The Three Traditions of Pink


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"How about I buy you one? I'll buy you one! And matching shoes. I'll come and pick you up in the morning!"

"You definitely seem excited about this. Can't very well say no to you can I? Which means that you'll be more accommodating for my day out then. Okay! Deal! You'll show me your serious, professor-like world and I'll show you how girls my age party."

Before they knew it, they had reached the entrance of Emma's dorm. Abigail unclasped her had from Emma's as the red-head turned to face her. "I've had a wonderful time with you, Abi."

"The feeling is mutual kiddo. And I'm very much looking forward to tomorrow and..."

Before Abigail could complete her sentence, Emma swooped in and smacked her lips on hers. Abigail responded, her mouth opened once more and her tongue joined Emma's as they shared yet another toe-curling kiss. This time, Emma was bolder and sent her hands south of Abigail's jean clad waist. The blonde felt herself softly moaning inside her younger lover's mouth as the feeling intensified tenfold for her. They were on the sidewalk outside the entrance of a bustling undergrad dormitory, they were bound to be seen, perhaps even by a student of hers. But Abigail didn't care. She was so lost in this wonderful feeling that she couldn't care even if a bomb went off right next to her.

And just as their kissing had started it ended, with both of them panting for air. "You'd better go now or else I'll drag you upstairs..." said Emma in a husky voice.

If I had a place of my own you'd be dead right now missy! You may think I'm bookish but I'm sure I have a trick or two to show you. But that will have to wait. All good things come to those who have patience as they say. Let me just give you something to think about until tomorrow though...

Abigail looked at the red-head with a twinkle in her eye. With a lightning-fast move she grabbed the girl's hands, twisted her in a ballerina-like move which ended with Emma slamming her ass on Abigail's crotch, with the blonde holding the red-head's arms crisscrossed over her chest. Abigail bent and provocatively whispered in her student's ear, slowly hissing out each word. "Just so you know that I'm not all work and no play...and a little something to keep you safely tucked in for the night."

Abigail applied the slightest of suction upon the girl's neck as she delicately feasted on it. Emma squirmed and sashayed her behind upon Abi's crotch sending pleasure waves up and down her spine. Finally, Abigail released their hands and Emma spun free.

"You''re so naughty Abi!"

"Appearances can always be deceptive now, can't they?"

They locked eyes briefly once more until Emma blew Abigail a kiss, spun on her heels and headed towards the entrance of her building on a light trot.

Abigail started walking towards the department's parking lot with a huge smile on her face. Oh and occasionally she would click her heels in the air...

Yeah and that about sums it up...Could life be any better?

Chapter 9 (Emma)

Man that was sooooo hot! I need to cum, like yesterday! God, I hope Chloe isn't in...I just need some "alone" time. Just five fucking minutes is all I ask for, honest.

Emma raced up the stairs feeling a combination of elation and extreme hornyness. Her panties felt damp and clingy over her swollen lips. She needed to do something about her predicament like really fast. It was just one of those moments, were sexual relief is an absolute must. She had been on and off wet as they traded kisses with Abigail during the evening, but what her blonde professor had pulled off in the end had, literally, burst the floodgates down below.

All she needed was a quick fix, nothing more. But to her dismay she could hear music floating from inside their room. Chloe, her roommate must be there. Checking her mobile before entering - they had an agreement of texting each other if there was company involved - she found no messages and turned the key.

True enough, Chloe was there dressed in her neat sky blue pajamas sitting cross-legged on her bed. Her laptop was playing some soft instrumental music as she sat there with book and pencil in hand. Chloe was the exact opposite of Emma; were the red-head was rebellious, spontaneous and quick to anger, Chloe was structured, neat and non-confrontational. Although she wasn't what you would call a "head-turner" she was pretty in the girl-next-door kind of way. When they were first assigned together Emma had thought that their different styles would cause an inevitable clash between them but Chloe, armed with the patience of a saint it would seem, quickly won her over. In the end, the brunette haired girl with the easy smile had become a friend and a confidant.

"Oh hi there Em..."

"Hey Chloe."

"So how did your date go?"

Am I that transparent? Does she read minds now?

"What date?"

"The one you left for whirling around the room like a typhoon looking for what to wear?"

"Chloe you full well know that I don't do dates. I was out with a friend and I had forgotten about the time, that's why you saw me flying about."

"Okaaaayy...If you say so Em...So how was your non-date with your friend?" said Chloe, book forgotten, smile on her face and a twinkle in her eye.

Jesus Christ Chloe! There's no escaping you is there?

"You won't be letting this go, will you?"

"Nope. So you might as well spill now to avoid the know...torture chambers, whips, hand-cuffs..."

"Well if it was just that I might actually indulge...A little roleplaying never hurt anyone."

"You're typically stalling..."

Emma had a face palm moment. Collapsing on her bed, clothes and shoes typically still on, she stared towards the ceiling.

"Chloe if you utter to anyone a word of what I'm going to tell you, you're as good as dead..."

Instead of an answer Chloe scooted towards Emma's bed. "Move those long limbs of yours...And for crying out loud...take off those shoes! Here...let me do that..."

Emma protested feebly but let her roommate take off her shoes. "Chloeeeeee! But they're on the bedpost! They're not in contact with the sheets."

"Uuuggghhh!! You're such a slob! And those clothes! You're gonna be sleeping in those sheets! You've been wearing those outside!"

"What? You want to undress me now as well? Perhaps I should do this more often."

"Oh shut up you slut. You're not turning me to the Dark Side...yet..."

"Anything you wish to tell me there Chloe? Because if you want to play both sides, I could give you these great pointers and..."

"Oh no you don't! You're not getting away that easily! You were saying something about that non-date?"

"Ah yes...Chloe Zimmerman ladies and gentlemen...The delicacy of a lily and the tenacity of a bulldog...Okay you win...It was a date...sort least I think it was..."

"Okay...and? I need some details here, you've got to give me something to work with."

"'s a she and she's older than me...almost seven years older. She's really smart and has this light blonde hair and..."

" do realize how you sound, right?"

"Shut up Chloe! Anyways she has these lovely baby blue eyes and those lips and...Whenever we kiss...Gawwwddd..."



"You've got it bad girl..."

"Oh's been so long since I last felt this way..."

Chloe playfully tussled her roommate's hair and stood. "You're a big softie deep down below, you realize that, don't you? I'm so happy for you Em and I hope this pans out the way you want it to."

Oh God yes Chloe, you can't even begin to imagine how much I need this...speaking of which...I've got to change panties...AND...I need a shower. Chloe would probably freak out if I schlicked beneath the covers...

Just then Emma's smartphone started chirping: there was an incoming message for her. It was from Abigail:

>Pick u up at 10 tomorrow?

Emma started texting her reply. "Tell her I love her too Em."

"What? How do you know it's her?"

"Your smile has nearly reached your ears girl."

>Can't wait! XOXOXO

"I think I'm gonna take a shower and get some early zee's for tonight."

"Use the last stall on the left row. It has the best showerhead. At least it works for me."

Emma looked at her, confused at first, as red as her hair when her mind made the connection. Chloe was nearly in tears from laughing by now.

"Are you some kind of a psychic Chloe?"

"Well duuh! You had a shower like in the morning? I may not be as brilliant as you are but I've got my moments too you know...have fun!"

Might as well put a neon light on my head while I'm at it!

Emma proceeded to gather her shower kit and stripped down to her underwear.

No wonder Chloe could see right through me. I can practically smell the stuff as it is...

The redhead wore her bathrobe and headed down the hall towards the showers. The last stall on the left was unoccupied; as a matter of fact the room seemed quite deserted which suited Emma just fine. She needed her release without any further distractions.

Once inside, Emma disrobed and started the shower. Hot steaming water started cascading on her head and shoulders as she closed her eyes and felt a warm tingle course through her entire body. Her skin broke into goosebumps and her nipples hardened almost to a painful degree. With a mind of its own, her right hand made its way were she needed it the most. Her fingers made contact with her swollen clit forcing a sharp hiss of pleasure to escape her lips.

With her eyes already closed and her hand furiously rubbing away her imagination went wild...

The candle lit room featured a large polished dining table on it. A red-headed naked girl was half on it, hands strapped with leather harnesses on either side, breasts mashed on the cold wood, ass jutting in the air and legs spread open. The girl wore blood-red stiletto heels which showcased her long, alabaster legs in all their brilliance. Her opulent, spherical globes where parted and between them one could see fire-colored pubes glistening with her juices.

Out of thin air it would seem, a hand appeared...a female hand. Its owner was shrouded in mist and the image was hazy. The hand approached with a steady pace towards the red-head's protruding ass. It inexorably crept closer and without any further warning, two fingers deliciously sank in her sopping wet pussy. She could feel the thumb circularly massaging her clit while other fingers applied circular pressure on her puckered hole.

The red-head begun writhing in pleasure, thrusting her ass back in tandem with the fingers plunging inside her. Her head rested now flat on her cheek on the polished wood, her red flame-like hair sprawled over her face. Her breasts painfully rubbed against the table surface as the invisible owner of those hands gave her quite a thrusting. Her calves and thighs were trembling with effort as she rammed her ass again and again against her maddening assaulter. Her whole being seemed to be boiling with desire as her body marched with a steady pace towards a colossal release.

And then, as she felt her pleasure reach unbeknown new zeniths, her back arched off the table, her hands violently straining against her leather harnesses. As she flailed her head back, she saw: the owner of the hands ravaging her pussy and asshole was Abigail...

"ABIGAILLLLLL...FUUUUUUUCKKK!!" was Emma's hollering announcement of her orgasm as it hit her like a ton of bricks. The red-head saw stars as pulse after pulse spread from her throbbing genitals throughout her body. Her legs buckled under her weight and she slowly slid down towards the tiled floor, hot water pouring over her wasted body.

She sat there panting, as if she had ran at full tilt. She felt completely wasted and thoroughly relaxed at the same time. Her vagina was still pleasurably tingling as she idly massaged the folds of her lips with her fingers.

OH MY FUCKING GOD! OH-MY-FUCKING-GOD!! Now THAT! THAT WAS AN ORGASM WITH A CAPITAL "O"...Boy...if I cum this hard just by thinking of her...Fucking hell...Boy did I need that...

Standing upright on shaky legs she proceeded to soap herself clean. Her mind was still so saturated with endorphins that she failed to register a small go-pro camera perched on top of the cubicle's dividing wall. Had she been more cognizant of her environment during her fantasy driven self-love session she might have heard the door to the stall next to her open and close. In fact, as she happily lathered away, a mere two feet next to her was a raven haired girl, control monitor in one hand, stick-mounted camera on the other.

Chapter 10 (Abigail)

"Earth calling Abigail?"

"What? Oh? lost there..."

"You've been lost ever since we sat down for breakfast Abi...and your face has the perpetual grin of the Mona Lisa. Is there something you should be telling aunt Aurelia?"

Abigail, having been caught daydreaming, felt her cheeks reddening. "Am I that obvious Aurelia?"

"Well let's see: you have that grin on your face which nothing will wipe off, you're daydreaming and I have to call your name a couple of times before you respond. Seems to me someone has been struck by a love arrow. So what gives?"

"Oh Aurelia! I can't even begin to describe what's happening to me! I've never ever been this way before! It feels like Viola, only ten times stronger in my heart! I...I think of her constantly...I want to do so many things with her! I can't...I've never been so heads over heals for someone."

"So, it would seem that love is in the air then...Do I know her?"

Abigail hesitated for a moment, suddenly guarded and anxious about what to say.

Shit...what do I say now? She's the department's undergrad secretary for crying out loud! If I tell a name she'll know...If I come up with something fake or stall...she'll know! And she doesn't deserve that...She's been so supportive and such an awesome friend...Well...let's go ahead and drop the bombshell...

"You probably do Aurelia...ermm...I'm...she's...Her name is Emma's the redhead from our senior undergrads..."

"What?" Aurelia said laughingly. "Abigail! You're dating a student?"

"God...yes...please don't kill me! Please don't say anything!"

Aurelia fell silent as she studied Abigail. "You really love her..." was more of a statement than anything else. "Oh boy...Abigail! If wind of this gets out you might be in for a shitload of trouble, you realize that don't you?"

Abigail exhaled loudly at that. "God Aurelia...I don't know what to do! Half the time I spend in complete terror of what it is that I'm doing. The other half...I can't stop daydreaming of her. Just when I think that my rational part of my brain has managed to put a lid on this thing, all it takes is one glance in her eyes to spread my resolve to the four winds. I just can't explain it...I'm scared shitless that if this gets out the wrong way I'm toast...but on the other hand...we have a date in an hour and I can't stop thinking of her...I've always been so prim and proper and she makes me feel alive in a way no other girl has ever done for me... I don't even know what I'm talking about now...Do I make any sense? Does this make any sense to you?"

"Honey, you can't help who you fall in love with! It's just like trying to control a tsunami! There's nothing you can do about that! I just want you to be extra-careful because she's young and because there is a tutor-student relationship between you. Even if you have the cool head to keep it professional when you have to, she might not have the same prescience. I'm really happy for you; just be careful love, is all I'm saying. I'd hate to see your heart broken so soon after that sordid affair you had."

Abigail sprung from her seat and gave a bear hug to her friend. "Oh Aurelia! I'm so happy you understand this! Just so happy!"

"I'm happy for you too hon...and she's a pretty one too, if I remember her face correctly."

"Oh soot! What's the time?"

"Twenty to ten, why?"

"Gotta rush! I've got to pick her up in twenty! Big day today! Don't wait up for me for lunch, supper, whatever..."

"Ohhhh dear...Just look at you! And what, may I ask, do you have in store for her?"

"Something from my world! We're going to tango tonight!"

A few minutes later a cherry red Nissan Juke parked right in front of the redhead. Abigail kicked the driver's door open and rushed towards Emma. Their eyes met; once again there was this irresistible pull. Abigail's vision tunneled into Emma. The surrounding scenery vanished into irrelevancy. Emma smiled. They embraced. Their faces were inches apart. Emma's smile widened.

Your smile...your eyes...they're just like a snake charmer's flute. Your scent is like a drug...I want to kiss you...I will kiss you in front of your dorm on a busy Saturday morning...

Their lips met and parted. Abigail's eyes closed as she felt Emma's tongue darting inside her mouth.

God that feels sublime...

A loud catcall whistle broke their trance. Abigail turned into a fine shade of crimson while Emma's eyes flashed with anger. She raised her hand probably getting ready to give the bird to their offender, but Abigail gently grabbed her arm and whispered to her. "Baby girl, it's not worth it. Let's not ruin our day because of some jerk-off."

Emma's features immediately softened, the thunderclouds having evaporated from her eyes. " sweet!"


"You called girl!"

"Oh...ummm...yes I did...errrr..."

"I liked it Abi, relax..."


"I can have my girlie moments too you know..."

"Well, that's good to know...because those girlie moments are going to be in demand for the rest of the day."

"Which reminds me...where are we going? You've mentioned about spending the day together in your text but you didn't mention how."

"Let's just get going and I'll reveal my plans part by part. Remember, today is my day. On your day you get your turn of fun. Just promise me to keep an open mind and everything shall be fine.

They made their way inside the red Juke. Once there, Emma rested her arm on Abigail's thigh which earned the redhead a warm smile of approval.

"So what's in store for me then?"

"Store is just the proper word for the occasion. We're going to start by going to the Golden Hall. There's some shopping that needs to be done."


"Well, you're going to need a dress later in the day so I thought I'd buy you one."

"A dress? Seriously? Haven't worn one since I was...? Nine? Horrible thing full of yucky flowers. My mom made me wear it. Along with horrible sequin strap shoes. Ughhh..."

"Well, what I have in mind is certainly not floral...and no sequin shoes will be involved. I think you're going to find the end result to your liking."

Emma had a skeptical look on her face, but Abigail's wide grin on her face soon had her at ease.

Within half an hour they had parked the car and were headed towards their first shopping destination. Dandolo's had a fine collection of dresses and Abigail made a beeline for it with Emma in tow.

They were soon greeted by a saleswoman. "Can I help you?"

"Umm...yes...we're looking for a dress for this young lady here. A tango dress to be precise."

"Certainly, follow me. I should think a size six should do the trick."

"Err...Abigail? What's a tango dress?" Emma whispered.

"You'll see. I think you'll like it."

"Now, would you like this for a formal milonga or perhaps something more casual?"
