heavily, resigned to play his game for the time being.

"Sir...please tell me what kind of brothel this is," Lena said softly.

Aleksandr moved his hand away from her face, and brought it to her bare knee. She watched him with concern as he circled her knee with his fingertips, so softly that it almost tickled.

"There are many kinds of prostitutes, Lena. There are mistresses of gentlemen that are showered in wealth. Disease-infested, street-level whores that trade a quick fuck for a few marks. Women that have sex with other women for the viewing pleasure of their patrons," Aleksandr began.

Lena watched Aleksandr's hand as it moved away from her knee, and began touching the skin of her inner thigh. She slightly squirmed against him, to discourage him from reaching higher. But Aleksandr was not dissuaded, and continued to touch her increasingly private skin.

"Is that what you expected of me when you brought me here?" Lena asked shakily. Aleksandr laughed, and slightly pushed up her shift.

"Oh no, Lena. That is not the kind of whore you are. You my dear, along with the six other women in this sect, cater to the type of depraved men that hunger only for seeing a young, beautiful woman abused and humiliated," Aleksandr explained.

Lena gasped in shock, not quite believing what he was saying. Surely that was absolutely monstrous.

"Now tell me well do you know my brother?" Aleksandr asked. Lena paused and bit her lip, unsure of how to answer.

"I don't know what you're talking about," she said quickly.

Aleksandr suddenly tightened his grip in her hair, and with his free hand, slapped her swollen eye with a loud crack. Lena shrieked in pain and fell out of his lap, knees burning against the sudden impact of the rug.

Lena was a crying mess as Aleksandr advanced on her, and she tried feebly to crawl away from him. She got tangled in her chains, however, and fell forward, aching face slamming against the floor.

"I really don't like liars, Lena. I saw how you reacted to my full name. And let's not forget Erich. He spent hours telling me of where you came from. Were you Renz's whore first, Lena?" Aleksandr asked, calm demeanor gone.

His booming voice was loud enough to make her ears ring, and Lena whimpered in fear when he yanked her up on her tiptoes, suspending her by the cuff on her neck. It tightened her airways uncomfortably, and Lena began to visciously cough, desperate for air. She became terrified for her health when the metallic flavor of her own blood suddenly came up through her throat. She folded her lips in fear, frightened of what would happen if it spilled onto Aleksandr.

Aleksandr stared down at her, gray eyes cold and hostile.

"Did your family banish you because you became a whore for Renz? Did he fuck you in every room of Schloss Wolfenbarger? Did Renz throw you away once he realized you are nothing more than a worthless whore?" Aleksandr taunted. His expression was wildly angry, but also...aroused, and Lena was terrified of him.

But she was also furious that he'd used that word again.

Almost as if she were possessed, Lena emptied the bloody contents of her mouth, aiming directly for his face. Aleksandr released her and stumbled back, vigorously wiping his face in disgust.

" not...a whore," Lena said.

Aleksandr's anger seemed to fade, and was replaced by that same lighthearted amusement he'd had just moments before. He started laughing as he wiped his face, and Lena realized that the sight of him howling, with her blood smeared on his skin, made him appear even more horrific.

"Why Lena...who would've thought you had this much fight in you," Aleksandr said, between cold laughs.

Lena swallowed hard, throat feeling suddenly raw.

She slowly crawled away from him as he began to advance on her, and Lena wondered if he would hit her again, or even kill her.

"I thought for sure you were just another pathetic, weak little girl. This has certainly made for an interesting evening. But my clients do not pay for rebellion. They do not pay for strength. They spend lots of money to see girls like you...broken," Aleksandr said softly.

Lena frowned angrily and shook her head. Her face felt like it was on fire from the coursing pain, but she did not let that deter what little remained of her will.

"I am not broken," she said hoarsely. Aleksandr smiled down at her, and it almost looked like his eyes were filled with pity. But once Lena heard his menacing voice, she knew that he wasn't capable of sympathy.

"You'll find I have many ways of breaking a woman. I vow to you, Lena, you will leave this room tonight a broken, defeated whore."